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seeking the blessings of our college founder KARMAYOGI Dr M S RAMAIAH SIR


Chapter 1. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants (11)

Three marks questions
1.Briefly explain the structure of pollen grains. (March 2014) (July 2016)
2.How pollination is achieved in Vallisneria and Sea grasses? (March 2015)
3.What are Cleistogamous flowers? Write their significance. (July 2015)
4.What is artificial hybridization? By which technique is it achieved? (March 2016)
5.What is pollination? Mention any four features of wind pollinated flowers.(March 2017)
6.Draw a neat labeled diagram of typical anatropous ovule of angiosperms. (July 2018)

Five marks questions

1.What is double fertilization? Explain the structure of a fertilized embryo sac with a labeled
diagram. (march 2023, July 2014)
2.Define Megasporogeneis. Describe the internal structure of mature embryo sac.(m 2022)
3.Draw and describe the structure of mature embryo sac of angiosperms. (March 2020,2018)
4.Describe the Outbreeding devices that prevent the autogamy. (March 2014) (July 2017)
5.Explain the transverse section of young anther with a labeled diagram. (March 2015)
6.Write the events of development of female gametophyte in correct order. (July 2015)
7.Explain the structure of megasporangium. (March 2016) (July 2016)
8.Describe the structure of pollen grain of angiosperms. (March 2017)
9. (a) What are false fruits? Give an example
(b) Write the characteristic features of insect pollinated flowers. (July 2018)
Chapter 2. Human Reproduction(11)
Five marks questions
1.Draw a neat labeled diagram of human sperm. (March 2023, 2014) (July 2017)
2.Explain the process of spermatogenesis. (July 2014)
3.Draw a neat labeled diagram of sectional view of human female reproductive system.
(March 2022, 2015) (March 2016) (July 2016) (March 2018) (July 2018)
4.Draw a neat labeled diagram of human male reproductive system. (July 2015, March 2017)
Chapter 3. Reproductive Health (05)
Three marks questions
1.Suggest any three assisted reproductive technologies to overcome infertility.(March 2015)
2.How do the following assisted reproductive technologies assist the couples to have children
a) IVF b) ZIFT c) GIFT (July 2015)
3.What is infertility? Give reasons for infertility in humans. (March 2017)

Five marks questions

1.Write the procedure of (a) IVF-ET, (b) ICSI. (March 2022)
2.a) What is Medical Termination of Pregnancy? Mention the safe period for MTP
b) Write three simple principles to prevent sexually transmitted diseases . (March 2014)
3.Mention any three reasons of population explosion. Name the permanent surgical
contraceptive procedures employed in human males and females. (July 2014)
4.What is infertility? How is infertility treated by assisted reproductive technologies like
GIFT and ICSI. (March 2016)


5.What is contraception? Briefly explain two barrier methods and two surgical methods to
prevent contraception. (July 2016)
6.What is infertility? Explain IVF -ET and ZIFT methods to assist infertile couples to have
children. (July 2017)
7.a) What are the features of an ideal contraceptive? b) Mention the natural methods of
contraception. (March 2018)
8. (a) Explain the following assisted reproductive technologies:
i) IVF– ET ii) ZIFT iii) ICSH
(b) Name any two hormones producing IUDs. (July 2018)
Chapter 4. Principles of Inheritance (14)

Three marks questions

1.Mention the causes and effects of phenylketonuria. (March 2014)
2.What is male heterogamety? Explain the sex determination mechanism in humans.
(July 2014)
3.What is aneuploidy? Write any four symptoms of Down’s syndrome. (March 2015)
4.Write the karyotype of the following syndromes:
i) Down’s syndrome ii) Klinefelter’s syndrome iii) Turner’s syndrome (March 2016)
5.Write the homozygous genotypes of A, B and O blood groups. (July 2016)
6.Briefly explain sex -determination in human being. (July 2017)
7.Describe the haplodiploidy sex determination in Honeybees. (March 2018)
8.Write a note on color blindness. (July 2018)

Five marks questions

1.With reference to flower color in snapdragon, explain incomplete dominance. (March
2023) (march 2015) (July 2015) (July 2016)
2.describe one gene with reference to height of pea plant. (March 2022, 2017) (March 2018)
3.Write the schematic representation of dihybrid cross and mention the result (March
2020,2014) (July 2014) (July 2017) (July 2018)
4.a) What are multiple alleles? Give an example b) Write the symptoms of Klinefelter’s
syndrome. (March 2016)
Chapter 5. Molecular basis of Inheritance (14)

Three marks questions

1.RNA polymerases in eukaryotes show division of labor. Substantiate. (March 2015)
2.Mention any three applications of DNA finger printing technique. (July 2017)

Five marks questions

1.Describe Griffith’s experiment to show transformation in bacteria . (M 2023) (July 2015)
2.Enumerate any five salient features of genetic code. (M-2022) (July 2017)
3.describe Hershey-Chase experiment to prove that the DNA is genetic material. (M 2022)
4.Mention the steps involved in DNA finger printing. (March 2014) (July 2014) (July 2018)
5.List the salient features of Human Genome. (March 2014) (March 2016) (March 2017)
6.Describe the regulation of Lacoperon. (July 2014) (July 2016 ) (March 2018)
7.Describe the process of DNA replication with the help of a diagram . (March 2015)
8.Describe the process of translation of mRNA. (March 2016) (July 2015)
9.List out the salient features of double helix model of DNA . (July 2016)


10. Oswald Avery and others have continued Griffith’s transforming principle to prove
DNA as genetic material. Substantiate. (March 2018)
11. (a) Mention the chemical linkages between the components of DNA
(b) Differentiate between euchromatin and heterochromatin. (July 2018)
Chapter 6. Evolution(07)

Three marks questions

1. List the period, brain capacity and probable food of Homo erectus stage of human
evolution . (March 2014)
2. Name the stages of human evolution in correct sequence. (July 2015)
3. State Hardy -Weinberg principles. Mention any two factors that affect Hardy -Weinberg
equilibrium. (March 2016)
4. Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs by giving plant examples .
(July 2016)
5. What are analogous organ s? Give any two examples. (March 2017)
6. State Hardy -Weinberg principle of genetic equilibrium. Write any four factors affecting
the equilibrium. (March 2018)
7. Define adaptive radiation. Give two examples. (July 2018)
Five marks questions
1. With the help of n eat labeled diagram explain Stanley Miller’s experiment in support of
chemical evolution. (March 2023,2019, 2015) (July 2017)
Chapter 7. Human health and Diseases (13)

Three marks questions

1. Briefly explain any three prevention and control measures of drug or alcohol abuse (M
2. Name any three types of natural barriers with an example each. (July 2014)
3. Mention three types of Innate barriers of defense with an example each. (March 2015)
4. What is contact inhibition? Mention the types of tumors. (July 2015)
5. Mention any three characteristics of cancer cell. (March 2016)
6.Name the pathogen, vector and symptoms of malaria. (July 2016)
7.Mention the types of carcinogen with an example for each. (March 2017)
8.(a) Differentiate between active immunity and passive immunity.
(b) Define allergy. (July 2017)
9.Sketch the diagram representing the replication of Retrovirus in animal cell. (March 2018)
10. What is biopsy test? Mention any two techniques of cancer detection. (July 2018)

Five marks questions the disease caused by the following organisms: (March 2023)
(a) Entamoeba histolytica d)Salmonella typhi
(b) Plasmodium vivax e) Epidermatophyton
(c) Wuchereria malayi
2.Write the diagrammatic representation of life cycle of HIV. (march 2022,July 2015)
3.Name the disease caused by following organisms:
(a) Rhino virus (b) Epidermophyton
(c)Salmonella typhi (d) Wuchereria malayi
(e) Plasmodium vivax (March 2017)


4.(a) differentiate between benign tumor& malignant tumor (July 2022)
(b) mention two physical carcinogens
(c) what is active immunity?
Chapter 8. Microbes in Human welfare (08)

Three marks questions

1. Draw a neat labeled diagram of typical Biogas plant. (March 2015)

Five marks questions

1.Explain the role of microbes in ‘Industrial Products’. (March 2023, 2016)
2.Briefly describe the role of biological control of pests and diseases. (March 2014)
3.Explain the process of sewage treatment. (July 2014)
4.Describe the parts of biogas plant with a labeled diagram. (July 2015)
5.Explain the role of microbes in house -hold products. (July 2016)
6.Describe the biogas plant with a neat labeled diagram. (March 2017)
7.Describe the role of microbes in bio fertilizers. (July 2017)
8.Describe the role of microbes in sewage treatment plant. (March 2018)
9.(a) Draw a neat labeled diagram of typical Biogas plant
(b) Mention the beneficial role of anaerobic bacteria in secondary sewage treatment. (July
Chapter 9. Biotechnology: Principle and Processes (08)

Five marks questions

1.(a) Write any four tools used in rDNA technology. (march 2023)
(b) Mention any two methods of introducing alien DNA into host cells.
(c) name the stain used to visualize DNA fragments in gel electrophoresis.
2. Explain the feature of cloning vectors. (March 2015)
3. With a neat labelled diagram explain the technique of gel electrophoresis in rDNA
technology (march 2022)
4.Give the diagrammatic representation of formation of rDNA. Write a note on Downstream
processing. (M 2020, July 2014)
Chapter 10. Biotechnology and its Applications (06)
Three marks questions
1. In which way genetically modified plants are useful. (July 2015)

Five marks questions

1.List the benefits of transgenic animals. (March 2023, July 2018)
2.“One of the applications of biotechnology is the production of insect resistant crop plant”.
Justifythe statement with reference to Bt cotton. (March 2014) (July 2016)
3.What is Biopiracy? Comment on the Biopiracy of Basmati r ice. What are genetically
modified crops? Give example. (July 2014)
4.a) Development of Bt cotton has reduced the use of insecticides. Justify b) Write an note on
gene therapy. (March 2015)
5.(a) What is gene therapy? Give an example
(b) Write a note on Biopiracy with reference to ‘Basmati Rice’. (March 2016)
6.(a) What is Bio piracy?
(b) How ADA deficiency cured by gene therapy? (March 2017)
7.What is RNA interference? How does RNA interference help to develop resistance in
tobacco plant against Nematode infection? (July 2017)
8.One of the applications of biotechnology is to get pest resistant plants. Justify the statement
with reference to Bt cotton. (March 2018)
Chapter 11. Organisms and Populations (07)
Five marks questions
1.(a) State “Gauss competitive exclusion principle”
(b) Mutualism is a method of population interaction. Explain with examples. (March 2014)
2.Define the following terms: i) Commensalism ii) Brood parasitism iii) Mutualism(July 2015)
3.Mention the four basic processes that fluctuates the density of population in a given habitat.
(July 2015)
4.What is population growth? Explain factors responsible for fluctuating population density
. (July 2016)
5.Explain mutualism with examples. (March 2017)
6..(a) What are ectoparasites and endoparasites?
(b) List any three parasitic adaptations in animals (March 2018)
7.(a) Write any four factors that influence population density
(b) Draw a graph showing exponential growth curve
(c) What is sexual deceit? (July 2018)
Chapter 12. Ecosystem (05)
Three marks questions
1.(a) Distinguish between primary productivity and secondary productivity in an ecosystem
(b) Define food web. (March 2014)
2.(a) Draw an ideal pyramid of energy and mention the units b) What is an ecological
succession? (March 2014)
3.Write the diagrammatic representation of pyramid of energy. (July 2016)
4.(a) Mention the functional components of ecosystem.
(b) What is trophic level? (July 2017)
5.What are ecological pyramids? Draw an ideal pyramid of energy and mention its units.
(July 2018)
Five marks questions
1.What is ecological pyramid? Explain the pyramid id of energy with a labeled sketch. (J
2.Explain the different steps involved in the process of decomposition. (July 2022,2015)
Chapter 13. Biodiversity and Conservation (05)
Three marks questions
1.(a) What is endemism?
(b) Mention ‘The Evil Quartet’ of biodiversity loss. (March 2015)
2.Mention three causes for biodiversity loss/evil quartet (March 2023. 2017)
3.(a) Mention any two causes of biodiversity losses.
(b) What are endemic species? (July 2017)



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