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ace | = HOANG KIM TU Hoang Kim Ta for me, archilectue means binging the self into the bulking’ se, binging the ‘peauty of arcntectue info context ond me, and banging mind set and ideas info realty. | stl have @ Jeng way 10 90 erchitectue. Im etways keen 10 loom. ‘empI@ new things ond gain vaNobie The VieinarJopan worsnop wil probably glve me more great lessons ond ‘emperences, Ths can be o vaNobie eppertunty ond the deste of many students who wih 10. particpote, Boxed nthe experience endieiowedge gained ‘over the eos. | believe | have the rah shal forthe tp, ‘ABOUT ME Contact 0767888307 Email tunoan25eagmaiicom EDUCATION 2016-2019, 2019- now High schoo! diptoma Tran Pruhigh school Da Nang Undergraduate Student a Nang Univensiy of Science and Technology ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXPERIENCES 2021 2002: mon 20081 station Photogrohy Seetching The student selenite seminar Nghién et dc dim la Ie, rang ray thing dng dng hit Ks rung tom van née tnan A So, Me Cooin, udng Nam. Second) pee ‘The 13° national aehitechture student festival -2022 Ropid dosign A competion Fist prea ‘Overall winner group Interior design award 2022 (Cung Dieu Fret pita Electric lighting decoration ideas for Tet 2023 Competition Buc ro soc Xuan Thi pee The Ocean Resort checkin idea design award 2023, Shh Tid pizo Participate in volunteer activities gt ode ren -Néuhy vong Intornship in Bow. Atolior ‘rove Exports _The student scientific seminar Nghién ctu doc aiém kién trac, trang tr truyén théng Ung dyng thiét ké Trung tam van héa thén A $8, Ma Cooih, Quang Nam’ “isis he fist group actvty nat Inave been involved in. AS a group OF 4 young students we have been nara at worcresearching the opic of out prec and today we conducted a tek |p to ie A touch vilage, Mo Coalh, Quang Nam. This ip helpac us beer undersiana the 'suesina our project saddressing ond the way a feof ne loca Through Ms acta Ihave ‘gained o better understanding of he research process Invovedtin @ C10 prow. and Now to coominata a team fo come up wih solitons to the asues The student sclentiic seminar NNonien ci dae aiém én tc, trang fruyén théng tng dyng tht Trung farm von née thon A $9, Ma Cooin, @udng Ne Wpe + Scienticreports Work: Group work Year: 2022 Award: Second prise idea, The 13" national achitechture student festival - 2022 Rapid design A competition My experience ot the 18! exchtectute student festvatin he beaut cy af uy Hoo, Tiss on annual octhty to srengtnen the connection between architecture sucenis cross ihe country It was tu priviege to mest and exchange wih so mary talented fond pasinate peop. | war honered 1 Be elected a the team leader of FOU An ‘he quck design competion, Yelle a thread hat connected the whole group and fo Iston and cornect the members together. Thanks fo that song connection. my gow wos founate fo win 2 top pres of | ths festa, The 12° national achitechture student festivat-2022 pid design A competition We: Compsttion Work: Group work Year: 2022 Award: Fist pre Overal winner group pee Sa Interior design award 2022 ‘Cung Dieu My exparionce of the An Cuong infetor Design Award 2022. tt wos an ‘rmazing Journey that wil forever be etchedtin my memory. Not ony i out ‘eam work nar foré monins to prepare forthe competion but was aio a ‘chance fer us to vist the two largest cites in the country. moet talented people, and loam Ivouabie lessors for our ie journey. MT was 0 Kuly remarkable experence ond | am grateful for ne opportunity fo be por of. The Ocean Resort check-in idea design award 2023, sinh "hb sy fsttandscape architecture design projec. Ths projects the team’s Ccommitinant fo the lanccaping of the Danang resort. The project aims 10 (ove the tesort londscape a soft look and a relaxing ctmosoner, The Ocean Resort check-in idea design foward 2023, Soh We: Compsttion Work: Group work Year: 2022 Award: Thirdpie Internship in Bow. Atelier In adation tothe learning envionment inthe univers lecture hal ao lean inthe work environment. At Bow Atel, learned mae about practical inowiedge, ding feal work and how Io work at a Team nO corporate -enveormen Internship in Bow. Atelier Ja Other projects Most of my lnowedge hasbeen acquled through projects in univers lecture hal. Hore, Ihave been enthusiastically guided by excelent lecturers who have ‘gained « thorough undersonaing of ongoing architectural projets. Projects ‘re the efforts, enthusim and resus of one's own wok and studi PBL: Gymnasiums project We: Study pxcect Work: Peon wore Year 202 PBL: Urban planning project Landscape design project Sq Wpe = Study prcect Work: Group work Year 202

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