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--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề.
Đợt 2 học kỳ 2 – ngày thi 20/04/2019
Mã đề thi: 01
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên : ___________________________Mã số sinh viên : ____________
Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 1: Marlene was on the beach on Sunday, but Meg_____.
A. didn’t B. wasn’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t
Câu 2: ___ your brother a nurse?
A. Do B. Does C. Are D. Is
Câu 3: Ted ____ the lottery last week.
A. winning B. wins C. has won D. won
Câu 4: I called my daughter last night, but ___ wasn’t at home.
A. be B. it C. she D. they
Câu 5: ____ do you like about soccer?
A. What B. Who C. Which D. How many
Câu 6: Some people believe that if you ____ a mirror, you get seven years of bad luck.
A. look B. break C. eat D. smile
Câu 7: Silvia ____ windsurfing with us tomorrow.
A. isn’t going B. didn’t go C. will play D. won’t
Câu 8: I have ____ that play twice.
A. seen B. seeing C. see D. saw
Câu 9: The subway is often ____. It is impossible to sit down.
A. empty B. crowded C. expensive D. cheap
Câu 10: Last year we went on a ____ around the Mediterranean.
A. cruise B. walk C. sea D. foot
Câu 11: What ____ your father’s job?
A. do B. be C. is D. does
Câu 12: He went fishing all morning, but he didn’t ____ any fish.
A. catches B. catch C. catching D. caught
Câu 13: I’m a ____; I take people from place to place.
A. bus driver B. doctor C. police officer D. waiter
Câu 14: My brother is proud that he ____dangerous situations.
A. survives never B. never survives C. always survives D. survives always
Câu 15: Buses, ferries and subways are different types of ___ transportation in this
A. day B. space C. private D. public
Câu 16: You____ play volleyball inside. You can play it on the beach.
A. have to B. need C. mustn’t D. don’t have to
Câu 17: Erik went ____in Bermuda last year.
A. to snorkel B. snorkelled C. snorkel D. snorkelling
Câu 18: What ____ you doing now?
A. have B. is C. are D. does
Câu 19: What ____ your favourite song?
A. is B. were C. being D. are

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Câu 20: Fidel Castro ____ basketball for the University of Havana when he was a
A. was played B. has played C. played D. plays
Câu 21: My swimming ____ is teaching me how to do the backstroke.
A. actor B. collector C. driver D. instructor
Câu 22: ____ one bookstore on this street.
A. There are B. Is C. Has D. There is
Câu 23: I am staying at a hotel ____a very noisy street.
A. of B. with C. on D. about
Câu 24: Have you seen my ____? They are my aunt’s sons.
A. cousins B. grandparents C. uncles D. sisters
Câu 25: What ____ your sister like doing in her free time?
A. is B. does C. are D. do
Câu 26: San Francisco ____ a lot of restaurants.
A. is B. have C. has D. was
Câu 27: Who do you think is the ____ soccer player in the world?
A. best B. worse C. well D. better
Câu 28: We ____ many monuments in Cairo last year.
A. played B. spoke C. visited D. walked
Câu 29: The sun _____ rises in the west.
A. always B. never C. often D. usually
Câu 30: Are the beaches in Australia as beautiful ____ those in the Caribbean?
A. more B. as C. than D. less
Câu 31: He’s always on time; he ____ comes late for meetings.
A. sometimes B. usually C. never D. often
Câu 32: Track runners have to run ____ if the don’t want to lose the race.
A. fast B. slowly C. strong D. hurried
Câu 33: Alina let the cat in and ____ it.
A. fed B. feeds C. was feeding D. will feed
Câu 34: My new roommate can ____ three languages.
A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak
Câu 35: When I do the job well, I have a greet feeling of ____.
A. satisfaction B. failure C. sadness D. disappointment
Câu 36: My two colleagues are playing tennis on the ____ near the company.
A. swimming pool B. court C. track D. course
Câu 37: The winner of a basketball game is the team who ____ more points.
A. borrows B. buys C. kicks D. scores
Câu 38: I ____ a horse when I was on my uncle’s farm.
A. drove B. rode C. played D. swam
Câu 39: In the 1970s, most of Australia’s immigrants ____ from Asia.
A. came B. are coming C. have come D. to come
Câu 40: The ____ in New Orléans is excellent – there are a lot of restaurants, theatres
and clubs.
A. nightlife B. transport C. cost of living D. weather
Câu 41: The ____ is very changeable, so bring your raincoat when you go out.
A. cloud B. weather C. sky D. sun

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Câu 42: I think this is ____ movie of the year.
A. badly B. better C. the worst D. worse than
Câu 43: I love the sea, and I always go ____ whenever I have a beach vacation.
A. shopping B. skiing C. sailing D. climbing
Câu 44: Maria was so disappointed because her team ____ the game.
A. lost B. beats C. watches D. won
Câu 45: I often go to the beach, ____ I just like lying on the beach sunbathing,
A. but B. so C. when D. too
Câu 46: The hotel where we are staying is a long way ____ downtown.
A. at B. of C. in D. from
Câu 47: Susan usually leaves work ____ 5 p.m.
A. on B. at C. along D. in
Câu 48: Look! That’s my new teacher and he ____ from Mexico.
A. is B. go C. visit D. come
Câu 49: ____ you go to work last Friday?
A. Are B. Were C. Did D. Do
Câu 50: My brother’s son is my ____.
A. uncle B. niece C. nephew D. grandson

Question 51-53: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.
Sydney is Australia’s most famous city. Although many people think it’s the
capital of Australia, it’s only the capital of the states of New South Wales. The capital of
Australia is Canberra. Sydney is, however, the biggest and oldest city in the country.
In little more than two hundred years, Sydney has grown to become the most
multicultural city is Australia. The first group of immigrants came from Europe, then in
1970s, most of Australia’s immigrants came from Asia. Today the population of Sydney
is more than four million, and the culture of the city is a combination of cultures of the
people who live there.
The climate, with almost eight months of good weather, makes Sydney the
perfect city for outdoor life. The city has more than 30 beaches along the 37 miles (60
kilometres) of its coast. In Sydney harbour, one of the world’s most spectacular bays,
you can find the Sydney Opera House, Australia’s most well- known building. Passing
by the Opera House is a constant parade of small boats, yachts, ferries, and enormous
cruise ships.
In Sydney, a California lifestyle has been combined with European influences in
its cafés, movie theatres, theatres, and concert halls. Shorts and sandals are the most
popular clothes to wear, and bear a barbecues are everywhere.

Câu 51: What is TRUE about Sydney?

A. It has good climate.
B. It is one of the new cities in Australia.
C. It is smaller than Canberra.
D. It is the capital of Australia.

Câu 52: Why is Sydney the most multicultural city in Australia?

A. Because Sydney harbour is one of the most spectacular bays in the world.

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B. Because the city is a very good place for outdoor life.
C. Because it has a population of more than four million.
D. Because there is a combination of the cultures of immigrants who live there.
Câu 53: What is the lifestyle in Sydney like?
A. The Sydney Opera House is very famous.
B. It is an uninteresting city.
C. People go to cafés, movie theatres, theatres and concert hall in Sydney.
D. It is influenced by California and European lifestyles.

Question 54-56: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.
Sometimes bad luck is good luck. Forrest Highstone has a history of terrible
accidents but always survives. He thinks he is pretty lucky.
The first accident happened when he was fifteen. He fell off his bicycle and broke
his arm. He had to take a bus home from the hospital, which drove off a bridge into a
river. Everyone on the bus died except for Forrest who, amazingly, was not injured.
The next accident happened when he took an airplane for the first time. Forrest
stood up to walk to the back of the plane. Suddenly, one of the doors opened and Forrest
was sucked out of the plane. Fourteen other passengers died but, incredibly, Forrest
survived when he fell into a lake.
He was also struck by lightning on a fishing trip. Surprisingly, he was fine, but
he lost most of his hair. “I know it’s strange but I think I’m pretty lucky,” says Forrest.
“I have terrible accidents but I survive! The strange thing is that all my accidents happen
near water.” Last year Forrest won a vacation on a cruise ship in the Caribbean Sea. He
decided not to go. “I didn’t want to test my luck,” he said.

Câu 54: How many people survived when the bus drove off the bridge?
A. None B. Fifteen C. One D. All of the people
Câu 55: What happened to Forrest when he was sucked out of the airplane?
A. He fell into a lake. B. He was struck by lightning.
C. He died. D. He lost all his hair.
Câu 56: What is NOT true about all of Forrest’s accidents?
A. Although Forrest had bad accidents, he survived.
B. All his accidents happened near water.
C. They were all terrible.
D. The accidents happened when he was sleeping.

Question 57-60: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.
There are lots of clothes shops in the Bluewater shopping centre in the south of
England, so it’s easy to find fashionable hooded tops for sale there. However, you can’t
wear a hooded top while you’re looking, because they are banned. The shopping centre
believes that teenagers who wear hooded tops often use them to hide their faces while
they’re behaving badly. That’s why the new rule bans people wearing hooded tops from
the shopping centre. Baseball caps are also banned. And the managers of the shopping
centre say that their new rules are working. More people are shopping there, and trouble-
makers are staying away.

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The Bluewater shopping Centre is not the only place in the UK where certain
clothes are banned. Students at Maesteg Comprehensive School in Wales are not allowed
to wear hooded tops because the head teacher believes that they cause bad behaviour. If
students wear hooded tops to school, the teachers take them away, and don’t give them
back until the end of term. Most of the parents agree with this new rule.
However, many people, especially young people believe that these rules are silly
and unfair. They say that baseball caps and hooded tops are important part of teenager
fashion, and it’s impossible to judge a person’s personality from the clothes they wear.
The head teacher of Combeshead of College in the south of England agrees. In facts,
hooded tops are now part of the school uniform at Combeshead College.
Many adults believe that young people’s behaviour is getting worse. One
politician, Lord Ashley said, “Children are ten times worse than in the past,” However,
he said that in 1823! The generation gap is nothing new.

Câu 57: At the Bluewater shopping Centre ____

A. only hooded tops are banned.
B. hooded tops and baseball caps are banned.
C. teenagers are banned.
D. there aren’t any fashionable clothes.
Câu 58: Students at Maested Comprehensive School____
A. cannot shop at the Bluewater Shopping Centre.
B. are not allowed to wear hooded tops.
C. All support the new rule.
D. all behave very badly.
Câu 59: The head teacher of Combeshead College doesn’t believe that____
A. hooded tops are fashionable.
B. school uniform is a good idea.
C. young people behave well.
D. you can judge a person by their clothes.
Câu 60: Why did the writer of the article include of the Lord Ashley’s statement?
A. To show that children always behave badly.
B. To show that children behaved well in 1823.
C. To show that adults are the same as children.
D. To show that adults always think children behave badly.

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following extract.
Last week, local doctor Giovanni Ricci was (61) ____ to find that a thief had
robbed him. Even more surprising, however, was the winning lottery ticket that the thief
had left. Dr. Giovanni Ricci was going to visit a friend (62) ____ New Year’s eve when
he got a flat tire. Another driver stopped to help him. The man took off the old tire, put
the (63) ____ tire on, and then drove off. Dr Ricci looked in his trunk and realised that
(64) ____ man was a thief. Everything from his car trunk – a suitcase, some tools, and a
large box of chocolates – was missing. In fact, the trunk was (65) ____! Then the doctor
noticed a lottery ticket on the road next to the car. The ticket obviously (66) ____ to the
thief, and fell off his pocket while he was helping Dr. Ricci.

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He kept the lottery ticket. A week later, he discovered that it was the (67) ____
ticket! But Dr. Ricci didn’t keep it. He (68) ____ an ad in the newspaper, asking the thief
to come and get the ticket. The thief (69) ____ the ad, apologised to the doctor for robbing
him, and took the ticket. When asked (70) ____ he didn’t keep the money, Dr. Ricci told
reporters that the ticket wasn’t his. “He may be a thief, but I’m not.”

Câu 61: A. surprising B. surprise C. surprisingly D. surprised

Câu 62: A. on B. at C. to D. in
Câu 63: A. wooden B. plastic C. spare D. small
Câu 64: A. some B. a C. his D. the
Câu 65: A. full B. locked C. empty D. big
Câu 66: A. wanted B. liked C. went D. belonged
Câu 67: A. small B. winning C. losing D. bus
Câu 68: A. sent B. put C. saw D. read
Câu 69: A. answer B. will answer C. answered D. answering
Câu 70: A. when B. why C. where D. what

Question 71-80: For each question, choose the sentence which has the same meaning
as the first one.
Câu 71: He owns that small store.
A. He is the owner of that small store.
B. That small store doesn’t belong to him
C. He works in that small store.
D. He is going to own that small store.
Câu 72: John was late for the meeting yesterday.
A. John came to the meeting early yesterday.
B. John didn’t arrive at the meeting on time yesterday.
C. John left the meeting first yesterday.
D. John didn’t want to come to the late meeting yesterday.
Câu 73: My house is near a bookstore.
A. My house is between two bookstores.
B. My house is close to a bookstore.
C. My house is far from a bookstore.
D. My bookstore is near my house.
Câu 74: Buses are often full of people at rush hours.
A. There are often some people on buses at rush hours.
B. Not many people want to go by bus at rush hours.
C. There are often a lot of people on buses at rush hours.
D. There are often few people on buses at rush hours.
Câu 75: They are keen on music.
A. They like performing on the stage.
B. They need some music.
C. They like music.
D. Their music is very good.
Câu 76: Students don’t have to go to the library.
A. Students should go to the library

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B. Students don’t need to go to the library.
C. Students have to go to the library.
D. Students mustn’t go to the library.
Câu 77: John swims very well.
A. John is very good at swimming.
B. John is very bad at swimming.
C. John swims very often.
D. John is a very good swimming instructor
Câu 78: My father has a collection of watches.
A. My father sells watches.
B. My father watches are big.
C. My father collects watches
D. I watch my father’s collection.
Câu 79: Juice is better for me than coke.
A. Coke is not my favourite drink.
B. I like both coke and juice.
C. I drink coke as well as juice.
D. Coke is worse for me than juice.
Câu 80: My son isn’t as tall as my daughter.
A. My son isn’t tall at all.
B. My daughter is taller than my son.
C. My daughter is the tallest in my family.
D. My daughter is as tall as my son.

Question 81-90: Choose the beat reply in each conversation below.

Câu 81: Liza: I have just got a driving license.
Jane: _____
A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Congratulations!
C. Thanks for your invitation. D. That’s too bad.
Câu 82: Man: Let’s go to Croatia this time.
Woman: _____
A. Just a minute. I’ll be back. B. Thanks for your information.
C. That sounds great! D. Yes, it is a country.
Câu 83: Girl: How often do you go swimming?
Boy: _____
A. Every day. B. Today.
C. For 2 days D. Everyone in my family.
Câu 84: Girl: What colour will you paint the room?
Boy: _____
A. It wasn’t very difficult B. I’ll get some paint.
C. I can’t decide. D. I hope it was right
Câu 85: Woman: Who phoned me?
Girl: _____
A. I’m speaking. B. Sorry. I forget to ask.
C. I’ll call back. D. I don’t know your name.
Câu 86: Lilly: Would you like some more cake?

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Tim: _____
A. I’ll ask someone else. B. Sorry. I forget to ask.
C. No, thanks, I’m full D. I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
Câu 87: John: I thought the match was really boring.
Jake: Oh, _____
A. Yes, I’d like to B. What did you think?
C. I am seeing my friends there. D. I enjoyed it.
Câu 88: Girl: We had a great time on vacation.
Boy: _____
A. Where did you go? B. Have you been there?
C. Why are you going? D. How much was it?
Câu 89: Boy: What do you suggest?
Girl: _____
A. Do you know who the best skier is? B. It’s not a good idea, I think.
C. How about going skiing? D. What happened at 8 o’clock?
Câu 90: Woman: I hope Andrew will get here soon.
Man: _____
A. I’m sure he will. B. I hope he hasn’t.
C. How long did it take? D. He usually gets it.

Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. soon B. flood C. moon D. cool
Câu 92: A. mixed B. kicked C. finished D. sailed
Câu 93: A. sugar B. soup C. sick D. sea
Câu 94: A. helped B. washed C. wanted D. walked
Câu 95: A. classes B. watches C. brushes D. studies
Câu 96: A. meat B. head C. seat D. neat
Câu 97: A. calendar B. car C. cook D. cent
Câu 98: A. how B. hill C. horn D. hour
Câu 99: A. swims B. feels C. runs D. breaks
Câu 100: A. church B. chef C. chair D. cheese

1.B 11.C 21.D 31.C 41.B 51.A 61.D 71.A 81.B 91.B
2.D 12.B 22.D 32.A 42.C 52.D 62.A 72.B 82.C 92.D
3.D 13.A 23.C 33.A 43.C 53.D 63.C 73.B 83.A 93.A
4.C 14.C 24.A 34.D 44.A 54.C 64.D 74.C 84.C 94.C
5.A 15.D 25.B 35.A 45.A 55.A 65.C 75.C 85.B 95.D
6.B 16.D 26.C 36.B 46.D 56.D 66.D 76.B 86.C 96.B
7.A 17.D 27.A 37.D 47.B 57.B 67.B 77.A 87.D 97.D
8.A 18.C 28.C 38.B 48.A 58.B 68.B 78.C 88.A 98.D
9.B 19.A 29.B 39.A 49.C 59.D 69.C 79.D 89.C 99.D
10.A 20.C 30.B 40.A 50.C 60.D 70.B 80.B 90.A 100.B

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--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề.
Đợt 3 học kỳ 3 – ngày thi 21/07/2019
Mã đề thi: 02
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên: ___________________________Mã số sinh viên: ____________

Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 1: The fans at the stadium ______ the victory with music and dancing.
A. celebrating B. celebrate C. celebrated D. to celebrate
Câu 2: She works on the top floor of a ______.
A. subway B. skyscraper C. nightlife D. forest
Câu 3: In soccer, you ______ score a goal with your hand.
A. indoor B. outdoor C. don’t have to D. mustn’t
Câu 4: I love ______ activities life surfing or sailing.
A. indoor B. outdoor C. nightlife D. cultural
Câu 5: I called her yesterday, but she ______ the phone.
A. don’t answer B. didn’t answer C. doesn’t answer D. are not answering
Câu 6: The man ______ on the wet floor.
A. slipped B. dropped C. broke D. burned
Câu 7: Louise ______ two hours cooking the meal.
A. spent B. waited C. ate D. went
Câu 8: He was waiting to play tennis when his friend ______.
A. was calling B. is calling C. called D. has called
Câu 9: We were walking along a path by a big river when my guide ______.
A. stops B. stopped C. have stopped D. stopping
Câu 10: San Francisco ______ a lot of restaurants.
A. is B. has C. there are D. does
Câu 11: We visited that ______ because we are interested in paintings.
A. pyramid B. jungle C. harbour D. art gallery
Câu 12: Jen felt ______ about the journey into the mountains.
A. excited B. exciting C. excitedly D. excite
Câu 13: ______ always go to work on Saturday?
A. Have you B. Do you C. Are you D. Aren’t you
Câu 14: ______ have you worked in this store?
A. How long B. When C. Who D. What
Câu 15: Which basketball ______ are we playing on?
A. field B. court C. net D. pool
Câu 16: Fred has played sport ______ he was at high school.
A. when B. before C. since D. for
Câu 17: I ______ wear a life jacket because I can’t swim.
A. are B. have C. need D. must
Câu 18: The job is ______ because I meet a lot of different people.
A. boring B. friendly C. unusual D. interesting
Câu 19: Tom was disappointed because his team ______ the match
A. win B. lost C. lose D. won

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Câu 20: When you go to a restaurant in Sydney, you can find ______ from around the
A. cuisine B. cities C. skyscrapers D. packets
Câu 21: People with this job ______ a college degree and special training.
A. needing B. needs C. need D. to need
Câu 22: ______ different jobs have you had.
A. How many B. How much C. How D. How often
Câu 23: The first group of ______ came to Australia from Europe.
A. immigrants B. immigrating C. immigrated D. immigrate
Câu 24: My sister likes collecting watches. She has collected ______ for years.
A. her B. him C. it D. them
Câu 25: Sam ______ horse riding every summer.
A. has B. plays C. is D. goes
Câu 26: She got ______ of her old job so she found a new one.
A. angry B. excited C. better D. tired
Câu 27: Athletes must train regularly and have a ______diet.
A. healthily B. unhealthy C. health D. healthy
Câu 28: What is the ______ city in the United States?
A. bigger B. biggest C. very big D. population
Câu 29: Everybody in our family ______ fish to meat.
A. enjoys B. often C. likes D. prefers
Câu 30: My teacher ______ from England.
A. coming B. are C. goes D. comes
Câu 31: Basketball players ______ the ball into a basket.
A. bounce B. kick C. hit D. throw
Câu 32: My brother is doing a Saturday job to ______ money to buy a computer.
A. spend B. pay C. earn D. borrow
Câu 33: I often ______ a nap after lunch.
A. make B. do C. take D. sleep
Câu 34: We ______ the subway to work every day.
A. took B. take C. are taking D. have taken
Câu 35: I ______ worked in this company since I left school.
A. did B. have C. will D. am
Câu 36: My job is ______ so I must try my hardest every day.
A. easy B. demanding C. unusual D. safe
Câu 37: I finished work early to ______ ready for the concert.
A. get B. go C. wash D. prepare
Câu 38: When I do the job well, I have a feeling of ______.
A. disappointment B. satisfaction C. tiredness D. angry
Câu 39: The _______ is very changeable so bring your raincoat when you go out.
A. weather B. location C. population D. adventure
Câu 40: Tara is ______ - she is afraid of talking to strangers.
A. shy B. patient C. generous D. unkind
Câu 41: ______ did you spend your summer vacation?
A. What B. Where C. How many D. Who
Câu 42: The best way to explore cities is ______ foot.

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A. use B. with C. by D. on
Câu 43: Mark doesn’t live with his ______ - she lives in a country house alone.
A. grandfather B. uncle C. nephew D. grandmother
Câu 44: After days in hospital, my father got ______ and went home.
A. heavier B. older C. higher D. better
Câu 45: My swimming ______ teaches me to swim.
A. instructor B. instruction C. instructed D. instructing
Câu 46: Do you like the _____- in these books?
A. illustrate B. illustrations C. illustrator D. illustrative
Câu 47: He’s been an ______ for ten years.
A. act B. acting C. actor D. actress
Câu 48: The child cried because _____broke the glass.
A. the B. it C. he D. they
Câu 49: Wallace hit the baseball so hard that it ______ out of the stadium.
A. is flying B. fly C. flew D. flies
Câu 50: The weather today is ______ - sunny, but not too hot.
A. delicious B. terrible C. fantastic D. crowded

Question 51-54: Read the following story. Choose the best answers.
Last year I had a great trip to Hearst Castle at San Simeon in California. Hearst
Castle was built by William Randolph Hearst between 1922 and 1939, at a cost of more
than $30 million.
I spent all day looking around, but it wasn’t enough. There was so much to see.
Hearst Castle is really four houses. The main house, Casa Grande, is much bigger than
the other three, which were used for guests. Many of these were Hollywood film stars,
and they often came to Hearst’s parties.
At Hearst Castle, there are 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms and 19 sitting rooms.
There are also beautiful gardens, a garage for 25 large cars and two swimming pools, one
inside and a larger one outside. I loved the one outside, the Neptune Pool – it was a pity
we couldn’t go swimming!
I found the tour very helpful. The guide told me that Hearst, at the age of ten,
toured Europe with his mother, looking at paintings and castles. He never forgot this tour
and decided that he wanted his house to look like a castle.
Hears died in 1951, and Hearst was given by his family to the people of
California. It is now a museum.

Câu 51: Where did Hearst’s guests stay?

A. In the biggest house.
B. In the garage.
C. In three smaller houses.
D. In the smallest house.

Câu 52: Which is true about the swimming pools?

A. They are outside the castle.
B. One swimming pool is inside and the other is outside.
C. They are inside the castle.

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D. They are in the garden.

Câu 53: What made the writer feel disappointed?

A. It wasn’t a good trip.
B. He was in the castle only in the morning.
C. The guide didn’t tell him anything about Hearst.
D. He couldn’t swim in the swimming pool.

Câu 54: What did Hearst’s family do with the castle?

A. They used it as a museum.
B. They still lived in it.
C. They sold it.
D. They gave it away.

Question 55-56: Read the paragraph. Choose the best answers.

I love my new fitness club, but there are a lot of rules and regulations. I pay $29
dollars a month, but I can only go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays are for women. The club is closed on Sunday. Also, if I want
to bring a guest, it is free the first time and $7 each time after that. Any food or drink is
prohibited in the club except for water. Plastic bottles are allowed, but glass is not. Oh
yeah, you have to bring your own towel and if you forget they charge you $5 to borrow
one. There really are a lot of rules!

Câu 55: What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. How much you have to pay to go to the gym.
B. There are a lot of rules and regulations.
C. Men can only go three days a week, and not on Sunday.
D. People can bring water into this place, but not food and drink.

Câu 56: What does ‘one’ refer to?

A. a rule B. a guest C. a towel D. a glass bottle

Question 57-60: Read the article about Sofia Coppola. Choose the best answers.
Sofia Coppola was born in New York, in 1971 and appeared in her first film. The
Godfather in 1972 (she played the part of a baby boy!) As she grew older, she appeared
in several other films. However, she was never very successful as an actress, and in 1990
received two joke awards called ‘Razzies’, one for Worst New Star and one for Worst
Supporting Actress.
Today Sofia is better-known (and more successful) as a director. She wrote and
directed a short film in 1998 and made her first full-length film, the Virgin Suicides, in
1999. That year, she won an MTV Movie Award for Best New-film Maker. In 2003, she
wrote and directed her most successful film, Lost In Translation, and won an Academy
Award for the script.
Sofia grew up surrounded by people from the film industry because she is the
daughter of the famous film director, Francis Ford Coppola. She is also the cousin of
actor Nicolas Cage. In 1999, she married film director Spike Jonze but the marriage

Mã đề 2 -Trang 4/9
ended in 2003. Many people in Hollywood believe that she is now in a relationship with
Quentin Tarantino – another famous actor.

Câu 57: She received two ‘Razzies’ because ______.

A. She was very young
B. She wasn’t a very good actress
C. She was a new star
D. She was in several films

Câu 58: The Virgin Suicide was the name of Sofia’s ______.
A. short film
B. most successful film
C. first full-length film
D. first film

Câu 59: She won the Academy Award as ______.

A. an actress
B. a joke
C. a writer
D. a director

Câu 60: As an actress, Sofia’s first part was ______.

A. as a young girl in The Godfather
B. in the worst film of 1990
C. as a young woman
D. as a baby boy

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following text.
We finally made it to North Queensland. It’s tropical here, so it very (61) ______
and humid. The tropics are amazing. There is so much to see and do! It’s never (62)
______. We are having a really (63) ______ time. The tropical jungle, or rainforest is
beautiful. There are amazing tropical plants, trees and animals. Yesterday, we went (64)
______ in the forest and this morning we went (65) ______ a boat ride along a river. We
saw lots of crocodiles, but didn’t get too close to (66) ______! After that, we went
windsurfing. The beaches are incredible, and it’s not crowded at all. I think this is (67)
______ I like most about this place; it’s not (68) ______ at all. It’s peaceful wherever
you go. Tomorrow we’re going (69) ______ on the coral reef. We’re really (70) ______
about that.

Câu 61: A. stormy B. cold C. hot D. snowy

Câu 62: A. busy B. clean C. boring D. interesting
Câu 63: A. bad B. late C. early D. good
Câu 64: A. on a cruise B. hiking C. to museums D. shopping
Câu 65: A. in B. under C. on D. at
Câu 66: A. them B. it C. her D. him
Câu 67: A. which B. much C. what D. how

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Câu 68: A. tour B. tourist C. touring D. touristy
Câu 69: A. trekking B. snorkelling C. skiing D. rock climbing
Câu 70: A. sorry B. sad C. interested D. excited

Question 71-80: For each question, choose one sentence which means the same as
the sentence in italics.

Câu 71: Henry is the hardest worker in the group.

A. Henry’s group is the hardest.
B. The group members work harder than Henry.
C. Other people in the group work as hard as Henry.
D. No one in the group works harder than Henry
Câu 72: Our train arrives at midnight.
A. Our train doesn’t arrive at midnight.
B. Our train arrives before midnight.
C. Our train doesn’t arrive until midnight.
D. Our train arrive after midnight.

Câu 73: Which band do you like best?

A. Which is your favourite band?
B. Which band do you wait for?
C. Which band do you know?
D. Which band are you least interested in?

Câu 74: Max isn’t as tall as Beth.

A. Beth is the tallest.
B. Both Max and Beth are short.
C. Beth is as small as Max.
D. Beth is taller than Max.

Câu 75: There are six rooms in their apartment.

A. Every apartment has six rooms.
B. Their apartment has six rooms.
C. They are looking for a six-room apartment.
D. They bought six apartments
Câu 76: Shall we meet outside the supermarket?
A. Why don’t we meet outside the supermarket?
B. Who will we meet outside the supermarket?
C. Shall I go to the supermarket?
D. Can we wait inside the supermarket?

Câu 77: We will walk to the beach.

A. We will swim to the beach.
B. We will drive to the beach.

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C. We won’t walk to the beach.
D. We will go on foot to the beach.

Câu 78: Our new home is quite near my school.

A. Our new home is a long way from my new school.
B. Our new home is not far from my school.
C. Our new home is so far from my new school.
D. Our old home was right in front of my school.

Câu 79: My family has lived in this house for two months.
A. My family saw this house two months ago.
B. My family left this house two months ago.
C. My family sold this house two months ago.
D. My family moved to this house two months ago.

Câu 80: They are careful drivers.

A. They are careless drivers.
B. They drive carefully.
C. They hardly ever drive.
D. They drive very often.

Question 81-90: For each question, choose the best reply.

Câu 81: Jane: How did you get to the party?
Susan: ______________________
A. I didn’t’ have a good time. B. It was great!
C. I caught a bus. D. Tomorrow I think.

Câu 82: Waiter: Is everything OK with your meal?

Man: ____________________________
A. Steak and green salad please. B. The soup’s a bit cold.
C. Only the expensive one. D. How much does it cost?

Câu 83: Mike: Do you like Jane’s new apartment?

John: ____________________________
A. I don’t go. B. She likes it.
C. The rooms are rather small. D. It is the top floor.

Câu 84: Man: When can we meet again?

Woman: __________________
A. When are you free? B. Near the station.
C. Two days ago. D. Can you help me?

Câu 85: Man: I’m sorry I’m late.

Woman: ____________
A. You can’t go. B. There isn’t time.
C. That’s all right. D. My watch is broken.

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Câu 86: Jane: When did the meeting end?
Lisa: _____________________
A. It started half an hour ago. B. Just before lunch.
C. The last minute. D. I was in a big room.

Câu 87: Jack: Would you like some water?

Vanessa: ___________________
A. Yes, of course I do. B. Yes, I like her very much.
C. Yes, with ice, please. D. You are right.

Câu 88: Jane: Can I speak to John, please?

John: _______________________
A. It doesn’t matter. B. How are you?
C. Speaking. D. John comes from England.

Câu 89: Mother: Is it a good film?

Daughter: ___________
A. I don’t agree. B. That’s right.
C. It’s OK. D. Let me explain.

Câu 90: Boy: Are you sure the film starts at 10?
Girl: ___________________________
A. Yes, I saw them near my school. B. Yes, I do.
C. No, I don’t. D. Yes, I am.

Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. dead B. bread C. head D. great
Câu 92: A. mood B. flood C. shoot D. tool
Câu 93: A. mud B. nut C. sum D. future
Câu 94: A. celebrity B. centre C. capital D. cereal
Câu 95: A. check B. chance C. chimney D. character
Câu 96: A. scored B. called C. crashed D. cried
Câu 97: A. apple B. advert C. assist D. attitude
Câu 98: A. holiday B. honest C. honey D. health
Câu 99: A. steps B. sits C. draws D. kicks
Câu 100: A. kick B. fit C. fix D. climbs

Mã đề 2 -Trang 8/9
1.C 11.D 21.C 31.D 41.B 51.A 61.C 71.D 81.C 91.D
2.B 12.A 22.A 32.C 42.D 52.B 62.C 72.C 82.B 92.B
3.D 13.B 23.A 33.C 43.D 53.D 63.D 73.A 83.C 93.D
4.B 14.A 24.D 34.B 44.D 54.D 64.B 74.D 84.A 94.C
5.B 15.B 25.D 35.B 45.A 55.B 65.C 75.B 85.C 95.D
6.A 16.C 26.D 36.B 46.B 56.C 66.A 76.A 86.B 96.C
7.A 17.D 27.D 37.A 47.C 57.B 67.C 77.D 87.C 97.C
8.C 18.D 28.B 38.B 48.C 58.C 68.D 78.B 88.C 98.B
9.B 19.B 29.D 39.A 49.C 59.D 69.B 79.D 89.C 99.C
10.B 20.A 30.D 40.A 50.C 60.D 70.D 80.B 90.D 100.D

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--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Mã đề thi: 03
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên : ___________________________Mã số sinh viên : ____________

Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 1: Shakira was born _____ February 2nd, 1977.
A. in B. at C. on D. into
Câu 2: Fidel Castro _____basketball for the University of Havana when he was a student.
A. plays B. has played C. played D. was played
Câu 3: If you like an _____vacation, we will take you on a trek involving a lot of rock
A. unpaid B. easy C. island D. adventure
Câu 4: The _____is the most important city in a country.
A. capital B. district C. village D. suburb
Câu 5: We haven’t _____that movie.
A. see B. saw C. seeing D. seen
Câu 6: The sun _____comes up in the east.
A. hardly ever B. sometimes C. always D. never
Câu 7: Would you _____live in Seoul or Sydney?
A. love B. rather C. mind D. like
Câu 8: I’d like the _____in this book. It’s very beautiful.
A. illustrate B. illustrator C. illustrative D. illustration
Câu 9: _____do you go to work?
A. How B. Whose C. What D. Who
Câu 10: We _____the game yesterday, but it wasn’t an easy victory.
A. tied B. won C. lost D. missed
Câu 11: Are the beaches in Australia as beautiful _____the beaches in the Caribbean?
A. with B. to C. than D. as
Câu 12: Dublin is the _____city in the Republic of Ireland.
A. larger B. enlarge C. largely D. largest
Câu 13: Katie’s exam was bad but _____was worse.
A. me B. I C. mine D. my
Câu 14: We went to Japanese restaurant and we _____raw fish.
A. ordered B. made C. decided D. took
Câu 15: How about _____to the movies tonight?
A. go B. to go C. will go D. going
Câu 16: I am staying at a hotel _____a very noisy street.
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A. over B. on C. of D. with
Câu 17: The subway is often _____ It is impossible to sit down.
A. empty B. crowded C. expensive D. cheap
Câu 18: Last year we went on a _____around the Mediterranean.
A. ride B. walk C. swim D. cruise
Câu 19: Astronauts work in ______.
A. space B. sea C. earth D. forest
Câu 20: To be physically in ______, astronauts exercise for a few hours every day.
A. body B. shape C. person D. health
Câu 21: It’s a great job because I have the _____to do lots of different things.
A. opportunity B. feeling C. responsibility D. money
Câu 22: San Francisco is on the _____of the United States.
A. sea B. coast C. beach D. centre
Câu 23: Singapore has a _____ climate because it is very close the equator.
A. cold B. mild C. temperate D. tropical
Câu 24: Teaching is a very _____job. I feel good when I see the student making progress.
A. boring B. uninteresting C. rewarding D. unusual
Câu 25: I often go to the beach, _____I just like lying on the beach sunbathing.
A. although B. because C. but D. so
Câu 26: I love modern art, so I usually spend hours in ______.
A. art galleries B. artists C. art directors D. works of art
Câu 27: New York has a low crime rate. It is _____than Los Angeles.
A. safer B. the best C. more dangerous D. worse
Câu 28: I must wear a ______. because I can’t swim.
A. lifeguard B. life jacket C. life raft D. swimsuit
Câu 29: Most cities have public _____.to help people go to different parts of the city.
A. libraries B. transportation C. buildings D. schools
Câu 30: Did you buy _____.at the store?
A. something B. anything C. good D. thing
Câu 31: This restaurant is a cheaper than that ______.
A. one B. it C. ones D. once
Câu 32: People with this job _____special training in order to be hired by a school.
A. needing B. to need C. needs D. need
Câu 33: In the United States, people who work for the government get _____on the
national holidays.
A. long days B. days out C. days off D. dates
Câu 34: _____must train hard before they enter sports competitions.
A. Spectators B. Athletes C. Commentators D. Fans

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Câu 35: He has been in that band ______.
A. after three years B. three years later C. three years ago D. for three years
Câu 36: Tomorrow we are going _____on the coral reef.
A. snorkelling B. rock climbing C. bicycling D. skiing
Câu 37: Soccer players play on the _____and they have to kick the ball into the goal.
A. field B. court C. ring D. ice
Câu 38: You _____do yoga in a class. You can do it at home by yourself if you prefer.
A. have to B. mustn’t C. must D. don’t have to
Câu 39: After a week in the hospital, my grandfather got _____and went home.
A. sick B. better C. worse D. angry
Câu 40: He _____his bicycle and broke his arm.
A. fell off B. rode C. drove D. had
Câu 41: She started writing songs _____she was eight.
A. when B. because C. although D. so
Câu 42: She got a job _____New York at the UN.
A. at B. from C. to D. in
Câu 43: She _____finish work until 5 o’clock.
A. isn’t B. is going to C. doesn’t D. will
Câu 44: There are a lot of things to do in cities, so you are never _______.
A. boring B. boringly C. bore D. bored
Câu 45: In ping-pong you have to hit the ball _____the net.
A. in B. at C. over D. into
Câu 46: Basketball players have to _____the ball when they run, then throw it into a
A. kick B. hit C. score D. bounce
Câu 47: I’ll _____my grandmother on the holiday.
A. am seeing B. am going to C. see D. to see
Câu 48: Hockey players wear protective clothing _____they don’t get hurt.
A. because B. when C. so that D. if
Câu 49: Panama City has a _____of approximately of 1.2 million.
A. location B. skyscraper C. people D. population
Câu 50: I work with financial markets all _____the world.
A. on B. in C. over D. of

Question 51-60: Read the following texts, choose the best answers to the questions
that follow them.
Text 1:

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One part artist and one part business professional, an interior designer is more than
just a pretty face with an eye for beauty. From sketching, designing, and arranging beautiful
spaces to shopping for furniture and household accessories, there’s no shortage of excitement
in an interior design career. This is a job that can satisfy your desire for travel and working
with a variety of people. Not to suggest that an interior design job is all glamour, all the time.
A good interior designer has to manage people, budgets and client relationships-all while
designing spaces that are attractive, functional, and meet building and safety codes.

Câu 51: What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. Interior design is a boring job.
B. An interior designer always has a pretty face.
C. An interior designer must have a very complete professional profile.
D. Interior design is just glamour and fun.

Câu 52: What is the sentence that summarizes best the paragraph?
A. Interior designers have beautiful eyes.
B. Being an interior designer requires a variety of personal and professional skills.
C. Interior designers are good with numbers.
D. The main skill of an interior designer is to know how to choose colours and

Text 2:
Sydney is Australia’s most famous city. Although many people think it’s the capital
of Australia, it’s only the capital of the State of New South Wales. The capital of Australia
is Canberra. Sydney is, however, the biggest and oldest city in the country.
In little more than two hundred years, Sydney has grown to become the most
multicultural city in Australia. The first group of immigrants came from Europe, then in
1970s, most of Australia’s immigrants came from Asia. Today the population of Sydney is
more than four million, and the culture of the city is a combination of the cultures of the
people who live there.
The climate, with almost eight months of good weather, makes Sydney the perfect
city for outdoor life. The city has more than 30 beaches along the 37 miles (60 kilometres)
of its coast. In Sydney harbour, one of the world’s most spectacular bays, you can find the
Sydney Opera House, Australia’s most well-known building. Passing by the Opera House
is a constant parade of small boats, yachts, ferries, and enormous cruise ships.
In Sydney, a California lifestyle has been combined with European influences in its
cafés, movie theatres, theatres, and concert halls. Shorts and sandals are the most popular
clothes to wear, and bear and barbecues are everywhere.

Mã đề 3 -Trang 4/11
Câu 53: What is the TRUE about Sydney?
A. It is smaller than Canberra. B. It has good climate.
B. It is the capital of the country. C. It is one of the new cities in Australia.

Câu 54: Why is Sydney the most multicultural city in Australia?

A. Because Sydney harbour is one of the most spectacular bays in the world.
B. Because it has a population of more than four million.
C. Because there is a combination of the cultures of immigrants who live there.
D. Because the city is very good place for outdoor life.

Câu 55: What is the lifestyle in Sydney like?

A. The Sydney Opera House is very famous.
B. It is influenced by California and European lifestyle.
C. It is an uninteresting city.
D. People go to cafes, movie theatres, theatres and concert hall in Sydney.

Text 3:
Golden sandy beaches, deep blue seas, peace and quiet, and delicious food.
Would you like to take the vacation of life time? Have you always thought about
getting away on a romantic cruise but could never afford it? Now you dream can become a
reality. Get away with Dazzle Tours. Why not to take one of our mini-breaks? You will find
that a seven-day break costs a lot less than you thought. If you book now, you can get away
for even less. For a limited time, we are offering a Caribbean cruise will stop in Jamaica,
Aruba, and Puerto Rico for only $499. (Excluding taxes; service charges and visa fees
Your Dazzle Tour includes:
- Round trip airfare from Palm Beach to Belize
- All meals and on-board entertainment
- Choice of breakfast, buffet lunch and three course dinner menu
- Full use of sports centre, sauna and casino
- Jet-skiing and scuba-diving
- Guided tours at destination cities with one of our expert local guides.
With Dazzle Tour, every day is a new adventure. All tours last seven days, six nights.
Departures every Sunday until August 31s. Reservation must be made two weeks in
advance. Call one of our agents to reserve your place now!
Dazzle Tours: 0800-990-099

Mã đề 3 -Trang 5/11
Câu 56: Which place is NOT a stop for the cruise?
A. Aruba B. Palm Beach C. Puerto Rico D. Jamaica
Câu 57: How long does the tour last?
A. Six days B. Until August 31st C. 2 weeks D. 7 days
Câu 58: If you wanted to go on June 21 , which would be the best day to make

A. June 14th B. Two weeks later C. June 5th D. August 31st
Câu 59: What is not included in the tour prize?
A. Taxes B. Meals C. Airplane tickets D. Service charges
Câu 60: What kind of sport is scuba-diving?
A. A motorsport B. A water sport C. A ball game D. A winter sport

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following text.
Last week, local doctor Giovanni Ricci was (61) _____to find that a thief had robbed
him. Even more surprising, however, was the winning lottery ticket that the thief had left.
Dr. Giovanni Ricci was going to visit a friend (62) _____New Year’s Eve when he got a flat
tire. Another driver stopped to help him. The man took off the old tire, put the (63) _____tire
on, and then drove off. Dr. Ricci looked in his trunk and realized that (64) _____man was a
thief. Everything from his car trunk-a suitcase, some tools, and a large box of chocolates -
was missing. In fact, the trunk was (65) _____.! Then the doctor noticed a lottery ticket on
the road next to the car. The ticket obviously (66) _____to the thief, and fell off his pocket
while he was helping Dr. Ricci.
He kept the lottery ticket. A week later, he discovered that it was the (67) _____ ticket!
But Dr. Ricci didn’t keep it. He (68) _____.an ad in the newspaper, asking the thief to come
and get the ticket. The thief (69) _____the ad, apologized to the doctor for robbing him, and
took the ticket. When asked (70) _____he didn’t keep the money, Dr. Ricci told reporters
that the ticket wasn’t his. “He may be a thief, but I’m not.”
Câu 61: A. surprisingly B. surprising C. surprise D. surprised
Câu 62: A. to B. in C. at D. on
Câu 63: A. plastic B. small C. spare D. wooden
Câu 64: A. the B. some C. a D. his
Câu 65: A. empty B. locked C. big D. full
Câu 66: A. wanted B. belonged C. went D. liked
Câu 67: A. winning B. small C. bus D. losing
Câu 68: A. put B. read C. sent D. saw
Câu 69: A. answering B. will answer C. answer D. answered
Câu 70: A. where B. why C. when D. how

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Question 71-80: For each question, choose one sentence which means the same as the
sentence in italics.
Câu 71: Would you like to join our drama group?
A. You like our drama group, don’t you?
B. What do you think about our drama group?
C. Are you interested in joining our drama group?
D. Why do you join our drama group?

Câu 72: London is bigger than Oxford.

A. Oxford is as big as London.
B. Oxford is the biggest.
C. Oxford is much larger than London.
D. Oxford is smaller than London.

Câu 73: My parents suggested going out for a meal.

A. My parents asked, “Why do you go out for a meal?”
B. My parents said, “Don’t go out for a meal.”
C. My parents said, “Why don’t we go out for a meal?”
D. My parents refused to go out for a meal.

Câu 74: There are more boys than girls in this class.
A. There are no girls in this class.
B. There are as many girls as boys in this class.
C. There aren’t as many girls as boys in this class.
D. There are fewer boys in this class.

Câu 75: This is first time I’ve been here.

A. I haven’t been here before.
B. I have lived here for a long time.
C. I first went here a long time ago.
D. I have always wanted to be here.

Câu 76: The Columbian coffee cost less than the Kenyan coffee.
A. The Columbian coffee wasn’t as expensive as the Kenya coffee.
B. The Columbian coffee was more expensive than the Kenya coffee.
C. The Kenya coffee was much cheaper than the Columbian coffee.
D. The Columbian coffee was worse than the Kenya coffee.

Mã đề 3 -Trang 7/11
Câu 77: The shop was so big that we got lost in it.
A. The shop was too small to get lost.
B. We got lost and couldn’t find the big shop.
C. We got lost in the shop because it was so big.
D. We usually get lost in big shops.

Câu 78: The train was full of people.

A. There weren’t any people on the train.
B. There were a lot of people on the train.
C. There were a few people on the train.
D. The train was not crowded.

Câu 79: He owns a toy shop.

A. He has a toy shop.
B. He works in a toy shop.
C. He sells toys in a shop.
D. He makes toys for a shop.

Câu 80: I’ve borrowed some very useful books from my older brother.
A. I’ve had some very good books for my older brother.
B. My older brother has bought some very useful books for me.
C. I’ve read some very interesting books to my older brother.
D. My older brother has lent me some very useful books.

Question 81-90: For each question, choose the best reply.

Câu 81: Andy: I have a big collection of sunglasses.
John: ____________________________
A. That’s too bad!
B. That’s awesome!
C. What a bummer!
D. That’s a good idea.

Câu 82: Wife: Why don’t we go to Mexico next summer?

Husband: _______________________________
A. Because I went there last summer.
B. Sorry, I don’t know where it is.
C. Really? What do you think?
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D. That sounds perfect!

Câu 83: Jane: I’m getting married next month.

Lisa: _________________________
A. That’s really a shame!
B. Oh, poor you!
C. Congratulations! Who’s the lucky guy?
D. That’s too bad!

Câu 84: Jack: You know, I just bought a lottery ticket and I won $500.
Tim: _________________________________________.
A. That’s so cool!
B. No problem.
C. That’s so true!
D. I think you are right.

Câu 85: Sister: Can I ask you some questions, please?

Brother: ____________________________
A. Don’t worry. You’ll be OK.
B. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time.
C. I don’t agree.
D. Sorry to bother you.

Câu 86: Woman: Would you like to try our pizza?

Girl: ____________________________
No. I’m not thirsty at all.
A. No. thanks. I’m not hungry right now.
B. No. I don’t.
C. I’m sorry, but I have to do my homework.

Câu 87: Woman: What time did the bus arrive?

Man: ____________________________
A. It’s about 3 o’clock.
B. About twenty minutes ago.
C. For half an hour.
D. Twice a day.

Câu 88: Man: Tim had a heart attack. He was in hospital for a month.

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Woman: _______________________________________
A. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
B. I’m afraid he’s not here now.
C. Oh, he should be more careful.
D. Really? We must go now.

Câu 89: Daughter: John’s broken this plate.

Mother: ____________________
A. Yes, please.
B. It doesn’t matter.
C. That’s very good.
D. Here you are.

Câu 90: Son: Could you give me the butter?

Mother: _____________________
A. Here you are.
B. Thank you.
C. I don’t know.
D. I think so.

Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. played B. opened C. returned D. helped
Câu 92: A. horn B. how C. hour D. hill
Câu 93: A. tool B. cook C. pool D. tooth
Câu 94: A. uneven B. union C. universe D. unique
Câu 95: A. grow B. eyebrow C. power D. shower
Câu 96: A. brushes B. boxes C. potatoes D. classes
Câu 97: A. apple B. map C. sale D. carrot
Câu 98: A. please B. east C. teacher D. breakfast
Câu 99: A. chin B. chocolate C. chef D. check
Câu 100: A. salt B. see C. sofa D. sugar

Mã đề 3 -Trang 10/11

1.C 11.D 21.A 31.A 41.A 51.C 61.D 71.C 81.B 91.D
2.C 12.D 22.B 32.D 42.D 52.B 62.D 72.D 82.D 92.C
3.D 13.C 23.D 33.C 43.D 53.B 63.C 73.C 83.C 93.B
4.A 14.A 24.C 34.B 44.D 54.C 64.A 74.C 84.A 94.A
5.D 15.D 25.C 35.D 45.C 55.B 65.D 75.A 85.B 95.A
6C 16.B 26.A 36.A 46.D 56.B 66.B 76.A 86.B 96.C
7.B 17.B 27.A 37.A 47.C 57.D 67.A 77.C 87.B 97.C
8.D 18.D 28.B 38.D 48.C 58.C 68.A 78.B 88.A 98.D
9.A 19.A 29.B 39.B 49.D 59.A 69.D 79.A 89.B 99.C
10.B 20.B 30.B 40.A 50.C 60.B 70.B 80.D 90.A 100.D

Mã đề 3 -Trang 11/11
--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Mã đề thi: 04
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên: ___________________________Mã số sinh viên: ____________

Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 1: ______ can be played on a field or on ice.
A. Rugby B. Hockey C. Tennis D. Ping-pong
Câu 2: You ______ wear a life jacket because you can’t swim.
A. must B. can’t C. going D. have
Câu 3: There is a huge car ______ that can provide a lot of parking space for the staff.
A. factory B. seller C. driver D. park
Câu 4: Susan ______ jogging after work.
A. does B. has C. goes D. plays
Câu 5: Look! That’s my new teacher and he ______ from Mexico.
A. are B. goes C. coming D. comes
Câu 6: Tom was so sad because his team didn’t ______ the match.
A. win B. lost C. lose D. won
Câu 7: My new roommate can ______ three languages.
A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say
Câu 8: Have you seen my ______? They are my aunt’s children.
A. uncles B. nephews C. nieces D. cousins
Câu 9: ______ there a bus stop near your office?
A. Are B. Has C. Do D. Is
Câu 10: We waited for Mary for thirty minutes and finally she ______.
A. appeared B. appear C. appears D. appearing
Câu 11: Mike is engaged ______ my best friend.
A. to B. in C. from D. for
Câu 12: The ______ is very changeable so bring your raincoat when you go out.
A. weather B. cloud C. sky D. day
Câu 13: Mike is a little out of shape ______ he has to work out at the gym.
A. when B. so C. but D. because
Câu 14: ______ have you worked at the café?
A. What B. Who C. When D. How long
Câu 15: We learn about past events in ______ classes?
A. art B. physics C. maths D. history
Câu 16: A fireplace ______ to make the room warm on winter days.
A. is using B. is used C. has used D. uses
Câu 17: I’ve ______ with this company since I graduated.
A. been B. was C. were D. am

Mã đề 4 – Trang 1/10
Câu 18: I was born ______ February ten years ago.
A. at B. on C. from D. in
Câu 19: The country has a total ______ of 96 million.
A. populate B. population C. popularity D. populated
Câu 20: He’s been an actor ______ ten years
A. later B. for C. since D. before
Câu 21: She ______ gymnastics at school.
A. works B. does C. plays D. makes
Câu 22: I turned on my computer, but it ______.
A. repaired B. stole C. crashed D. made
Câu 23: My sister’s son visited ______ last night.
A. we B. ours C. our D. us
Câu 24: Do you like reading books with ______ in them?
A. illustrate B. illustrations C. illustrator D. illustrative
Câu 25: Why don’t we ______ out this evening.
A. to eat B. eaten C. eating D. eat
Câu 26: My job is ______ so I must try my hardest every day.
A. safe B. easy C. demanding D. high
Câu 27: My art teacher speaks ______.
A. Brazil B. America C. England D. Spanish
Câu 28: I don’t have a dictionary. Can I ______ one from the library?
A. borrowing B. borrowed C. borrow D. borrows
Câu 29: I live a heathy life because I always avoid ______.
A. fruits B. chicken C. vegetables D. junk food
Câu 30: My two colleagues are playing tennis on the ______.
A. course B. track C. slope D. court
Câu 31: Ted ______ 3,000 dollars in the lottery last week.
A. had won B. won C. has won D. win
Câu 32: The man ______ on the wet floor.
A. dropped B. slipped C. broke D. burned
Câu 33: I ______ a horse when I was on my uncle’s farm.
A. played B. rode C. went D. ran
Câu 34: Tara is ______ and quiet – she is afraid of talking to strangers.
A. outgoing B. selfish C. shy D. cruel
Câu 35: He’s a liar because he always tells ______.
A. lies B. good things C. honestly D. the truth
Câu 36: After three days in hospital, my grandfather got ______ and went home.
A. heavier B. older C. badly D. better

Mã đề 4 – Trang 2/10
Câu 37: My uncle has a big collection of sunglasses. He has collected them ______
five years.
A. ago B. for C. just D. since
Câu 38: Our children like going ______ a picnic by the river.
A. from B. with C. for D. at
Câu 39: He was driving to work when I ______.
A. am calling B. calls C. called D. will call
Câu 40: The fans at the stadium ______ the victory with music and dancing.
A. celebrated B. organise C. celebrity D. celebration
Câu 41: Alina found the cat in the front of the door and she gave ______ some food.
A. it B. she C. he D. them
Câu 42: Football players ______ score a goal with their hands.
A. must B. doesn’t C. have to D. mustn’t
Câu 43: Laura was ______ your brother work as a nurse?
A. well B. badly C. quickly D. heavy
Câu 44: ______ your brother work as a nurse?
A. Are B. Does C. Is D. Do
Câu 45: Children under the age of 12 ______ not allowed in the gym.
A. do B. have C. will D. are
Câu 46: Dublin is the ______ city in the Republic of Ireland.
A. large B. too large C. larger D. largest
Câu 47: I often ______ a nap after lunch.
A. make B. have C. sleep D. do
Câu 48: I didn’t do well in the driving test and I ______.
A. slipped B. passed C. failed D. lost
Câu 49: We arrived ______ the airport after the plane had taken off.
A. at B. to C. over D. from
Câu 50: The best way to explore this city is ______ foot.
A. with B. on C. use D. by
Question 51-54: Read the text. Choose the best answers.
Sixteen-year-old Melissa arrives at ‘boot camp’, but she doesn’t want to be here.
Boot camp is not for holidays. Teenagers come to stay here when they have got
problems and Melissa has got serious problems. She doesn’t do any work at school. She
just wants to go out with her friends all night, and drink and take drugs. She is very
difficult at home. She argues with her mum all the time and shouts at her. Her mother
can’t help her but she hopes that boot camp can.
Boot camp is a difficult place to be. There are lots of rules. This boot camp is in
the middle of the Arizona desert. It’s a ranch, and there are lots of animals. The young
people have to get up early every morning. They have to help on the ranch for two
hours. Then they have a good breakfast. At least the food here is nice. After breakfast,

Mã đề 4 – Trang 3/10
they usually do their schoolwork until lunchtime. After lunch they have to do more work
on the ranch. In the evenings they do their homework and write letters home. It’s boring
and hard work at boot camp. Melissa hates everything and is rude and difficult.
But every afternoon, after the ranch work they learn to ride a horse. At first,
Melissa is scared, but later she begins to enjoy it. After two months, Melissa feels
happier. She loves her horse, and her schoolwork is much better. She thinks about her
mum a lot and feels sorry for being so horrible to her. She wants to go home and go
back to school. For Melissa and hundreds of teenagers like her, boot camp works.

Câu 51: What is ‘boot camp’?

A. A holiday camp.
B. A camp for difficult teenagers.
C. A place for teenagers to go out with their friends.
D. A desert.

Câu 52: When do the young people star at work?

A. When they want to.
B. After breakfast.
C. When they get up
D. After they have finished their schoolwork.

Câu 53: How does Melissa feel about boot camp at first?
A. It’s hard work but she likes it.
B. She thinks it’s a great place to meet new people.
C. She doesn’t enjoy it at all.
D. Sometimes it’s boring, but she enjoys it because he food is good.

Câu 54: How does Mellissa feel after two months at boot camp?
A. She hates it and wants to go home.
B. She doesn’t want to talk about this place.
C. She wants to stay at boot camp to learn to ride.
D. She feels sorry for being difficult and wants to go home.

Question 55-56: Read the text. Choose the best answers.

I love my new fitness club, but there are a lot of rules and regulations. I pay $29
dollars a month, but I can only go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays are for women. The club is closed on Sunday. Also, if I want
to bring a guest, it is free the first time and $7 each time after that. Any food or drink is
prohibited in the club except for water. Plastic bottles are allowed, but glass is not. Oh

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yeah, you have to bring your own towel and if you forget they charge you $5 to borrow
one. There really are a lot of rules!
Câu 55: What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. People can bring water into this place, but not food and drink.
B. Men can only go three days a week, and not on Sunday.
C. There are a lot of rules and regulations.
D. How much you have to pay to go to the gym.

Câu 56: What does ‘one’ refer to?

A. a rule B. a glass bottle C. a towel D. a guest
Question 57-60: Read the following article. Choose the best answers.
There are lots of clothes shops in the Bluewater shopping centre in the south of
England, so it’s easy to find fashionable hooded tops for sale there. However, you can’t
wear a hooded top while you’re looking, because they are banned. The shopping centre
believes that teenagers who wear hooded tops often use them to hide their faces while
they’re behaving badly. That’s why the new rule bans people wearing hooded tops from
the shopping centre. Baseball caps are also banned. And the managers of the shopping
centre say that their new rules are working. More people are shopping there, and trouble-
makers are staying away.
The Bluewater shopping Centre is not the only place in the UK where certain
clothes are banned. Students at Maesteg Comprehensive School in Wales are not allowed
to war hooded tops because the head teacher believes that they cause bad behaviour. If
students wear hooded tops to school, the teachers take them away, and don’t give them
back until the end of term. Most of the parents agree with this new rule.
However, many people, especially young people believe that these rules are silly
and unfair. They say that baseball caps and hooded tops are important part of teenager
fashion, and it’s impossible to judge a person’s personality from the clothes they wear.
The head teacher of Combeshead of College in the south of England agrees. In facts,
hooded tops are now part of the school uniform at Combeshead College.
Many adults believe that young people’s behaviour is getting worse. One
politician, Lord Ashley said, “Children are ten times worse than in the past,” However,
he said that in 1823! The generation gap is nothing new.
Câu 57: At the Bluewater shopping Centre ____
A. there aren’t any fashionable clothes.
B. only hooded tops are banned.
C. teenagers are banned.
D. hooded tops and baseball caps are banned.

Câu 58: Students at Maested Comprehensive School____

A. are not allowed to wear hooded tops

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B. cannot shop at the Bluewater Shopping Centre.
C. all behave very badly.
D. all support the new rule.

Câu 59: The head teacher of Combeshead College doesn’t believe that____
A. young people behave well.
B. school uniform is a good idea.
C. hooded tops are fashionable.
D. you can judge a person by their clothes.

Câu 60: Why did the writer of the article include of the Lord Ashley’s statement?
A. To show that children always behave badly.
B. To show that adults always think children behave badly.
C. To show that children behaved well in 1823.
D. To show that adults are the same as children.

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following extract.

Dr. Giovanni Ricci was going (61) ______ a friend on New Year’s eve (62) ______ he
got a flat tire. Another driver stopped (63) ______ help him. The man took off the old
tire, put the spare tire on, and then drove off. Dr Ricci looked in (64) ______ trunk and
realised that the man was a thief. Everything from his car trunk – a suitcase, some tools,
and a large box (65) ______ chocolates – was missing. (66) ______ fact, the trunk was
empty! Then the doctor (67) ______ a lottery ticket on the road next to the car. The ticket
obviously (68) ______ to the thief, and fell off his pocket (69) ______ he was helping
Dr. Ricci. Dr. Ricci kept the lottery ticket. A week (70) ______, he discovered that it was
the winning ticket!
Câu 61: A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visited
Câu 62: A. when B. where C. because D. which
Câu 63: A. to help B. helping C. helped D. help
Câu 64: A. he B. himself C. him D. his
Câu 65: A. full B. on C. of D. in
Câu 66: A. Such B. After C. In D. As
Câu 67: A. looked B. bought C. noticed D. dropped
Câu 68: A. belonged B. flew C. went D. fell
Câu 69: A. while B. although C. during D. before
Câu 70: A. previous B. behind C. later D. soon

Question 71-80: For each question, choose the sentence which has the same meaning
as the first one.
Câu 71: She is never late for appointments.
A. She always comes to appointments on time.
B. She sometimes comes to appointments late.

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C. She’s hardly ever on time for appointments.
D. She often has late appointments.

Câu 72: I borrowed a dictionary from my friend.

A. I bought a dictionary for my friend.
B. I lost my dictionary.
C. My friend lent me a dictionary.
D. I gave my friend a dictionary.

Câu 73: I like pizza more than chicken.

A. I prefer pizza to chicken.
B. My favourite is chicken.
C. I ate pizza and chicken.
D. I hate eating pizza, but I like chicken.

Câu 74: The last time I saw her was on Friday.

A. I haven’t meet her for six days.
B. This is the first time I have seen her.
C. I’m meeting with her on Friday.
D. I haven’t seen her since Friday.

Câu 75: Who is your favourite movie star?

A. What does the movie star look like?
B. Is there your favourite movie star in the movie?
C. Which movie star do you like best?
D. Which movie do you like watching most?

Câu 76: It is a good idea to do exercise.

A. Everyone will do exercise.
B. Everyone can’t do exercise.
C. Everyone needn’t do exercise.
D. Everyone should do exercise.

Câu 77: My room is bigger than yours.

A. I have a room, but you don’t.
B. Your room isn’t as big as my room.
C. You are smaller than me.
D. Your room is better than mine.

Câu 78: How much does the toy cost.

A. How much is the toy?
B. How expensive the toy is!
C. Who made the toy?

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D. How many toys are there?

Câu 79: The campsite has a swimming pool.

A. There is a swimming pool at the campsite.
B. We see a swimming pool.
C. We swim in a pool.
D. We often camp by a swimming pool.

Câu 80: Whose books is this?

A. Whose book are you looking for?
B. Who does this book belong to?
C. What is this book about?
D. Who has read this book?

Question 81-90: For each question, choose the best reply.

Câu 81: Man: I’d like a cup of coffee, please.
Jane: ________________________
A. I like that B. Yes, I do.
C. Of course D. No, I haven’t.

Câu 82: Jane: What about going shopping this afternoon?

Sarah: ________________________________
A. That’s not correct. B. Thanks, I’m fine.
C. I’m too tired! D. It’s on the right.
Câu 83: Waiter: Is everything OK with your meal?
Man: _____________________________
A. How much does it cost? B. Only the expensive one.
C. Steak and green salad please. D. The soup’s a bit cold.
Câu 84: Jane: My sister’s just had a baby!
Susan: _____________________
A. I don’t mind it. B. Yes, she does!
C. How lovely! D. I’d love to.

Câu 85: Mike: Could you help me with my homework?

John: _________________________________
A. How long is it going to take? B. How often do you go there?
C. Who is our math teacher this year? D. How do you know about that?

Câu 86: Sam: When did you lose your watch?

Liza: ________________________
A. Once a week. B. A week ago.
C. An important week D. Next week.

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Câu 87: Mother: Is it a good film?
Daughter: ____________
A. I don’t agree. B. Let me explain.
C. It’s OK D. That’s right.

Câu 88: Jack: How are the children?

Vanessa: ______________
A. They’re fine, thanks. B. They’re 10.
C. They have long hair. D. They are at school.

Câu 89: Jane: How did you get to the party?

Lisa: ________________________
A. I was great, thanks. B. I couldn’t find one.
C. On Wednesday I think. D. I caught a bus.

Câu 90: Student: I’m sorry I’m late.

Teacher: _______________
A. I forget to set my alarm clock. B. There isn’t time.
C. You can’t go. D. That’s all right.

Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. plates B. spoons C. bowls D. tables
Câu 92: A. soon B. moon C. blood D. roof
Câu 93: A. sure B. sandal C. souvenir D. seaside
Câu 94: A. character B. chemist C. church D. chaos
Câu 95: A. skin B. blind C. hint D. fin
Câu 96: A. coach B. cellphone C. cookery D. calculation
Câu 97: A. hand B. height C. honour D. horn
Câu 98: A. heat B. bread C. seat D. meat
Câu 99: A. looked B. cried C. crashed D. watched
Câu 100: A. scores B. walks C. runs D. throws

Mã đề 4 – Trang 9/10
1.B 11.A 21.B 31.B 41.A 51.B 61.A 71.A 81.C 91.A
2.A 12.A 22.C 32.B 42.D 52.C 62.A 72.C 82.C 92.C
3.D 13.B 23.D 33.B 43.B 53.C 63.A 73.A 83.D 93.A
4.C 14.D 24.B 34.C 44.B 54.D 64.D 74.D 84.C 94.C
5.D 15.D 25.D 35.A 45.D 55.C 65.C 75.C 85.A 95.B
6.A 16.B 26.C 36.D 46.D 56.C 66.C 76.D 86.B 96.B
7.A 17.A 27.D 37.B 47.B 57.D 67.C 77.B 87.C 97.C
8.D 18.D 28.C 38.C 48.C 58.A 68.A 78.A 88.A 98.B
9.D 19.B 29.D 39.C 49.A 59.D 69.A 79.A 89.D 99.B
10.A 20.B 30.D 40.A 50.B 60.B 70.C 80.B 90.D 100.B

Mã đề 4 – Trang 10/10
--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Mã đề thi: 05
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên: ___________________________Mã số sinh viên: ____________

Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 1: Is it possible ______ a friend with me to the club?
A. brought B. bring C. bringing D. to bring
Câu 2: There ______ skyscrapers in big cities around the world.
A. are B. be C. were D. is
Câu 3: For most people, travelling ______ space is a dream
A. on B. in C. from D. of
Câu 4: We ______ on vacation for two weeks every summer and every winter.
A. to go B. go C. goes D. going
Câu 5: We had ______ in a restaurant at midday.
A. lunch B. supper C. dinner D. breakfast
Câu 6: I fed the cat and it meowed ______.
A. happy B. happily C. hardly D. unhappy
Câu 7: The city square is very ______ at this time.
A. quiet B. noise C. quietly D. quietness
Câu 8: Jenny feels a little sick today, and she is staying ______.
A. working B. strong C. alive D. in bed
Câu 9: He’s been an ______ for 10 years.
A. act B. action C. actress D. actor
Câu 10: I love necklaces and I have collected ______ for 2 years.
A. it B. us C. her D. them
Câu 11: ______ vacation days do people usually get in your country?
A. How far B. Where C. How much D. How many
Câu 12: The ticket ______ out of his pocket while he was helping a man on the street.
A. fell B. kept C. stayed D. ran
Câu 13: She isn’t going horseback riding on _______ next farm trip.
A. hers B. her C. she D. mine
Câu 14: In my job I ______ the same thing all the time – It isn’t very interesting.
A. act B. labour C. do D. work
Câu 15: Some people believe that if you _______ a mirror, you get seven years of bad
A. give B. buy C. sell D. break
Câu 16: The cruise was ______ because they had everything you could want on the
A. interested B. wonderful C. long D. boring

Mã đề 5 – Trang 1/10
Câu 17: We are going snorkelling in the ______ tomorrow.
A. field B. ocean C. city D. park
Câu 18: Cats are much smaller ______ tigers.
A. than B. with C. to D. as
Câu 19: ______ have you been waiting?
A. Who’s B. Whose C. How long D. What time
Câu 20: Track runners must run ______ if they want to win.
A. quick B. fast C. slow D. regular
Câu 21: We had ice cream for ______.
A. drink B. dessert C. fruit D. main course
Câu 22: I ______ these necklaces since I was 13-year-old.
A. had B. have C. have had D. has
Câu 23: How about _______ for a walk now?
A. gone B. to go C. going D. go
Câu 24: What ______ you ______ the previous day?
A. will-do B. did-do C. do-do D. does-do
Câu 25: My grandfather ______ a heart attack.
A. was B. had C. met D. did
Câu 26: The art gallery was really ______; there was a long queue of people waiting
at the entrance.
A. small B. big C. empty D. crowded
Câu 27: She ______ all the money in her purse on a new pair of shoes.
A. spent B. changed C. lent D. earned
Câu 28: Shorts and T-shirts are the most popular ______ to wear in this area.
A. cover B. trousers C. cloth D. clothes
Câu 29: Astronauts’ food often comes in packets and is ______ to eat.
A. dangerous B. late C. impossible D. ready
Câu 30: A basketball game _____ on a court between two teams of five players.
A. played B. plays C. is played D. is playing
Câu 31: My swimming ______ is teaching me ow to do the backstroke.
A. instructor B. instructive C. instruction D. instruct
Câu 32: In Asia, Tokyo is the ______ expensive city to live in.
A. less B. more C. most D. as
Câu 33: To be physically in shape, we ______ for a few hours every day.
A. exercise B. sleep C. learn D. eat
Câu 34: Bill and Lucy decided to ______ and they are going to get married next year.
A. divorce B. get engaged C. go to court D. separate
Câu 35: Have you ______ to Tokyo?
A. were B. been C. are D. be
Câu 36: In my school students ______ to take part in clubs, but they should.

Mã đề 5 – Trang 2/10
A. don’t have B. ought to C. can’t D. mustn’t
Câu 37: Do you like to read books with ______ in them?
A. illustrate B. illustrative C. illustrated D. illustrations
Câu 38: What ______ the weather like in your country?
A. does B. will C. do D. is
Câu 39: My son ______ hockey on ice every week in winter.
A. makes B. does C. plays D. works
Câu 40: Soccer players on the field ______ kick the ball or hit it with their head.
A. need B. don’t have to C. have D. have to
Câu 41: I called him yesterday but he ______ answer.
A. wasn’t B. not C. hadn’t D. didn’t
Câu 42: Children under the age of 12 ______ allowed in the gym.
A. did not B. are not C. was not D. do not
Câu 43: My favourite ______ is my to giraffe.
A. possession B. book C. song D. programme
Câu 44: When she got home at 6:30 p.m. She ______ an old cat sitting in front of her
A. found B. is finding C. had found D. finds
Câu 45: Let’s go to the beach this time, we can ______ and also go sightseeing.
A. sunbathing B. to sunbathe C. sunbathe D. sunbathed
Câu 46: My dad ______ is a small cafe next to Central Park when I saw him.
A. is sitting B. has sat C. had sat D. was sitting
Câu 47: My grandmother ______ email to communicate because she can’t use a
A. hardly use B. uses hardly ever C. use sometimes D. never uses
Câu 48: Do you have ______ question?
A. any B. some C. an D. a
Câu 49: Dr. Giovanni Ricci was driving to visit a friend on New Year’s Eve when he
______ a flat tire.
A. was getting B. have got C. get D. got
Câu 50: They use their laptop computers to send emails ______ family and friends.
A. to B. back C. for D. from
Question 51-53: Read the text. Choose the best answers.
I love my new fitness club, but there are a lot of rules and regulations. I pay $29
dollars a month, but I can only go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays are for women. The club is closed on Sunday. Also, if I wat
to bring a guest, it is free the first time and $7 each time after that. Any food or drink is
prohibited in the club except for water. Plastic bottles are allowed, but glass is not. Oh
yeah, you have to bring your own towel and if you forget they charge you $5 to borrow
one. There really are a lot of rules!

Mã đề 5 – Trang 3/10
Câu 51: When can men use the club?
A. Every weekday
B. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
C. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
D. Only Sundays

Câu 52: What is permitted in the club?

A. Food
B. Your own towel
C. Glass water bottles
D. Coffee

Câu 53: How much do guests pay?

A. $7 the second visit and every time after that
B. $7 every visit
C. No charge
D. $7 the first visit and $5 after that

Question 54-56: Read the text. Choose the best answers.

From Professional Henry Yaleson
Here is an update on the courses that will be offered by the Science Department
next semester. First of all, Science 114-The Plants in Our Solar System has been
cancelled because of low registration. Instead of Science 114, we will offer Science 115-
The Living Earth. We will also offer Biology 227- The Study of Earthworms, Biology
190-Whales of the Pacific and Human Anatomy 101-Bones of the Human Body.
Have a great new semester.
Prof. Yaleson
Câu 54: In which department does Professor Yaleson work?
A. The Biology Department B. The Earth Department
C. The Science Department D. The Life Department

Câu 55: Why was Science 114 cancelled?

A. Because the university will close down.
B. Because they have too many courses.
C. Because of low registration.
D. Because the professor is sick.

Câu 56: What is Human Anatomy 101 about?

Mã đề 5 – Trang 4/10
A. The planets is the solar system B. The study of earthworms
C. The bones of the human body D. Whales
Question 57-60: Read the following article. Choose the best answers.
Reality television shows are becoming increasingly popular around the United
States. One recent show, Wannable, depicts a group of five men and five women who
live in the same house for several months without contact with the rest of the world. Each
week the participants take singing lessons and perform their songs for the audience and
the judges. Also, every weekend one participant must leave the programme, as they are
voted off the show either because of lack of singing talent or because the other
participants do not like living with them. The television audience participates in the
voting process, and an average of two million votes per week is entered by viewers, either
by phone on Internet. The final two remaining ‘Wannabes’ earn a recording contract with
a famous company.
Câu 57: What kind of event does this reality show try to depict?
A. Real-life competition
B. An acting school
C. A pop concert
D. Real history

Câu 58: How many people participate in this TV show?

A. Two million B. Twenty C. Ten D. Five

Câu 59: How often do participants get voted off the show?
A. Once a month B. Once a week C. Twice a week D. Everyday

Câu 60: The word ‘they’ refers to?

A. songs B. lesson C. participants D. judges

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following extract.

In American English, a holiday is an official day off from work or school, (61)
______ days are sometimes called national holidays or public holidays. (62) ______ 10
national holidays in the United States. They are New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King
Jr Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labour Day, Columbus
Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, (63) ______ Christmas Day, In the United
States, people (64) ______ work for the Government get days off from work on the
national holidays. However, the government doesn’t (65) ______ private companies
and schools to give these days off. In fact, most companies do not give (66) ______
employees all of the national holidays.

A vacation day is also a day off from work. However, vacation days are (67)
______ for each workplace and each person. Many companies in the United States give
their employees ten vacation days (68) ______ year when they first start their job.

Mã đề 5 – Trang 5/10
Employees then get more days (69) ______ five or ten years However, companies are
not required by (70) ______ to give vacation days.

Câu 61: A. This B. They C. That D. These

Câu 62: A. Consist B. Have C. There is D. There are
Câu 63: A. but B. and C. or D. also
Câu 64: A. whom B. who C. which D. they
Câu 65: A. require B. suggest C. let D. enjoy
Câu 66: A. them B. their C. theirs D. they
Câu 67: A. difference B. differently C. different D. differ
Câu 68: A. after B. by C. all D. per
Câu 69: A. before B. after C. later D. in front
Câu 70: A. men B. plane C. law D. director

Question 71-80: For each question, choose the sentence which has the same meaning
as the first one.
Câu 71: What’s the price of this cellphone?
A. How heavy is this cellphone?
B. How expensive this cellphone is!
C. How long have you had this cellphone?
D. How much is this cellphone?

Câu 72: Whose is this book?

A. Who does this book belong to?
B. Who writes this book?
C. Who reads this book?
D. Who borrows this book?

Câu 73: Do water sports interest you?

A. Are you playing water sports?
B. Are you interested in water sports?
C. Do you take an interest in sports?
D. Which water sport can you play?

Câu 74: I sent a postcard to my parent.

A. I will send my mom and dad a postcard.
B. I got my parents’ postcard.
C. I sent my parents a postcard.
D. I sent my parents’ postcard.

Câu 75: We have a new swimming pool in our town.

A. They are building a new swimming pool in our town.
B. There is a new swimming pool in our town.

Mã đề 5 – Trang 6/10
C. Swimmers like the new swimming pool in our town.
D. The new swimming pool in our town is very big.

Câu 76: Mrs. Jenkins cleans the office every evening.

A. The office is cleaned every evening by Mrs. Jenkins.
B. All offices are cleaned every evening by Mrs. Jenkins.
C. Cleaning the office is not her duty.
D. Every evening Mrs. Jenkins goes to work.

Câu 77: I haven’t had another vacation for years.

A. It’s years since I had a vacation.
B. I had a vacation last year.
C. I intend to spend a year travelling.
D. I don’t like vacations.

Câu 78: Smoking isn’t allowed in hospitals.

A. It is possible to smoke in hospitals.
B. You mustn’t smoke in hospitals.
C. You don’t have to smoke in hospitals.
D. Smoking is permitted in hospitals.

Câu 79: During my vacation in Paris, I spoke a lot of French.

A. We didn’t’ speak French during my vacation in Paris.
B. I spoke a lot of French while I was on vocation in Paris.
C. I met a lot of French people when I was in Paris.
D. I went to Paris to learn French.

Câu 80: I got up too late to see the sunrise.

A. I didn’t get up early enough to see the sunrise.
B. I arrived in time to see the sunrise.
C. I have never seen the sunrise.
D. I want to get up early to see the sunrise

Question 81-90: Choose the best answers to complete these short conversations
Câu 81: Jane: ________________________
Sarah: We spent some time in the city and some time at the beach.
A. What did you do there? B. Why did you like it?
C. When did you do it? D. How did you get there?

Câu 82: Jane: I have a huge collection of stamps.

Linda: __________________________! How did you get interested in stamps?
A. Too bad B. Good luck

Mã đề 5 – Trang 7/10
C. That’s awesome D. Too much

Câu 83: Receptionist: Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the gym

Man____________________________ I don’t smoke!
A. That’s the problem. B. Well, that’s no problem.
C. I can’t believe it happened. D. How about somewhere outside?

Câu 84: Woman: How often do you go to the gym?

Man: _____________________________
A. Three times a week. B. The gym often opens at 8.00 a.m.
C. I spent 30 minutes in the gym. D. It is a 5 minute-walk from my house.

Câu 85: Woman: When do you start work in the morning?

Man: _________________________________
A. It’s 7:00 now B. Usually, about 2 hours
C. Usually, at seven thirty D. Usually, less than one hour

Câu 86: Mike: You met Nick’s new girlfriend. __________

John: She’s nice.
A. What does she do B. How did he meet her?
C. What does she like? D. What’s she like?

Câu 87: Jane: ____________ Can you repeat that?

Hannah: Yes. It’s…
A. I didn’t hear you. B. I can’t see it clearly.
C. I am not interested in that. D. I see what you men.

Câu 88: Jack: _________________________________

Vanessa: Well, I’m getting married next month.
A. Where’s the wedding ceremony? B. How do you feel?
C. Who are you going to marry? D. What’s new?

Câu 89: Boy: __________________

Girl: It was terrific!
A. Who went with you to Australia? B. When was your trip to Australia?
C. How was your trip to Australia? D. How long was your trip to Australia?

Câu 90: Sam: Guess what? I’ve just won the lottery.
Liza: ______________________________
A. Oh. what a shame! B. What bad luck!
C. What a brilliant idea! D. That’s amazing!

Mã đề 5 – Trang 8/10
Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. unit B. uniform C. uncle D. union
Câu 92: A. child B. fine C. children D. mice
Câu 93: A. cigar B. coin C. cook D. camel
Câu 94: A. boots B. root C. blood D. shoot
Câu 95: A. fixed B. looked C. cleaned D. stopped
Câu 96: A. planned B. showed C. travelled D. finished
Câu 97: A. hour B. horn C. heat D. huge
Câu 98: A. plays B. smiles C. drinks D. opens
Câu 99: A. meat B. cheat C. seat D. dead
Câu 100: A. chance B. channel C. chef D. chin

Mã đề 5 – Trang 9/10
1.D 11.D 21.B 31.A 41.D 51.B 61.D 71.D 81.A 91.C
2.A 12.A 22.C 32.C 42.B 52.B 62.D 72.A 82.C 92.C
3.B 13.B 23.C 33.A 43.A 53.A 63.B 73.B 83.B 93.A
4.B 14.C 24.B 34.B 44.A 54.C 64.B 74.C 84.A 94.C
5.A 15.D 25.B 35.B 45.C 55.C 65.A 75.B 85.C 95.C
6.B 16.B 26.D 36.A 46.D 56.C 66.B 76.A 86.D 96.D
7.A 17.B 27.A 37.D 47.D 57.A 67.C 77.A 87.A 97.A
8.D 18.A 28.D 38.D 48.A 58.C 68.D 78.B 88.D 98.C
9.D 19.C 29.D 39.C 49.D 59.B 69.B 79.B 89.C 99.D
10.D 20.B 30.C 40.D 50.A 60.C 70.C 80.A 90.D 100.C

Mã đề 5 – Trang 10/10
--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Mã đề thi: 06
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên: Mã số sinh viên:

Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 17: We are going snorkelling in the ______ tomorrow.
A. field B. ocean C. city D. park
Câu 18: Cats are much smaller ______ tigers.
A. than B. with C. to D. as
Câu 19 ______ have you been waiting?
A. Who’s B. Whose C. How long D. What time
Câu 20: Track runners must run ______ if they want to win.
A. quick B. fast C. slow D. regular
Câu 21: We had ice cream for _____ _.
A. drink B. dessert C. fruit D. main course
Câu 22: I_______these necklaces since I was 13-year-old.
A. had B. have C. have had D. has
Câu 23: How about _______ for a walk now?
A. gone B. to go C. going D. go
Câu 24: What ______ you ______ the previous day?
A. will-do B. did-do C. do-do D. does-do
Câu 25: My grandfather ______ a heart attack.
A. was B. had C. met D. did
Câu 26: The art gallery was really ______ ; there was a long queue of people waiting
at the entrance.
A. small B. big C. empty D. crowded
Câu 27: She ______ all the money in her purse on a new pair of shoes.
A. spent B. changed C. lent D. earned
Câu 28: Shorts and T-shirts are the most popular ______ to wear in this area.
A. cover B. trousers C. cloth D. clothes
Câu 29: Astronauts’ food often comes in packets and is ______ to eat.
A. dangerous B. late C. impossible D. ready
Câu 30: A basketball game _____ on a court between two teams of five players.
A. played B. plays C. is played D. is playing
Câu 31: My swimming ______ is teaching me ow to do the backstroke.
A. instructor B. instructive C. instruction D. instruct
Câu 32: In Asia, Tokyo is the ______ expensive city to live in.
A. less B. more C. most D. as
Câu 33: To be physically in shape, we ______ for a few hours every day.
A. exercise B. sleep C. learn D. eat
Câu 34: Bill and Lucy decided to _______ and they are going to get married next year.
A. divorce B. get engaged C. go to court D. separate
Câu 35: Have you ______ to Tokyo?
A. were B. been C. are D. be
Câu 36: In my school students ______ to take part in clubs, but they should.
A. don’t have B. ought to C. can’t D. mustn’t
Câu 37: Do you like to read books with ______ in them?
A. illustrate B. illustrative C. illustrated D. illustrations
Câu 38: What ______ the weather like in your country?
A. does B. will C. do D. is
Câu 39: My son ______ hockey on ice every week in winter.
A. makes B. does C. plays D. works
Câu 40: Soccer players on the field ______ kick the ball or hit it with their head.
A. need B. don’t have to C. have D. have to
Câu 41: I called him yesterday but he ______ answer.
A. wasn’t B. not C. hadn’t D. didn’t
Câu 42: Children under the age of 12 ______ allowed in the gym.
A. did not B. are not C. was not D. do not
Câu 43: My favourite ______ is my to giraffe.
A. possession B. book C. song D. programme
Câu 44: When she got home at 6:30 p.m. She ______ an old cat sitting in front of her
A. found B. is finding C. had found D. finds
Câu 45: Let’s go to the beach this time, we can ______ and also go sightseeing.
A. sunbathing B. to sunbathe C. sunbathe D. sunbathed
Câu 46: My dad ______ is a small cafe next to Central Park when I saw him.
A. is sitting B. has sat C. had sat D. was sitting
Câu 47: My grandmother ______ email to communicate because she can’t use a
A. hardly use B. uses hardly ever C. use sometimes D. never uses
Câu 48: Do you have ______ question?
A. any B. some C. an D. a
Câu 49: Dr. Giovanni Ricci was driving to visit a friend on New Year’s Eve when he
______ a flat tire.
A. was getting B. have got C. get D. got
Câu 50: They use their laptop computers to send emails ______ family and friends.
A. to B. back C. for D. from
Question 51-53: Read the text. Choose the best answers.
I love my new fitness club, but there are a lot of rules and regulations. I pay $29
dollars a month, but I can only go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays are for women. The club is closed on Sunday. Also, if I wat
to bring a guest, it is free the first time and $7 each time after that. Any food or drink is
prohibited in the club except for water. Plastic bottles are allowed, but glass is not. Oh
yeah, you have to bring your own towel and if you forget they charge you $5 to borrow
one. There really are a lot of rules!
Câu 51: When can men use the club?
A. Every weekday
B. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
C. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
D. Only Sundays

Câu 52: What is permitted in the club?

A. Food
B. Your own towel
C. Glass water bottles
D. Coffee

Câu 53: How much do guests pay?

A. $7 the second visit and every time after that
B. $7 every visit
C. No charge
D. $7 the first visit and $5 after that

Question 54-56: Read the text. Choose the best answers.

From Professional Henry Yaleson
Here is an update on the courses that will be offered by the Science Department
next semester. First of all, Science 114-The Plants in Our Solar System has been
cancelled because of low registration. Instead of Science 114, we will offer Science 115-
The Living Earth. We will also offer Biology 227- The Study of Earthworms, Biology
190-Whales of the Pacific and Human Anatomy 101-Bones of the Human Body.
Have a great new semester.
Prof. Yaleson
Câu 54: In which department does Professor Yaleson work?
A. The Biology Department B. The Earth Department
C. The Science Department D. The Life Department

Câu 55: Why was Science 114 cancelled?

A. Because the university will close down.
B. Because they have too many courses.
C. Because of low registration.
D. Because the professor is sick.

Câu 56: What is Human Anatomy 101 about?

A. The planets is the solar system B. The study of earthworms
C. The bones of the human body D. Whales
Question 57-60: Read the following article. Choose the best answers.
Reality television shows are becoming increasingly popular around the United
States. One recent show, Wannable, depicts a group of five men and five women who
live in the same house for several months without contact with the rest of the world. Each
week the participants take singing lessons and perform their songs for the audience and
the judges. Also, every weekend one participant must leave the programme, as they are
voted off the show either because of lack of singing talent or because the other
participants do not like living with them. The television audience participates in the
voting process, and an average of two million votes per week is entered by viewers, either
by phone on Internet. The final two remaining ‘Wannabes’ earn a recording contract with
a famous company.
Câu 57: What kind of event does this reality show try to depict?
A. Real-life competition
B. An acting school
C. A pop concert
D. Real history

Câu 58: How many people participate in this TV show?

A. Two million B. Twenty C. Ten D. Five

Câu 59: How often do participants get voted off the show?
A. Once a month B. Once a week C. Twice a week D. Everyday

Câu 60: The word ‘they’ refers to?

A. songs B. lesson C. participants D. judges

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following extract.

In American English, a holiday is an official day off from work or school, (61)
______ days are sometimes called national holidays or public holidays. (62) ______ 10
national holidays in the United States. They are New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King
Jr Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labour Day, Columbus
Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, (63) ______ Christmas Day, In the United
States, people (64) ______ work for the Government get days off from work on the
national holidays. However, the government doesn’t (65) ______ private companies
and schools to give these days off. In fact, most companies do not give (66) ______
employees all of the national holidays.

A vacation day is also a day off from work. However, vacation days are (67)
______ for each workplace and each person. Many companies in the United States give
their employees ten vacation days (68) ______ year when they first start their job.
Employees then get more days (69) ______ five or ten years However, companies are
not required by (70) ______ to give vacation days.

Câu 61: A. This B. They C. That D. These

Câu 62: A. Consist B. Have C. There is D. There are
Câu 63: A. but B. and C. or D. also
Câu 64: A. whom B. who C. which D. they
Câu 65: A. require B. suggest C. let D. enjoy
Câu 66: A. them B. their C. theirs D. they
Câu 67: A. difference B. differently C. different D. differ
Câu 68: A. after B. by C. all D. per
Câu 69: A. before B. after C. later D. in front
Câu 70: A. men B. plane C. law D. director

Question 71-80: For each question, choose the sentence which has the same meaning
as the first one.
Câu 71: What’s the price of this cellphone?
A. How heavy is this cellphone?
B. How expensive this cellphone is!
C. How long have you had this cellphone?
D. How much is this cellphone?

Câu 72: Whose is this book?

A. Who does this book belong to?
B. Who writes this book?
C. Who reads this book?
D. Who borrows this book?

Câu 73: Do water sports interest you?

A. Are you playing water sports?
B. Are you interested in water sports?
C. Do you take an interest in sports?
D. Which water sport can you play?

Câu 74: I sent a postcard to my parent.

A. I will send my mom and dad a postcard.
B. I got my parents’ postcard.
C. I sent my parents a postcard.
D. I sent my parents’ postcard.

Câu 75: We have a new swimming pool in our town.

A. They are building a new swimming pool in our town.
B. There is a new swimming pool in our town.
C. Swimmers like the new swimming pool in our town.
D. The new swimming pool in our town is very big.

Câu 76: Mrs. Jenkins cleans the office every evening.

A. The office is cleaned every evening by Mrs. Jenkins.
B. All offices are cleaned every evening by Mrs. Jenkins.
C. Cleaning the office is not her duty.
D. Every evening Mrs. Jenkins goes to work.

Câu 77: I haven’t had another vacation for years.

A. It’s years since I had a vacation.
B. I had a vacation last year.
C. I intend to spend a year travelling.
D. I don’t like vacations.

Câu 78: Smoking isn’t allowed in hospitals.

A. It is possible to smoke in hospitals.
B. You mustn’t smoke in hospitals.
C. You don’t have to smoke in hospitals.
D. Smoking is permitted in hospitals.

Câu 79: During my vacation in Paris, I spoke a lot of French.

A. We didn’t’ speak French during my vacation in Paris.
B. I spoke a lot of French while I was on vocation in Paris.
C. I met a lot of French people when I was in Paris.
D. I went to Paris to learn French.

Câu 80: I got up too late to see the sunrise.

A. I didn’t get up early enough to see the sunrise.
B. I arrived in time to see the sunrise.
C. I have never seen the sunrise.
D. I want to get up early to see the sunrise

Question 81-90: Choose the best answers to complete these short conversations
Câu 81: Jane: ________________________
Sarah: We spent some time in the city and some time at the beach.
A. What did you do there? B. Why did you like it?
C. When did you do it? D. How did you get there?

Câu 82: Jane: I have a huge collection of stamps.

Linda __________________________ ! How did you get interested in stamps?
A. Too bad B. Good luck
C. That’s awesome D. Too much

Câu 83: Receptionist: Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the gym

Man ____________________________ I don’t smoke!
A. That’s the problem. B. Well, that’s no problem.
C. I can’t believe it happened. D. How about somewhere outside?

Câu 84: Woman: How often do you go to the gym?

Man: _____________________________
A. Three times a week. B. The gym often opens at 8.00 a.m.
C. I spent 30 minutes in the gym. D. It is a 5 minute-walk from my house.

Câu 85: Woman: When do you start work in the morning?

Man: _________________________________
A. It’s 7:00 now B. Usually, about 2 hours
C. Usually, at seven thirty D. Usually, less than one hour

Câu 86: Mike: You met Nick’s new girlfriend. __________

John: She’s nice.
A. What does she do B. How did he meet her?
C. What does she like? D. What’s she like?

Câu 87: Jane _____________ Can you repeat that?

Hannah: Yes. It’s…
A. I didn’t hear you. B. I can’t see it clearly.
C. I am not interested in that. D. I see what you men.

Câu 88: Jack: _________________________________

Vanessa: Well, I’m getting married next month.
A. Where’s the wedding ceremony? B. How do you feel?
C. Who are you going to marry? D. What’s new?

Câu 89: Boy: __________________

Girl: It was terrific!
A. Who went with you to Australia? B. When was your trip to Australia?
C. How was your trip to Australia? D. How long was your trip to Australia?

Câu 90: Sam: Guess what? I’ve just won the lottery.
Liza: ______________________________
A. Oh. what a shame! B. What bad luck!
C. What a brilliant idea! D. That’s amazing!
Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. unit B. uniform C. uncle D. union
Câu 92: A. child B. fine C. children D. mice
Câu 93: A. cigar B. coin C. cook D. camel
Câu 94: A. boots B. root C. blood D. shoot
Câu 95: A. fixed B. looked C. cleaned D. stopped
Câu 96: A. planned B. showed C. travelled D. finished
Câu 97: A. hour B. horn C. heat D. huge
Câu 98: A. plays B. smiles C. drinks D. opens
Câu 99: A. meat B. cheat C. seat D. dead
Câu 100: A. chance B. channel C. chef D. chin
1.B 11.D 21.B 31.D 41.D 51.B 61.D 71.D 81.B 91.C
2.B 12.C 22.D 32.B 42.A 52.A 62.C 72.A 82.C 92.C
3.D 13.B 23.C 33.B 43.A 53.C 63.B 73.D 83.A 93.B
4.B 14.A 24.A 34.A 44.C 54.B 64.B 74.C 84.A 94.D
5.A 15.C 25.D 35.A 45.C 55.A 65.A 75.D 85.B 95.D
6.B 16.A 26.B 36.A 46.D 56.C 66.A 76.B 86.C 96.D
7.D 17.C 27.D 37.C 47.C 57.D 67.B 77.D 87.D 97.B
8.A 18.C 28.D 38.C 48.A 58.A 68.A 78.D 88.A 98.C
9.B 19.D 29.C 39.C 49.B 59.C 69.A 79.D 89.A 99.B
10.D 20.A 30.B 40.C 50.D 60.C 70.C 80.A 90.B 100.C
--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề.
Mã đề thi: 07
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên: ___________________________Mã số sinh viên: ____________
Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 1: ____ you a teacher?
A. Are B. Did C. Do D. Work
Câu 2: __________ we go on a hiking trip in Peru?
A. Why don’t B. Where C. What does D. When
Câu 3: I ____ every winter.
A. skied B. has skied C. ski D. skiing
Câu 4: When you eat dinner in their family restaurant, they will serve you their
A. place B. decoration C. waiters D. cuisine
Câu 5: Shorts and sandals are the most popular things to______ in this coastal resort.
A. put B. take off C. wear D. make
Câu 6: Do you like to read books with_____ in them?
A. illustrative B. illustrations C. illustrates D. illustrators
Câu 7: She_____ yoga every week.
A. play B. work C. makes D. does
Câu 8: Singapore is very close to the equator and is_____ and more humid than Dublin.
A. hottest B. hot as C. less hot D. hotter
Câu 9: There are some___ drawing pictures and some dancers dancing in the street. It’s
A. art B. artistically C. artists D. artistic
Câu 10: Gymnasts_____ learn how to dance because this is required of everyone.
A. should B. need C. have to D. don’t
Câu 11: The city has______ beautiful old buildings and parks.
A. many B. a little C. much D. a lot
Câu 12: Doctors_____ go to university before they get a job.
A. hardly ever B. never C. always D. sometimes
Câu 13: Dublin is_____ than Singapore.
A. smallest B. as small C. not as big as D. smaller
Câu 14: The hotel is _____ the centre of the city and not too expensive.
A. with B. in C. on D. of
Câu 15: To be physically in shape, I _____ for a few hours every day.
A. exercise B. look C. learn D. work
Câu 16: The first group of immigrants_____ to Australia from Europe.
A. was coming B. has come C. often come D. came
Câu 17: The city has more than 30_____ along the 37 miles of its coast.
A. beaches B. seas C. water D. boat
Câu 18: I remember the first time I_____ a photo.
A. took B. has taken C. am taking D. take

Mã đề 7 – Trang 1/7
Câu 19: Dr. Giovanni Ricci_____ to visit a friend on New Year’s Eve when he got a flat
A. was going B. is going C. goes D. went
Câu 20: How many dolls are there in your_____?
A. collective B. collector C. collection D. collect
Câu 21: What_____ she do yesterday?
A. was B. had C. did D. does
Câu 22: I_____ a heart attack. I was in a coma for several days.
A. met B. did C. was D. had
Câu 23: I was so_____ when I saw a spider on my pillow.
A. scares B. scared C. scare D. scaring
Câu 24: Dr. Ricci_____ reporters that the ticket wasn’t his.
A. spoke B. talked C. told D. said
Câu 25: Student teachers often do an_____ in a classroom with a more experienced
teacher to get more experience.
A. internship B. teaching C. example D. interview
Câu 26: Dublin and Singapore are both cities, _____they are very different.
A. and B. so C. but D. despite
Câu 27: We live in the city, so when we go_____ vacation we like to go camping and
hiking in nature.
A. with B. in C. on D. to
Câu 28: Space station crews are often in space for six to nine months, but
sometimes______ stay in space for over a year.
A. they B. he C. she D. it
Câu 29: San Francisco is_____ the west coast of the country.
A. of B. on C. in D. from
Câu 30:_____ players are there in a soccer team?
A. How big B. How many C. How D. How much
Câu 31: I like_____ activities such á mountain climbing and hiking.
A. next-door B. water C. indoor D. outdoor
Câu 32: The weather_____ fantastic. Let’s go out.
A. does B. is C. has D. looks at
Câu 33: The_____ of Australia is Canberra.
A. country B. capital C. village D. district
Câu 34: People with this job need special training _____ be hired by a school.
A. so B. although C. because D. in order to
Câu 35: When was the last time you_____ sick?
A. have got B. got C. get D. are getting
Câu 36: I gave the cats food and they ate it very_____.
A. quickly B. speedy C. more quickly D. quick
Câu 37: Erik went_____ in Bermuda last year.
A. to snorkel B. snorkel C. snorkelling D. snorkelled
Câu 38: She_____ towards the bus when she fell.
A. has run B. was running C. is running D. ran

Mã đề 7 – Trang 2/7
Câu 39: I think the bracelet is_____ of gold or silver.
A. makes B. make C. made D. making
Câu 40: Right now I_____ in a small café next to Central Park.
A. am sitting B. was sitting C. sit D. sat
Câu 41: When I got home_____ Friday night, I found an old cat sitting in front of my
A. at B. about C. in D. on
Câu 42: She_____ shopping in the supermarket near her office.
A. does never B. sometimes goes C. likes usually D. often buy
Câu 43: When I do the job_____, I have a great feeling of satisfaction.
A. well B. good C. worse D. badly
Câu 44: The player bounced the ball, then he_____ it into the basket.
A. threw B. thrown C. throws D. throw
Câu 45: My swimming_____ is teaching me how to do the backstroke.
A. instruction B. instructed C. instruct D. instructor
Câu 46: My favourite is my talking Fred doll – he’s_____!
A. awesome B. pity C. a bummer D. too bad
Câu 47: My cousin_____ an actor for ten years and I am his fan.
A. did B. have done C. worked D. has been
Câu 48: _____ do people eat turkey at Thanksgiving?
A. Which B. Who C. What D. Where
Câu 49: My favourite_____ to play is ping-pong
A. toy B. instrument C. sport D. music
Câu 50: Most of my students use_____ transportation to get to school, for example buses.
A. rail B. private C. public D. air

Question 51-52: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.
My sister is a financial analyst. She travels all over the world and earns lots of
money. She loves being in London one week and Shanghai the next. She doesn’t have
much of a personal life, but she says that will come later, when she’s older – My mother
doesn’t understand. She thinks my sister should get married and have a family. Personally,
I’m with my sister.

Câu 51: What does the author think about his sister’s job?
A. She should quit the job.
B. He is unhappy with the situation.
C. He supports his sister in her career.
D. His sister should get married and have a family.

Câu 52: What is not true about the author’s sister?

A. She is a busy person B. She works as a travel agent.
C. She has a well-paid job. D. She’s been to different countries.

Question 53-55: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.

Mã đề 7 – Trang 3/7
My name’s Nora. I’m from Mexico and I’m 26 years old. I’m a teacher and I teach
math at a high school near my home. I live with my family in Mexico City. I’m an
outgoing, hard-working person. I’m short and I have long, dark hair.
I have one brother and one sister. My sister’s name is Bertha and she has two sons,
Luis and Alex. I love playing with them. My 31-year-old brother, Julian, has a daughter
named Sofia. I’m very similar to Julian. We both like science and sports. Julian is easy-
going, but Bertha is different. She’s very quiet and serious. She’s interested in history and
she likes reading books.
I really like playing sports, especially soccer. I also like listening to music and
surfing the Web. I like to go hiking in the mountains, but it’s difficult because we live in a
very big city.

Câu 53: Who is Nora talking about?

A. Her parents and siblings B. Herself and her relatives
C. Here nieces D. Her grandchildren
Câu 54: What is true about Nora?
A. She lives on her own. B. She likes using the Internet.
C. She is a shy girl. D. She has three nephews.
Câu 55: Who does ‘she’ refer to?
A. Sofia B. Nora C. Luis D. Bertha

Question 56-60: Read the letter. Choose the best answers.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Thank you both for the wonderful wedding present. Both Jill and I have always
wanted to go to France and visit many museums. We were so shocked when we first saw
the airplane tickets to France as a wedding present, Paris is wonderful! The only trouble is
trying to decide where to go. I want to go to the museums, but Jill wants to see some of the
beautiful traditional churches. In the end we decided to see the churches in the morning
(when the weather is cool) and the museums in the afternoon (because they are air
conditioned). This allows us to get the most sightseeing done during our two-week stay.
There are many coffee shops, too. Jill likes sitting outside and watching people, but I like
sitting inside where I can enjoy the smell of the coffee. French coffees are so much more
aromatic and stronger than the coffee we are used to back home. Thanks again for the
lovely trip! We sent you a postcard, but I think we will arrive back home before you get it.
It is a picture of the Eiffel Tower.
Fred and Jill.

Câu 56: What did Freddy’s grandparents give him and Jill as a wedding present?
A. A cake B. Some coffee C. Tickets to a museum D. A trip to France
Câu 57: Which of the following statements about the married couple is true?
A. Both of them are indoor people.
B. Freddy is an indoor person, and Jill is an outdoor person.
C. Freddy is an outdoor person, and Jill is an indoor person.

Mã đề 7 – Trang 4/7
D. Freddy and Jill hate to travel
Câu 58: Why did they decide to visit the museums in the afternoon?
A. They could get a discounted price B. The art is better in the afternoon.
C. The museums are closed in the mornings D. The museums have air conditioning.
Câu 59: How long was their trip?
A. Two months B. One-month C. One-week D. Two weeks
Câu 60: What did they send their grandparents?
A. A postcard of Eiffel Tower B. A photo of Paris
C. An invitation to their home D. French coffee

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following extract.
The Cubans (61) _____ revenge last night for the game they (62) _____ in Havana
two months ago. The Baltimore Orioles beat the Cubans 3-2 (63) _____ Cuba, but in
yesterday’s (64) _____ game at the Camden Yards stadium, the Cubans beat the Orioles
12-6. Rain (65) _____ the game for 56 minutes in the first inning. When the game
started (66) _____, the Orioles could not stop the Cubans. This was the first ever game
(67) _____ a Cuban and an American team in (68) _____ United States, and the Cuban
fans at the stadium celebrated the (69) _____ with music (70) _____ dancing.

Câu 61: A. take B. taking C. took D. taken

Câu 62: A. win B. have lost C. won D. lost
Câu 63: A. with B. in C. to D. on
Câu 64: A. first B. return C. early D. last
Câu 65: A. break B. feel C. cancelled D. stopped
Câu 66: A. next B. again C. continuous D. before
Câu 67: A. both B. between C. middle D. in front of
Câu 68: A. the B. a C. it D. an
Câu 69: A. teams B. victory C. battle D. failure
Câu 70: A. as B. nor C. and D. also

Question 71-80: In each question below, choose one sentence that means the same as
the sentence in italics.
Câu 71: I borrowed Tom money.
A. Tom paid me the money he had borrowed. B. Tom borrowed money from me.
C. Tom lent money to me. D. Tom gave me money.
Câu 72: I’m into music.
A. I am interested in music. B. I dislike music
C. I am listening to music. D. I study music.
Câu 73: Those boys have no books to read.
A. Those boys don’t have to read books. B. Those boys need to read books.
C. Those boys hate reading books. D. Those boys don’t have books to read.
Câu 74: She went horseback riding last week.
A. She rode a horse last week. B. She fed a horse last week.
C. She saw a horse last week. D. She bought a horse last week.

Mã đề 7 – Trang 5/7
Câu 75: I collect guitars.
A. Collectors like my guitars. B. The guitar collection is not mine.
C. I’m a guitar collector. D. I saw a guitar collection.
Câu 76: My room is bigger than your room.
A. Your room is smaller than mine. B. My room is the same as yours.
C. Our rooms are alike. D. Your room is as small as my room.
Câu 77: She earns a lot of money.
A. She spends a lot of money. B. She owes a lot of money
C. She makes a lot of money. D. She loses a lot of money.
Câu 78: She is a famous writer.
A. She is a well-known writer. B. She doesn’t have any fans.
C. Nobody knows her as a writer. D. She isn’t a popular writer.
Câu 79: Peter’s car is red.
A. Peter collects red cars. B. Peter favourite colour is red.
C. Peter has a red car. D. Peter was driving a red car.
Câu 80: He left in a hurry.
A. He left very quickly. B. He left sadly.
C. He left quietly. D. He left reluctantly.

Question 81-90: Choose the beat reply in each conversation below.

Câu 81: Sam: I’ve been sick all week.
Liza: Really? __________
A. Lucky you! B. That sounds like great news!
C. How fantastic! D. I’m sorry to hear that.
Câu 82: Girl: Let’s go to the beach this time.
Mother: __________ I can sunbathe on the beach.
A. Sure B. I’d rather not.
C. How about going shopping? D. I don’t know,
Câu 83: Boy: Tim is not allowed to watch TV for a week!
Girl: __________
A. Tim has a new TV. B. Tim’s very well.
C. Poor Tim! D. Tim’s lucky.
Câu 84: Woman: How was the trip to Australia?
Man: __________
A. It was delicious. B. It was amazing!
C. It was cold. D. It was so big.
Câu 85: Jane: How often do you do go jogging?
Linda: _________
A. Every morning B. For a week C. Since last week D. On the river bank
Câu 86: Jane: Would you like some coffee?
Sarah: _________ It will keep me awake to finish my essay.
A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please.
C. Sorry, I can’t. D. That’s not my favourite.
Câu 87: Jack: What kind of music do you like?

Mã đề 7 – Trang 6/7
Vanessa: __________
A. Rock singers B. Blues C. Jazz musicians D. Piano
Câu 88: Mike: Why do you like badminton?
John: __________
A. I like playing it with my colleague. B. I play it every weekend.
C. I started playing it last year. D. It’s fun and easy to play.
Câu 89: Mother: What’s the weather like in Tokyo?
Father: __________
A. I like Tokyo in the summer. B. It is Japan’s busy capital.
C. Tokyo is a beautiful city. D. Tokyo is hot in summer.
Câu 90: Jane: What’s your hobby, Hannah?
Hannah: _________
A. I have made them for five years. B. I make necklaces.
C. I usually make them for my friends. D. I made those toys when I was ten.

Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. mind B. night C. thin D. shine
Câu 92: A. church B. business C. curry D. hurry
Câu 93: A. seat B. meat C. bread D. clean
Câu 94: A. bank B. gather C. father D. band
Câu 95: A. character B. chemist C. Christmas D. chimney
Câu 96: A. union B. under C. usual D. unit
Câu 97: A. looks B. cuts C. stops D. turns
Câu 98: A. honey B. hand C. head D. honour
Câu 99: A. cancel B. cigar C. century D. cent
Câu 100: A. cried B. brushed C. kicked D. mixed

1A 11A 21C 31D 41D 51C 61C 71C 81D 91C
2A 12C 22D 32B 42B 52B 62D 72A 82A 92B
3C 13D 23B 33B 43A 53B 63B 73D 83C 93C
4D 14B 24C 34D 44A 54B 64C 74A 84B 94C
5C 15A 25A 35B 45D 55D 65D 75C 85A 95D
6B 16D 26C 36A 46A 56D 66B 76A 86B 96B
7D 17A 27C 37C 47D 57B 67B 77C 87B 97D
8D 18A 28A 38B 48D 58D 68A 78A 88D 98D
9D 19A 29B 39C 49C 59D 69B 79C 89D 99A
10C 20C 30B 40A 50C 60A 70C 80A 90B 100A

Mã đề 7 – Trang 7/7
--------------------- Thời gian làm bài 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề.
Mã đề thi: 08
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích đề thi.
Họ và tên sinh viên: ___________________________Mã số sinh viên: ____________
Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Câu 1: I _____ a strange noise outside my window last night.
A. am hearing B. hear C. heard D. was heard
Câu 2: Fidel Castro________ baseball for the University of Havana when he was a
A. is playing B. played C. plays D. has played
Câu 3: _____ did you do last week?
A. Who B. Whom C. Where D. What
Câu 4: How did you get ______ in guitars?
A. interested B. interest C. interesting D. to interest
Câu 5: In space, there _____ no hot showers and no pizza delivery.
A. be B. is C. was D. are
Câu 6: Being a doctor is _____. You feel good knowing you are helping people.
A. unusual B. dangerous C. rewarding D. boring
Câu 7: You ____ the game when the other team scores the same number of points.
A. cancel B. lose C. win D. tie
Câu 8: The club is closed ____ Sunday.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
Câu 9: I have had the most memorable ____ vacation- we went kayaking.
A. shopping B. ski C. working D. adventure
Câu 10: People in this job travel to different parts of the city each day, and they don’t
_____ a lot of money.
A. produce B. do C. make D. collect
Câu 11: He____ an ad for his house in the newspaper.
A. posted B. put C. loaded D. stated
Câu 12: _____ on Friday when the new boss came in?
A. Were you working B. You worked C. Did you work D. Do you work
Câu 13: Panama City is the ____ of the Republic of Panama in Central America.
A. street B. town C. capital D. government
Câu 14: I remember when I first____ a car.
A. was riding B. ride C. drove D. drive
Câu 15: Steven Spielberg is a famous _____. He directed the Indiana Jones movies.
A. directive B. direct C. director D. direction
Câu 16: Soccer players on the field have to kick the ball or ____ it with their head.
A. look at B. keep C. hit D. turn
Câu 17: ___ I was at university, I learned about English and how to teach it.
A. Although B. While C. Because D. However
Câu 18: You are lucky if you see a shooting_____.
A. moon B. cloud C. sun D. star

Đề thi 8 – Trang 1/8

Câu 19: We have a lot of books, but we never read____.
A. us B. our C. it D. them
Câu 20: Russia is the___ country in the world.
A. smallest B. biggest C. bigger D. big
Câu 21: I ____ old watches since I was 18.
A. am collecting B. have collected C. collected D. collect
Câu 22: I_____ 29 dollars a month to go to the gym.
A. return B. lend C. let D. pay
Câu 23: Yesterday morning we went to an ____ where I first saw famous paintings.
A. cinema B. art gallery C. activity D. entertainment
Câu 24: Olivia and Sonia have to ____ for volleyball today.
A. trainee B. trainer C. training D. train
Câu 25: My brother graduated ____ college.
A. to B. in C. at D. from
Câu 26: Tara almost always has a cup of coffee in the morning, but yesterday she___
A. not B. didn’t C. wasn’t D. hadn’t
Câu 27: He ___a model shop, and he has a huge collection of model planes.
A. belongs B. have C. owners D. owns
Câu 28: The hotel where we are staying is a long way ___ downtown.
A. from B. in C. at D. of
Câu 29: Any food or drink is ___ in the club except for water.
A. prohibited B. prohibits C. prohibit D. prohibiting
Câu 30: I think Sydney is ___than Caracas.
A. as modern as B. most modern C. more modern D. modern
Câu 31: Those tourists are wearing ___ clothes and they look happy.
A. colourful B. colourfully C.to colour D. colour
Câu 32: ___ going on a summer vacation in the mountains ?
A. Why don’t B. How about C. Where D. When
Câu 33: I made dinner because my mother ___sick.
A. has B. is C. was D. had
Câu 34: ____have you lived in Chicago ?
A. Who B. How long C. When D. How many
Câu 35: The street was so ___ that I couldn’t sleep at night.
A. safe B. peace C. noisy D. clean
Câu 36: Have you ever___ in an airplane?
A. flown B. flew C. flying D. flies
Câu 37: I always ___ breakfast to get full energy for the day.
A. have B. miss C. skip D.do
Câu 38: Would you rather live___ Seoul or Sydney?
A. on B. with C.in D.by
Câu 39: I spend hours at the museums and drinking coffee ____ the cafes on my last
vacation in Paris.
A. with B.in C. on D.to

Đề thi 8 – Trang 2/8

Câu 40: Athletes ____eat junk food. It is important that they have a healthy diet.
A. must B. haven’t got C. should D. mustn’t
Câu 41: I don’t go rock ___ because it is dangerous.
A. climbing B.to climb C. climb D. climber
Câu 42: I decided___ my girlfriend to marry me and she said yes!
A.to ask B. ask C. asking D. asks
Câu 43: The ____ in New Orleans is excellent. There are a lot of restaurants, theatres and
A. cost of living B. transportation C. nightlife D. population
Câu 44: It is a___ job because I have the opportunity to do lots of different things.
A. well B. bad C. worst D. great
Câu 45: Do people in your country get___ before they get married?
A. better B. engaged C. angry D. job
Câu 46: The man gave Alina 50 dollars to say thank you___ looking after his cat.
A. for B.to C. over D. with
Câu 47: The cat meowed ____ while I brushed it.
A. unhappy B. happiness C. happily D. happy
Câu 48: Five-year-old Rebecca ______ in love with Dalmatians after seeing the film 101
A. dropped B. had C. jumped D. fell
Câu 49: It is _____ hot in here.
A. friendly B. terrible C. incredibly D. incredible
Câu 50: This morning we went on a ____ along a river.
A. bath B. boat ride C. water D. fish

Question 51-53: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.
Hello everyone!
We’re back in the city again after three days in the jungle. It was amazing there –
very exotic with a lot of interesting plants and animals. It wasn’t boring at all! The jungle
can be very noisy at night; it was incredible. We stayed in a small cabin with two
Mexican tourists, Jorge and Antonio. They were really friendly and we had a good time
together. Their English was better than my Spanish! I think the jungle was the best part of
our trip, better than our boat trip up the river last week. We’re staying in a hostel and it’s
my turn to cook – but I can’t cook well! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone back
home soon!
Best wishes to all!

Câu 51: Who wrote this blog?

A. Jorge B. Sam C. Antonio D. The hostel’s owner
Câu 52: What did the blogger think about the jungle?
A. It was boring. B. It was quiet.
C. It was very surprising. D. It was dark.

Đề thi 8 – Trang 3/8

Câu 53: Where did he stay in the jungle?
A. In the small wooden shelter. B. On a tree.
C. In a hostel. D. On a boat up the river.

Question 54-55: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.
People are buying more cell phones. The country largest cell phone company,
Phonecom, reported its sells numbers yesterday. This year it has sold 38% more cell
phones than it did last year. It has sold 25% of its cell phones to government offices, 40%
to private companies, and 35% to individuals for personal use.

Câu 54: What does this report tell us?

A. This year people bought more cell phones than last year.
B. Cell phones are more expensive this year than last year.
C. A phone company has sold 38,000 phones this year.
D. Government offices bought fewer cell phones last year.
Câu 55: Which group has bought the most cell phones?
A. Government offices. B. Individuals.
C. Private companies. D. Phone companies.

Question 56-60: Read the following passage. Choose the correct answers.
Thank you for becoming a member of Mill Town Public Library. We hope that
you will enjoy using our facilities, but to ensure that our patrons receive the best service,
we ask you to observe the following regulations:
- You are required to carry your library card to enter and use the library.
- This card must be used only by the member to whom it is issued.
- For reasons of security, bags and other personal possessions should not be left
- The use of cell phone in the library is prohibited. If you fail to observe this
requirement, you may be asked to leave the library.
- Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the library. Please go outside if you wish to
- Books must be returned when requested when other patrons need them, or a fine
must be paid.
- A fine of 20 cents per day is payable on books returned late.
If a library user loses a book, he or she must pay the cost of a new book.

Câu 56: Who would need to read this sign?

A. Librarians. B. Parents with children.
C. Library members. D. People who want to get a new library
Câu 57: Who may use a member’s library card?
A. The member and his or her friends. B. The member and his or her family.
C. Only the member. D. Anyone.
Câu 58: What rule does the library have regarding people’s bags inside the library?

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A. All bags must be left at the desk. B. Bags are not allowed.
C. Only small bags are allowed. D. People must watch their own bags.
Câu59: What is the maximum amount of money someone will pay if he or she returns
their books late?
A. No fine. B. There is no maximum fee.
C. 20 cents per day. D. They must buy a new book.
Câu 60: Where in the library can smokers smoke?
A. They must pay a fine, then they can smoke in the library.
B. In the Smoking Area.
C. At the librarian’s desk.
D. They can’t smoke anywhere in the library.

Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following extract.
One Summer we were driving home (61) _____ our vacation, and there was a
terrible (62) _____. We crossed a lot of bridges. The rain was really (63) _____ . We saw
that the rivers were getting higher (64) ____ higher. It was getting dark, and we had one
(65) ___ bridge to cross. Unfortunately, the water was covering the bridge. My father
(66) _____ the car up the hill and we slept (67) ______ the car all night. (68) _____, in
the morning we could cross the bridge. We were thrilled and all (69) _____! When we
finally arrived home we were (70) ____. That was the thing I remember most about that
vacation-driving home.

Câu 61: A. back B. with C. from D. at

Câu 62: A. sand B. storm C. sun D. snow
Câu 63: A. small B. heavy C. far D. near
Câu 64: A. as well as B. and C. both D. more
Câu 65: A. another B. addition C. some D. more
Câu 66: A. rode B. drove C. climbed D. removed
Câu 67: A. in B. next C. into D. out
Câu 68: A. Lucky B. Unluckily C. Luck D. Luckily
Câu 69: A. bled B. sad C. cheered D. hurt
Câu 70: A. exhaust B. exhaustive C. exhausted D. exhausting

Question 71-80: For each question, choose the sentence which has the same meaning
as the first one.
Câu 71: The Caribbean is a popular tourist destination.
A. No tourists like to visit the Caribbean.
B. Many tourists like to visit the Caribbean.
C. Some tourists like to visit the Caribbean.
D. Few tourists like to visit the Caribbean.
Câu 72: I was scared of snakes.
A. I am frightened of snakes. B. I am curious about snakes.
C. I am indifferent to snakes. D. Reptiles are my favourites.
Câu 73: I am a professional musician.

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A. I write music for a living. B. I have my favourite band.
C. I am learning about music at the moment. D. I am an amateur guitarist.
Câu 74: I am crazy about cars.
A. I hate cars. B. I sell cars.
C. I make cars. D. I’m very interested in cars.
Câu 75: Mr. Brown is my swimming instructor.
A. Mr. Brown teaches me to swim.
B. Mr. Brown watches me swimming.
C. Mr. Brown is instructed to swim.
D. Mr. Brown asks me to teach him to swim.
Câu 76: I am certain that he will win the race.
A. I am sure he will win the race.
B. I don’t believe that he will win the race.
C. I am not confident of his win.
D. I doubt he will win the race.
Câu 77: Writing is more difficult than reading.
A. Reading is not as difficult as writing.
B. Reading and writing are both easy.
C. Writing is more important than reading.
D. Reading is as easy as writing.
Câu 78: She divided the money in half.
A. She divided the money into three equal parts.
B. She divided the money into four equal parts.
C. She divided the money into two equal parts.
D. She divided the money into five equal parts.
Câu 79: No more food for me now. I am full up.
A. No more food for me now. I have had enough food.
B. No more food for me now. I am sick.
C. No more food for me now. I have no appetite.
D. No more food for me now. The food is awful.
Câu 80: I have a low – paid job.
A. My job is ranked low.
B. My job is not important.
C. I want to quit my job.
D. I don’t have a high paying – job.

Question 81-90: Choose the best reply in each conversation below.

Câu 81: Receptionist: Smoking is not allowed in this room.
Man: _____. I don’t smoke.
A. What’s a pity. B. That’s no problem.
C. Maybe another time. D. Sorry to bother you.
Câu 82: Jane: I’m sorry, but I can’t help you now?
Sarah: _____
A. You should leave now. B. OK. I’ll ask someone else.

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C. You’re right. D. Thank you for your help.
Câu 83: Girl: Could you help me this machine?
Mother: _____. I don’t know how it works.
A. I’m sorry I can’t. B. No problem!
C. Oh, well. Thank you anyway. D. Hurry up!
Câu 84: Woman: How was your weekend?
Man: _____
A. It was very small. B. It was delicious. C. It was difficult! D. It was awesome!
Câu 85: Mike: When did you start to like guitars?
John: _____
A. After I attended a rock concert.
B. I played the guitar with my band every week.
C. I have a big collections of guitars.
D. I like playing them so much.
Câu 86: Sam: I have quite a lot Beatles memorabilia.
Liza: Really? _____ How many have you got?
A. It doesn’t sound good! B. How awful!
C. What a bummer! D. That’s so cool!
Câu 87: Mother: What’s the weather like outside now?
Father: _____
A. It’s really hot now. B. It’s crowded now. C.It looks new. D. It is very high.
Câu 88: Teacher: Do you have any questions?
Vanessa: _____
A. I understand what you mean. B. Yes, I do.
C. Your lesson is so interesting. D. Yes, I ask.
Câu 89: Jane: Did you do anything on the national day?
Hannah: _____
A. Holidays are interesting B. I visited my relatives.
C. Being with you always makes me happy. D. One of my relatives wedded.
Câu 90: Jane: We have a new baby girl.
Linda: _____ What’s her name?
A. Congratulations! B. What a busy person!
C. Really? It’s so boring. D. That’s too bad!

Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
Câu 91: A. upper B. utensil C. umbrella D. uncle
Câu 92: A. finished B. watched C. minded D. missed
Câu 93: A. shut B. cut C. hut D. put
Câu 94: A. buys B. wants C. smiles D. chews
Câu 95: A. chin B. chef C. change D. channel
Câu 96: A. century B. complaint C. calendar D. calculation
Câu 97: A. know B. knock C. knee D. click
Câu 98: A. baby B. fan C. sank D. sand

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Câu 99: A. heat B. neat C. seat D. great
Câu 100: A. boot B. root C. shoot D. flood


1. C 11. B 21. B 31. A 41. A 51. B 61. C 71. B 81. B 91. B

2. B 12. A 22. D 32. B 42. A 52. C 62. B 72. A 82. B 92. C
3. D 13. C 23. B 33. C 43. C 53. C 63. B 73. A 83. A 93. D
4. A 14. C 24. D 34. B 44. D 54. A 64. B 74. D 84. D 94. B
5. D 15. C 25. D 35. C 45. B 55. C 65. D 75. A 85. A 95. B
6. C 16. C 26. B 36. A 46. A 56. C 66. B 76. A 86. D 96. A
7. D 17. B 27. D 37. A 47. C 57. C 67. A 77. A 87. A 97. D
8. C 18. D 28. A 38. C 48. D 58. D 68. D 78. C 88. B 98. A
9. D 19. D 29. A 39. B 49. C 59. C 69. C 79. A 89. B 99. D
10. C 20. B 30. C 40. D 50. B 60. D 70. C 80. D 90. A 100. D

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