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Kody the Kodiak trudges forward an enraged expression on his face.

He is tired of
school and all his responsibilities. Memories of his underpaid, overworked
miserable workdays chipped away at his morale until only a withered husk
remained. Realizing how powerful he was, Kody charged forward shaking the
ground with every step. He smashes through the wall surrounding Heritage
Woods. Looking around at the destruction he has caused with great satisfaction
he decides that the best way to get rid of his responsibilities is to destroy the
school. Kody winds up with a powerful punch ready to erase Heritage Woods
from existence, however he is not alone.

Mr. Clerkson sprints forward, legs pumping, his heart racing faster than ever
before. He leaps with unfettered might and sends Kody the Kodiak flying with a
swift kick. Kody crashes through a heavy concrete wall sending debris streaking
across the sky. Despite his best efforts, Kody the Kodiak remains unfazed and
reacts with a smirk.

Mr. Clerkson again rushes forward, this time using every last ounce of his power.
Kody and Mr. Clerkson crash through layers of concrete almost levelling the entire
school. They engage in devastating hand to hand combat, Mr. Clerksons
unbreakable will allowing him to keep up with Kody's supernatural speed. As the
fight goes on Kody’s god like powers begin to dwindle. Slowly Kody’s beaten and
battered suit comes off with a well-placed punch, sending Kody sprawling across
the ground. Kody slowly rises and turns around revealing a dark shadowy figure
which soon fades away into nothing. As Mr. Clerkson slowly gathers himself and
takes in what happened he realizes just how severe his injuries are. He quickly
calls emergency services who take him to a hospital. Despite his injuries Mr.
Clerksons strong work ethic allow him to return to school the next day albeit with

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