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Total questions = 53 Important questions = 34

Lesson - 1 World war Total questions in book =6 important questions = 4
1 importance of chino Japanese war ?
2. Name the countries in the Triple Entente
3. What do you know about Trench warfare?
4. What were the three militant forms of nationalism in Europe?
Lesson - 2 world between two wars T.Q.IN BOOK = 4 I.Q =3

5. What do you know about White Terror?

6. How did the great depression impact on Indian agriculture?
7. Define dollar imperialism.
Lesson- 3 World war II T.Q.IN BOOK = 6 I.Q = 4

8. Who were the three dictators of post World war I ?

9. Describe the pearl harbour incident.
10. What do you know of Beveridge report?
11. Name the Bretton woods twins.
Lesson - 4 The world after World war T.Q.IN BOOK = 6 I.Q = 4

12. Write a note on Mao’s long march

13. What do you know of Baghdad pact ?
14. What was Marshall plan ?
15. How was the Cuban missile crisis diffused ?
Lesson - 5 social and Religious reform T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3

16. Write a note on reforms of Ramalinga Adigal.

17. List the social evils eradicated by Brahma samaj
18. Highlight the work done by Jothibha phule for the welfare of poor.
Lesson -6 Early revolts against British T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3
19. What were the duty of Palayakkars ?
20. What was the significance of the battle of KalakKadu ?
21. Highlight the essence of Tiruchirappalli proclamation of 1801.
Lesson -7 Anti colonial movement T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3

22. Name the territories and exit the British under doctrine of lapse
23. Highlight the objectives of Home rule movement.
24. Summarise the essence of Lucknow pact.
Lesson - 8 Gandhian phase T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 4

25. Describe Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

26. Write a note on khilafat movement.
27.Why did Gandhi withdraw non - cooperation movement ?
28. Why was Simon commission boycotted ?
Lesson - 9 Freedom struggle T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

29. write a note on Tirunelveli uprising

30. What is he contribution of Annie present in freedom struggle ?
Lesson -10 social transformation T.Q.IN BOOK = 6 I.Q = 4

31. Contribution of Caldwell to South Indian language.

32. Name the newspapers published by South Indian liberal federation.
33. Estimate Periyaar as a feminist.
34. Write a note on Tamil Renaissance.
Important Two mark questions in Geography
Total questions = 46 important questions =30
Lesson - 1 India location T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3

1. Name the neighbouring countries of India.

2. Give the importance of IST
3. Write a short note on Deccan plateau.
Lesson-2 India climate T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 5

4. List out factors affecting climate of India.

5. What is meant by normal lapse rate ?
6. What are Jet streams?
7. What is the burst of monsoon ?
8. Name the areas which receive heavy rainfall in India.
Lesson – 3 Indian agriculture T.Q.IN BOOK = 9 I.Q = 5
9 Define soil.
10. Name types of soil found in India.
11. Define Agriculture.
12. Name the types of agriculture practice in India.
13 Name the seasons of agriculture in India
Lesson - 4 India resources T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 4
14. Define resource and its types
15. What are minerals and its type ?
16. What is natural gas ?
17. Name the types of coal with their carbon content.
Lesson- 5 India population T.Q.IN BOOK = 6 I.Q = 4

18. What is migration and its types ?

19. Write any four advantages of railway.
20. What is communication and its types ?
21. Define international trade.
Lesson - 6 physical geography of Tamilnadu T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 5
22 . state the boundaries of Tamilnadu
23. what is Teri ?
24. How is coastal plain formed ?
25. Name the major Islands of Tamilnadu.
26 Define disaster risk reduction.
Lesson -7 Human geography T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 4
27. Explain the cropping season of Tamilnadu.
28. Why is Coimbatore called Manchester of Tamilnadu ?
29. Name the important multipurpose projects of Tamilnadu.
30.What is MRTS?
Important 2 mark questions in civics
Total questions = 29 important questions =20
Lesson - 1 Indian constitution T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 5
1 what is constitution ?
2. List out the fundamental rights
3.what is writ ?
4. What are the classical languages in India ?
5. What is national emergency ?
Lesson -2 central government T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3
6. How is President of India elected ?
7. What is the qualification of judges of supreme court ?
8. Write note on money bill.
Lesson- 3 state government T.Q.IN BOOK = 4 I.Q = 3

9. What are the qualifications for Governor ?

10 .What is original jurisdiction of High Court ?
11. What do you understand by appellate jurisdiction of High Court ?
Lesson - 4 India’s foreign policy T.Q.IN BOOK = 6 I.Q = 5

12. What is foreign policy ?

13.Explain India's nuclear policy.
14. List four principles of Panchsheel.
15. List out the countries of SAARC.
16. Name the architect of non-aligned movement.
Lesson - 5 India’s international relation T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 4

17. Name the neighbouring countries of India

18. Mention the member countries of BRICS
19. What do you know about kaladan multi model transit transport ?
20. How do you assess the importance of chabahar agreement ?
Important Two marks questions in Economics
Total questions= 34 important questions =20
Lesson -1 Gross domestic product T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 5
1. Define national income
2. What is meant by gross domestic product ?
3. Write the importance of GDP.
4. What is percapita income ?
5. What is Gross value Added ?GVA
Lesson -2 Globalisation T.Q.IN BOOK = 8 I.Q = 5

6. What is globalisation ?
7. What are the types of globalisation ?
8. What is Fair Trade ?
9. Write Two positive impact of globalisation.
10. Write a short note on multinational corporation
lesson -3 Food security T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3

11 . Define food security

12 . What is the role of FCI in green revolution ?
13. What are the effects of green revolution ?
Lesson- 4 Government and Taxes T.Q.IN BOOK = 8 I.Q = 5

14 Define tax
15 Why we pay tax to government ?
16 What are the types of tax give example ?
17 What is progressive tax ?
18 What is meant by Black money ?
Lesson-5 Industrial cluster T.Q.IN BOOK = 7 I.Q = 2

19 What is meant by industrial cluster?

20 what are the problems of industrialisation in Tamilnadu ?
Important 5 mark questions in History
Total questions =28 Important questions = 18
Lesson -1 T.Q.IN BOOK = 4 I.Q = 3
1. Discuss the main causes of first world war.
2. Highlight the provisions of treaty of Versailles
3. Explain the course of Russian revolution under Lenin
Lesson-2 T.Q.IN.BOOK= 3 I.Q=2

4. Trace a circumstances that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany.

5. Attempt and account of how the process of decalonization happened

in India during the inter war period.
Lesson - 3 T.Q.IN BOOK = 2 I.Q = 1

6. Analysis effects of World war II

Lesson - 4 T.Q.IN BOOK = 2 I.Q = 1

7. Estimate the role of Mao Tse Tung in making China a communist

Lesson- 5 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

8. Discuss the circumstances that led to the reform movement of 19th

9. Write an easy on the role played by the 19th century reformers
towards the cause of women
Lesson -6 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

10. Write an easy on heroic fight of Veerapandiya kattabomman

against British.
11. Account for the outbreak of Vellore revolt in 1806
Lesson -7 T.Q.IN BOOK = 2 I.Q = 1

12. Discuss the causes of the revolt of 1857

Lesson -8 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

13.Exam is a factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into a

mass leader.
14 Critically examine the civil disobedience movement.
Lesson -9 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

15. Examine the origin and growth of non brahminmovement in

16. Describe the role of Tamilnadu in the civil disobedience
Lesson – 10 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

17. Describe the formation of justice party and its contribution to the
social justice
18. Estimate Periyar contribution to the social transformation of
Important five mark questions in Geography

Total questions =24 important questions =15

Lesson -1 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2
1. Explain the division of northern mountain and its importance to
2. Give an account of major peninsular river of India
Lesson- 2 T.Q.IN BOOK = 2 I.Q = 1

3. Write about south west monsoon

Lesson - 3 T.Q.IN BOOK = 4 I.Q = 3

4. State any five types of soil in India and explain.

5. What is multipurpose project and write about two multipurpose
6. Examine the geographical conditions favourable for the cultivation
of rice and wheat ?
Lesson -4 T.Q.IN BOOK = 2 I.Q = 1

7. Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.

Lesson -5 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

8. What is urbanization explain its problem ?

9. Classify and explain the roadways in India.
Lesson -6 T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3

10. Describe the nature of the plateau region of Tamilnadu.

11. Write an account of Kaveri river.
12. Bring out the types of soils and distribution in Tamilnadu.
Lesson- 7 T.Q.IN BOOK = 6 I.Q = 3

13. Write about plantation farming of Tamilnadu.

14. Give an account on water resources of Tamilnadu.
15. Bring out the mineral distribution in Tamilnadu.
Important 5 mark questions in civics
Total questions =16 important questions = 10
Lesson -1 T.Q.IN BOOK = 4 I.Q = 2

1.Explain the salient features of constitution of India

2 . Point out the fundamental rights.
Lesson- 2 T.Q.IN BOOK =4 I.Q = 3

3. Describe the executive and judicial power of president of India.

4. What are the duties and functions of prime minister of India.
5. Write the powers and functions of parliament.
Lesson -3 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

6. What are the powers and functions of chief minister ?

7. Describe the legislative powers of Governor.
Lesson - 4 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

8. Write a detailed note on non alignment

9. Discuss the core determinant of India’s foreign policy
Lesson -5 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 1
10. Trace reason for the formation of BRICS
Important 5 mark questions in Economics
Total questions = 19 important questions =11
Lesson -1 T.Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3

1. Briefly explain the various terms associated with measuring of national

2. What are the methods of calculating gross domestic product ????

Lesson -2 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

3. Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of MNC

4. Write the challenges of globalisation.
Lesson -3 T .Q.IN BOOK = 5 I.Q = 3

5. Explain why the green revolution was born ?

6. Explain minimum support price.
7. What are the factors affecting purchasing power and explain them?
Lesson - 4 T.Q.IN BOOK = 3 I.Q = 2

8. Explain some direct and indirect taxes

9.What is black money write the causes of Black money ?
Lesson- 5 T.Q.IN BOOK = 4 I.Q = 2

10.What are the important characteristics of successful industrial cluster?

11.Explain the role of Entrepreneur ?

Important 8 mark questions

1. Explain the course of Russian revolution under the leadership of
2. Attempt narrative account of how the process of decalonization
happened in India during inter war period 1919-1939.
3. Analyse the structure and the activities of UNO
4. Estimate the role of Mao Tse Tung in making china a communist
5. Write an essay on the role played by the reformers towards the
cause of women
6. Attempt an essay of the heroic fight of veerapandiya
kattabomman against East India company
7. How did the people of Bengal respond to the partition of Bengal
8. Exam in the factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into
a mass leader
9. Describe the role of Tamilnadu in civil disobedience movement
10.Explain perias contribution to the social transformation of
Important Distinguish questions
1. Western ghats eastern ghats
2. Western coastal plain eastern coastal plain
3. Weather and climate
4. Southwest monsoon and North East monsoon
5. Alluvial soil and black soil
6. Rabi and kharif season
7. Renewable resources and non renewable resources
8. Metallic minerals non metallic minerals
9. Personal communication and mass communication
10. Internal trade and international trade
11. Food crops and commercial crops
12. Marine fishing and inland fishing
13. Agro based industries Mineral based industries.
Give reason
1. Himalaya are called young fold mountain
2. North Indian rivers are perennial
3. Mountains are cooler than plain
4. Agriculture is the backbone of India
5. Why is Eastern ghats discontinuous
6. Why South west monsoon doesn’t to give much rain to
7. Rainwater harvesting is necessary
8. Farmers switchover from inorganic to organic farming.
Timeline event
World events (1900-1925)
1904 -Russia Japanese war
1912 -First Balkan war
1913 -Second Balakan war
1914 -Outbreak of first world war
1918 - End of first world war
World events (1925-1950)
1929 -World economic depression
1938 -Munich pact
1939 -out break of World war II
1940 -Pearl harbour incident
1945 -End of World war 2
Indian events (1900 -1925)
1905 -Partition of Bengal
1907 -Surat split
1916 -Homerule movement
1920 -Non cooperation movement
1922 -Chauri chaura incident

INDIAN EVENTS (1925-1950)

1930 -First round table conference
1931 -Second round table conference
1932 -Third round table conference
1947 -India got independence
1950 -India became Republic
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