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Domain 1: Patient care [41%]

Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis

Competency 1: Provide comprehensive nursing care for adult clients 15%
Task 1.1.1. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with respiratory system 2.1%
Assessment 1. Take holistic nursing history for a patient with respiratory MCQ/SOE
Objectives system disorders
(AO) 2. Perform physical examination for a patient with respiratory MCQ/OSCE
system disorders
3. Order and assist relevant investigation for a patient with MCQ
respiratory system disorders
4. Interpret relevant findings MCQ
Task 1.1.2. Diagnose patients with respiratory system disorders
Assessment 1. Perform and assist in diagnostic procedure for a patient OSCE/MCQ
Objectives with respiratory Disorders
(AO) 2. Identify possible diagnosis for respiratory disorders MCQ
3. Formulate Nursing diagnosis for a patient with respiratory MCQ/OSCE
disorders using NANDA
Task 1.1.3. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with respiratory system
Assessment 1. Develop nursing care plan for patients with respiratory MCQ/OSCE
Objectives disorders
(AO) 2. Implement and manage nursing care plan for patients with MCQ/OSCE
respiratory disorders
3. Provide care for patient in respiratory therapeutic OSCE/Oral
Task 1.1.4. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patents with respiratory
system disorders
Assessment Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ/SOE
Task 1.1.5. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with cardiovascular system 1.8%
Assessment 1. Take holistic history for patients with cardiovascular MCQ/Oral
Objectives system disorders
(AO) 2. Perform physical examinations for patients with MCQ/OSCE
cardiovascular system disorders
3. Order and assist relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
cardiovascular disorders
4. Interpret relevant findings MCQ
Task 1.1.6. Diagnose patients with cardiovascular system disorders

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment 1. Collaborate with staffs in diagnostic and therapeutic MCQ/Oral
Objectives procedures for patients with cardiovascular system
(AO) disorders
2. Identify the possible diagnosis for cardiovascular disorders MCQ
3. Formulate nursing diagnoses for patients with MSQ/OSCE
cardiovascular system disorders using NANDA
4. Formulate differential diagnoses for patients with MCQ
cardiovascular system disorders
5. Determine the severity of cardiovascular disorders MCQ/Oral
Task 1.1.7. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with cardiovascular system
Assessment 1. Develop plan for patients with cardiovascular system MCQ/OSCE
Objectives disorders
(AO) 2. Implement an individualized plan for patients with common MCQ/OSCE
cardiovascular system disorders
3. Perform palliative care MCQ
Task 1.1.8. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patients with
cardiovascular system disorders
Assessment Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ
Task 1.1.9. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with gastrointestinal 1.95%
system disorders
Assessment 1. Take holistic history for patients with gastrointestinal MCQ/Oral
Objectives system disorders
(AO) 2. Perform physical examinations for patients with MSQ/OSCE
gastrointestinal system disorders
3. Order and assist relevant investigations for gastrointestinal MCQ
system disorders
4. Interpret relevant findings MCQ
Task 1.1.10. Diagnose patients with gastrointestinal system disorders
Assessment 1. Assist diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for patients MCQ/Oral
Objectives with gastrointestinal system disorders.
(AO) 2. Identify possible diagnosis for gastrointestinal disorders MCQ
3. Formulate nursing diagnoses for patients with MCQ/OSCE
gastrointestinal system disorders using NANDA.
4. Formulate differential diagnoses for patients with MCQ
gastrointestinal system disorders.
5. Determine the severity of gastrointestinal system MCQ
Task 1.1.11. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with gastrointestinal system
1. Develop an individualized plan for patients with MCQ/OSCE
gastrointestinal system disorders.

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment 2. Implement an individualized nursing care plan for patients
Objectives with gastrointestinal system disorders.
Task 1.1.12. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patients with
gastrointestinal system disorders
Assessment Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ/Oral
Task 1.1.13. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with endocrine system 1.2%
Assessment 1. Take complete history for patient with endocrine disorders MCQ/Oral
Objectives 2. Perform physical examination for patients with endocrine MCQ/OSCE
(AO) disorders
3. Order and assist relevant investigations for patient with MCQ
endocrine disorders
4. Interpret relevant findings MCQ
Task 1.1.14. Diagnose patients with endocrine system disorders
Assessment 1. Identify possible diagnosis for endocrine disorders MCQ
Objectives 2. Formulate nursing diagnosis using NANDA MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.15. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with endocrine system
Assessment 1. Develop nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Objectives 2. Provide nursing care based on nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.16. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patents with endocrine
system disorders
Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ/Oral
Task 1.1.17. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with genitourinary system 1.5%
Assessment 1. Take complete history for patient with common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives genitourinary system disorders
2. Perform physical examinations for patients with common MCQ/OSCE
genitourinary system disorders
3. Order, assist and interpret relevant investigations for MCQ
common genitourinary system disorders.
4. Assist diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for patients MCQ
with genitourinary system disorders
5. Interpret genitourinary disorders based on the assessment MCQ
Task 1.1.18. Diagnose patients with genitourinary system disorders
Assessment 1. Assist diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for patients MCQ/OSCE
Objectives with genitourinary system disorders
(AO) 2. Identify the possible diagnosis of genitourinary disorders MCQ

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
3. Formulate nursing diagnoses for patients with MCQ/OSCE
genitourinary system disorders using NANDA
4. Formulate differential diagnoses for patients with common MCQ
genitourinary system disorders
5. Determine the severity of genitourinary system disorders MCQ
Task 1.1.19. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with genitourinary system
Assessment 1. Develop an individualized plan for patients with MCQ/OSCE
Objectives genitourinary system disorders
(AO) 2. Implement an individualized plan for patients with MSCQ/OSCE
genitourinary system disorders
Task 1.1.20. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patents with
genitourinary system disorders
Assessment Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ/ORAL
Task 1.1.21. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with musculoskeletal 1.5%
system disorders
Assessment 1. Take complete history for patient with musculoskeletal MCQ/ORAL
Objectives disorders
(AO) 2. Perform physical examination for patients with MCQ/OSCE
musculoskeletal disorders accordingly
3. Order, assist and interpret relevant investigations for MCQ
patient with musculoskeletal disorders
Task 1.1.22. Diagnose patients with musculoskeletal system disorders
Assessment 1. Identify the possible diagnosis of musculoskeletal MCQ
Objectives disorders based on the assessment
(AO) 2. Formulate nursing diagnosis accordingly for patient with MCQ/OSCE
musculoskeletal disorders using NANDA
Task 1.1.23. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with musculoskeletal system
Assessment 1. Develop nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Objectives MCQ/OSCE
(AO) 2. Manage and implement the plan
Task 1.1.24. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patents with
musculoskeletal system disorders
Assessment Monitor and Evaluate effectiveness of nursing care and patient MCQ/Oral
Objectives response
Task 1.1.25. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with integumentary 0.9%
system disorders
1. Take complete history for patient with integumentary MCQ/ORAL

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
2. Perform physical examination for patients with MCQ/OSCE
integumentary disorders accordingly
3. Interpret relevant investigations for patient with MCQ
integumentary disorders
Task. 1.1.26. Diagnose patients with integumentary system disorders
Assessment 1. Identify the possible diagnosis of integumentary disorders MCQ
Objectives 2. Formulate nursing diagnosis accordingly for patient with MCQ/OSCE
(AO) integumentary disorders using NANDA
Task 1.1.27. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with integumentary system
Assessment 1. Develop nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Objectives 2. Manage and implement the plan MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.28. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patents with
integumentary system disorders
Assessment Evaluate patient response and the effectiveness of nursing MCQ/Oral
Objectives care plan
Task 1.1.29. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with nervous system 1.5%
Assessment 1. Take holistic nursing history for a patient with nervous MCQ/ORAL
Objectives system disorders
(AO) 2. Perform physical examination for a patient with nervous MCQ/OSCE
system disorders
3. Order, assist and interpret relevant investigation for a MCQ
patient with nervous system disorders
Task 1.1.30. Diagnose patients with nervous system disorders
Assessment 1. Perform and Assist in diagnostic procedure for a patient MCQ/OSCE
Objectives with nervous system disorders
(AO) 2. Identify the possible diagnosis common nervous system MCQ
disorders based on the assessment
3. Develop Nursing diagnosis for a patient with nervous MCQ/OSCE
system disorders
Task 1.1.31. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with nervous system
Assessment 1. Develop nursing care plan for patients with nervous MCQ/OSCE
Objectives system disorders
(AO) 2. Manage and implement nursing care plan for patients with MCQ/OSCE
nervous system disorders
3. Care for nervous system therapeutic procedures MCQ/OSCE
4. Perform palliative care MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.32. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patents with nervous
system disorders

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and patient response
Task 1.1.33. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with HEENT disorders 1.05%
Assessment 1. Take complete history from patient with HEENT disorders MCQ/ORAL
Objectives 2. Perform physical examination for patients with HEENT MCQ/OSCE
(AO) disorders accordingly
3. Order, assist and interpret relevant investigations MCQ
Task 1.1.34. Diagnose patients with HEENT disorders
Assessment 1. Identify the possible HEENT disorders based on the MCQ
Objectives assessment
(AO) 2. Formulate nursing diagnosis-based on NANDA MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.35. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with HEENT disorders
Assessment 1. Develop nursing care plan a patient with HEENT disorders MCQ/OSCE
Objectives using NANDA
(AO) 2. Implement the plan MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.36. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patients with HEENT
Assessment Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ/ORAL
Task 1.1.37. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for patients with immune system 1.5%
Assessment 1. Take holistic nursing history for a patient with common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives immunological disorders
(AO) 2. Perform physical examination for a patient with common MCQ/OSCE
immunological disorders
3. Order and interpreted relevant investigation for a patient MCQ
with common immunological disorders
Task 1.1.38. Diagnose patients with immune system disorders
Assessment 1. Perform and Assist in Immunological diagnostic MCQ/OSCE
Objectives procedures
(AO) 2. Identify possible Immunological disorders based on the MCQ
3. Develop Nursing diagnosis based on NANDA MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.39. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with immune system
Assessment 1. Develop plan for patients with immune system disorders MCQ/OSCE
Objectives 2. Implement nursing care plan for patients with immune MCQ/OSCE
(AO) system disorders
3. Assist in Immunological therapeutic procedures MCQ/OSCE
4. Perform palliative care MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.1.40. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patients with immune
system disorders

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MSC/ORAL
Competency 2: Provide comprehensive nursing care for maternity clients 8%
Task 1.2.1. Provide Preconception care 0.48%
Assessment 1. Perform assessment and risk screening during MCQ
Objectives preconception period
(AO) 2. Provide vaccination during the preconception period MCQ
3. Counseling and guidance for during preconception period MCQ
Task 1.2.2. Assess, diagnose, provide nursing care and evaluate care effectiveness for 1.44%
pregnant mother
1. Perform focused ANC MCQ/OSCE
2. Perform holistic antepartum nursing assessment MCQ/ORAL
Assessment 3. Formulate antepartum nursing diagnosis MCQ
Objectives 4. Develop plan of care for normal and abnormal pregnancy MCQ
(AO) 5. Conduct nursing intervention for women with normal OSCE
6. Conduct nursing intervention for women with abnormal MCQ
7. Evaluate pregnant mother progress MCQ
8. Order and interpret laboratory investigations for pregnant MCQ
9. Manage minor disorders of pregnancy MCQ/ORAL
Task 1.2.3. Assess, diagnose, provide nursing care and evaluate care effectiveness 1.52%
for laboring mother
1. Perform comprehensive assessment of laboring mother MCQ
Assessment 2. Formulate intrapartum nursing diagnosis MCQ
Objectives 3. Develop a plan of care for laboring mother MCQ
(AO) 4. Formulate and interpret Partograph MCQ/OSCE
5. Manage normal labor OSCE/MCQ
6. Provide care for abnormal labor MCQ
7. Perform episiotomy and perennial tear repair OSCE/MCQ
8. Perform placental examination OSCE
9. Apply nursing management of laboring mother with MCQ
psychosocial issues
10. Assess and manage women with common complications MCQ
of third stage of labor
Task 1.2.4. Assess, diagnose, provide nursing care and evaluate care effectiveness after 1.52%
giving birth
Assessment 1. Perform comprehensive postnatal nursing assessment MCQ
Objectives 2. Formulate nursing diagnosis for normal and abnormal MCQ
(AO) Puerperium

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
3. Develop plan of care for mother with normal and abnormal OSCE/MCQ
4. Conduct nursing intervention for mother with normal and OSCE/ORAL
abnormal Puerperium
5. Evaluate the progress of mother with normal and abnormal MCQ
6. Assist the mother in breastfeeding and lactation MCQ
7. Provide postnatal counseling and health education MCQ
8. Assess and manage puerperal complications MCQ
9. Assess, diagnose and manage HIV positive mothers MCQ
10. Provide comprehensive PMTCT service for mother and MCQ
Task 1.2.5. Provide and evaluate essential newborn care 1.04%
Assessment 1. Assess newborn risk condition present at birth MCQ
Objectives 2. Measure and interpret Apgar score MCQ
(AO) 3. Perform neonatal resuscitation OSCE/MCQ
4. Provide newborn care OSCE/MCQ
5. Identify and consult birth defect MCQ
Task 1.2.6. Provide comprehensive reproductive health services 0.5%

Assessment 1. Provide Counseling and guidance for youth, adolescents MCQ

Objectives and mothers on reproductive health
(AO) 2. Provide youth/adolescent friendly reproductive health MCQ
3. Intervene gender-based violence using medical and MCQ
psychosocial support
4. Perform nursing intervention for female with harmful MCQ/ORAL
traditional practice
5. Assess eligibility and provide family planning service for MCQ
adolescents and youth
6. Conducted family planning counseling for adolescents and MCQ
7. Assess common complications related to family planning MCQ
Task 1.2.7. Assess, diagnose, provide and evaluate common gynecological problems 1.44%
1. Take history from a client with common gynecological OSCE/Oral
Assessment problems
Objectives 2. Perform holistic nursing physical examination for clients OSCE/MCQ
(AO) with common gynecological problems
3. Formulate nursing diagnose for client with common MCQ/OSCE
gynecological problems
4. Develop nursing care plan clients with gynecological MCQ/OSCE
5. Perform nursing intervention for clients with gynecological MCQ/OSCE
6. Evaluate patient’s response to the treatment MCQ

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
7. Assess safe and unsafe abortion MCQ
8. Perform comprehensive abortion care MCQ/OSCE
9. Formulate plan of care for unsafe abortion MCQ
10.Assess genito-urinary complication MCQ
11.Formulate plan of care for clients with common MCQ/OSCE
gynecological malignancies
Competence 3: Provide comprehensive nursing care for pediatrics clients 13%
Task 1.3.1. Assess and diagnose common Neonatology problems 1.04%
Assessment 1. Take holistic history taking for common neonatal problems MCQ
Objectives (Birth Asphyxia, HMD (Respiratory Distress Syndrome),
(AO) Meconium Aspiration Syndrome, Jaundice, Sepsis,
Meningitis, Necrotizing Enter colitis, Neonatal tetanus,
Congenital infection TORCH, Infants of a diabetic mother,
preterm, low birth weight, congenital anomalies,
hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, Neonatal bleeding
2. Perform physical examinations on common neonatal MCQ/OSCE
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
common neonatal problems
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common neonatal MCQ
5. Determine the severity of common neonatal problems MCQ
Task 1.3.2. Provide nursing care for common neonatal problems
Assessment 1. Develop individualized nursing care plan for common MCQ/OSCE
Objectives neonatal problems
(AO) 2. Manage common neonatal problems MCQ/OSCE
3. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.3. Monitor and evaluate common neonatal problems
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.4. Assess and diagnose pediatrics common HEENT problems 0.52%
Assessment 1. Take complete history from pediatric clients with common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives HEENT problems
2. Perform physical examination for common pediatric clients MCQ/OSCE
with HEENT disorders
3. Order, assist and interpret relevant investigations MCQ
4. State HEENT disorders based on the assessment MCQ
5. Formulate nursing diagnosis MCQ
Task 1.3.5. Provide nursing care for common HEEENT problems
1. Develop plan of care MCQ/OSCE

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment 2. provide care based on nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.6. Manage common HEEENT problems
Objectives Manage common HEEENT problems for pediatric clients MCQ
Task 1.3.7. Evaluate common HEENT problems for pediatrics
Objectives Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ
Task 1.3.8. Assess and diagnose common pediatrics respiratory problems 1.56%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for pediatrics respiratory MCQ
Objectives problems
(AO) 2. Perform physical examinations on pediatrics respiratory MCQ/OSCE
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
pediatrics respiratory problems
Task 1.3.9. Provide nursing care for common respiratory problems
Assessment 1. Formulate nursing diagnosis pediatrics respiratory MCQ/OSCE
Objectives problems
(AO) 2. Determine the severity of pediatrics respiratory problems MCQ
Task 1.3.10. Manage common respiratory problems
Assessment 1. Develop individualized nursing care for pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
Objectives respiratory problems
(AO) 2. Implement a nursing care plan OSCE/MCQ
3. Manage pediatrics respiratory problems MCQ
Task 1.3.11. Monitor and Evaluate common respiratory problems for pediatrics
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.12. Assess & diagnose common pediatrics gastrointestinal problems 1.04%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for common pediatrics MCQ
Objectives gastrointestinal problem (Peritonitis, Appendicitis, Gastro
(AO) esophageal reflex, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Intestinal
parasitosis, Hepatitis, Intussusception, Pyloric stenosis,
Hernia (hiatal, inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Incisional))
2. Perform physical examinations on common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
gastrointestinal problem
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
common pediatrics gastrointestinal problem
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common pediatrics MCQ
gastrointestinal problem

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
5. Determine the severity of common pediatrics MCQ
gastrointestinal problem
Task 1.3.13. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics gastrointestinal problems
Assessment 1. Develop individualized nursing care for common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
Objectives gastrointestinal problem
(AO) 2. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
3. Manage common pediatrics gastrointestinal problem MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.14. Evaluate common pediatrics gastrointestinal problems
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.15. Assess and diagnose common pediatrics cardiovascular problems 1.56%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for pediatrics common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives cardiovascular disorders (Congenital heart disease,
(AO) rheumatic fever, heart failure, infective endocarditis,
anemia, leukemia)
2. Perform physical examinations on pediatrics common MCQ/OSCE
cardiovascular disorders
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
pediatrics common cardiovascular disorders
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
cardiovascular disorders
5. Determine the severity of common pediatrics MCQ
cardiovascular disorders
Task 1.3.16. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics cardiovascular problems
Assessment 1. Formulate individualized nursing care plan for common MCQ/OSCE
Objectives pediatrics cardiovascular disorders
(AO) 2. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
3. Manage common pediatrics cardiovascular disorders MCQ
Task 1.3.17. Monitor and Evaluate pediatrics cardiovascular problems
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.18. Assess and diagnose common pediatrics integumentary problems 1.04%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for pediatrics common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives Integumentary disorders (Impetigo, Cellulitis, burn,
(AO) Pyomyositis, Acne, Warts & Scabies)
2. Perform physical examinations on common Integumentary MSQ/OSCE
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ/OSCE
pediatrics common Integumentary disorders
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common Integumentary MCQ/OSCE

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
5. Determine the severity of common Integumentary MCQ
Task 1.3.19. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics integumentary problems
Assessment 1. Formulate individualized nursing care for common MCQ
Objectives pediatrics Integumentary disorders
(AO) 2. Implement a nursing care plan MSQ/OSCE
3. Manage common pediatrics integumentary disorders MCQ
Task 1.3.20. Monitor and Evaluate common pediatrics integumentary problems
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.21. Assess and diagnose common pediatrics neurology problems 1.04%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for pediatrics common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives neurological disorders (Meningitis, seizure, cerebral
(AO) malaria)
2. Perform physical examinations on pediatrics common MCQ/OSCE
neurological disorders
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
pediatrics common neurological disorders
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
neurological disorders
5. Determine the severity of common pediatrics neurological MCQ
Task 1.3.22. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics neurology problems
Assessment 1. Manage common pediatrics neurological disorders MCQ/OSCE
Objectives 2. Develop individualized nursing care plan for common MCQ
(AO) pediatrics neurological disorders
3. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.23. Monitor and Evaluate common pediatrics neurology problems
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.24. Assess and diagnose common pediatrics genitourinary problems 0.52%
1. Assessm 1. Take comprehensive history for common pediatrics MCQ/ORAL
ent Genitourinary disorders (UTI, nephrotic syndrome,
Objective Nephrotic Syndrome)
s (AO) 2. Perform physical examinations on common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
Genitourinary disorders
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
common pediatrics genitourinary disorders.
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
Genitourinary disorders
5. Determine the severity of common pediatrics Genitourinary MCQ

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Task 1.3.25. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics genitourinary problems
Assessment 1. Manage common pediatrics Genitourinary disorders MCQ/OSCE
Objectives 2. Develop individualized nursing care for common pediatrics MCQ
(AO) Genitourinary disorders
3. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.26. Monitor and Evaluate common genitourinary problems for pediatrics
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.27. Assess and diagnose common pediatrics musculoskeletal problems 0.52%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for pediatrics common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives musculoskeletal disorders (Osteomyelitis, Arthritis,
(AO) Fracture, Dislocation, Strain, Sprain)
2. Perform physical examinations on pediatrics common MCQ/OSCE
musculoskeletal disorders
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
pediatrics common musculoskeletal disorders
4. Formulate nursing diagnoses for common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
musculoskeletal disorders
5. Determine the severity of common pediatrics MCQ
musculoskeletal disorders
Task 1.3.28. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics musculoskeletal problems
Assessment 1. Develop individualized nursing care for common pediatrics MCQ
Objectives musculoskeletal disorders
(AO) 2. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
3. Manage common pediatrics musculoskeletal disorders MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.29. Monitor and Evaluate common musculoskeletal problems for pediatrics
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.30 Assess and diagnose common pediatrics endocrine problems 0.52%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for pediatrics common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives endocrine disorders (DM, Hyperthyroidism and
(AO) hypothyroidism)
2. Perform physical examinations on pediatrics common MCQ/OSCE
endocrine disorders
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
pediatrics common endocrine disorders
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
endocrine disorders
5. Determine the severity of common pediatrics endocrine MCQ
Task 1.3.31. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics endocrine problems

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment 1. Develop individualized nursing care for common pediatrics MCQ
Objectives endocrine disorders
(AO) 2. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
3. Manage common pediatrics endocrine disorders MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.32. Monitor and Evaluate common pediatrics endocrine problems
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.33. Assess and diagnose common pediatrics immunology problems 0.52%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history for pediatrics common MCQ/ORAL
Objectives immune disorders (Leukemia, wilms Tumor, Pediatric HIV)
(AO) 2. Perform physical examinations on common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
immune disorders
3. Order and interpret relevant investigations for patients with MCQ
pediatrics common immune disorders
4. Formulate nursing diagnosis for common pediatrics MCQ/OSCE
immune disorders
5. Determine the severity of common pediatrics immune
Task 1.3.34. Provide nursing care for common pediatrics immunology problems
Assessment 1. Develop individualized nursing care for common pediatrics MCQ
Objectives immune disorders
(AO) 2. Implement a nursing care plan MCQ/OSCE
3. Manage common pediatrics immune disorders MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.35. Monitor and Evaluate common pediatrics immunology problems
Assessment Assess and evaluate patient response to treatment MCQ
Task 1.3.36. Assess and diagnose growth and development for pediatrics 0.52%
Assessment 1. Take comprehensive history and perform anthropometric MCQ/ORAL
Objectives measurement to assess growth and development
(AO) milestone of pediatrics
2. Diagnosis growth and developmental problems MCQ
Task 1.3.37. Provide nursing care for growth and development problems
Assessment Providing nursing care for pediatrics with growth and MCQ
Objectives developmental problems
Task 1.3.38. Monitor and Evaluate growth and development problems for pediatrics
Assessment Evaluate the effectiveness of plan of care and modify MCQ
Task 1.3.39. Administer Vaccine and maintain Cold chain 0.52%
1. Maintain Cold chain management MCQ/OSCE

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment 2. Administer Vaccine OSCE/MCQ
Objectives 3. Determine eligibility for vaccinations MCQ
(AO) 4. Manage different types of vaccines MCQ/OSCE
5. Evaluate vaccine usage and coverage MCQ
Task 1.3.40. Assess and diagnose pediatrics malnutrition 1.04%
Assessment Assess and diagnose child with malnutrition MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.41. Provide nursing care for pediatrics malnutrition
Assessment Providing nursing care for child with malnutrition MCQ/OSCE
Task 1.3.42. Monitor and evaluate malnutrition
Assessment Evaluate the effectiveness of plan of care and modify MCQ
Objectives accordingly
Task 1.3.43. Manage common under five problems Using IMNCI chart booklet 1.04%
Assessment 1. Assessing and classifying Sick Young Infant (< 2 months) MCQ/OSCE
Objectives and child (2 months up to 5 years) IMNCI based on IMNCI
(AO) guideline (birth asphyxia, birth weight, possible bacterial
infection and jaundice, feeding problem, cough or difficult
breathing, fever, ear problem, diarrhea, malnutrition,
anemia, HIV infection and other problems)
2. Manage sick young infant and child based on IMNCI MCQ/OSCE
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of care and modify MCQ
Competency 4: Provide comprehensive nursing care for mentally ill clients 5%
Task 1.4.1. Conduct holistic nursing assessment for client with mental health problems 1%
1. Take holistic psychiatry nursing history for a patient with MCQ/ORAL
Assessment mental health problems
Objectives 2. Perform physical examination for a patient with mental MCQ/OSCE
(AO) health problems
3. Interpret relevant investigation for a patient with mental MCQ
health problems
Task 1.4.2. Diagnose client with common mental health problems 2%
Assessment 1. State common mental health problems based on DSM 5 MCQ/ORAL
Objectives criteria
(AO) 2. Develop differential diagnosis based on DSM 5 MCQ
3. Develop Nursing diagnosis for a patient with mental health MCQ
Task 1.4.3. Provide individualized nursing care for patients with mental health problems 1%
1. Develop plan for patients with mental health problems MCQ

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Assessment 2. Implement the plan for patients with mental health MCQ/OSCE
Objectives problems
Task 1.4.4. Monitor and Evaluate nursing care effectiveness for patents with mental 1%
health problems
Assessment Evaluate effectiveness of the plan and patient response MCQ
Domain 2: Leadership and Management [25%]
Competency 5: Demonstrate effective managerial and leadership skills in the provision of 7%
quality nursing care
Task 2.5.1. Manage nursing practice effectively 1%
Assessment 1. Seek information about quality improvement projects in the MCQ
Objectives care setting
(AO) 2. Analyze gaps between existing and best practices to MCQ
enhance quality
3. Make appropriate management decisions to optimize care SOA
Task 2.5.2. Apply critical thinking skills within a problem-solving context 1%
Assessment Conducts root cause analysis of problems in health care MCQ
Objectives delivery
Task 2.5.3. Delegate, monitor, and supervise work performed by colleagues and ancillary 1%
care staff
Assessment 1. Provide constructive feedback to other members of the OSCE
Objectives healthcare team to promote their professional growth
(AO) 2. Supervise and mentor peers and other ancillary health OSCE
Task 2.5.4. Support, collaborate, and cooperate with team members and other healthcare 1%
Assessment 1. Coordinate efforts of the healthcare team for quality patient SOE
Objectives care provision
(AO) 2. Use communication and collaborative skills to deliver MCQ
evidence-based, patient-centered care
Task 2.5.5. Initiates and engages in dialogue on new initiatives and change processes in 1%
nursing and healthcare.
Assessment Participates in initiating change aimed at improving the quality MCQ
Objectives of nursing care for better patient outcomes
Task 2.5.6. Demonstrate self-awareness through reflective practice and solicitation of 1%
1. Maintains reflective portfolio and seeks feedback from OSCE
supervisors and peers

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
2. Acknowledge limitations in knowledge and competence MCQ
and seek help on competency gaps
Task 2.5.7. Demonstrates knowledge of the health care system and its impact on client 1%
care and professional practice
1. Recognize that nursing and other health professions are MCQ/SOA
parts of systems of care and care processes that affect
outcomes for patients and families
2. Prioritize nursing care for 1patients in accordance with MCQ/SOA
care protocols and available resources
Competency 6: Integrate principles of quality improvement into nursing practice 9%
Task 2.6.1. Collect, analyze and utilize data about incidents and trends, and implements 4%
strategies to improve care delivery
1. Perform clinical audits against best practice guidelines to MCQ/OSCE
evaluate nursing care
2. Recognize quality standards and evaluate the effect of MCQ
change in healthcare delivery
3. Document medical errors and deficiencies in health OSCE
service delivery.
Task 2.6.2. Demonstrate elements of efficient resource mobilization and utilization 2%
Assessment 1. Exercise efficient resource utilization for optimal nursing OSCE
Objectives care provision
(AO) 2. Utilize quality improvement tools to monitor and evaluate OSCE/OSA
the quality of healthcare delivery
Task 2.6.3. Participate in continuous quality improvement and quality assurance 3%
Assessment 1. Participate in the use of quality indicators and core OSCE
Objectives measures to evaluate the effect of change in the delivery
(AO of care as derived through health policy
2. Utilize quality improvement tools to monitor and evaluate OSCE/OSA
the quality of healthcare delivery
Competency 7: Maintain a safe working environment through the use of quality 9%
assurance and risk management strategies
Task 2.7.1. Provide a safe environment for clients and staff, including implementing 5%
infection prevention and control procedures
Assessment 1. Apply safety measures and guidelines/standards in one’s
Objectives practice
(AO) 2. Apply infection prevention and control protocols
Task 2.7.2. Plan, organize, supervise, monitor, and evaluate workplace health & safety 4%
Assessment 1. Assess workplace health and safety for patients and staff OSCE
Objectives 2. Use appropriate technology and standardized practices OSCE/MCQ
(AO) that support safe practice

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
Domain 3: Research and evidence-based practice [6%]
Competence 8: Demonstrate commitment to excellence in nursing practice through 6%
application of evidence to practice and research activities.
Task 3.8.1. Translate knowledge from relevant resources into professional nursing 2%
Assessment 1. Identify credible on-line resources for nursing / midwifery SOE
Objectives practice
(AO 2. Criticize published resources MCQ
3. Utilize criticized literatures/research findings
4. Audit clinical practice MCQ
Task 3.8.2. Engage in research activities 4%
Assessment 1. Identify and prioritize research problems MCQ + SOE
Objectives 2. Explain components of research proposal MCQ
(AO 3. Develop research objectives MCQ
4. Distinguish the commonly used quantitative research MCQ
5. Identify different types of sampling methods MCQ
6. Identify different types of data collection methods MCQ
7. Adhere to the ethical principles of research processes MCQ
8. Utilize descriptive statistics MCQ
Domain 4: Professionalism [12%]
Competence 9: Uphold the nursing practice standard and ethics and be accountable to 12%
the public and the profession.
Task 4.9.1. Communicate effectively with patient, patient family and multi-disciplinary 5%
health care team.
Assessment 1. Explain basic effective communication skill principles 2. MCQ
Objectives 3. Resolve conflicts among patient, patient family and multi- 4. MCQ
(AO disciplinary health care team.
5. Demonstrate effective communication skills 6. OSCE
Task 4.9.2. Adhere to ethical and legal principles of nursing/midwifery professions 3%
Assessment 1. Explain the ethical principles MCQ
Objectives 2. Explain process of solving ethical dilemmas MCQ
(AO) 3. Explain legal frame governing nursing practice. MCQ
4. Rationalize the need for producing and maintaining MCQ
accurate and complete documentation.
5. Demonstrate appropriate documentation OSCE
6. Explain consequences of professional negligence and MCQ
Task 4.9.3. Demonstrate Compassionate, Respectful and Caring behavior in nursing 4%
Assessment 1. Explain basic components/principles of CRC MCQ
Objectives 2. Identify characteristics of CRC MCQ
(AO 3. Identify threats to CRC MCQ

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Competencies, tasks, and Objectives Format + Emphasis
4. Demonstrate compassionate care OSCE
Domain 5: Health promotion and disease prevention [16%]
Competency 10: Assess and diagnose/identify priority problems for health promotion and 8%
disease prevention at the individual, group, and community levels.
Task 5. 10.1. Conduct community diagnosis and prioritize problems 3%
Assessment 1. Assess community health problems MCQ
Objectives 2. Identify and prioritize community health problems MCQ
Task 5.10.2. Demonstrate knowledge of national priority health problems and initiatives to 2%
tackle them
Assessment Recognize national priority diseases and control programs MCQ/SOE
Task 5.10.3. Address harmful traditions and community practices posing a health risk 3%
Assessment 1. Identify harmful traditions and practices MCQ/SOE
Objectives 2. Select strategies to tackle harmful traditional practices MCQ/SOE
Competency 11. Plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate health promotion and disease 8%
prevention interventions for individuals, groups, and communities
Task 5.11.1 Apply principles of learning and teaching in health promotion and education 1%
for individuals, groups, and communities.
Assessment Select and use appropriate IEC tools to educate clients MCQ/SOE
Task 5.11.2. Teach aspects of care to clients, families, care-givers, and health 4%
professionals as appropriate
Assessment 1. Educate clients and their families regarding self-care and MCQ/SOE
Objectives management
(AO) 2. Teach aspects of care to clients, families, care -givers, and MCQ/SOE
health professionals as appropriate
3. Educate about Primary and secondary prevention services MCQ/SOE
and activities
4. Advocate for improved health-seeking behavior in MCQ/SOE
individual and community
5. Select and use appropriate media (messaging platforms) MCQ/SOE
for information provision
Task 5.11.3. Apply strategies to promote health and prevent illnesses 3%
1. Provide health education in various contexts/settings MCQ/SOE
2. Promote healthy lifestyles (diet, exercise) and behaviors for MCQ/SOE
risk reduction
3. Acquire and provide appropriate written resources for MCQ/SOE
clients and their care-givers when needed

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