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English notes how words are made:

Dictionaries are made my people

Those people are called lexicographers

Semantics, linguistics interested in meaning, and the many ways to describe it

Definition of definition, a clear and concise description of HOW PEOPLE USE IT

Hyponym specific word used to refer to describe a specific member of a gives category

Hypernym a broader word use to describe a specific category

Semantic relationships how meanings relate to each other

All those words were semantic relationships 👆

Euphemism, used to replace with vulgure ruder words

Polysemy This phenomenon,when similar sounding words sound like another word …

Prototype, most typical representative of a category


Category members less central depending on the similarities to a topic

Prototype theory, psychology and congnitive linguistics belonging to conceptual category

Content words,words with meaning to describe a picture

Function category that help a sentence for together grammatically we're called function words

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