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The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


1. Research-based theories related to the broad dimensions of child and adolescent development
and their application to each particular developmental level of the learners
2. Pedagogical principles suited to diverse learners’ needs and experiences at different developmental levels;
3. Laws, policies, guidelines and procedures that provide safe and secure learning environments; and
4. Positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner behavior
5.1 A. Definitions of Child and Adolescent Learners
1. Definitions from UNESCO, UNICEF and WHO
B. Growth and Development: Nature or Nurture?
C. Periods of Development
D. Developmental Tasks and Education (Havighurst)
E. Domains of Development
1. Biological
2. Cognitive
3. Socio-emotional
F. Context and Development
G. Development and Pedagogy:
Theory and Research
1. Theories and hypotheses
2. Methodology
3. Integrating theory and practice
5.2 Biological Development
A. Biological Beginnings
B. Physical and Motor Development
C. Neuroscience and Brain development
D. Factors Affecting Biological/Physical Development
E. Theories
1. Developmental Milestones (Gesell)
2. Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner)
F. Current Research and Pedagogical Applications
5.3 A. Cognitive Development Theories
1. Piaget
2. Vygotsky
B. Intelligence and Individual Differences
1. Concept of Intelligence (Binet)
2. General Intelligence (Spearman)
3. Primary Mental Abilities (Thurstone)
4. Multiple Intelligences (Gardner)
5. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (Sternberg)
6. Cognitive Information Processing Theory (Atkinson and Shiffrin)
C. Factors Affecting Cognitive Development
D. Language Development
E. Factors Affecting Cognitive and Language Development
F. Current Research and Pedagogical Applications
5.3 A. Socio-emotional Development
B. Development of Self and Social Understandings
1. Psychoanalytic Theory (Freud)
2. Psychosocial Theory (Erikson)
3. Social Learning Theory (Bandura)
C. Development of Motivation and Self-Regulation
1. Content Theories
- Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow)
- ERG Theory (Alderfer)
- Theory of Needs (McClelland)
- Two Factors Theory (Herzberg)
2. Process Theories
- Reinforcement Theory (Skinner)
- Expectancy Theory (Vroom)
- Goal Setting Theory (Locke)
- Self-determination Theory (Deci & Ryan)
D. Moral Development Theories
1. Piaget
2. Kohlberg
3. Turiel
4. Gilligan
E. Current Research and Pedagogical Applications
5.4 . A. What is Learning?
B. Approaches to Learning
1. Behavioral
2. Social cognitive
3. Information processing
4. Cognitive constructivist
5. Social constructivist
C. Connectionism
D. Conditioning
1. Classical
2. Contiguous
3. Operant
E. Behavior Analysis in Education
F. Gestalt-Insight Learning
G. Experiential Learning Theory
H. Current Research and Pedagogical Applications
5.5 A. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and PD 603
B. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (Republic Act 10627)
C. Child Protection Policy
D. Positive Discipline


Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & Lucido, P.I. (2018) The Child and Adolescent Learners
and Learning Principles. Lorimar Publishing, Inc, Quezon City, Philippines.

Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & Lucido, P.I. (2015) Child and Adolescent Development.
Lorimar Publishing, Inc, Quezon City, Philippines.

Lucas, Ma. Rita D. & Corpuz, Brenda B. (2014) Facilitating Learning: A metacognitive process. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc, Quezon City, Philippines.

Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. & Wyse, D. (2010) A Guide to Teaching Practice, 5e. Routeledge, 270
Madison Ave., New York, NY.

Santrock, J.W. (2011) Educational Psychology, 5e. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York, NY.

Schunk, Dale H. (2012) Learning Theories: An educational perspective, 6e. Pearson Education, Inc.
Boston, MA

Higher Education Commission (2012) Child Development: Faculty Resource. Higher Education
Commission, Pakistan.

UN-OHCHR (n.d.) 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. UN Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights. Retrieved from

Presidential Decree No. 603 (1974) The Child and Youth Welfare Code of the Philippines. Retrieved from

Republic Act No. 7610 (1992) Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and
Discrimination Act. Available online:

Department Order No. 40, series of 2012 – Child Protection Policy. Available online: DO_s2012_40.pdf
Department of Education (2015) – Positive discipline in everyday teaching: A primer for Filipino teachers.

Available online:



Title Page/Cover Page
Title Page/ Cover page: This part contains the course code and description, your teacher’s name, names of
the leader and the members, and the date of the deadline in the center of the page.
Introduction: The introduction should begin with statements of the topics to be discussed. Explain the
significance of the topics. This part shows readers what you wrote about. Discuss the specific parameters in
which your topics fall and make sure there is no confusion about what it is that you are writing about.
Discussion: This is the body of your work that contain the main points from your topics. Provide information
about the topic so that the reader can further understand what is being discussed. This part contains the theories,
principles literatures and studies about your topics.
Summary/Conclusion: This part contains the summary and a conclusion about the topics. Show in this
section what you have come to know or believe after your careful research and discussion. Reiterate your topic,
this time with a sense of closure. Tie everything you’ve been explaining into what you had stated in your
Reflection: Explain why your research has led you to believe certain things about your subject. How has
your view changed from when you began the task? Has it stayed the same, and why? How would these
information impact/influence/help you as a future educator?
Reference list
List all of your sources. Remember to list in alphabetical order, and following the APA format/style


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