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ae eyusaceypase at RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV BSc. PHYSICS HONOURS. Core Course VIII Tim our [Use separate answer scripts for each group] Group A (Total marks 12) Answer all questions ‘Symbols have usual meaning 1a) Find real and imaginary pats of sin() 1b Show ha 2, +e < ll + al ) Determine the centre ad radius ofthe circle deseribed bythe equation [21+ 31] = 2 64) Stow that any complex number 2 canbe writen in erms of z and its conjugte. €) Find cube rots of 8 and plot them on complex plane 4) Verity that Cauchy-Riemann condition is satisfied enly a the origin ofthe complex plane for the function F(Z) = zl? Ist analyte atthe origin? b2eaetazeteoet Group B (Total marks 13) ‘Answer all questions 2, 8) Find the Fourier transform of ¢~** _ Plot both the functions on same figure, Show that product of their widths is constant, >) Find the Fourir transform of 1 — [x] for [x| <1 and 0 otherwise. Plot the function and its Futer transform on separate figure. «) Show that 6(2x) (a) /2. 4 Show tha trace of a diggonalizable matrix remsins invariant under similarity transformation, (254141.5)4342)4241 Page 10f anc ves cjeme 2 RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mio SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022, ‘SEMESTER IV Core Course VIL oll Marks: 25| ‘Time: 1 hone “Answer thzee questions, taking any one jrom each group uNIr=1 (Application of Thermodynamics) La, Bstablish the “Phase Rule” ie, P=! Explain the Phase diagram of partially sible liquid pair. 3 2a, Define (Phase; () component, and (i) degrees of freedom in Phase Rule. +141 b. Batablish the concept of ideal mixture of two components in terms of Raoul’s law ‘thermodynamical? 5 ~P-+2 thermadynamicaly 5 unrr-2 (@ecirial Properties of Molecules) 3. Discuss in detail about the effect of ionic strength on the rte constant of a chemictl reaction involving ionic species Provide suitable graphs alo. 5 '. Show graphically the nature of variation of log, versus for (I~ 1), 2 = 1)and (1 = 2) ‘ype electrolytes in aqueous solution. 2 ©. Whatare the factors on which the Debye-Hucks constant, A, depends? 2 4. The solubility of KHTa (Potassium hydrogen tartrate in water increases when NaNOs is add tit, while it decreases when KCl is added to it. Explain, 4 . Calculate the mean ionic activity coefficient ofthe elecrolye in an aqueous solution of (0.002(M) Ks(Fe(CN}e. (Given: Debye-Hucke constant for water at 298K is 0.509} 2 ©. Define activity coefficient. Why mean ionic activity coefficient is commonly considered in an eleceolyte solution rather than ionic ativity coefficient? Wess UNIr-3 (Quantum Chemistry) Sa, Find the commutators: (zx) and (L., La} 4 b. Express La in polar coordinates. Find the eigenfonctions of the operator and the corresponding eigenvalues. 3 Find (1%) 1 6a. Find (17, Lz J and explain what the result impli, 3 'b. Show that rotational invariance with respect to Z axis implies conservation of Zz 3 © Find the results: Zz Yad LY" 2 RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA 'Mip SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV Core Course VII ult Marks: 25 Time: 1 hour Answer any five questions Sxs=25 1. If F be abounded funetion on [a,b], prove that forgiven €> 0,3 8 > 0, such that LEP) > ‘WP € gofa,b] with IPI] <6. 2. Define Riemana integrability Discuss the difference between Riemann sum and Oscillatory Sum (draw figure). 3. Let f:{0,1] +B is defined by 1s f R-imtegrable? If so, evaluate J2 /(2)dx. 4, State and prove Cauchy Criterion for uniform Convergence of sequence of functions. 5. Discuss the pint wise and uniform convergence ofthe sequence of functions a) wherefy(x) = mx(t —8)%,x€ [0.1] 6. Let © be continoous on [01] and fe wx € (0.1, rove thatthe sequence (f(+)) is uniformly convergeat on [0] iff @¢1) ~ 0. RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 Bsc. BOTANY HoONGuRS Core Course VI Marks: 25 ‘Time: hour 1. Answer the following: 5X2=10 «State difference between histone and non-histone proteins », Distinguish nucleotide from nucleoside. . What do you mean by Central dogma? 4. What is Promoter Clearance? ¢, Distinguish borween Housekeeping and inducible genes. 2. Answer any three (3) taking atleast 1 from ae and d —0; 3x5<15 1, Compare B form and Z form of DNA. by Illustrate histone octamer, «. Write & note on solenoid model A. Write a note on the prokaryotic promoter architecture «. State the mechanism of initiation of transcription, £. Writes note on termination of transcription with suitable digram, Page Loft ce uepssacyu0n. 2 RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mp SeMester EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV Core Course VII ull Man s Time: hour 1... Name the five successive layers of epidermis from outside to inside in a typical vertebral skin, What is bypodermis? State the features of dermis. Comment on protective functions of skin. Des e+ 241 oR 'B, Write generic name of two scaleess fishes, Sate the structure of sele found incariaginous fishes with diagram. Write its funtion also. 14342 ‘Q2.A. State the basic distinction ofthe two divisions of Autonomic Nervous System citing proper ‘examples. How an autonomic ganglion is formed? Mention its characteristics. 42 oR 1B. What do you understand by meninges? State the source and function of CSP, Describe the gross steocture of cerebrum mentioning is diferent lobes with «neat disgram. ec ee) (Q3. A. Describe the biomechanics of neural spine fr receiving mechanical forces with diagram, Differentiate fn-fold theory from gill ach theory. What is plastron? 32H2 oR 'B How lung fishes adapt with drought climatic conditions? Meation the modifications ofthe axi and appendicular skeletal elements in cursoral animals with digrams. ane (Q4. A. What is systemic and pulmonary creultion? Define portal circulation. Mention the roe of foramen panizz in cardiac shunt of crocodiles. Del oR B, Briefly discuss the basic hear of eyelstomes. Differentiate synangium and pylangium? Mention the circulatory roe played by three ventricular compartments found in reptilian heart. 24242 Page of Kc ronssucoman2e RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ‘VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022, ‘SEMESTERIV B.Sc. MicrosioLoGy HONOURS core Course Vit ‘Time 4 hour Group A 1. Answer any ten from the following questions: 8) How could you increase the plasmid number ina bacteria? 1b) How doss Pseudomonas puida use toluene as carbon soures? ©) What isepisome? 4) What is FRT in yeast plasmid? ) How collin kill their target cel? 1) Draw the structure ofa typical composite transposen. _8) Name two autonomous eukaryote transposon hy What are solo-Delta elements |) Draw one simple labelled diagram ofa LTR retrotransposon, i) Whatis tue reversion? 4k) Does a baso-pair change necessarily change the phenohype? 1) A mtantis isolated tht cannot be revered. What type of mutation might it cary? Group B (Answer the following questions) Sx3=15 2.8) Why Par system is essential for low-copy number plasmid? If copy numberof a plasmid is 10, what sth probability of having a plasmid-oss daughter cell? Briefly describe how Par system help RI plasmid to separate during cll division 14143 'b) What is the plasmid copy number? How repressor conteos the copy aumber? How Rep imer binds plasmid DNA during rolling circle replication? 14242 3.2) Mention the severity of the effect of nonsense mutations onthe polypeptide? What is conditional lethal mutation? 342 Page 10f2 anc nossyccymene 'b) Why changes in the Sequence of template DNA can drastically affect the type of protein nd product produced? Dees a frameshift always cause «phenotypic change? 3.42 4. 2) Why Paype strains of Drosophila do not show random mutational disabilities even ‘though they harbour active P-lements. 5 b) What are processed pseudogenes? Writ a short note about LINES, 243 age 2012 UM GH RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ‘VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mi SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV B.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE HONOURS (Core Course VII. Ful Marks: 25 ‘Time: Lhowr ‘© Draw diagrams whenever necessary. (© Numbers to right indicate marks. Answer any four (5) questions from the following: 5225 1. What is the purpose of devising an algorithm? Write down the propestics of an lgoritho. What isthe need of validation of an algorithn? 2241 2, Write down the iterative algorithm of Selection somt and deduce the worst case complexity, 23 3. Why efficieney of an algorithm is important and how to measure them. What are the criteria of defining a recursive function? 32 4, Weite the merge sor algorithm and deduce the best case time and space complexity. He ‘5. Find out the upper bound, lower bound and ight bound of T(a)=4T(a-1)421(@-1) 3 6. Why divide-and-conguer i chosen over conventional trative methods of sorting. In merge sort ifthe division isnot from che middle rather after the 1* element will it Increase the complexity? Justify your answer. 23 17. ‘Write down the iterative binary search algorithm and deduce the complexity (time and space) of it 28 Page Lof oc scons, RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV B.Sc. PHYSICS HONOURS, ‘core course ult ark: 25| Tie: hour Candidates are required to give their answers th thelr oun words as far as practicable. All sub-sections/parts of each question must be answered in correct serial order. [Use separate answer seripts for each group] GROUP-A, (al marks-13) “Answer question number I and any two from the rest 1 (4) Stare uncertainty principle, (6) An electron is confined within a one dimensional box of length (i) d~10°m and (i) 4~107. Estimate the minimum energy of the eletton in both the eases. Comment on ‘he possibility if the electron canbe confined ta such a box in realty, 23 2 (@) Draw the experimental curves at two different temperatures T, and Ty, with T; > Tz, showing. qualitatively the spectral distribution ofthe blackbody radiation density (©) Write down clearly the assumptions made by made by Planck to explain the above curve 22 3 (a) In what way Compisa scattering is different from Thomson seateing? (©) Compton obtained wo peaks in bis experiment while messuring the intensity of the ‘catered radiation as a function of wave-length, @ Explain the origin of both the peak very briefly as given by Compton (ao ealewation required, (di) Wate down the relation of the difference ofthese two wave-length and the scattering angle as obtained by Compton, 1241 avec zt 4 (@) Find the De Broglie wavelength of a non-relativistic elecuon accelerated through a potential difference of 40eV. (©) Mention what was the goal of Daviston and Germer experiment and show the experimental result as apolar plot as obtained by thers (leary mention variables that are plotted, 13 GROUPB. (Pall maks-12) Answer all L 4) Activity ofa radioactive material a differen time is measured as follows, Timete) [i [2 [3 ]4 Js Coanistmin [8200 | 6060 | 4470 | 3300 | HS ih this data, Bain (a allie of he radioactive maieil and () activity at = Or. pe] ii) Half feof «radioactive material is 10 days. What fraction of freshly prepared sample wil disintegrate in first day? [2] ') Show that the mean momentum of @ nucleon in & nucleus with a mass ‘number A varies as". ) A nucleus of Uranium with A = 235 splits into two fragments whose mass ‘numbers are in the ratio 3:2, Find the separation between the fragments at the time of splitting. Take ry = 1.2fm, i) Calculate the nuclear density py of a nucleus of mass number A, by assuming the mass of proton and neutron to be equal and given as 167 x 10°F Kg-Take ry = L.2fm, [24242] anc uopscctae RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 SEMESTER IV B.Sc. CHemisTRY HONOURS ore Course Fol Marks: 25 ‘ie: how Answer three questions taking one from each group rou A 1. Write down the principle of Panton method forthe purification of metal s 2. Write down the principle of Van Arkel-de Boer Method forthe purification of metal, 5 Group B 3. (@) Describe the structure and bonding of Bz Hs in the Hight of MO theory. 4 (&) Explain the acidity order of boron tribals 2 (©) Compare the reactivity between benzene and borszin. 2 (@ Describe the principle of separation of noble gases from sr. 3 (€) How does the boiling points of noble gases change down the group and why? 1 4.(@) What happens when, 23 i. BCI reacts with NHLCl in chlorobenzene followed by redvction with NaBH li, Diborane reacts with ammonia, ii, Rorazine reacts with Br, (©) “Boric acid can be titrated against sodium hydroxide oaly in the presence of polyhydroxy ompounds"-xplun, 2 (6) Exclusion of moisture is essential in preparation of xenon Muordes- Why? 2 (4) How does the solubility of noble gases in water change wit intease in atomic number. 2 Group C 5. a) Mlustate with suitable examples flexidentate behaviour of len and tien ligands, 4 () Predict the expected trends in vatiaton of molar conductivity of — () KNO:Co(NO})s2NHy (Gi) CNOD.INHs {Gp 3CHNO})s 2Co(NO.)s ISNT iv) Mg(N03), Cx(NO}).NHL, 4 6. (a) Schematically give the synthesis of (i) one Tetradentate and (i) one Pentadentate Schiff Base ligand with structures 4 () Explain the expected coordination geometries obtained through the metal ion coordination by the ligand tren. 4 Page 10f1 regatta RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA ‘Mio SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘Semester IV B.Sc. MATHEMATICS HONOURS ore Course Full Marks 25| “Ties hour PART-A 1, Define limit and continuity of f(a.) 2 oR TE (sg) =f 779 Dy continuous a (00)? 2 a wheny=0 wen y 0 obtain limit and repeated limits at (90). wheat ey'e0 3. Show at te cn (0 { Inconinnn 00, bui na diterenabe (00. 4 4. Prove that (x3) =fhreafersy] is everywhere dfeontible st (0.0) forall k>0. 5 oR I the partial derivatives J and f, exist and are bounded in a region RC RF then, prove that fs continuous in R 5 PART-B 5. Answer any one from the following questions: po=2 8) 1£4,5,2 and a’, 3’, are reciprocal system of vectors then prove that. a x BY + 1) Suppose d and B are irotational. Prove that @ XB is solenoidal 6, Answer any two from the following questions: Dei=8 constant e that ° sono =[e8 be i 2 be aa Page 101 ce vissycgneTAZ RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mio SeMesreR EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV BSc. BOTANY HONOURS: lla: 25 ‘Time: 1 howe ny ive) bss What i Autecology? Which isthe most prevalent hotspots biodiversity of loin? ©. Whats Btonian pyramids? 44. Whar do you mean by residual soll? fe. Whats net productivity in ecosystem? f. Whatis Endemics? 2 Answer in afew words: (any five) Which ype of energy flow model is more realistic and why? '. Whatis an edaphic factor? Whatare the two flowering plants of Antarctica? 4. Deine neo endemis ad paleo endemics, Whatae the main criteria of a egion to qualify a a biological hotspot? £ Givean example of Nitityin and de itifying bacteria Q3. Long answer type question (any two) 52-10 1 Write a shor ote on single channel energy flow model 5 2. What isthe relationship between biome and ecosystem? Write a short note on plans of ‘wopical rain forest biome. Tas ‘3. Whatis pedogenesis? Briefly deserbe the role of climate in soil formation and evelopment Tes ce oss cyo08 RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mio SeMEsTER ExaninaTion 2022 ‘SeMesTeR IV BSc. ZooLocY HoNouns Futter 25 “Time howe L.A. What is collateral ventilation? Briefly state the stops of acclimatization agnnst acute ‘mountain sickness. Draw the O2-Hb dissociation curve and explain the significance of is steep sand plateau portion Dede OR 1LB. What is pneumothorax? State briefly the physiological abnormalities in arterial partial pressure of oxygen, What factors regulate elastic behaviour of longs explin, 243e4=9 2. A. What is haematcerit vale? Blood platelets contain some antigens of ABO system (True / False)? Write the steps of breakdown of Hb. What isthe function of Lucky Lorand factor in bod coagulation? Tflammation increases the synthesis of complement components, through the action of which immanity items? 14142424167 oR 2. B. What is erythropoiesis? At which step haemoglobin synthesis stats and at which step nucleus is eliminated? What is the function of Lable factor in blood coagulation? Write, in brief, convertase formation in the Complement system, with suitable diagram. 1414243 = 7 3A. Define xenobiotics. Stote the functions of portal tid. State the signaling regulations of sre acid production with proper digram, 13459 oR 13. B. Explain the Phase I reactions of xenobiotic metabolism. Tabulte the names, sources, target and functions of hormones released from stomach, 5He9 Page of RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA 'Mip SeMesTER EXAMINATION 2022 MicnosioLoc® Honours “Time: hour Group A 1. Answer any ton from the following questions: 1x10=10 8) Give example of some “emerging” contaminants in wastewater 1b) Why is it important that an indicator microorganism survive but does not grow in the water tbe tested? ©), What are the advantages of chlorine as disinfectant? 4) Why isthe media of wiple strength concentration prepared in the Presence Absence tes? ©) In whieh form is nitrogen taken vp by nomlegume plants? 1) Why do decompesers break down plant and animal wast products? 12) What happens to phosphors that erodes from rock and soil? 1h) Name one Nitifying bacteria that oxidize ammonia i) What is microccosystem? 4) Define phagotrophs 1k) What is crypeobiotic crust? 1) What i the zone of luvition? Group B (Answer the following questions) Sx3e15 2.8) Why is redvetion of BOD in wastewater a primary goal of wastewater treatment? What are the consequences of releasing wastewater with a high BOD into local water sources lakes and streams? 243 'b) What are the sources of solid wastes in urban areas?” What are the essential components of a sanitary landfill?” Where is the Asia's largest dumping ground for solid wastes locates? 24241 Page 1of2 ear mss 3.) How the sol texture ean influence the microbial composition of soil? Why inthe marine cosy inverted biomass pyramid i sen? reat » ines tye pinay py fen : ‘4. a) Why Phosphoms cycle is an imperfect cycle? Ss ©) Wich id fata ein sa ety a en piel ny? Cite the biogecchemical le of hem? 1s Page 2of2 aC vogsAcjeaska RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ‘VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV B.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE HONOURS Core Course IX ‘Time: hour Answer question no. Sand any two from the rest 1 Explin the activities of project scheduling . What are the major job responsibilities of a Project Manager ? se10 2, Define LOC with respect to software metric, Compute the funetion point fr an application software with Inputs=8,outpute12,inguries = Jogicalfles=,inorfaces=1 Ft 446210 3. (@Whatis feasibility study? Why we need to carry out feasibility study before starting to develop the software? ()Write the major phases inthe classical waterfell model of software development and briefly explain them (©)What are the majo advantages of fist constructing « working prototype before starting to velop the actual software? (What do you mean by the term “phase containment of err"? @uyisezeit0 4. (@ When i a module said tobe funtionally independent ofthe other modules? What are lhe alvantagesascocated with functionally independent modes, (b) Briefly explain different types of coupling with an example foreach. (6) Differentiate between Fan-in and Fan-out with espect to layered arrangement of| modtles (142)4512=10 5, Writ short notes on (any one) 5 8), Work Breakdown Stractre b) PERT chart Page Lof 1 mr tGag 4c RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mib SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘Sewester IV 8.Se. PHYsics HonouRs Full Marks: 25 Time: hour ‘Use separate answer seript for different groups. GROUP-A (15 marks) AAnswrer all questions: 1) Give, in bret, the electron-ges description ofa metal 2 2) What do you understand by dit velocity and mobility of conduction electrons? 2 3) Why doesn't the drift velocity of conduction electrons ina metal increase indefinitely ‘with ime in presence of applied elect field? 2 4) Acurrent of 10A flows through a wire of cross-section I mm The density of fre electrons within the wire is 10" per m’, Caleulate the drift velocity of the electoas. Given, electronic charge €=1.6x10" C 3 5) Draw schematic energy band diagram of both n-type and p-type semiconductor cleat indicating the impurity levels 3 6) Draw the circuit of transistor in the CE configuration of an apn-transistr, Sketch & family of CE output characteristic (variation of I 18. Vog for diferent 1) cleatly indicating the activ, saturation, and cutoff regions, Also clearly mention the biased condition ofthe two junctions in tree diferent regions 3 GROUP-B (10 marks) Answer all questions : 1) What is eutin voltage of a diode? Can you measure it by connecting a voltmeter across the diode. Tustfy your answer. 12 8) Design ahalf wave rectifier using po diode and explain its operation, 3 9) Considering all tree diodes are in conducting mode calculate voltage drop across Ry Given cut in voltage of Silicon and Germanium diodes are 0.7 Vand 0.3V respectively. 4 Page 10f2 awe G5 4CCFEMA ZL RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘Semester IV B.Sc. CHEMISTRY HONOURS ‘Core Course X ‘ime: hour Answer four questions raking ome from each group Group (Rearangements) 1. Predict the product(s) of the following reactions and exp with mechanism 3 j Ph 4 NH HNO. An——on Ph Me i MgBr +) PHE~G—An + > J : § 00 2. Predict the product(s) ofthe following reactions and provide mechanism atthe reasrangement steps. 38 9 Ovo HON ; 2.LAH 8. Hs0® 4. NaNO, /HCI by Ph. Me A fH PRO OH Page 1 of 2 wre ugyssacroceun 2 Group-B (The Logic of Organic Syahesis) 3.) Suggest synthetic equivalents of) CHCO™, i) "CHsCHOH, il) HO;C™ and iv) E1O,CCH:* 2 b) Write retro synthetic analysis of any ane ofthe following compounds, aso write the syathetc path a pr h 9 ip Es h 4.8) What do you mean by illogical electrophile and illogical nucleophile? Give example, 3 ') Write retro synthetic analysis of any one ofthe following compounds also write the synthetic path, 22 CK ak Group-C (eticyelic react *) 5. Write down the major product snd explain with FMO theory following reaction. 1+1+5H1¥6 heat Fi Hht 6 down te ua pit gn DFS lr vig ci, eh wn Group-D (Nitrogen compounds & Asymmetric synthesis) 7.2) what happens when: Dean i) Aqueous solution of ehloroacetic acid is biled with sodium i) An aldoxime i treated with wifluoroperacetic acid ‘Write mechanism ofthe above reactions. >) L-Methoxy-2-phenylethane gives different op-ratios ofthe products when treated with ) Mixed acid; i) NOs in acetonitrile ~ Explain 3 8. Complete the following eactions with mechanism, 3227 }) p-Nitwobromobenzene is heated with KCN in aqueous ethanol i) Nitrobenzene is reacted with CICH,CO3EC in the presence of NaH in DMSO. Page 2 0f2 A. Answer any four quest a » ° a 3 sua u6s scape. RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MiD SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022, ‘SEMESTER IV B.Sc. MATHEMATICS HONOURS ‘ore Course x ‘Tine: thou 4x5=20 Give four examples of rings which are aot integral domain. Find a zero divisors in 20% Determine the isomorphism class ofthe group of units of asl Prove tht a finite integral domain is a fel Extend ((1,0,28), (6,20,7)) to basis of Rt IEV(F) bea vector space which has a bass of elements. Then prove that any set of (e+) vectors in V is linearly dependent 2. Let V(F) bea nonnull vector space and $ © V. Prove that if Sis maximal linearly independent, then $ i minimal spanning set, 5 owe wgng54etoMMA RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA ‘Mip SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV B.Sc. MATHEMATICS HONOURS Core Course X Fl Marks: 25| ‘Tine: houe 1 a ») ° ® °® Answer any four questions 4x5=20 Give four examples of rings which are not integral domain. Finda er0 divisors in 28% Determine the isomorphism class ofthe group of units of asl Prove that finite integral domain is fel, Extend ((,0,24), (6.2,0,7) to basis of Bt IFV() bea vector space which has bass of m elements, Thea prove that any set of| (+1) vectors in Vis linearly dependent Let V(F) be nonnull vector space and S & V. Prove tha if $ is maximal linearly independent, then Sis minimal spanning st. 5 -v6usciopoTA 2. RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mib SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘Semester IV B.Sc. BOTANY HONOURS Core Course X Full Marks: 25 “ime: hour - Answer any five ofthe following: (xi=5) ‘What isthe acronym of Central National Herbarium? ‘What do you mean by cyathium infloescencs? eae Arrange these tsxonomic ranks in ascending order: Rosales, Magnoliopsida, Ros Rosie, [Name one national and one international taxonomic jour ‘What do you mean by synandrows stamen? [Name two botanical gardens in India. Name two Schizocaricfreits with examples Give an example of «flora whore indonted Keys ar used, 5. Answer any two ofthe following: (x2=10) “Mention the functions of heebsium, [Name three economically important plants ofthe family Verbenacese and Scrophularaces. ‘What do you mean by srtficial, natural, pheneic and phylogenetic type of clasiication? ‘Write a short note on flora and monograph with suitable example ae - Answer any one of the fllowing: ioxi=10) 1, Distinguish the families Malvaceae and Lamiaceae on the basis oftheir reproductive whorl ‘State the systematic position and the one medicinally important plat of the two above mentioned (Use tay2 2, Bentham & Hooker system of classification is considered as “pos-Darwinian in publication families, but pre-Danwinian in concept™justfy the sttement Briefly describe the Bentham and Hooker system of classification up to series, 28 Page Lo ame vga RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ‘VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA ‘Mio SeMEsTEn ExaMINATION 2022, ‘Semesrer iV BSc. Z00L06¥ HONOURS. ‘ore Course X ul tare 25 “Time:1 hour EEE a). Define the term: Hetertrophs. Give an example. Draw te structure of ATP. Why is i considered an energyrich compound? €). Write the reaction of eycolytic pathway, in which NADH is formes. {), Menton important functions of HMP pathway. «). Write the ieroversible steps of glycolysis or «), Whats the difference between a-amylase and Beams? 2 ). Amylose and amylopectin sre —~ in plans (Fill up the Blanks). Wht sits equivalent in animals? 2 ©). Write the rections of glycolytic patvay, in which ATP molecules are formed. 2 {.What isthe major regulatory stp of elycoltic pathway’ How ist regulated? 2 ©), Why is HMP pathway called a minor pathway as well asa shot pathy, 2 2.8) Whats omega carbon ? What ae omega fly acid ite wo examples. ‘Name one od-carbonsatureted faty acid and one monoendic fatty acid Name the ‘camponents of CASH, Lele le le296 or 1B) Whatis the chemical ame of carnitine ? How docs ativaton of fat aid occur before ‘eta oxidation ? State the role of thiolase in beta oxidation, 1434+ 5.) What do you mean by eataboism and anaboism? Give an example ofeach process. «sels 'b) What ae stages of catabolism? Explain. 3 ©) How protein digestion occurs? Explain with schematic diagram. 3 or 2) How the highly charged molecule tke ATP and ADP move aross the insermembrane to cytosol? 3 ‘Explain schematically the carbohydrate digestion process. 3 ©) How does Maate-Aspartate shite help to carry electrons from intermembrane space to mitochondrial macix? 3 Page not RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA ‘MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV 'B.Sc. MICROBIOLOGY HONOURS ‘Core Course x Full Marks: 25 Times hour Group A 1. Answer any ten from the following questions: ax 4) Botulism is more severe in children than in adult — Why? 'b)_ Infection was caused by bacteria itself and intoxication caused by protein stractures but ‘twas demonstrated that intoxication was more harmful than infection — Why? ©) Name the parameters for which a food material becomes susceptible to microorganisms 4) Write down the factor, which affect the drying procedure. ©) “Before fieezing the fresh vegetubes, must be blanched fist to stop the enzymatic activity” Justify 1) Define zymology? Q Db) Define tater culture? Give an example of food processed with solid-state anaerobic fermentation, 1) Why does perishable food spol fast? J) Whatis cold sterilization? 1) Mention the name of a bacterium responsible for anaerobic spoilage of meat. 1) Write the name of the test that assures prope pasteurization has been done. Group B (Answer the following questions) Sates 2.) How does antimicrobial resistance develop in pathogenic bacteria? What are the basic Jifferences between the muliidiug-esisant stmin and MRSA strain? What are the ‘general characteristics of Staphylococeus aureus? 2 4142 'b) What isthe mechanism of tetanus toxin? ~ describe diagrammatically, Briefly describe the pathogenesis and clinical Features of Clstriaium botulinum, 342 Page 1of2 ewes come 3.2) Do you think that, high temperature food preservation methods are more beneficial than low temperature food preservation methods, Support your answer by your own words, ‘Waite down the limitation of Water-bath canning 14242 ') Why does thermophile anseobes are responsible for canned food spoilage? Do you thnk that spore forming mesophilic bacteria can have spoiled canned food? Support your 24142 4, a) How the mucionsl quality and digesbiity of food could be improved hough fermentation? aieat 1) Why the staner cultures are used in food fermentation? State the sybicic growth of starter culture seen in during yogurt making, 243 Page 2o0f2 NE ugaSCcBHse 22 RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022, ‘SEMESTER IV B.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE HONOURS Core Course X ull Marks: 25, Answer any 5 questions only 5x5 1. @ Define and give an example ofeach: composite atsibate, derived atwibute, multivalued atibute (©) Give an example of recursive relationship in context of ERD. (4285) 2. (a) Differentiate with example betwoen total and partial participation in a relation involving entities in ERD, (b) What do you mean by the term “Generalization” in context of BRD? State with an example BH =3) 3. (@) What isthe relationship berween super key and candidate key? “A primary key must bea candidate key but the reverse may not be rs ( Define foreign key. 4, Assuming two relation schemas EMP(ENO,ENAME,SAL,DOB,DNO) and DEPT(DNO,DNAME),write SQL queries on the following problemsfass, “Justify the statement, [ (142) +2=5] (Add a column called age with number (2) in EMP relation. (Gi) Rewiove dept. number wise maximum and minimum salary. (ii) Retrieve the department name where “Madhu” work. (iv) Increase the salary by 500 of ll the employees who eams less than 10000, [ties 5. Assuming two relation schemas EMP(ENO,ENAME SAL,DOB,DNO) and DEPT(DNO,DNAME) write RA(elational algebra) queries on the following problemsfasks. (6) Find all the employees who work forthe “TT department (G Find te tst ofall employee names and also the name of the departments they work i they happen to work fora department [25+25=5) 6. (@) Write a least 0 differences between equijin and natural join with sespect o relational algebra (©) Write atleast wo differences between DDL and DML command with respect to SQL (©) What wit be the numberof auibutes and tuples inthe Cartesian product of elation A With elation B, if has 4 attributes and S tuples and B has 3 atebutes and 4 tuples? [2424125] Page 1of2 Hone ubssacroeus.2 7. (@) Briefly diseuss about the ACID properties that must be followed by each transaction, (b) When do two operation prs sid to be confit operation pair? [342251 Page 20f 2 rc 6 5546445.22 RAMAKRISHNA MissiON VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MiD SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 SEMESTER IV Generic Eecive-V: Physics Fl ars Time: Answer any two questions from Group-A and any three from Group —B. Group-A (Answer any two) 1) What do you mean by extinsc semiconductor? 2) What do you mean by an p-type semiconductor? 3) What are the advantages of a CRO over the classic measuring instruments, such asa pen and chart recorder or, an analog veltmeter? 4) Fora NAND gate prove SOF Pos Group-B (Answer any three) 3x7=21 5) Write the expression for the vol-ampere characteristic ofa semiconductor junction diode and draw the characteristic euve 6) Discuss with ciruit diagram the operation ofa reverse biased p-n junction diode. 7a) Draw a Block Diagram of a CRO and briefly account forthe functions of different parts b) How an electron can be “seen” momentarily? Explain, ©) What would you se inthe CRO screen if oy the vertical signal is applied without any “Time Base signal ? 1232) 8) ) Minimise the following expression: F=ABCHABC#ABC+ABC 1) Why NAND snd NOR estes re called universal gates? «) Waite down the Dissibtive Theorem and prove it 1242) Page 10f1 vst RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mio SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022, ‘SeMesTen IV ‘Generic Elective-V: Chemistry Full Marks: 25 Time: ‘Answer three questions taking one from each unit) Group 1a) Weite the differential form of the rate equation fr a zero-order chemical reaction, From it, derive the integrated form of the rate equation. Suggest how one can determin the vale of rate constant (6 ofthis reaction by graphical method. What i the unit of rate constant fora zero-order restion? Data=3 1) Halesite oe Frst-ocder ehemicsl reaction is 60 minutes at a certain temperature, How long will it {ake for 90% ofthe reaction to complete at that temperature? 2 ©) Wiite shor note on determination of order ofa chemical reaction by “halflife method”. 3 4) “A zerocrder reaction can never be a single-step reaction”. Justi 2 A firstorder reaction is 256 completed in 30 minvtes at 327°C and in 10 minvies at 345°. Calculate the energy of activation of this reaction 3 1b) Fora single-step chemical reaction, if temperature is increased, the rate ofthe reaction is increased, Explain, a ©) "A ist-onder chemical reaction is never completed in finite time”. Justi, 2 4 Show with the help of suitable plots, the effect of a eatlyst on the activation energy for an exothermic and endothermic chemical reaction M4 Group Defi ligand. Give an example of chelating Higand 4. White downthe IUPAC nomenclature ofthe folowing {Co(NH,ACUCL and PENH] Growp-c a) Compare the scidities of the fllosing compounds with proper explantions 4 Benzois ard, Salicylic acc. o-meshoxybenzole acid 1b) Deseo the Bac? mechani for ster hydrolysis 3 Page 102 anc vgss2 6a) Esterhydroysis ean be accomplished by using acid or base eaalyt but esterification can be done only by sci catalyst - why? Explain giving reaction mechanism, 4 1) Compare the acidity between benzoic acid snd 2-methylbenzie acid Explain 3 Group-D 1. Write down the postulates of Wernee's Theory fr coordination complexes 5 8 What do you mean by double salt? How do you differentiate rom simple sls? 2+3 Page of uncon RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mip SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022, SEMESTER IV. Generic Eective-V: Chemistry ul Maks: 25 Times 1 hour (answer three questions taking one from each unit) Group A 1.8) Write the differential form ofthe rate equation for a zero-order chemical reaction. From it, derive the integrated form ofthe rate equation, Suggest how one can determine the value of rte constant (& ofthis reaction by graphical method. What is the unit of rte constant fora zero-order reaction? Mees 'b) Half of a first-order chemical seaction is 60 minutes at a certain temperature. How fong will it lake fr 90% ofthe reaction to complete at hat temperature? 2 ©) White short not on determination of order ofa chemical reaction by “haf-fe metho" 3 2) “Arero-order reaction can never be a single-step reaction”, Justify, 2 2.8) A firstorder reaction is 25% completed in 30 minutes at 327°C and in 10 minutes at 345°C. Cleciate the energy of activation ofthis reaction 3 1b) Fora single step chemical reaction, i temperature is increased, the rate ofthe reaction is increase, Explain 3 ©) "A firs-ordr chemical reaction s never completed in finite tims”. sty 2 4) Show with the help of suitable plots, the eect of a catalyst on the activation energy for an ‘exothermic and endothermic chemical rection ma Groups 3. Define ligand, Give an example ofa chelting ligand 4, White down he IUPAC nomenclature ofthe following CoN CHCI nd PUNE) Groupe Sa) Compare the acids ofthe fllowing compounds with proper explanations 4 Benzsic acd, Salicylic acid, o-methorybenzoie acid 1b) Describe the Bac? mechanism forester hydrolysis 3 Page tof 6) » aoe Ester hydrolysis can be accomplished by using aci or base catalyst but estrfcation can be done ‘only by acid eaalyt ~ wy? Explain giving reaction mechanism, 4 ‘Compare the acidity between benzoic aid and -methylbenzoie acid, Explain 3 Group-D ‘Write down the postulates of Werner's Theory for coordination complex, 5 “What do you mean by double salt? How do you diferente it from simple sls? 243 Page 2012 nc usec RAMAKRISHNA MUSSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mip SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 SEMESTERIV ‘Generic Electve-1V: Chemistry Full ars: 25| Time hour (answer three questions taking one from each unit) Group La) Write the differentia form of te rate equation for a zero-order chemical reaction, From it drive the integrated form ofthe rat equation, Suggest how one can determine the valu of rate constant (& of tis reaction by graphical method. What is the unit of rte constant fora zero-order reaction? Masts 1b) Hateife of a first-order chemical reaction is 60 minutes ata certain temperature. How long will it take fr 90% ofthe reaction to complete at that temperature? 2 ©) White shor note on determination of order ofa chemical reaction by “halflife method”. 3 4) “A noro-onder reaction can never be single-step reaction” asi 2 2.2) A firstonder reaction is 255 completed in 30 minutes at 327°C and in 10 minutes at 345°C. Calculate the energy ofacivation of this reaction. 3 ') Fora single-step chemical reaction, if temportur is inereased, the rte ofthe rescton is increased Explain 3 ©) “A-first-onder chemical reaction is never completed in finite ime”. Susy. 2 8) Show with the help of suitable plots, the effect of « catalyst on the activation energy for an exothermic and endothermic chemical reaction. M1 Groups. 3. Define ligand. Give an example ofa chelating gan, at 4. Write dw the IUPAC nomenclature ofthe following: Mares 3 [Co(Nt).CHC%, and PENTE.CH Groupe 5.) Compare the aciites of the following compounds with proper explanations 4 Benzoie acid, Salleylic avid, o-methoxybenzaie acid b)_Describe the Bac? mechanism for ester hydrolysis, 3 Page aof2 ar uopssecen 2 6.2) Eserhydtolyss cn be sccomplished by using aid or bese catalyst but esteification can be done only by ac eaalyst- why? Explain giving rection mectanism, 4 1b) Compare the acidity beiween benzoic acid and 2-methylbenzoc acid. Explain 3 Group-D 1. Write down the postulates of Werners Theory for evordination complexes. 5 8. Whatdo-you mean by double salt? How do you differentiate trom simple salts? 243 age 20f2 wos pa RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mp SeMEsTen ExamiNaTion 2022 Generic Elective V: Mathematics(CMS) Ful orks 25, “Time! 1 hour “The igre in he margin net fl mars, oud 1 Ansnec anyone out of he following question: tana Balt itn AE, fi) Find the envelope a straight nse 2+2 abe. here the parameters ar connected bythe lation 2 Answer any two ou ofthe following questions: axah 1) Hy = sin(esinr™); then show hat 1—¥2)yq42 = On + Dara + (6? — yy 1) Show thatthe point ofinfesion ofthe curve y* = (x—3)*(x—b) leon he ie 3x a= 4a 1) Find he recliner asymptote, f any of he cave Y = X-+ lg Group IL 3. Answer any one oat ofthe following questions bos 2) Transform taxes inclined at 30" tothe xpi ane the equation x2 + 2VFny ~y? 2 0. ‘tthe pir of sph tines x2 — 2pny ~y2 = Oand x? 2gny —y* = Oe suc dha each pir ‘tet the angles beeen the oer pi then prove that py = 1 4. Answer anyone ou ofthe Following question: Inte 5) To wht poi the origin so be moved so that one can gti ofthe fist degree terms fem the equation x? y+ 2y? = 7a-= 5y #12 = 02 ') Show that the equation tothe puirof ssiht ine through he origin perpendicular tothe pair of straight ines a2 Zhxy + y= Os bt ~ hay + ay = 0, Group tt Anew following gue: 5 Soe ayi + (2x? +398 — 20, = 0 o Sate (et + yxy = 0 4 6. Bolte stg tse, Where D = s nunc voussyccyuans2 RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022, ‘SEMESTER IV Generic Elective-V: Mathematis(PHY) Full Marks: 25 “Tine: hour Part: A 1) Answer any two questions from the following. 4x28 2) If the expression ax + by changes to a'x'+b’y' by a rotation of rectangular axes about origi, then prove that a? + B® = a? +b b) Find the angle of rotation ofthe axes about origin which transforms the equation xy? =A 00x'y' =2 «) Find the nature ofthe following Conie with proper justification: xt Say +9? 48x ~20y +15 =0 Part-B 2) State the Leibnitz’s Theorem on successive derivatives 1 3) Attempt 2 questions out of 3 questions 2xd=8 a) Find limy (2-4). ing b) Find all the asympiotes of | x’-2x"y+xy"4x?-ny-y"42= ©) If y=sin(kx}teos(kx) then prove that. yy=k"{14(-1)%sin(2kx)}" Part-€ 4, Answer any two questions from the following: Bay de -3° hay =0. o a Solve: x22 €) Solve: (D*-4D" +6D"-4D+)y=0 Page 26 vans separa RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA (MIb SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 SEMESTER IV Generic Electives: Botany ll arks:25| Times howe 1 Answer few words (any leven questions) u 8), Whats the oldest name of National Botanic Garde, Lucknow? ') Waite down the author's name of the book Theerie elementaire dela botanigue. ©) From which year the name must be accompanied with Latin desription and iagnosis fr valid publication, 18) Which s the fist code of ICN and the year of adoption ofthat code? = ©), Draw a floral diagram based on given hermaphrodite flower formll Kina Ara Gas ‘when, calyx and corolla in imbricte and placentation is axil, ovary superior. 1). What denotes by etal. in case of author citation? £2) What do you mean by leciorype? 'h) What is the porosity ofthe membrane filter that used in itr sterilization? 1) What isthe ideal timo, temperature and pressure for seilization in an autoclave? 4) Name two macronutients used in Murashige and Skoog medium (1965)? 1k) Write the name of ene naturel cytokinin and one natural auxin 1), What éo you mean by indirect organogenesis? 2. Write short notes (any thres) 3x9 8), What is Kew Role? Why it outlawed afte 1906? b) In which case of citation “emend” usd for valid publication? «}, Write a short note onthe fechnigues used to coniem the geeti fidelity of miro ‘propagated plans? 4) Differentiate between botanical seed and artifical seed? ©) What is embryo reseue? Mention the major advantage of endosperm culture? 3. Longanswer type questions sxies ‘What is binomial nomenclature? Who proposed this system for plat scienes? Write down the advantages of Binomial names. (+43) OR ‘What is haploid culture? Describe its role in agriculture. (144) Page tof arc assesgmc ze RAMAKRISHNA MUSSION ‘VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mip SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV Generic Elective-V: Microbiology Full Marks: 25| Time: 1 hour Group A 1. Answer any ten from the following questions: 1x10: 8) Why do you require lactose in culture medium used for coliform detection? 'b) What is flow equalization in wastewater treatment? ©) What do you mean by specificity and sensitivity in coliform detection? 8) What is meant by “microbial containment candidates"? ©) What is Flocevlation in wastewater teatment? 1) Deine realized niche. 18) What is grazing food chain? 1) What is the zone ofiluviation? |) Whats the productivity of an ecosystem? 5) Which group of bacteria use nitrogen gas from the arto produce theie own nitrate? ) Which form of phosphorus is mast durable and biological non-compatible? 1) Write the fll form of GOGAT. Group B (Answer the following questions) Sx3=15 2 8) What is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)? Why is its reduction important in ‘wastewater treatment? Other than treated water, what ae the final products of wastewater treatment? How might these end products be used? eerstal ') Compare the oxidation pond and activated sludge process. Why has advanced wastewater ‘weatment not been widely adopted? How do primary and secondary wastewater treatment methods difer? dels 3.) Waite a short nce on at productivity Sate the relation between net primary productivity and gross primary productivity. Write a short note onthe pyramid of biomass Deter Page 10f2 ace usssqscencass 'b) Write down the relationship between the grazing food chain und the detritus food chain, Write a short note onthe biotic diversity of soil anderyptobioiceust. 2413 415 4.8) Define phosphorus cycle tate the roe of human n phospho eye 243 'b) Way nitrogen is essential in biological system? 5 Page 20f2 ac uossqourens.22 RAMAKRISHNA MISSION \VIVEKANANDA CENTENARY COLLEGE, RAHARA, KOLKATA Mip SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022 ‘SEMESTER IV Generic Elective-V: Computer Science Pull Marks: 25 ‘Time: 1 hour eee ee umbers to right indicate marks. Attempt any five of the Following: 1. Differentiate between local and slobal variable with proper examples. Differentiate between +i and i++ where isan integer type variable, 3 2. What is identifier? List the rules for naming any identifier in C. Why m+ execute faster an m4 2 1324295 3, Differentiate while and do-whilelogp using example, What will be the output ofthe following C++ code? Ane fun (int x = 0, ine y= 0, int 2) setura (24 y 6 27 ? out

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