Grade 7 q1w5

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Inhobol, Masinloc Zambales

Basic Education Department

Junior High School



Direct and Reported Speech

Direct and Reported Speech
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This is the English 7 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module 5 on Direct and Reported Speech. This
module was made by qualified individuals to support you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners cope
with the K-12 Curriculum’s standards.
Being the facilitator, you are tasked to inform the parents and the learners about the instructions of this
module. Bear in mind that keeping the track of the learners’ progress is your vital role as a teacher whereas
allowing them to manage their own learning.
The learning material intends to guide the students on learning independently using various learning
activities at their own pace and time. Moving forward, this module also contains 21 st Century Skills for the
students’ welfare.
For the learner:
Welcome to English 7 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module 5 on Direct and Reported Speech.
There are different ways on conveying someone’s message. We should be very careful because a single
word or punctuation can diversely affect your message.
This module was created for your learning to be fun and relevant. You will encounter a meaningful
process that enables you to be an active learner.

Parts of the Module

What I Need to Know This part includes the competencies or skills
you are expected to achieve after going
through this module.

What I Know A test that serves as the baseline of your

knowledge on the lesson you are about to

What’s In An activity that aims to help you remember

your previous lesson.

What’s New This activity’s purpose is to introduce your

new lesson through an enjoyable and
meaningful activity.

What Is It The discussion of the lesson. The main intent

of this part is to supply new ideas and concept
relevant to your learning.

What’s More A set of activities to enrich your skills and

understanding of the lesson.

What I have Learned This part helps you summarize your learnings
about the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment A test that serves as an evaluation of your

level of mastery in achieving the particular
learning competency.
Additional Activity An engaging activity given to improve your
knowledge and skill of the new lesson

Answer Key This contains the objective answers in the


References This part lists all the sources used in

developing this module.

General Instruction in Using This Module

1. Handle the module with all your care. Do not write unnecessary marks on any part of the
2. Read the instructions carefully to avoid misleading answers.
3. Write legibly.
4. Don’t neglect on answering the Preliminary Test.
5. Apply honesty and integrity in doing the activities included in this module.
6. Finish every activity, don’t leave a blank.
7. Put all your answers in a sheet of paper.
8. Return the module in good condition.

What I Need to Know

People love reading as if they are hearing the exact words of the character because it gives a sense of
closeness. This module will help you address on how to quote speech directly or indirectly as to use it in
different real-life and learning situations.
The most essential competency covered in this module is the usage of direct and reported speech
appropriately in varied contexts.
At the end of the lesson, are expected to:
 Use direct and reported speech appropriately in various context.

What I Know
Can you still remember your favorite story when you were a kid? Have you notice if it contains direct
and reported speech? We will examine your knowledge about it using the activity below as this activity serves
as your pre-test.
Your new adventure begins here!
Activity 1. Classifying Direct Speech and Reported Speech

Instruction: Classify the following sentences. Write DS on the blank before the number if the sentence given is
a Direct Speech and RS if the sentence is identified as Reported Speech.
____ 1. Cyril says, “I love playing outside.”
____ 2. “Will you marry me?” her boyfriend asked.
____ 3. Daniel said that her mother was very ill.
____ 4. “Can you pass me the salt?” brother said.
____ 5. She said that her filing for this candidacy was cancelled.
____ 6. I asked when did they arrived.
____ 7. Anne said she was unable to perform because of a foot injury.
____ 8. The pastor quoted, “Love has no boundaries.”
____ 9. “The kid’s section is on the other aisle,” the sales lady directed.
____ 10. She said her son went out every day and played basketball with his friends.
____ 11. The engineer said he saw the mailman yesterday.
____ 12. “I wish my husband will buy me a red sports car!” the governor’s wife exclaimed.
____ 13. I heard the sheriff said, “I don’t know how to catch the culprit.”
____ 14. My daughter said that she was going to fly to Massachusetts tomorrow.
____ 15. She said she would buy a new dress for Janell’s wedding.

What’s In
In this part we will try to review your previous lesson about the Simple Past Tenses.
Activity 2. Multiple Choice
Instruction: Read each sentence carefully and look for the underlined verb. Replace the verb by choosing the
correct past tense of the verb among the given choices. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A YouTube influencer’s video breaks the internet in just one night.
a. breaking
b. break
c. broke
d. breaks
2. Bryan helps the old lady to cross the road.
a. helped
b. help
c. helping
d. helps
3. The king choose me as his new personal adviser.
a. choose
b. chose
c. choosing
d. chooses
4. They look happy after receiving their monthly salary.
a. look
b. looking
c. looks
d. looked
5. I hate cooking when the ingredients were lacking.
a. hates
b. hating
c. hated
d. hate

 How was the drill?

 Have you experienced difficulty in answering the activity?
 Did you find it easy to change present tense to past tense?

What’s New
Here is a short phone conversation between Diane and her cousin Bryan. Read it and find out what they
are talking about.

Bryan: “Hi! Is this Diane?”

Diane: “Yes this is Diane. May I know whom I’m speaking with?”
Bryan: “Oh this is Brian, we just arrived from Japan and my mom asks if you and Aunt Amelia can come here
to celebrate our arrival.”
Diane: “I’m glad you called! We were waiting for you, I’m so excited to see you.”
Bryan: “I have something to give you, I bought it in Japan, I’m sure you’ll love it. Can you come here tomorrow
Diane: “Tomorrow afternoon is great, mum and I will definitely come.”
Bryan: “Okay, see you tomorrow.”

 How the cousins did present themselves on the conversation? Do they seem close?
 Can you guess what will Bryan give to Diane?
 What did you feel while reading the phone conversation? Are you happy because they will finally see
each other? Are you excited on what gift Bryan will give?

What Is It
When listening to the news do you feel sympathetic whenever they interview typhoon victims or
accident victims? What can you feel when you exactly hear their discouraging voice?
This time we will dive into the world of Direct and Reported Speech.
Direct and Reported Speech
There are different ways on how to address what someone else said. In this lesson we will study two
ways of conveying someone else’s speech.
Direct Speech exactly repeats the word spoken by someone. We usually use quotation marks (“ ”) to enclose
direct speech.
Examples: She says, “I am living to the fullest.”
“Release the Kraken!” the king ordered.

Reported Speech or indirect speech doesn’t usually repeat the exact words spoken by someone. Take note that
while direct speech has quotation mark, the reported speech doesn’t have any.
Examples: She says that she is living her life to the fullest.
The king ordered to release the Kraken.
Reporting Verb – the verb of the first sentence (i.e. she said, he said, she says, he says, they said, they say etc.)
before the actual words of the speaker.
She says, “I love you.”
He said, “I am tired.”
Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Rules on Changing Direct Speech to Reported Speech

Rule 1. Words of the speaker in reported speech is not enclosed with quotation marks.
Direct Speech: He says, “I am happy.”
Reported Speech: He says he is happy
Direct Speech: “I will study,” Mary said.
Reported Speech: Mary said that she would study.

Rule 2. Usage of the word “that”. The conjunction “that” is always used between reported verb and reported
speech in transposing it in direct speech.
Direct Speech: “You choose a good college course,” my aunt said.
Indirect Speech: My aunt said that I choose a good college course.
Direct Speech: The little girl says, “I wish I can go to America.”
Reported Speech: The little girl says that she wish to go to America.

Rule 3. Change in tenses of verbs. The change will vary on the reporting verb (first sentence). If the reporting
verb is in present tense then the verb in the reported speech is also in present tense.
Direct Speech: My mother says, “The spaghetti is tasty.” (present tense)
Reported Speech: My mother says that the spaghetti is tasty. (present tense)
Direct Speech: “The building is on fire!” the lady exclaims. (present tense)
Reported Speech: The lady exclaims that the building in on fire. (present tense)

Direct Speech: The teacher said, “The meeting was exhausting.” (past tense)
Reported Speech: The teacher said that the meeting was exhausting. (past tense)
Direct Speech: “I ran two kilometers a day,” my cousin proudly said. (past tense)
Reported Speech: My cousin proudly said that he ran two kilometers a day. (past tense)

Rule 4. Change in pronoun. The pronouns will be changed in the reported speech if the direct speech has

Direct Speech: They said, “We will vote for him.”
Reported Speech: They said that they will vote for him.
Direct Speech: “Write your answer on the space provided,” the teacher commands.
Reported Speech: The teacher commands that I should write my answer on the space provided.

Rule 5. Change in time. If there is time in the direct speech it will be changed in the reported speech.
Direct Speech: “I’m getting a new dog this week,” he said.
Reported Speech: He said that he was getting a new dog that week.
Direct Speech: She said, “I will call you tomorrow.”
Reported Speech: She said that she would call the next day.
Direct Speech: “I will clean my messy room today,” Lucy said.
Reported Speech: Lucy said that she would clean her messy room that day.

Rule 6. General Truth. When the quoted part states general truth, the reported speech uses the same present
form of the verb.
Direct Speech: “Peace be with you,” the members of the church whispered.
Indirect Speech: The members of the church whispered peace be with you.
Direct Speech: The priest quoted, “Love your neighbor like your enemies.”
Reported Speech: The priest quoted that I should love my neighbors like my enemies.

What’s More
In this part of the module we will further develop your knowledge on Direct and Reported Speech.
Activity 3A. Multiple Choice
Instruction: Change the direct speech to a reported speech. Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper.
1. “I cancelled my flight,” he said.
a. She said she cancelled her flight.
b. He said she cancelled her flight.
c. He said he cancelled his flight.
d. They said they cancelled their flight.
2. She says, “I can swim.”
a. She says that she can swim.
b. She says that he can swim.
c. He said that she can swim.
d. She says that she could swim.
3. “The game begins now,” said the referee.
a. The referee said that the game had begun.
b. The referee says the game had begun.
c. The referee said that the game has began.
d. The referee said the game began.
4. “I’m here at the office,” Patrick said.
a. Patrick said that she was at the office.
b. Patrick said that he was at the office.
c. Patrick says he is in the office.
d. Patrick says she is in the office.

5. “I am starving,” Patrick shouted.
a. Patrick shouted that she was starving.
b. Patrick shouts he is starving.
c. Patrick shouts she was starving.
d. Patrick shouted that he was starving.

Activity 3B. Multiple Choice

Instruction: Change the reported speech to direct speech. Write your answer in one whole sheet of paper.
6. The pastor quoted that faith without work is dead.
a. The pastor quoted, “Faith without work was dead.”
b. The pastor quoted, “faith without work is dead.”
c. The pastor quoted, “Faith without work is dead.”
d. The pastor quoted, “Faith without work are dead.”
7. He said that the kids are playing football now.
a. He said, “The kids are playing football now.”
b. He said, “the kids are playing football now.”
c. He said, “the kids were playing football then.”
d. He said, “The kids were playing football then.”
8. Princess said that they experienced an earthquake last week.
a. Princess said, “We experience an earthquake that week.”
b. Princess said, “We experienced an earthquake last week.”
c. Princess said, “we experienced an earthquake last week.”
d. Princess said, “we experienced an earthquake that week.”
9. Louie says that he is happy.
a. Louie says, “I was happy.”
b. Louie says, “I am happy.”
c. Louie said, “He is happy.”
d. Louie said, “I are happy.”
10. The student said that the books were old.
a. The student said, “The books were old.”
b. The student said, “The books is old.”
c. The student said, “The book were old.”
d. The student said, “the book were old.”

What I Have Learned

Activity 4.
Instruction: Identify the following sentences. Write DS on the blank before the number if the sentence given is a
Direct Speech and RS if the sentence is identified as Reported Speech.
______ 1. “You are the apple of my eye,” grandpa said to my dying grandma.
______ 2. The tricycle driver shouted, “I won the lottery.”
______ 3. He said that I am beautiful beyond description.
______ 4. Sheila excused herself and said that she was suffering from a toothache.
______ 5. “Honesty is the best policy,” my teacher always tell.
______ 6. Jeremy explained that the pencil was his.
______ 7. Adrian admitted that he had a crush on me since elementary.
______ 8. “I want to keep you safe because I care for you,” Patrick profess.
______ 9. Pia said, “I will definitely accept your offer as a model.”

______ 10. Mrs. Reyes explained that she was harmed by her husband so she divorced him.

What I Can Do
Great! It seems like you’re now capable of using direct and reported speech in varied contexts. Actually
direct speech can be seen in books, in plays and in quotations in articles. Reported speech can be used in our
daily conversations.
Now let’s apply what you’ve learned in this module.
Activity 5.
Instruction: Make a short story with direct and reported speech. Be as creative as you can.
Rubrics for Short Story
4 3 2 1
Audience/Purpose Present details Present detailsPresents few details Supports no
targeted at a unique suited to an suited to an purpose; is not
audience; audience; narrates audience; some written for a
successfully the events of the ideas conflict with specific audience.
narrates the story. story. the narration of
Plot (x2) Presents events that Presents sequence Presents a Presents no logical
create a clear of events. confusing sequence order.
narrative. of events.
Dialogue & Contains details Contains details Contains character Contains few or no
Elaboration (x2) that provide insight and dialogue that and setting; details to develop
to character; develop characters. contains some characters or
contains dialogue dialogue. setting; no dialogue
that reveals the provided.
characters and
furthers the plot.
Grammar Contains no error Contains few errors Contains some Contains many
in grammar, in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar,
punctuation and punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
spelling. spelling. spelling. spelling.
Use of Language Uses fresh word Uses interesting Uses clichés and Uses uninspired
choice and tone to and fresh word unoriginal word choices.
reveal story’s choices. expressions.
setting and
Source: Region XII SL Modules

Instruction: Give examples of statements applying the Rules on Changing Direct and Reported speech
Rule 1. Words of the speaker in reported speech is not enclosed with quotation marks.
Rule 2. Usage of the word “that”
Rule 3. Change in tenses of verbs

Rule 4. Change in pronoun
Rule 5. Change in time
Rule 6. General Truth

Additional Activities
I know by this time you can effectively use direct and reported speech. Now it’s time to do this engaging
activity. We will link your knowledge to real-life situation.
Instruction: Write direct speeches of the list of people below. Write at least one direct speech of each name
given below.

List of people you’ve probably spoken to:

1. Mom
2. Bestfriend
3. Sister
4. Brother
5. Favorite cousin
6. Pastor/Priest
7. Ultimate crush
8. Favorite teacher
9. Classmate
10. Favorite vlogger/YouTube influencer
Example: “You are as lazy as a sloth,” my mother says after seeing me doing Facebook all day.

Answer Key
What I Know Activity 3B. Multiple Choice
Activity 1. Classifying 1. C
Direct Speech and 2. D
Reported Speech 3. A
1. DS 4. B
2. DS 5. A
3. RS What I Have Learned
4. DS 1. DS
5. RS 2. DS
6. RS 3. RS
7. RS 4. RS
8. DS 5. RS
9. DS 6. DS
10. RS 7. RS
11. RS 8. DS
12. DS 9. DS
13. DS 10. RS
14. RS
15. RS What I Can Do
What’s In Answers may vary.
Activity 2. Multiple Choice Assessment
1. C Answers may vary.
2. A Additional Activity
3. B Answers may vary.
4. D
5. C
What’s New
Answers may vary.
What’s More.
Activity 3A. Multiple 11
1. C
2. A
Estrada, N. &Linsangan L. (2017). English of the New Generation 7 K-12 Revised Edition. Quezon City:
Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House.

(2020). Image. Retrieved from



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