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Why should you get a Mobile Charger PCB?

Technology plays a crucial part in our daily lives. However, when

discussing technology, we can’t overlook one of the most helpful

inventions ever gracing this world: the mobile phone. After such invention

hit the market, the communication industry has never been the same

again. In 2023, you can communicate with people in different locations,

provinces, countries, or even continents in the comfort of your home. The

mobile phone we once understood as a tool for communication has gone

through multiple updates or revolutions, and now has more features than

ever before. In the 21st century, you can use the mobile phone to shop

online, pay bills and facetime with people.

The mobile phone doesn’t lack a downside. Mobile phones require electric

charge to perform their functions. By default, mobile phones come with

batteries. Being the user, you should charge this battery for the phone to

become usable. This means charging your phone repeatedly whenever

the battery runs out. Could there be a way to curb this issue?

The mobile charger printed circuit boards applies in various mobile

phones to help users charge their portable phone batteries in a pretty

short period. How significant is the mobile charger PCB? What are some of

the applications of this mobile charger printed circuit board? How does it


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Table of Contents

What exactly is a Mobile Charger Printed Circuit Board?

A Charger Composed of BG602

Battery or mobile charger printed circuit board assemblies install mobile

chargers in various mobile phones to help users charge their phones

automatically. You don’t have to recharge your phone repeatedly when

using a mobile charger. The mobile charger automatically carries out this

task for you; therefore, you can focus on other, more critical tasks.

In this particular assembly, the printed circuit board charges your mobile

phone using small currents that run during the phone charging period.

Moreover, the phone charging period usually ends when the user’s mobile

phone battery is fully charged.

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You can utilize the mobile charger printed circuit board on the following

battery variations:

 Li-ion

 NiMH

 NiCd

 Various charger circuits

There are many options when it comes to mobile battery charger PCBs.

Moreover, circuits tend to vary from phones to vehicles. When dealing

with a mobile charging circuit, you can split the circuits into two


 Slow charging

 Fast charging

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Applications of Various Charger Printed Circuit Boards

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Charger Printed Circuit boards come in handy when dealing with various if

not all types of batteries. Moreover, you should note that charger circuits

come in different variations, meaning their applications can vary from one

type to another.

When using mobile charger printed circuit boards, you can easily shield

your battery from over-draining, over-discharging, and even


Mobile charger printed circuit boards can be utilized in various application

areas, which include the following:

 Factories, power plants, and other firms and facilities

 Health care facilities

 Flex mobile charger printed circuit boards come in handy in the

auto industry. They help monitor the temperature changes in the

vehicle’s battery. Moreover, they also help in terms of verifying the

vehicle charging system.

 Various locations also rely on battery banks which serve as their

backup or primary power supply.

However, before you decide to settle on a particular mobile charging

printed circuit board, you should first understand the various charging

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options that exist so as to make a wise decision. Some of the most

common charging options include the following:

Fast Charger

If your gadget needs an impeccably high voltage, then the first charger

printed circuit board should be your first pick.

The circuitry found in fast charger printed circuit boards can easily tolerate

high voltages and then utilize this feature to charge your battery quickly

without causing damage. Therefore, if you are a fan of not wasting time,

then this should be your number one pick.

Simple Form Charger Printed Circuit Board

If your device runs on a DC power supply by default, you should go for the

simple form variation of the charger printed circuit board series.

The simple form charger PCB takes more time to charge your device

battery fully. However, it is pretty cost-effective.

Induction Based Charger Printed Circuit Board

Induction-based charger printed circuit boards typically utilize

electromagnetic induction to help charge your phone automatically. These

charger-printed circuit boards are pretty effective when utilized in

smaller electronic gadgets for example:

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 Trimmers

 Electronic toothbrushes and much more

Smart Charger Printed Circuit Boards

Smart charger printed circuit boards utilize the latest technology to

effectively identify how much current your device needs. They then use

the feedback that they get to charge your gadget’s battery accordingly.

When using an intelligent mobile charger, you do not need to set a

constant voltage current. Instead, this mobile charger consumes a specific

amount of voltage-current according to various time requirements.

USB Charger Printed Circuit Board

USB charger printed circuit boards are effective mobile charger PCBs that

are utilized to charge the following gadgets:

 Cameras

 Smartphones

 Tables

 And similar gadgets

Time Chargers

Time chargers are basically mobile chargers that you can manipulate in

terms of when to start and stop charging your device using a timer. These
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mobile chargers come in handy when dealing with small gadgets requiring

less current or power. They also help in applications involving small

gadgets that overcharging can easily harm.

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Designing Mobile Charger Printed Circuit Boards

Designing mobile charger printed circuit boards requires a lot of effort

and time. Moreover, you have to follow several steps when designing the

charger printed circuit board. Some of the steps that you have to follow


Schematic Design

Before you move on to the assembly process of mobile charger printed

circuit boards, you first have to generate a blueprint for it, also known as a

design schematic. In this design schematic, you should include all the

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elements you want to apply to your mobile charger PCB. Moreover, you

should also include details regarding how to effectively apply various

components and how each element in your design relates to each other.

The Printed Circuit Board Layout

In this step, you have to effectively adjust the layer stack-up, dimensions,

and form for your circuit board. However, if you are in a hurry, you can still

make this alteration later.

Component Placement

In this stage, charger printed circuit board assembly technicians utilize

various technologies to effectively and carefully mount various

components onto the mobile charger PCB.

When carrying out this step on your own, you can first place your

component on the circuit board roughly and then make adjustments to

the placement later. Doing so will help you avoid any errors in the end


Connection and Routing

Connection and routing is basically the very last phase of the mobile

charger printed circuit board assembly process. During this stage, you can

effectively utilize various layers to solder components onto the board.

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Materials utilized in Mobile charger Printed Circuit Boards

If you are a printed circuit board enthusiast, you probably know that the

main elements of a circuit board unit are:

 Silkscreen

 Solder mask

 Laminates

 Substrate

The substrate, in this case, is typically the main frame onto which you get

to attach various circuit board components.

The laminates, on the other hand, is the component that helps you glue

together all the layer of your circuit board. Finally, a solder mask shields

the board’s connections from the external environment, and silkscreen

simply helps you in terms of labeling various components on the board.

The following materials are the most commons component utilized in the

manufacturing process of mobile charger printed circuit boards:


Experts in the electrical and electronics fields refer to FR-4 as an

efficient fiberglass component that is fire and water-resistant. Due to

these impeccable features, manufacturers utilize them to fabricate PCBs.

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Moreover, this material effectively delivers impeccable tensile strength,

which comes in handy during packaging.


Copper (Cu) is a great electricity conductor which makes it helpful in terms

of catering to the current flow in the circuit board. Typically, copper is the

most utilized electricity conductor in the PCB industry to make traces.

However, this does not mean it is the only conductor manufacturers utilize.

Other materials used to make traces include:

 Iron

 Aluminum

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Factors Affecting the Cost of Mobile Charger Printed Circuit


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The cost of a mobile charger printed circuit board is greatly affected by the

cost of assembling the component. In simpler terms, if the assembly cost

of a mobile charger printed circuit board is high, then the price of the

mobile charger PCB will be high and vice versa. Therefore, to produce

mobile charger PCBs that are cost-friendly, manufacturers must find ways

to keep the assembly process of these circuit boards from becoming


Here are the most common factors that affect assembly costs:

 Techniques used to install features – the additional work and time

that goes into drilling holes on the circuit board when using surface

mount technology makes this process more costly compared to

the THT technique.

 Number and size of layers – if the mobile charger printed circuit

board is huge, the cost of producing it will be high, resulting in an

expensive mobile charger PCB.


Mobile charger printed circuit boards are crucial to the tech world.

Utilizing these components helps users use their mobile gadgets for more

extended periods without worrying about charging their devices.

Furthermore, your gadgets are basically immobile without mobile charger

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printed circuit boards. Therefore, you should get yourself a mobile charger

PCB and boost your gadget’s mobility.

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