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88 WAITING MODULE Target 8—Writing with Variety ‘You can know about and read the topic, determine the task, map out your organization, create topic ser: tonces, and write an introduction. You've done the hard part, Witing the body of the essay is easy However, you need to show you have command of a variaty of styles of written Enalish and can choose the appropriate one forthe task. You need to show that you can write cohesively and accurately In this section, we wil examine diferent approaches for these tasks. ‘Task Approach Describe something ‘Chronological order Spatial order ‘Classification | Definition Support an opinion Comparison and contrast Cause and effect | Prediction DESCRIBE SOMETHING Chronological Order Shronpugicel uder orgailzes your writing around the sequence of tine. You write about wins happens firs, ‘then what happens second, what happens after thal, and what finally happens. Useful words for time after ot dime) at birth, in childhood, in infancy, as an adult, in adulthood, in old age at last at the turn of the century (decade) before between and during catlier every (aumber) Gears, months, days) finally first, second, third, ete. former, later formerly in Gear) in conclusion in the 20a, 19803... in the first half ofthe century in the first place, second place inthe next place later next, then, subsequently on fdas previous previously prior to simultaneously, at the same time as since to begin with while WAITING SKILLS 89 Practice 1 Combine the pairs of sentences using after, while, or before. There may be more than one way to combine these sentences. You may have to change pronouns and verb tenses. 1. The audience left the concert hall. The orchestra played the last note 2. Look at the menu. Order your meal, ‘3. The lights went out. We lit a candle. 44. We were waiting for you in the coffee shop. You were waiting for us atthe bookstore 5. They filed the car with gas’, The car ran out of gas. Practice 2 Put these sentences into chronological order 1 _— In the tuture, the town hopes to butld an art museum next to the old tactory 2. __ Once the factory opened, river trafic increased bringing raw matorials to the factories and taking munitions downstream to the major river port at the mouth of the river. 3. __ In the early 1900s, Winston on Hudson was just a small town on the Hudson River. 4, __ Soon Winston on Hudson became a tourist destination _— Today, the town's munitions factory has been turned into artist studios. 6. __ Nothing happened in the town until ater the start of the First World War when a munitions factory opened. 7. __ Within ten years, cargo boats were folowed by passenger boats bringing weekend sightseers. Practice 3 White the sentences in Practice £ as a paragraph. Circle the words that show chronological order. "Bree: petrol filed up with petoL 90 WAITING MODULE Practice 4 Write several paregraphs about your ite describing the important dates and times of events in your life. Spatial Order Spetial order organizes your writing around the position of things, You write about where things are in rela- tion to one another. Usefull Wordls for Spatial Relations cross adjacent ‘cross from midpoint where halfway in which, o which, from which interior under diagonal over edge inside limit beside parallel, parallel to con top of perpendicular to along ‘opposite | through ‘overlapping | as far as exterior | north, south, east, west | intersection northern, southem, eastern, western | rectangle to the Lefton the left-hand side | square to the viyhion de tight side | viele to the north | in back/in the back of the __/ behind the in frontin front of the in the middle WRITING SKLLS 91 Practice 5 Look at inis diagram of the first floor of @ suburban house, Complete the blanks with these prepositions of place: around east north behind in front of right beside left south between next to west fi : i i i SSSSSH06 : e g ; 6 a 1, The entry hallway is the living room and the study. 2. The dining room is the kitchen, 3. The aarace is to the of the house. 4. The poo! house is. the garden. 5. The living room sofa is the TV. 8, Tho gardon is on the side of the house. 7. The living room windows are on the and walls. 8. The swimming poo! is. the house. 9, The family room is the kitchen, 10. There are trees the swimming pool. 82. WRITING MODULE Classification Classification organizes your writing around the grouping or classification of things. You write about how things are simitar to one another. Useful Words for Classification aspects important attributes insignificant bases kinds of basic kinds of main kinds of ‘categories methods characteristics minor classes mutually exclusive classifications ‘opposing classify opposite contradictory origins contrasting pans dissimilar primary, secondary distinguishable qualities divide significant divided into __ classes similar factors sources: falls into types of fundamental unimportant PRACTICE 6 Classify the lists below. Divide each ist into two categories. Name each category. Word List table boy frog chair buttery pensil —__| —__ teacher WRITING SKILLS. 93 |_Word List doctor nurse [ contractor hospital building plans plumber patient architect Practice 7 There are both positive and negative values. What some people see as positive values others see as nega- tive. Match these values with the example sentences. Then, claesity these values as either positive or nege- tive. Finelly, write a paragragh about either @ positive or negative valve using the phrases as examoles. Positive ¥ Negative Values A anger E greed 1 kindness, 8 chanty F hope J laziness © envy Ghumitty K patience gluttony H justice L pride a | am proud that | am richer than my friends, 2 | am kind to everyone, even those who hate me. a | wish I had a house as big as a palace 4 | eat oven though | am not hungry. 5 | do not have to be the first in every line’. 6 Itrmakes me mad when | dont win. 94 WRITING MODULE 10 " 2 Derinmion | lt aver have anough money | never brag about myselt. Tomorrow is another day. 1S too hot to work | always look on both sides of an argument | give 10 percent of my income tothe poor. ‘You can virite & simple definition of an object ike a mobile phone in one sentence. To define a moro abstract term ke virtue, you may need several sentences, perhaps several paragraphs. Useful Words for Definition aspect ‘explain category ‘explanation characteristic form | clarification in other words clarify kind class method condition paraphrase define type. definition Practice 8 Concrete objects like @ computer can be defined in one sentence, Abstract objects like humility may take sev- eral sentences. Classify these words. Words printer Concrete sidewalk freedom love black swimming WRITING SKILLS 95 Practice 9 Wrte a deftntion for each concrete term and each abstract term. Try tobe very specific in each. When defin- ‘ng abstract terms, itis helpful to use concrete terms as examples. EXAMPLES ‘Aprintor is a computor peripheral either laser or ink jet) that enables you to have a paper record of the data in your computer. ‘Success to me is defined as my own 30-seat jet plane and a ten-beckoom yacht, Comparison and Contrast ‘You can define an object or describe a person by comparing or contrasting the object with something else. You can define a pear by comparing t with a peach or contrasting it wth a banana. This is a very useful way to organize your material Useful Words for Comparison and Contrast Comparison Contrast almost the same as different fronr common with ifr from ‘urrespund 10 ever $0 ‘in the same way however just as in contrast to like, alike in opposition to resemblance less than resemble more than similar uber wise similarly. slower than, etc. to be parallel 10 still Practice 10 ‘Read these questions. Write CON if i's a quastion asking for contrast. Write COMP i it's a question asking {or comparison, _____ How is greed diferent trom envy? How does a mobile’ phone differ from a landline phone? How are doas and cats alike? ——_Inwhat ways are trains and planes diferent? What are the simianties between a chair and a stoot? = Gan you list three ways a restaurant and a cafeteria are alike? What are the differences between classical music and hip hop? How are Jepan and Madagascar the seme? ex aorons ‘AwEmcaN: CO of mobie 96 WRITING MODULE Pracrice 11 Complete the blanks ith words that show comparison or contrast. Use the words in the list below. Some words may be used more than once. Don't forget to add capitals where necessary. a Landline phones and cell phones are devices used for communicating with people in other places. The biggest ___(1)___ between a landline phone and a motile phone is that a landline phone stays in one place (2 '@ mobile phone can go everywhere. A landline phone always stays in your home or office. A mobile phone, ___(3) _. can go wherever you go. There is a disadvantage to this. You always know where your landiine phone is—on your desk, on the kitchen wall, by the bed, or wherever you keep it___@__a landline phone, a mobile phone is easily misplaced! sn contrast 10 while atfference however B ‘Arestaurant ts & pave wivers you Uiuet fouU ed Ks UrUUUNL IU your Labte, A vateiaa yg) restaurant, except that in a cafeteria you serve yoursell. There are several ways in which a restaurant and a cafeteria are _(6) in_____(7)___ places you can eat 2 good meal without cooking it yourself. tna restaurant you select your meal from a men. In a cafeteria you can also choose your meal from among several diferent possibiites, __(@)___In a restaurant. Finally, n___(@) a restaurant and a ccafateria, you have to pay for wha you eat. both ake similar to just as PRACTICE 12 When you write a compare/contrast paragraph, you begin by defining one item and then comparing or con- tasting it with the other iter. Reead the example below, then write @ passage comparing dogs and cats. EXAMPLE ‘A.greedy person is someone who wants more of what he or she already has. An envious person is someone \who wants what someone else has. For exemple, | may envy yout cat, but a greedy person will want a big- {ger car than you have plus a big garage to put the car in. ‘@ran: mie-placad Pracrice 13 WRITING SKILLS 97 Look at the graph and table bolow. Describe them by comparing and contrasting the information. 1, The graph below shows the average cost of housing in three diferent areas. ‘Average Cost of Housing $325,000 $300,000, $275,000 {$260,000 -| $225,000 $200,000 $175,000 sisu.vu0 + $125,000 + $100,000 ‘$75,000 + ‘$50,000 $25,000 0 1990 2000) 2. The table below shows information about three different types of restaurants. Sit-Down Restaurant | Cafeteria | Fast Food Restaurant Average cost of lunch $10.00 $7.00 $4.50 Average time spent eating lunch | 45 min 30 min 20 min Average cost of dinner $17.00 $9.50 $5.00 Average time spent eating dinner | 60 min. 45 min, 20 min, | Cause and Effect ‘Acause and effect relationship is a very useful organizational style. Something happens because something tlse happened. | turned on the air conditioner and the room became cooler. Cause and effect is similar to chronological order. First something happens followed by something else. But in cause and effect, there is a definite relationship between the two. 98 WATING MODULE eet! Words for Cause and Fffect accordingly have an effect on asa result hence because owing to because of reason for consequently since ‘due to 50 for this reason therefore thus Practice 14 Read these sentences. Wnie if they are cause and efect (C/E) or simply chronological order (co). ____ | passed through security at the airport. | walted at tne gate for my fight. —— ate too many helpings of dessert. Now | have a stomachache. —— rained ait week. The streets were tooded. My mother's birthday is next week. | will buy her a present. —— James finished high schoo! last June. In September he wil start college —— I put on my coat and scart. | went outside. twas a very cold day. | put on a warm coat. Sarah got home after midnight last night. She's very tired today. exoneene Practice 15 ‘Look at mese graphics. White a paragraph using cause and etfect to organize your wring. 1. The instructions balow coma in a box with a new iron, WRITING SKILLS 99) 2, The araph below shows the averace salaries eamed by peoole with different levels of education, ‘Average Salaries Eamed by People with Different Levels of Education $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 990,000 $20,000 $10,000 0. Hg Sted Sarees Diploma Prediction A prediction is your guess about what will happen in the future. You base this prediction on the facts you know. A prediction is similar to an inference. It's an eduestad quess that you deduced from the evidence. Useful Words for Prediction predict predictable presume probable result projection ly the end result make a prediction about the future implications of mest likely the most likely outcome plan the next step plan to 100 WAITING MODULE Pnactice 16 Complete these sentences with the appropriate predictions. Statements 4. governments do not do something about global warming, 2. Tho cost of gasoline’ is rising vory quickly. inthe futuro, Predictions ‘A. The ice shelves are likely to melt and the sea level will probably rise. People may start using public transportation mare atten, Practice 17, ‘Look at the following charts and graphs. Deseribe the data and then make predictions about what will hap- pen next js PmcmerRe nat wie $12,000 Riverdale Public School System Reading and Math Test " om g $2,000, ii 85% 2 Zo Swag 28 we 5 a a BE oes = EF es j j fae = By 2010, the schoois will kely By 2010, the pupils wil probably Number of Forest-Dwelling Species in the Southwest 175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 Number of Acres of Forest Logged RB »!) Bias ‘Southwest Region 19901995 2000 WRITING SKILLS 101 Animals 1998 2002 Mammals 3 2 Birds 5 Amphibians 3 By 2005, the number of acres of forest logged wil kaly By 2007, the nuimber of forest-dweling species wil likely

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