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1. What is the meaning of International Women’s Day?

Its meaning is to celebrate women’s movement of fighting for

gender equality, justice and peace which was originated in 1909.
CLUES for Q2: What they demanded were what they did not have.
2. From this text, what do you know about the injustice that women had to suffer in the old days?
They had to suffer from unequal work opportunities (longer
working hours, lower pay, lack of vocational training, being
discriminated at the workplace, unsafe work environment). They
were not granted education and voting right.
3. How is International Women Day celebrated nowadays? (*) This Q is not from the text.
In VN, IWD is officially celebrated on the 8th of March every year in
government public sectors with slogans promoting women’s importance
and flowers, gifts to women. At home, husbands are more helpful to their
wives by doing more chores.
4. Why is there no International Day for men? Do you think there should be one? Explain. (*)
No need to have it as men already have the whole year for themselves.
Women deserve to be recognised through the International Women
Day as they have been discriminated against in the past.

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