IITH - ModelG20 Initiative

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Amrit Mahotsav

Date: 20 March 2023

Invitation to participate in Model G20 Initiative

Stage 1: National Level Essay Competition

Dear Sir,4\4adam.
Model G-20 is an initiative supported by the Ministry of Education, Gol and organized by Indian
Institute of Technology, Hyderabatl in associated witlr Indian National Young Academy of
Sciences (INYAS) to engage the students from all 50K+ degree colleges/ universities/
Institutions in a dialogue and hence, provide exposure and insights into the nuances of multilateral
discourse on global challenges and pressing policy issues ofthe current times. Under this initiative,
the young students will be provided a unique opportunity to model the functioning and
of G20 meetings.
The Model G-20 initiative will be implemented in 3 stages - cssay writing competition at college
level, tlebate competition at zonal level and elocution competition at national level. The
themes/topics for Stage I , i.e., essay writing competition are:
(i) The progress on sustainable development goals
(ii) Climate change & its imPact
(iii) Reforms for multilateral institutions
(iv) Circular economy and lifestyle for environment
(v) Digitalization of agriculrure/Trade/Skilling
1vi; Women at the core ofthe development agenda/WomenJed
(vii) LiFE - Lifestyle tbr environment

under each theme, three best essays fiom the six different zonal areas of the country
will be
shortlisted for the next stage 2 (Debate Competition at Zonal level)'
we cordially invite your institution to encouragc your talcnted students to participate in this
and faculty
competition. we request you to kindly share this announcement with your students
I is 14April 2023. For further details
The last date to participate and submit the essays lbr stage
regarding event, themes/topics, rules' and panicipation, one can visit our website -
modelg20.iith.ac.in. For any query kindly email at modelg20@iith ac in'


Prof. S. Murty,
IIT Hyderabad

Coordincting lnstitute: lndion lnstitute of Technology, Hyderobod

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furtnor Orgonizotion: lndion Notionol Young Acodemy of Sciencas

Supportsd by Ministry of Educotion & MINISTRY OF

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