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One day I was watching a short movie with my friend about three friend’ who have succeeded in

achieving their respective dreams, immediately feel emptiness in their lives. They then went to a
village just 2 hours from Jakarta to renovate a school which was in poor condition. after I watch that
movie it opens my eyes about how close poverty were around us even in a metropolitan city like

I remember Nearby my house there is an inadequate village that was separated by a wall and the
only access is a small black gate, Back then I usually go there as an alternative way to go to my tpq
but before I know that road, I even think it was a tps. I was confused back then, “why is there a
village in the middle of my residence that is very slum and dirty.

Then I realize that it was the impact of income inequality that exists in Indonesia

Well Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Aisyah alfiyyata Nasywa and now I’m standing proudly to
present a speech about income inequality.

Income inequality was one of major social issues that held in Indonesia.

Based on data from Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Indonesia rate of poverty in 2022 reach 26.36
million people. While in another source from world inequality report 2022 recorded that 50% of
poor people in Indonesia income was 1.4 million per month Meanwhile, the richest 10 percent of
the population earn an average of 19 times more income than the poor, which is around Rp27.5
million per month. What’s funny is that 1% of Indonesia's super-rich earn 73 times more than the
poor with an average income of Rp 105.1 million per month.

It’s a fantastic number, right? How can the inequality income in indonesia become this far? Well, I’ll
be honest there was one word that came up my mind.


Corruption is a significant problem in Indonesia it has a big involve in inequality. Based on data from
Indonesian corruption watch in 2021 Indonesia loses due to corruption reach until 26.78 trillion, 209
corruption cases have been found and 498 others are still being investigated.

I believe you heard the news in 2020 when covid had made economy crisis there was a corruption of
social assistance that reach until 17 billion rupiah it made me sad to know someone want to seek a
chance of other suffer.

income inequality has a big impact to unsustainable development for societies that have lower
income there may be limited access to resources such as education, healthcare, and basic

those people that disadvantaged may become frustrated and feel left behind by the rest of society.
In the result it can lead to protests, demonstrations, and other forms of unrest that can disrupt the
economy and social order. They can even lead into a higher rate of criminality like burglary,
cybercrime, even violent crime.

Well how long do we want to keep poverty cycle in Indonesia?

Its sad to remember while we are here sitting in a comfy room while people out there must struggle
in the scorching sun, the dirty road to find money and to live decently.

it’s time for us to open our eyes and realize that poverty must be reduced and it’s not only
government jobs but its also our job as an Indonesia citizen, as a human.
Sharing of the easiest thing for us to reduce poverty.

Putri tanjong once said "When you are successful with your career and you find something empty,
share it. Because I think when we dare to share we find the true meaning of life.”

And by sharing it doesn’t mean sharing money, it means more than that. Sharing talent, sharing
knowledge, and other sharing.

And if you want to take another step of reducing inequality income, we can do thing such as
entrepreneurship, volunteering, and give awareness of poverty.

In the end I want to take a quote from nelson mandela. Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of
charity. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.”
I believe with reducing poverty we have protect the right to dignity and decent life of poor people.
Now will you protect the right of having a decent life?
I’ll be waiting your action.
That’s all for me and thank you.

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