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The Ultimate Collection

of Product OKR Examples

25 ready-made OKRs to kickstart your product

strategy planning
The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

What are Product OKRs? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Why are Product OKRs so important? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

How to set great OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

How to write product objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

How to write product key results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

The OKR Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Product Usage OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Commercial OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Retention/Churn-based OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Customer Satisfaction OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Product Lifecycle-based OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Velocity/Productivity OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Achieving your OKRs: How to write roadmap initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

What’s next? How to manage your OKRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

The good news is: in product management, OKRs are the most powerful and streamlined way to define
a direction of travel – and the best way to plan your way along that path.

The bad news? OKR setting is probably one of the easiest things in the world to get wrong .

But you’re here, so you don’t want to get it wrong . You know that building out robust OKRs is crucial .
You want an actionable roadmap and a healthy product trajectory . And you don’t have a lot of time .

Luckily, we’ve put together this bullet-proof OKRs guide that will absolutely make the whole process
seem simple from start to finish.

As well as the whats and the whyfors and a bunch of indispensable OKR tips from industry leaders,
we’ve also fleshed out A LOT of OKR examples that you can use to kickstart your thinking. Or – if all
else fails – that you can just outright steal.

Now that’s what we call a key result.

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

What are Product OKRs?

You’re already well aware that it stands for Objectives and
Key Results. Downloading eBooks isn’t the most efficient You’re usually looking at three to “The objectives in your OKRs
way to attain definitions, after all. five objectives per quarter, across a should be qualitative,
But there might be a few things you’re unsure about . Like six-category range: aspirational, inspirational,
how best to set them up, what you’re actually meant to do • Product Usage OKRs and time-bound. Whereas the
with them, and how and why the word ‘Initiatives’ slots into key results (KRs) need to be
• Commercial OKRs
the mix but doesn’t deserve a place in the acronym . observable and quantitative, but
• Retention/Churn-based OKRs most importantly they need to
In product land, Objectives and Key Results are your maps
and your markers . The product team uses them to outline • Customer Satisfaction OKRs be outcomes.”

the direction of travel, define what work needs to happen Jeff Gothelf,
• Product Lifecycle-based OKRs
along the way, and (roughly) by when . To set an OKR is to Product Coach, Consultant, and
say: “We want to achieve X, and we’ll know we’ve done it • Velocity/Productivity OKRs
Author of Forever Employable .
when Y happens .”

Ultimately, the point of OKRs is to rejig your team’s mindset

from projects (output) to goals (outcomes) .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Why are Product OKRs so important?

You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs,

But, hang on, how did you know to buy eggs? And how did
you decide to make an omelet in the first place? OKRs are Annual or Quarterly?
kind of like recipes, in that they outline a desired outcome
It’s best not to get too hung up on timeframes . After all, if you’re doing any
and delineate the steps along the way .
OKR goal-setting at all, you’re already doing better than a lot of businesses .
Objective: one yummy omelet . Key results: some broken That said, let’s think about what an OKR actually is . It’s an opportunity not
eggs and a dirty fry pan . only to work toward a goal but to audit your success after the fact . With that
Importantly, product OKRs keep you and your team focused being the case, the more often you engage in that kind of objective self-
on defining and solving issues. They’re how you document assessment, the better – you’ll learn a ton.
your strategic planning and toe the line between business Building and assessing frequent and long-term OKRs can help you focus
and user-centric goals . In that sense, your OKRs should on the micro and the macro at once, but it’s important not to overload your
naturally spring forth from your product vision, and go hand team with processes to the point where ‘work about work’ overtakes the
in hand with your product roadmap . actual work. In other words: don’t get bogged down in quarters or months.
Think instead about what needs to happen Now, Next, and Later .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

OKRs can streamline your roadmap

“OKRs actually need the roadmap to provide
OKRs work best with a Now-Next-Later roadmap format because they help you think
that sense of progression, to provide that
more about outcomes than timeframes .
sense of, what do we actually do? Because
That’s useful because populating your roadmap with a list of ever-moving and easily- OKRs aren’t the full picture. OKRs are simply
missed deadlines is a great way to inspire a creeping sense of dread . OKRs, on the objectives and key results at the end of
other hand, will naturally point to a clear order or priority – they’ll help your team the day.”
simplify, consolidate, and align on a limited set of attainable milestones .
Bruce McCarthy,
Founder of Product Culture .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples
The ABCs of OKRs are all about ensuring you’re making them for the right reasons,
and that they’ll enable the right kind of team attributes:

Good OKRs create: Good OKRs are:

1 Strategic alignment 1 Aligned
Sometimes you’ll see ‘Initiatives’ being cited as a core part of the The whole team should agree with the objectives you’re
OKR journey . When people are strategically aligned, they know setting – and should agree that they’re for the good of
what initiatives they need to work on to hit product goals . the product in general .

2 Team-wide transparency
2 Defined
The left hand should always know what the right hand’s doing . Part Don’t be vague: set some iron-clad win conditions
of integrating OKRs into your roadmap planning is about having a everyone understands – and can work towards with
single source of truth on all things to do with product progress . confidence.

3 Autonomy
When people have clearly-defined goals, they don’t need to be
3 Measurable
What separates an OKR from any old aim is that you can
micro-managed . OKRs enable people to get on with what they’re objectively say you’ve achieved it, with measurements as
good at, instead of bouncing from task to task . a yardstick .

4 A sense of urgency
You don’t need to have a firm deadline in order to create forward
4 High-reaching
Keep some of your OKRs grounded, but shoot for the
momentum; you just need alignment on where the priorities are, stars with others . If you 100% everything, your goals were
and why. That’s exactly what good OKRs offer. too grounded .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Beyond all this, though, just remember that OKRs are great at doing two key things:

Galvanizing teams
Thrashing out crystal clear objectives is a direct way to align teams on a
common purpose . Without that vision, people end up just ticking along
– often in siloes – plugging away at nothing in particular.

Providing focus and

pushing growth
With product development, it’s easy to cast your net too wide .
Aiming to put out every fire and finetune every feature all at
once is a scattershot strategy that’ll only lead to burnout . OKRs
help you move in a straight line toward a few clear-cut aims .

But they’re also built for growth; because the framework also
lets you plot a course to a better version of your product, it helps
you stay clear of any potential ‘treading water’ trouble .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

How to set great OKRs

OK, so how should you go about setting your own OKRs for your
product and team? We’ve put together this list of OKR examples to
“The thing about OKRs is that they’re very
get you off the daunting blank page - to give you a starting point. So,
simple and they’re very hard. And so people
once we’ve explained the principles of setting OKRs, read through the
keep trying to add stuff, do this and do
examples and you’ll be able to pick and choose from the selection
this. But no, you just have to focus and stay
and adapt them to suit your needs .
simple. You have to make hard decisions.”
The main thing to keep in mind when you’re writing out OKRs is that
it’s easy to accidentally set objectives that should instead be your key Christina Wodke,
results – or your Intiatives (which we’ll cover in a bit). Product Expert and Author of Radical Focus and
The Team that Managed Itself
So, let’s recap on the essentials, and plot out how you can set and
write awesome OKRs that act as a true North Star .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

How to write product objectives

A great objective is simple enough for everyone in the company to understand,
but it should also be inspirational, aspirational, and – most importantly –
challenging . Objectives are there to point you in the direction you want to travel
and inspire you to constantly look for new ways to do exactly that .

Product objectives should also contribute towards achieving wider company-led

goals, and the connection between each of these goals should be outlined in your
product strategy .

For example, you might want to create an OKR set around reducing churn . But
here’s the thing: reducing churn is more of a key result than it is an objective .
So instead, your objective could be something like “become the stickiest SaaS
product in the category .”

That’s really easy for everyone to understand and get behind; you want a product
that people return to again and again . With that sorted, you can set the key
Objectives: What goals do we want to achieve?
results that help you get there .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Here are a few things to remember:

Product OKRs should be tough Product OKRs are learning opportunities
If you’re hitting all of your OKRs, you’re not being ambitious enough . OKRs should be set and reviewed as frequently as is relevant
It’s important to have some really achievable objectives sitting for each one . And when we say ‘reviewed’, we mean it . If you
alongside your big-ticket items, and to remember that getting 70 or fail to hit an OKR in your given timeframe, the worst thing you
80% of the way there is still awesome . can do is delete it from your roadmap and move on . Instead,
run an autopsy . Figure out what went wrong, what your teams
Product OKRs should ladder up to something big
learned, and how those learnings can help shape future OKRs .
Great OKRs cascade . Together, all your OKRs should work together
to tell a story of where you want the product to go, and what you Product OKRs aren’t KPIs or company objectives
want it to achieve . You’ll get there by tracking major and minor OKRs are maps toward your goals, while KPIs are your
OKRs – the small ones ladder up to the big ones, and the big ones common-or-garden, business-as-usual metrics that help you
ladder up to that one massive dream you have for your product . understand how things are tracking (and flag any potential
issues) .
Product OKRs are team-wide
Individuals can have OKRs, but when you’re dealing with product It’s also easy to confuse product objectives with company
development, setting goals on that granular level is only going objectives, but they are altogether different beasts.
to result in siloed teams working in the dark . OKRs should be Your company objectives are derived from your company
transparent, and form a core part of your overall product roadmap vision and company strategy, while your product objectives are
– a roadmap that everyone’s working on together. specific to that one product.

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

How to write product key results

A great key result should be measurable, challenging, and time-bound . Key results:
It should also be specific enough to ensure that everyone knows what How do we measure against those goals?
success looks like .

So, for example, if your objective is to become the stickiest SaaS product
in the category, then a key result could be to reduce churn by 10% within 3 “The key results in an OKR should
months . be specific, measurable, and
actionable. This will help to track
Key results usually make use of one of the metrics that make up your
progress toward the objectives
KPIs . In the example above we’re looking at customer churn, but your key
and ensure that the team is on
results could just as easily lean on customer acquisition cost, time to value,
track to achieve them.”
customer lifetime value, or anything that’s a measurable metric .
Janna Bastow,
You’ll hit your key results when those metrics move in the right direction:
CEO and Co-Founder of ProdPad
that’s the outcome that you’ll use to determine if your OKR has been
successful or not .

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A quick mention for Initiatives…
The final pieces of the OKR puzzle when it comes to product management, are the Initiatives you
have on your roadmap . These relate to OKRs in that they are the ideas and work-to-be-done that you
plan to carry out in order to hit those Key Results and achieve your Objectives . They are the how .

But we’ll come back to Initiatives after laying out our 35 different OKR examples…

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The OKR Examples

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

How to use our OKR examples

Ok, so that’s the theory sorted; now it’s time to put things into is our way of really painting that full picture – and helping you
practice . Staring at a blank page can be daunting, so allow us get the most value out of our examples .
to do some of the heavy lifting for you .
Key Result best practice should usually be metric-focused,
In this section, we’ll be looking at product OKRs in the software measurable goals that will indicate whether or not you’ve
and SaaS space from just about every which way, and have achieved your Objective . Then the Initiatives you put on your
put together a bunch of examples you can use as inspiration, roadmap under each OKR are the things you’re planning to try
adapt, or simply take wholesale and use for your product goals . in order to hit those targets .

But before we dive in, we do need to lay down one caveat. So when you take these OKRs and adapt them for your own
use, you might find you want to shift some of the KRs we’ve
Here’s the thing… some of the examples we’ve given here
listed here to become Initiatives and have the more metric-
include Key Results that could arguably be bordering on
based KRs as part of your OKRs . We’ll leave that up to you .
Initiatives .

That’s because we want to give you as clear an idea as possible

of the kind of things that you should be considering for each
type of OKR . Hinting at some of the actions around each OKR

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Product Usage OKRs

Digging into the nuts and bolts of your product
usage can help you identify a load of key areas for
“Another thing people mess up is that they think
improvement . Are daily logins declining? Are some
of OKRs as a giant. It’s not, it’s this little tiny
features going untouched? Are there UI and UX elements
goal-setting thing to make sure you don’t forget
that people aren’t gelling with?
about the important strategic things.”
Product usage OKRs are super important because, in the
Christina Wodke,
process of setting them, you’ll better understand the role
Product Expert and Author of Radical Focus and
your product plays in your customers’ lives – and push
The Team that Managed Itself .
its usefulness in the right direction over time .

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Examples of Product Usage OKRs
The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 1 Context: This company has managed to grow a decent-sized customer base, but they’re
starting to see more churn as companies are now canceling their subscriptions at a pretty
high rate . The data shows a drop in the number of users per customer account regularly using
the product day-in, day-out. So the question becomes: what can they do to turn the tide here?


Supercharge product use

Key Results:

1. Launch a regular customer email to showcase new and underused features every week
for the next 6 months, achieving at least 40% open rate and 20% click-through rate

2. Introduce a gamification device within the next month to encourage users to log in and
use the product daily – to increase Daily Active Users (DAU) by 20% in 3 months

3. Increase the average daily usage time per user by 15% in 3 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 2 Context: The customer success team at this B2B software company has reported that a
bunch of its customers are now using another couple of tools alongside theirs to get the
job done . Naturally, there’s a growing worry that customers will start relying more on
those other products . So what can we do to keep those customers using the product as
much as possible?


Become the most valuable tool our customers use to do ALL of their job

Key Results:

1. Conduct 50 customer interviews, discover the jobs they’re trying to do and what tools
they currently use for each – and identify gaps

2. Launch two new features in the next 3 months to keep users in our product for longer

3. Increase average session time across the user base by 40% in 6 months

4. See a 30% increase in daily active users (DAU) over 3 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 3 Context: These guys have a monster user base, but they’re not seeing as much new feature
uptake as they’d like. Maybe their users aren’t in the product frequently enough, or maybe
they’re not communicating that new stuff clearly? Either way, they’re keen to see future new
releases land with a little more success .


Release new features people clamor for

Key Results:

1. Increase customer engagement with release notes by 30% in 3 months

2. Add in-app flags to highlight all new features, and achieve a click-through rate of 10%

3. Increase new feature adoption rate for returning users from 36% to 90%

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 4 Context: We have some pretty big ambitions here: this company wants to create a world-
class user experience and become the top-dog leader within their product vertical . The
problem? Things aren’t where they want them to be, and their current user behavior analytics
point to design pitfalls .


Create a world-class user experience

Key Results:

1. Create a dashboard to track the whole user journey from trial signup to key actions in-app
and discover the drop off points

2. Conduct user testing with 100 people on key features of the app and identify UX issues

3. Increase the number of users completing key actions by 20% within 3 months

4 . Reduce time to value by 50% within 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Commercial OKRs
Let’s talk numbers; it’s business hat-wearing time .
Improving or maintaining your product profitability
“So with OKRs, they’re best quarterly. For a
means setting commercial or revenue-based OKRs that
variety of reasons. Three months is long enough
are designed to make that big red line go up .
to make progress, but not long enough to get
When setting commercial OKRs you’re going to be stuck in one direction, but also all businesses
lasered in on metrics that speak to revenue and profit have that quarterly rhythm.”
– so that’s monthly recurring revenue (MMR), annual
Christina Wodtke,
recurring revenue (ARR), or general revenue based on
Product Expert and Author of Radical Focus and
customer acquisition or expansion. But that doesn’t
The Team that Managed Itself .
mean losing sight of usability and removing pain points;
these are the measures that tend to have the biggest
impact on conversion rates, after all .

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Examples of Commercial OKRs
The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 1 Context: This company has a really strong customer base but a whole bunch of
them are still on legacy price plans that don’t reflect the new (higher) subscription
price that new customers pay . The goal, then, is to move as many of them as
possible over to the new pricing without massive fallout .


Kill our legacy pricing, softly

Key Results:

1. Create an education program to show legacy customers the features they’re

missing out on

2. Convert 60% of customers on legacy plans to new plans, increasing revenue

by $500 per account

3. Keep churn of legacy customers below 3% for the year

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 2 Context: With a cost per acquisition (CPA) for new customers higher than its marketing
budget can cover, this company needs to boost the revenue they get from each and every
existing customer, or it’ll find itself in hot water. That’s going to spell bad news for their
projected annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth .


Make something worth upgrading for

Key Results:

1. Complete development and QA of a new (tiered) feature within 8 weeks

2. Achieve 90% feature adoption among existing users within 3 months of launch

3. Generate $50,000 in additional monthly recurring revenue within 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 3 Context: Sometimes growing commercially means growing geographically . Here we

have a company with a product that’s really successful in its local market, but where
growth has reached a natural saturation point, so now they’re looking to expand
into new territories .


Hit the ground running in international markets

Key Results:

1. Research and identify the top 3 target markets within 6 weeks

2. Launch localized versions of the website and mobile app within 12 weeks

3. Achieve 10% of total revenue from new international markets within one year

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 4 Context: Since launching its product five years ago, this company has been adding new features
like nobody’s business . But despite all that added functionality, the team hasn’t stopped to
review pricing in all that time – and now the market looks like an altogether different place.
So it’s time to take stock and take action.


Revamp our pricing strategy to better reflect our value

Key Results:

1. Test new pricing models and revenue streams to increase Average Order Value (AOV) by 15%

2. Conduct 100 user interviews to help validate the new pricing structure

3. Achieve a 10% increase in the conversion rate of free trial users to paid subscribers within
three months of implementing the new pricing strategy

4. Boost overall revenue by 20% within six months after the pricing strategy revamp, as
compared to the previous six months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 5 Context: This company’s website gets a boatload of traffic from various channels
and the product has a core user base that really loves it . But something’s amiss:
all that traffic isn’t converting to a trial at anywhere near the industry standard
rate of 5-15% . Instead, it’s converting at a monthly average of just 1 .5% . It’s time to
investigate ways to make those initial interactions much stickier .


Convert everyone who starts a trial

Key Results:

1. Review the entire trial onboarding flow to decrease the Time to Value (TTV)
to <10 minutes

2. Review 12 months of trials to see where people stop engaging

3. Test 3 new ways to re-engage people during their trial, and user test them

4. Increase trial to paid conversion by 10% in 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 6 Context: This company managed to grow its audience organically, but now that growth
curve is flattening. However, the team knows its enthusiastic customer base is one of its
strengths, so there’s an opportunity to mobilize them to actively refer colleagues and
friends in different businesses.


Get our happy customers to spread the word

Key Results:

1. Launch a referral program incentivizing customers to invite people

2. Get 100 customers to join the referral program

3. Acquire 75 new customers from the referral scheme in 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Retention/Churn-based OKRs
Retention or churn-based OKRs can be used to build on the things that make your
product useful over the long term . When your customer churn rate is lower than your
customer acquisition rate, you’ll be growing your user base.

The best way to do that is to drill into the potential causes of churn and work to eradicate
them, all while testing out initiatives that promote long-term use .

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Examples of Retention/Churn-based OKRs
The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 1 Context: This company has three enterprise-level pricing bands . Its most popular is
the middle price ($599 a month), but that’s also the one that churns at the highest
rate . It’s competitively priced against other players in the same space, so the goal is
to do whatever they can to make that tier work harder when it comes to retention .


Create the sector’s stickiest price plan

Key Results:

1. Interview 50 customers on each pricing band and understand their product

usage to see why the churn rate is so different

2. Review the features of the $599 plan against competitors and make an action
plan based on any gaps in our offering

3. Reduce churn rate for the $599 plan by 30% within 12 months

4. Achieve a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores for the $599 plan
within six months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 2 Context: This company has a leaky funnel, they’re really good at getting people in and
using their product but their renewal rate is worryingly low . They’ve decided to try to dig
into customer behavior to see if they can reduce churn .


Make renewing a no-brainer

Key Results:

1. Interview 100 ex-customers who didn’t renew their subscription, find out the common
reasons why, and put a plan in place to mitigate against them

2. Be comprehensively competitive with the features and pricing of our core

competitors in 6 months

3. Increase customer retention by 20% in 3 months

4. Introduce a renewal incentive for Account Managers to leverage

5. Within 2 months, Increase NPS scores to at least 8 for 80% of customers with
renewal dates in the next 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 3 Context: This company is nailing new business wins, but people aren’t sticking
around long enough to make up for their marketing spend . The result? Super low
customer lifetime value . The big problem is: they don’t really know what’s causing
that churn .


Eliminate churn before it happens

Key Results:

1. Set up automated health scoring for all customer accounts based on churn
indicators by end of the month

2. Ensure a Customer Success Manager proactively engages with 100% of

customers with low health scores within two months

3. Reduce churn rate to under 3% in 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Customer Satisfaction OKRs

You should probably be looking to drive customer satisfaction with every product
decision you make and goal you set, but satisfaction-specific OKRs tend to focus on
ways to improve the overall experience and turn existing customers into lifelong ones .

The key results that make up this kind of OKR can usually help you to identify areas for
product improvement based on real-world customer feedback .

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Examples of Customer Satisfaction OKRs
The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 1 Context: This company has much longer response rates than the industry average, so – naturally
– they’re getting some pretty rough feedback. Customers think they take too long to solve issues,
and that’s creating reputational trouble; churn is starting to increase as a result .


Increase our efficiency in solving customer issues

Key Results:

1. Reduce the number of customer interactions needed to solve a problem by one-third in 3 months

2. Close the feedback loop: send customers notifications when something they asked for has
launched for 100% of feature releases from the next release

3. Implement digital listening tools to proactively search for, and respond to, feedback

4. Improve customer satisfaction scores related to support interactions by 20%

within 4 months

5. Reduce the backlog of unresolved customer support tickets by 40% within 3 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 2 Context: Customer satisfaction often results in an increased likelihood

to recommend . So if this company wants to garner those all-important
recommendations, they need to ensure they’re making customers feel like being
a life-long customer is a real no-brainer .


Boost customer loyalty and referrals

Key Results:

1. Launch a referral program that incentivizes existing customers to

recommend the product and drive 40 referrals by the end of the quarter

2. Design and launch a loyalty scheme that rewards loyal customers and get
70% of the customer base engaged with it by end of the quarter

3. Increase NPS score to 80 by the end of this year

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 3 Context: This company has a product that people love – so much so that they get a bit
evangelical about it when talking to their friends . Loyalty is high, but there are LOTS of
product requests coming in that point to waning satisfaction. The answer? Get customers
involved in the future of the product .


Make customers feel more involved

Key Results:

1. Launch a customer advisor board (CAB) that solicits requests and recognizes long-
term contributions and achieve a 50% uptake by invited customers within 2 months

2. Drive 20k impressions to a publicly available roadmap on the website

3. Get 70% of the customer base to actively participate in focus groups or feedback
surveys within 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Product Lifecycle-based OKRs

Every single product goes through the same lifecycle stages: Introduction/launch, Growth,
Maturity, and Decline – and they all require a different set of strategies.

So it stands to reason that your OKRs for each stage should be specific to the kind of challenges
and opportunities you’re facing at the time. To demonstrate that, let’s follow the same fictional
company through the stages of its life and look at its objectives and goals during each…

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Examples of Product Lifecycle-based OKRs
The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 1 Context: This company is fresh, new, and wet behind the ears . The team soft-launched their product
with friends and family and it’s now ready for prime-time: a rollout to a local audience . Their focus is
- Launch
on getting users in and using the platform as fast as possible, and their target audience is US-based
tech companies .


Gain new users fast

Key Results:

1. Increase customer sign-ups by 20% within 3 months

2. Create an onboarding in-app and email flow that encourages users to invite 3 colleagues, and
increase average number of users per account by 30% in 3 months

3. Launch a referral program that encourages current users to get friends to open an account and
add 100 new customers through this channel within 3 months

4. Increase user engagement by 20% within 3 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 2 Context: Ok, so our fledgling company has now been operating for a few years, and things
are looking good . Their user base is around 80% US-based, but want to ensure that they can
- Growth
still grow that local audience without any serious attrition before they really make a push into
international markets .


Build a more robust user base

Key Results:

1. Increase user retention by 10% within 3 months

2. Increase user engagement by 20% within 3 months

3. Design a robust upsell campaign and grow expansion revenue by 20% within 6 months

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 3 Context: Our fictional product is getting a bit long in the

tooth now – locally at least. Growth in the US is plateauing, “OKRs should be reviewed and
- Maturity adjusted regularly to ensure
so the company is looking to increase international growth
by bringing localized versions to new markets. But doing that they are still relevant and
that smoothly requires some clear goal setting. aligned with the goals of the
organization. This can help to
Objective: keep the team motivated and on
track to achieve their objectives.”
Become world-renowned
Janna Bastow,
Key Results: CEO, and Co-Founder of ProdPad .

1. Review localization options to get the platform ready

to launch in EMEA

2. Increase international customer engagement by 20%

within 3 months

3. Launch a customer success program in 5 new markets

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 4a Context: Our product has been around for a long old time by this stage . It’s grown in its local market
and achieved successful international expansion, but now it’s being impacted by some innovative,
- Decline
indirect competitors that help people solve their problems in completely new ways . Fewer and fewer
people are looking for a tool like what our hero company offers, so their existing customers are starting
to shift their behavior .


Reimagine and revitalize the product

Key Results:

1. Conduct customer research and market analysis to identify new trends, pain points, and customer
needs – within the next month

2. Develop and launch at least two new features or enhancements that address the identified customer
needs – within the next six months

3. Ensure adoption of the new features by 70% of existing customers by end of the year

4. Increase overall customer satisfaction scores by 20% within 3 months of launching the new features

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 4b Context: Ok, our valiant product team has given that last OKR a real good go, but the writing’s on
the wall: revenue is still in decline. They can’t fight the change in consumer behavior, nor make their
- Decline
legacy product meet those new expectations . The best strategy now? Pivot and work on a new
product that answers these new customer needs . But what does that mean for the outgoing product?


Sunset this product by the end of the quarter

Key Results:

1. All customers of the product notified of the sunset plan and given alternative product
recommendations by end of the month

2. Support and maintenance SLAs met for all existing customers until the end of their current

3. Number of active users of the product down to zero by end of quarter

4. 70% of existing customers signed up to the waitlist for the new product beta program

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Velocity/Productivity OKRs
Productivity OKRs are all about picking up the pace, getting more done, and achieving
a higher throughput in any given timeframe. That makes them ideally suited to teams
looking to work in a scrum or spring-based lean framework .

Importantly, when we talk about velocity, we’re talking about the speed at which a
team completes tasks, so it’s important to measure it and use it to set objectives .

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Examples of Velocity/Productivity OKRs
The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 1 Context: The product development team’s got big ideas, but things tend
to fall down a bit when it comes to actually getting projects across the line .
The organizational nuts and bolts need tightening if they want to escape that
‘over promise, under deliver’ treadmill .


Increase team velocity

Key Results:

1. Introduce a scrum master to own sprint planning and monitor progress

2. Simplify the code review process to reduce time-to-ship by 20% in 3 months

3. Train the entire team on the ‘planning poker’ technique to minimize over/
underestimation by end of the quarter

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 2 Context: COVID rocked this company’s whole setup, but in an effort to make working
from home, well… work, day-to-day processes have become overly complex and
lacking in both team visibility and employee empathy . They’re facing a build-up of
stress and the risk of some seriously imminent burnout .


Improve team collaboration

Key Results:

1. Audit, review, and de-dupe the number of meetings and Slack channels

2. Organize monthly team-building activities and achieve at least 80% attendance

3. Increase weekly employee pulse score from 3/5 to 4/5

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 3 Context: Development thrives when it’s collaborative and transparent, but sometimes bad habits
build over time, and teams find themselves working in unhelpful siloes that slow the workflow.
Here we’ve got a company suffering from dev bottlenecks and sluggish turnaround times.


Improve the development process

Key Results:

1. Transfer Jira backlog into a product management tool to boost visibility (something like
ProdPad maybe )

2. Increase the percentage of sprint work completed from 60% to 90% in 3 months

3. Reduce the average time taken to move a feature or enhancement from conception to
deployment by 20% within 4 months

4. Increase employee satisfaction scores by 20% across the development team

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Example 4 Context: Having a massive user base is great for business but it can also be
a headache for customer support teams if they’re not given the support they
Remember: Putting the KR in OKR
need . That’s the case here, where we have a torrent of customer complaints
often means understanding and
about how long issues take to get resolved .
monitoring a bunch of relevant
Objective: industry metrics . Those metrics are
your Key Performance Indicators
Boost customer satisfaction score through increased team velocity (KPIs), and knowing which ones
are important can make a huge
Key Results: difference.

1. Introduce a customer feedback tool to better capture and prioritize issues Download your free copy of
The Complete List of Product
2. Decrease the time to first response to 30 minutes
Management KPIs to find out more!
3. Increase NPS score from 5 to 7

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

Achieving your OKRs

Phew; a lot of examples there! But how do you actually take OKRs like the
ones we’ve shared and turn them into action? How do you actually achieve
those objectives? And how do you manifest key results?

It’s time to talk about initiatives .

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

How to write roadmap initiatives for each OKR

Initiatives are, in simple terms, the actions you take to enable by 10% within 3 months, then one initiative could be to launch a
your key results . They encompass all the work that’s done to customer success program . But you might also want to tackle a
influence the success of the whole shebang, so they ought to card payment journey that you know is causing people trouble .
be specific, actionable, and understandable.
Essentially, initiatives are the work: they’re what you need to do
If you think all the way back to our omelet metaphor, then your to hit your goals .
initiatives would be the steps along the recipe .
ProdPad helps product managers group a bunch of relevant
An initiative is often composed of different experiments (or ideas into an initiative that sits under each objective, as we
Ideas in ProdPad) that are created to solve the overarching think it’s useful to ladder up towards those objectives with as
problem attached to the objective . many foundational ideas as possible .

For example, if your objective is to become the stickiest SaaS

product in the category and your key result is to reduce churn

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The Ultimate Collection of Product OKR Examples

What’s next?
How to manage your OKRs
Much like that metaphorical omelet, ProdPad eats OKRs
for breakfast .

By that, we mean that the OKR framework runs deep

throughout the whole ProdPad platform – and we use it
ourselves, religiously, to smash our own product goals .

ProdPad makes it effortless to set objectives, turn ideas

into initiatives, and measure the success of your objectives
– in a way that turns success into product growth and any
failures into a valuable team learning opportunity .

OKRs and your product roadmap are two sides of the

same coin, so it pays to use roadmapping software that
brings them both into one place .

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With ProdPad
on your side, you’ll…
• Bake OKRs right into your roadmap
• Build a rock-solid, transparent product strategy
• Ensure accountability across the whole team
• Focus on outcomes, not output

That’s alongside building a roadmap that everyone from

developers to investors can understand – with the now famous
Now-Next-Later roadmap invented by our Co-Founders .

Ready to supercharge your product strategy?

Getting started with ProdPad is easy, fast, and free .

Try for free

@2023 CreateShift Ltd . All rights reserved

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