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Employees expect their managers to be honest, trustworthy and

transparent about business activities. To have a positive working

environment, good managers are direct with their employees about
company challenges and expectations. This might include someone who
is emotionally intelligent, well organized, encouraging, or an excellent
communicator. You should spend time researching the company's
organizational structure and where your desired position would fit so that
you can describe a manager who matches that environment.

The top 12 qualities of a manager

 They build a work culture of mutual trust. ...
 They focus on employee strengths. ...
 They do not micromanage. ...
 They are assertive. ...
 They help develop employees' careers. ...
 They handle pressure well. ...
 They communicate honestly. ...
 They are open to new ideas.

2. Many nurses say that attaining their nursing degree has been their
greatest achievement. Others state that forming a family has been their
greatest achievement because it has given them a greater
understanding of the human experience

"Throughout my career as an experienced professional, I have had

the opportunity to work on numerous impactful projects and achieve
significant milestones. My greatest accomplishment was when I
helped save a patient’s life Not only does it illustrate your skill and
competency as a nurse in critical situations but it also expresses an
experience that is meaningful to me. Having the ability to understand
and share those feelings with the patient and their loved ones is an
essential strength for me.
3. Making better decisions leads to better. Better decisions might leave you
with more options and flexibility. Conversely, a good decision might shut off
other options but open up a new opportunity. When you make better
decisions, it also means you're learning from your mistakes.

Understanding the underlying issue is crucial for an effective decision-

making process. Steps to Good Decision Making are Gathering Relevant
Information: One of the most effective decision making strategies is to keep
an eye on your goal. ...then Collect all relevant data and information related
to the problem or opportunity. Ensure you have a comprehensive
understanding of the factors influencing the decision.

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