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Man Empowerment

Face your fears.

For a man, being afraid of something is reason enough to do it. A man’s fear is a call to
be tested. When a man hides from his fears, he knows he’s fallen out of alignment with
his true self. He feels weak, depressed, and helpless. No matter how hard he tries to
comfort himself and achieve a state of peace, he cannot overcome his inner feeling of
dread. Only when facing his fears does a man experience peace.

A man makes a friend of risk. He doesn’t run and hide from the tests of fear. He turns
toward them and engages them boldly. A man succeeds or fails. A coward never
makes the attempt. Specific outcomes are of less concern to a man than his direction.
A man feels like a man whenever he faces the right way, staring straight into his fears.
He feels even more like a man when he advances in the direction of his fears, as if
sailing on the winds of an inner scream.

Die well. A man’s great challenge is to develop the inner strength to express his true
self. He must learn to share his love with the world without holding back. When a man
is satisfied that he’s done that, he can make peace with death. But if he fails to do so,
death becomes his enemy and haunts him all the days of his life. A man cannot die well
unless he lives well. A man lives well when he accepts his mortality and draws strength
from knowing that his physical existence is temporary. When a man faces and accepts
the inevitability of death… when he learns to see death as his ally instead of his
enemy… he’s finally able to express his true self. So a man isn’t ready to live until he
accepts that he’s already dead.

10)Set a boundary with her as soon as possible Setting boundaries with women --
when done correctly – establishes leadership, status and masculinity. This is especially
important if you’re one of those guys (like I was) who feels an urge to give a woman
whatever she wants. The problem with giving her exactly what she wants is that it kills
attraction. A woman doesn’t want you to be a doormat -- she wants you to be a man.
Let’s say a woman reaches over and touches you; tell her, half kidding, “Don’t touch
me.” Even though you’re having fun here, your comment communicates that you
understand boundaries -- that you “get it.”So, set boundaries in a playful and fun way,
but set them when it comes to serious issues as well. And don’t hesitate to set
boundaries if a woman is playing games with you

9) Don’t give all of yourself to just any woman When most guys meet a woman
they really like, they immediately offer “everything” they have to her. Unfortunately,
the message that a woman gets when you do this is that you aren’t the most
important person in your life -- she is. This is a bad, bad move. Instead, keep apart of
yourself “off limits” and totally unavailable to women. If you want to maintain the
attraction, don’t hand over the keys and the pink slip, but let her enjoy the feeling of
being able to be near you for a while

6) Cultivate the “real man” inside Women want to be with a “real man,” but what
exactly does that mean? It means that you feel comfortable in the presence
of beautiful women, high-status people and uncertainty. It means you keep
composure in the face of competition from other men, tests from women and drama.
It means you have clear values when dealing with the women you’re dating, other
men and people in influential positions. Keep these concepts in mind, make them a
part of who you are and your success with women will skyrocket

5) Build a happy single life Most guys go from being unhappy alone to finding a woman
to cling to and end up holding on too tightly and giving away power, effectively
destroying the attraction in the relationship. If you want to succeed with women, you
need to build a single life that’s so fun that you actually prefer and choose to be single
for a while – and then decide if you want to find a special lady with whom to settle
down. Make your single life so fantastic that you almost don’t have time for a
relationship. Enter a relationship to improve your already great life, not to be your life.
And if you’re already hooked up, build a personal life to enjoy on your own so you can
be at your best when you’re with your woman

7) Learn to deal with “two-sided” women As a mature man, you will encounter many
attractive young women who have “double identities.” On the one hand, they’re the
perfect, proper and innocent little girl, while on the other, they’re the promiscuous,
herd-following, manipulative, and distrustful girl -woman. Unfortunately, most men fall
into the trap of seeing only the “angel” in a woman and not seeing the “other” side of
her personality -- and even worse, they’re not suspecting that it’s even possible that it
could be there. One mark of a mature man is the combination of his ability to see and
accept the reality of any and all “sides” of a woman with his ability to make a woman
feel accepted for who she really is. Don’t get confused; this doesn’t imply that you must
“tolerate” or “accept” second-class behavior or poor ethics from any woman.

4) Stop worrying about what she’s thinking Most guys make the mistake of acting
based on what they think women will think of their true thoughts. Let’s say you’re with
a woman and you’re thinking, “Wow, I can’t believe how beautiful she is…” Most guys
start acting as if she knows you’re thinking about her looks, which causes all sorts of
unnatural and “weird” behavior. Instead, be OK with whatever you’re thinking, and
don’t care about what she’s thinking. Work on being open and authentic, and you’ll go
a long way in making women feel a gut-level attraction to you.

2) Polish up how you talk Most of what you communicate to a woman has more to do
with how you communicate than with the words you use. So, work on communicating
in a way and style that dials up the attraction. Here’s a simple exercise that will get you
thinking about the way you communicate: Try saying,


Thinking & Acting greater than your environment

Apply what you learn

Personalize it

Modify behaviour

When the brain works differently, you create a new mind

Mind is the Brain in action

Mind is what the Brain does

You can change your brain by thinking

If you keep thinking the same way you will keep the brain status quo

If you keep having the same experiences you’ll keep the brain wiring itself to the same

U learn something u create new circuits

Remembering is maintaining them

The Brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s happening in the inside and on
the outside

We base reality based on how were chemically feeling

To change is the think and act differently in the same circumstances

To change is to Think & Act greater than your environment

To think and act greater than the conditions in your world

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