Industrial Training Report at 132/33Kv Grid Station

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of

the requirements for the award of
Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical

Submitted By
Roll no.:EE-20-33 Semester/Branch:7th/Electrical

Department of Electrical Engineering



I hereby declare that the Industrial Training Report on Jammu & Kashmir Power Transmission
Corporation Ltd. Grid Station Awantipora 132/33KV,175MVA is an authentic record of my own
work as requirements of Industrial Training during the period from 01-01-2024 to 31-01-2024
for the award of degree of B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), Islamic University of Science and
Technology,Awantipora,Kashmir, under the guidance of Mr.Ayaz Ahmad(AEE)


Certified that the above statement made by the student is correct to the best of our knowledge
and belief

Examined by: Dr Mubashar Yaqoob Zargar

Head of Department


First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my esteemed Mentor
“Mr. Ayaz Ahmad” the Assistant Executive Engineer at grid station Awantipora, who has
contributed so much for successful completion of my Industrial Training by his thoughtful
reviews and valuable guidance.

Next, I would like to tender my sincere thanks to “Mr. Rayes Ahmad Lone” (Head Department
of Electrical Engineering) for his co-operation and encouragement.



A grid station receives electrical power from generating station via incoming transmission line
and delivers electrical power through feeders and this is used for controlling the power on
different routes. Grid stations are an integral part of a power system and form an important part
of the transmission and distribution network of electrical power systems. Their main functions
are to receive energy transmitted at high voltage from the generating stations, reduce the voltage
to a value appropriate for local distribution and provide facilities for switching. Some grid-
stations are simply switching stations different connections between various transmission on
lines are made, others are converting grid-stations which either convert AC into DC or vice-versa
or convert frequency from higher to lower or vice-versa. The various circuits are joined together
through these components to a busbar at grid station. Basically, grid-station consists of power
transformers, circuit breakers, relays, isolators, earthing switches, current transformers, voltage
transformers, synchronous condensers, Capacitor banks etc. As a part of the case study, we are
going to visit a 450 MVA 220/132 KV grid station Pampore in Pulwama.

Table of Contents………………………………………………………
List of Abbreviations ………………………………………………….
1.1 Description of single line diagram ………………………………
1.2 Grid Station.…………………………………….………………..
1.3 Design of grid station………………………….…………………
1.4 Location of grid station ……………………….…………………
2.1 Incoming lines.................................................................................
2.2 Bus bars...........................................................................................
2.3 Insulator..............................................................................……….
2.4 Isolating switches...........................................................................
2.5 Circuit breaker.............................................................................…
2.6 Lightening arrester...........................................................................
CHAPTER 3 RELAY AND EARTHING.........................................
3.1 Protective relay...........................................................................….
3.2 Types of relays.................................................................................
3.3 Earthing............................................................................................ .
3.4 Neutral Grounding.........................................................................….
CHAPTER 4 TRANSFORMERS ................................................…. .
4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................
4.2 Structural Circuits...........................................................................…
4.3 Bushings.......................................................................................…
4.4 Power transformer...............................................................................
4.5 Transformer Oil..................................................................................
4.6 Transformer Cooling.....................................................…..........…. .
4.7 Instrument transformer..................................................................... .
4.8 Current transformer ...................................................................... ...
4.9 Potential Transformer (PT).......................................................... …

1. AC Alternating current
2. DC Direct current
3. KV Kilo Volts
4. PT Potential transformer
5. CT Current Transformer
6. HT High Terminal
7. MOCB. Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker
8. MVA Megavolt-amp


Grid station Awantipora is situated at a distance of about 1km from the main market
Awantipora.The grid station is fed by 132 kv double circuit Pampore and 132 kv double circuit
Wanpoh. The grid station has four single phase power transformers and two three phase power
transformers.Besides, it has seven commissioned 33kv outgoing feeders namely Tral-1, Tral-2,
Awantipora, Narwa, Airport, Sangam-1 and Sangam-2. In addition to the above mentioned
feeders it has one under construction feeder for AIIMS Awantipora. There has been adopted four
isolators scheme on input (132kv) side and two isolator scheme on output (33kv) side.It has
capacity of 175MVA


Figure attached shows key diagram of a typical 132/33 KV Awantipora Grid Station. The diagram
of this grid station is explained as under:-
1. There are two 132 KV incoming lines (Wanpoh and Pampore 132kv double circuit)
connected to the bus bars. Each incoming line is capable of supplying the substation load.
All these lines can be loaded simultaneously to share the grid station load . The grid
station has double bus bar system, one main bus bar and the other spare bus bar. The
incoming line can be connected to bus bar with the help of an arrangement of circuit
breaker and isolators. The advantage of double bus bar system is that if repair is to be
carried on one bus bar, the supply need not to be interrupted as the entire load can be
transferred to the other bus.
2. There is an arrangement in Awantipora grid station to step down the incoming supply of
132 KV to 33KV by five transformer banks with total capacity 175MVA
3. The P.T and C.T are suitably located for supply to metering and indicated instruments and
relay circuit. The P.T is right on the point where the line is terminated. The C.T are
connected at the terminals of each circuit breaker.
4. The lighting arresters are connected near the transformers terminals to protect those
lighting strokes.
5. There are other auxiliary components in the grid station such as wave trapper, capacitor
bank for power factor improvement, each connections, local supply connections, and D.C
supply connections.

Grid station are the important part of power system. It serve as a source of energy supply for the
local areas of distribution in which these are located. Their main functions are to receive energy
transmitted at high voltage from generating stations, reduce the voltage to a value appropriate for
local distribution and provide facilities for switching. Some substation are simply switching
where different connections between various transmission lines are made, others are converting
substations which convert AC into DC or vise- versa or convert frequency from higher to lower
or vies-versa, substation have some additional functions. They provide points where safety
devices may be installed to disconnect equipment or circuit at the event of fault. Voltage on the
outgoing feeder can be regulated at the substation. A substation is convenient place for installing
synchronous condensers at the end of the transmission line for purpose of improving power factor
and make measurements to check the operation of the various part of the power system. Thus
grid stations may be defined as the assembly of apparatus, which transfer energy to another; e.g.
from AC to DC or to the voltages from 66kv,110kv,or 220kv.however 500kv will used for the
national grid system in future. The consumer do not use such high voltage and so they must be
transformed to low voltage levels by means of substations, thus a substation may be called as
link between the generating stations and consumer.

Fig 1 Full view of grid station


When a station is to be designed, the following procedure should be adapted:-
• Prepare a single line diagram of main electrical connections
• Showing bus bar arrangements, circuit breaker and transformers.

• Decide the layout of the switchgear keeping in view capacity of sub stations, methods of
control and number of feeders, reliability, safety, flexibility, space needed and
• The layout should be such that it should be possible to isolate any section during fault,
without affecting the service of the healthy section.
• It should be possible to have an easy and safe access for maintenance and inspection for
different equipment’s.
• An arrangement should be made to extinguish fire.
• The earth conductor should be of sufficient cross-sectional area to carry the fault current
in severe conditions.
• A proper and sufficient automotive electrical protective gear should be used. Power
cables should be separate from control cable.


The following points should be taken mainly into consideration in choosing the location of grid
• Locate stations as close to the load centre as possible.
• Locate stations at such points that all the perspective loads may be conveniently reached
without under voltage regulation.
• Allow access to the incoming transmission line and outgoing distribution line.
• Choose the site where municipal restriction of property laws should permit the type of
building necessary construction for substation.
• Keep load on substations within such limits that an undue large area or number of
consumers will not be affected in case the station shut down occurs.
The location of station should be indoor, outdoor, and underground or pole mounted. The last
two are for small size of distributions stations and the rural electrification may be considered
only in large crowded cities, with space limitations. In indoor type of station, which is commonly
used, all the equipment’s are arranged indoor. In case of outdoor types of station, which is also
commonly used, all the equipment’s are arranged outdoors and should with stand weather
conditions. The advantage of outdoor type is that they do not need any buildings. In case of
outdoor the cost of transformers and switchgear equipment’s is less than that of indoor type. In
case of stations at the generating stations, to step up generation voltage to transmission voltage,
they are located in the outstation yard. So in the transmission stations also control and protective
equipment’s are located inside the buildings near the station yard.



These lines supply powers to the substations from source of generation or from transmission lines
at high voltages.
1.132kv Double Circuit Wanpoh.
2.132kv Double Circuit Pampore.


When a number of lines operate at the same voltage, it has to be directly connected electrically,
bus bars are used as the common electrical components. Bus bars copper or aluminium bars
(generally rectangular x – section) operate at constant voltage. The incoming and outgoing lines
in a substation are connected to the bus bars. The outdoor bus bars is either of the rigid type or
the strain type. In rigid type pipes are used for bus bars and also for making the connections
among the various equipment’s wherever required. The strain type bus bars are the overhead
system of wires string between the two supporting structures and supported by the strain type
1. The most commonly used bus bars arrangements in sub stations are:
It consists of single (three phase) bus bars to which the various feeders are connected. In case of
fault or maintenance of bus bar the entire bus bar has to be de energised and total shut down
results. The equipment connections are very simple and it is very easy to operate. It is not popular
used for 33KV and above, except where the relative importance of the substation is less or the
position of the substation does not justified elaborate schemes. This arrangement is simplest and
cheapest. However it suffers from two major defects:-
Maintenance without interruption of supply is not possible. Extension of substation without a
shutdown is not possible.
The double bus arrangement provides facility to change over to either bus to carry out
maintenance on the other but provides no facility to carry over breaker maintenance. The main
and transfer bus works on other way round. It provides facility for carrying outbreak maintenance

but does not permit bus maintenance. Whenever the maintenance is required on any breaker, the
circuit is changed over to the transfer bus and controlled through bus coupler breaker.
The scheme used two identical bus bars so that:
• Each load may be fed from either bus.
• The load circuits may be divided into two separate groups if needed from the operational
• Either bus bar may be taken out for the maintenance and cleaning of insulators
This arrangement has been used quite frequently adopted where the load and continuity of supply
justify additional cost. This type of bus is used in AWANTIPORA are main bus bar(bus 1) &
reserve bus bar( bus 2)

The insulator used in connection with overhead systems employing bar conductors are composed
almost invariably of glazed porcelain, although some moulded materials are used for low voltage,
and glass material are also used. The insulator serves two purposes. The most usually material
for manufacture of insulators is porcelain. The porcelain should be ivory white, sound free from
defects and thoroughly vitrified so that the glaze is not dependent upon insulation. This through
vitrification of the porcelain is of paramount importance, since the presence of pores or other air-
spaces will lower the dielectric strength, and it therefore follows that porcelain for electrical
purposes must be both thoroughly air- free and impervious to the entrance of gases and liquids.
Toughened glass is also sometime used for insulators but its use is limited to about 33KV. The
design of the insulator is such that the stress due to contraction and expansion in an par of
insulator does not to any defect. It is desirable not allow porcelain to come in direct with a hard
metal screw thread. Normally cement is used between metal and porcelain.
Types of insulators:
As the name suggests the pin- type insulator is attached to steel bolt or pin, which is secured to a
cross arm on the transmission pole. This type of insulator consists of single or multiple shells
(petticoats or rain sheds) adopted to be mounted on a spindle to a fixed to the cross arm of the
supporting structures. Multiple shells are provided in order to obtain sufficient length of leakage
path so that the flashover voltage between the power conductors and pin of the insulator is
increased. The design of the shells is such that if upper most shell is wet due to rain the lower
shells are dry and provided sufficient leakage resistance. The insulator and its pin, or other
support, should be sufficiently strong mechanically to withstand the resultant force due to the
combined effects of wind pressure and weight of span. The pin-type insulators are normally used
up to 33KV. It is not desirable to use them beyond 50KV as a cost of such insulators then increase
much faster than the voltage.

Fig 2 Pin type insulator


For high voltage rating these insulators are used. These insulators consists of one or more
insulator units flexibly connected together and adopted to the hung for the cross on of the
supporting structure and to carry a power conductor at its lowest extremity. Such composite units
are known as string insulators. Each insulator is a single disc shape piece of porcelain grooved
on the under surface to increase the leakage path between the metal cap at the top and the metal
pin at the bottom of the insulator. Suspension insulators being free to swing, the clearance
required between the power conductor and the supporting structures are more as compared to pin
type insulators. Each insulator is design for 11KV and hence for any operating voltage a string
of insulators can be used. Several important advantages follow from this system:
• Each insulator is designed for a comparatively low working voltage, usually about 11,000
volts, and the insulation for any required line voltage can be obtained by using a ‘string’
of a suitable number of such insulators.

• In the event of a failure of an insulator, one unit- instead of the whole string- has to be
• The mechanical stress are reduced, since the line is suspended flexibly with pin type
insulators, the grid nature of the attachment results in fatigue and ultimate brittleness of
the wire, due to the alternating nature of the stresses. Also string is free to swing; there is
an equalisation of the tensions in the conductors of successive spans.
• In the event of an increase in the operating voltage of the line, this can be met by adding
the requisite number of units to each string, instead of replacing all insulators, as would
be necessary with pin-type.

Fig 3 Suspension type insulator


Post insulators have metal bolt down base as opposed to threads. Many early multipart lines are
spotted with line post insulators as replacements. Post insulators are also used in substations to
insulate high voltage switching gear and transformers. There is no hobby numbering system for
post insulators yet. Most insulators are used for bus bars.insulators consist of porcelain body, cast
iron cap and flanged cast iron base. The hole in the cap is the threaded so that the bus bars can
be directly to cap Post insulators have metal bolt down base as opposed to threads. Many early
multipart lines are spotted with line post insulators as replacements. Post insulators are also used
in substations to insulate high voltage switching gear and transformers. There is no hobby
numbering system for post insulators yet. Most insulators are used for bus bars. Post insulators
consist of porcelain body, cast iron cap and flanged cast iron base. The hole in the cap is the
threaded so that the bus bars can be directly to cap.

Fig 4 Post type insulator


In substation, it is often desired to disconnect part of the system of the general maintenance and
repairs. The isolating switch or isolator accomplishes this. It may be defined as a device used to
open or close a circuit either when negligible current is interrupted or when no significant change
in the voltage across the terminals of each pole of the isolator will result from the operation. An
isolator is essentially a knife switch and is designed to open the circuit under no load. In other
words, isolator’s switches are operated only when the lines in which they are connected carry
low current. Isolators are not fitted control device and function only for instantaneous changes
of switching circuit’s arrangements and for providing a visible break in a circuit. So as to make
certain operation that can be performed on an isolated section without running a risk.

Fig 5 Isolators

A circuit breaker is equipment which can be open are closed a circuit under a normal as well as
fault condition. It is so desired that it can be operated manually or by remote control under normal
condition and automatically under fault condition. For the latter operation a relay is used in the
circuit breaker. A circuit breaker essentially consists of fixed and moving contacts, called
electrodes. Under normal operating condition, these contacts remain closed and will not open
automatically until and unless the system becomes fault. The contacts can be opened manually
or by remote control whenever desired. When a fault occurs on any part of the system, the trip
coils of the circuit breaker get energised and moving contacts are pulled apart by some
mechanism, thus opening the circuit. The basic construction of any circuit breaker requires the
separation of the contacts in any insulating fluid, when serves two function:-
• It extinguishes the arc drawn between the contacts when the circuit breaker open.
• It provides adequate insulation between the contacts and from each contacts to earth.
Many insulating fluids are used for arc extinction and the fluid chosen depend upon the
rating and type of the circuit breaker.
The insulating fluids commonly used are:-
• Air at atmospheric pressure
• Compressed air
• Ultra high vacuum
• Oil which produces hydrogen for arc extinction
• Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
In GLADNI grid station there different types of circuit breakers are used. In 220 KV line
minimum oil circuit breaker (MOCB) is used where as in 132KV line MOCB and SF6 are used
and for 33KV line MOCB
One of the important development in the design of oil circuit breaker has been to reduce the
amount of oil needed. The other advantages are reduction in tank size, reduction in total weight
and reduction in cost . It used minimum amount of oil and is only used for arc extinguishing the
current conducting parts are insulated by porcelain or organic insulated material. Low oil circuit
breaker employees solid materials for insulations purpose and uses a small qty.of oil which is
just sufficient for arc extinguishing .By using suitable arc control devices, the arc extinguishing

just sufficient for arc extinguishing .By using suitable arc control devices, the arc extinguishing
can be further facilitated in low circuit breaker venting.
In such circuit breaker sulphur hexafluoride gas is used as arc quenching medium. The
conducting free electrons in arc are rapidly captured by the gas to form relatively immobile
negative ions . This loss of conduction electrons in the arc quickly builds up enough insulating
strength.The SF6 circuit breaker has been found to be very effect able for high power and high
voltage services.SF6 has excellent insulating strength because of its affinity for electrons i.e
whenever a free electrons collides with the neutral gas molecules to form negatives ions

Fig 6. SF6 Circuit Breaker


It is protective device which conducts the high voltage surges on the power system to the
ground.Surge voltages are abnormal voltage that may cause break down of insulation of electrical
equipment. These voltages may result from switching disturbance in the electrical installation
circuit or from lightning stroke.In Gladni grid station valve type arrester is used. It consists of
two assemblies: Series spark gaps and non-linear resistor discs. These both are connected in
series under normal conditions; the normal system voltage is insufficient to cause the breakdown
of air gap assembly. On the occurrence over voltage, the breakdown of series spark gap take place
and the surge current is conducted to earth via the non-linear resistor. They provide effective
Requirement of lightning Arrester:
• It should not pass any current at normal or at abnormal (normally 5% more than normal
voltage) power frequency voltage.
• It should break down as quickly as possible after abnormal high frequency voltage is
• It should not only protect the equipment for which it is used but should discharge the
surge current without damaging itself.
• It should interrupt the power frequency follow current after the surge is discharged to



It is a device that defect the faults and initiates the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the
defective element from the rest of the system .The relay ensures the safety of the circuit
equipment from any damage which might be otherwise caused by the fault.
1. IDMLT type relay (Directional & non directional)
2. Primary relays such as Buchhol’z Restricted earth fault etc.
IDMTL is one in which the operating time is approximately inversely proportional to the fault
current near pick up value and becomes substantially constant slightly above the pickup value of
the relay. This is achieved by using a core of the electromagnet which gets saturated for currents
slightly greater than pick up current. It has two types:-
(a) Non – directional relay
(b) Directional relay
(a)Non directional (over current or earth leakage) relay
This types of relay will not be able to discriminate when used on transmission lines, whether the
fault has been taken place in the section where the relay is located or it has taken place in the
adjoining section under the condition of high power factor or leading power factor, the impedance
seen by relay is a very low or even negative
(b)Directional (Over current or earth fault) relay
The non-directional relay can operate for fault flow in either direction. In order to achieve
operation for the fault flowing in a specific direction, it is necessary to add a directional element
to the non-directional element. Such a relay which responds to fault flow in a particular
directional is called a directional relay.
Buchholz’s relay is a gas actuated relay used for protecting oil immersed transformer against all
types of internal fault and makes use of the fact that fault decompose oil thus generating gases.
The device relies on the fact that an electrical fault inside the transformer tank is accompanied
by generation of gas, and if the fault current is high enough by a surge of oil from the tank to the

Fig 8 Buchhollzs relay

Connecting of an electrical equipment or apparatus to the earth with the help of a connecting
wire of negligible resistance is known as “ear thing” or “grounding”.In an electric installation, if
a metallic part of an electric appliance comes in direct contact with a bare or live-wire, the neutral
being a good conductor of electricity is charged static charge on it will accumulate. Now if any
person comes in contact with this charged metal part, he will get a severe shock. But if the
metallic parts of the equipment or apparatus are earthed, the charge will be given to earth
immediately as the metallic part comes in direct contact with a bare or live wire or breakdown
occurs. And as the discharge takes place to the earth, the impedance of the path of the current is
low, heavy current flows to earth, the instant the current exceeds the limiting value the protective
device (usually a fuse) operates and isolates the appliance or equipment form the supply. Thus to
provide safety to the users as well as for the operating and maintenance personals it is essential
to provide earthing the various types are:

it is required to provide low fault impedance to the ground fault currents for proper operation of
the protective relays and for meeting the system requirement by effectively earthed system.
It is required to provide protection to the operating staff working in the yard and substation from
any injury during fault condition by keeping the voltage gradient within safe limits. The above
two parts have common earth mat from which flat iron risers are taken out to connect all the non-
current carrying metal parts of the equipment. At the same time the earth mat conductor rise to
voltage, which is equal to the resistance of the earth mat multiplied by ground fault current. This
difference of potential results in voltage gradients.


In practice, the neutral of a three- phase system is earthed at substation. This is known as neutral
earthling or grounding .An earthed neutral system has the following advantages:-
A) It provides a better protection against earth faults.
B) It ensures nearly constant voltage of healthy phases because neutral point is not shifted.
C) This system provides a better reliability of service.
D) It is safer for personal and equipment.
E) It requires lesser maintenance expense as compared to the unearthed neural system. F) In the
system, transient voltages produced are very small.
G) Ground fault relaying is simple.
H) Persistent arcing ground can be eliminated by employing protective gear.

As in well-known transformers is a piece of apparatus without continuously moving parts, which
by electromagnetic induction transformers alternating voltage and current in one or move
windings usually of different values of voltage and current and at same frequency.Transformers
is heart of power system and is most important and costliest in power system .It is estimated that
one MW of additional power earning capacity requires about 7 to 8 MVA transformers’ capacity
.The diamond for transformer is expected to grow at a lipid pace, since the generating station
conventionally Hydro Electric thermals are situated geographically for a part from load centre’s
and since these are linked by transformer.


This is essential to house the transformer oil, flitting and accessories such as terminal
arrangements, conservator, Breather, safety device etc. The structural design should also
withstand seismic forces.
Conservator with valuation of temperature there is corresponding variation in oil volume. To
account for this, an expansion vessel called conservator is added to hemp with a connecting pipe
to main tank. In smaller transformers this vessel is open to atmosphere through dehydrating
breathers in large transformer, an air bag is mounted inside the conservator with inside bag open
atmosphere through breathers and outside surface of bag in contact with oil surface.

Fig 9 Conservator
Both transformer oil and celluloses’ paper are highly hygroscopic .Paper being more hygroscopic
than mineral oil .The moisture, if not excluded from oil surface in conservator, this will find its
way finally into paper insulation and causes reduction insulation strength of transformer to
minimise this the conservator is allowed to breath only through silica gel column which absorb
the moisture in air before it enters the conservator air surface.

Fig 10 Breather


Transformers tank is a pressure vessel as the inside pressure can group steeply whenever there is
a fault in the windings and the surrounding oil is suddenly vaporised. TANKS as such are tested
for a pressure with stand capacity of 0.35 kg /cm. To prevent bursting of the tank, these tanks are
in addition provide with expansion vents with a thin diaphragm made of Bakelite /Copper / glass
at the end . In present day transformer, pressure relief device are replacing expansion vents. These
are similar to safety valves on boilers.
Transformer are connected to HV lines and therefore care is to taken to prevent flash-over from
high voltage connections to earthed tank .Connections from cables are made in cable boxes , but
overhead connections are to be brought through bushing specially designed for different classes

Fig 11 Bushings


A power transformer is used in a substation for step down the voltage. Expect at the power station,
all the subsequent substation used step down transformer to gradually reduce the voltage of
electrical supply and finally delivered it at the utilisation voltage. The modern practice is to use
3 phase transformer in the substation, although 3 single phase bank of transformer can also be
used. The use of three phase transformer (instead of 3 phase bank of transformer) permits two
advantages. Firstly, only one 3 phase load tap changing mechanism can be used. Secondly its
installation is much similar then single phase transformer. The power transformers are generally
installed upon length of rails fixed on concrete slabs having foundation 1 to 1.5 m deep. In
Awantipora Grid substation two rating of transformers are installed .

Fig 12. Power Transformer

• Tank
• Radiators
• Cooling fans, oil pump, oil to water heat exchangers
• Bushings
• Buchholz Relay/ Oil surge Relay
• Temperature Indicator – WTI, OTI
• Oil level Indicators


One of the most important factors, which determine the life, satisfactory operations of the
transformer are the oil in which it is immersed
• The transformer oil has two prime functions:- To create the acceptable level of insulation
in conjunction with insulated conductors and coils.
• To provide a cooling medium capable of extracting quantities of heat without
deterioration as an insulating medium.
• Transformers oil is a mineral oil obtained by fractional distillation of crude petroleum.
Vegetables and animal oils are not used in transformers. Some of the important
characteristics necessary in transformer oil are its dielectric, strength, resistance, to
emulsion viscosity, purity, and flash point and sludge formations.


Transformer is a static device that converts energy at one level to another voltage level. During
this process of energy transfer, losses occur in the windings and core of the transformer. These
losses appeared as heat. This heat is dissipated to the surroundings. The coolants used in the
transformers are:-
• Air
The transformers using air as coolant are called dry type transformers while transformers using
oil as coolant are known as oil immersed transformers. In dry type transformers the heat
generated is conducted across the core and windings to be dissipated from the Outer surface of
the windings to the surrounding air through convection. In case of oil immersed transformers,
the heat produced inside the core and the windings are connected across them to their surfaces.

The heat is transferred from oil to the walls of the tank through convection. Finally, the heat is
transferred from the tank walls of the surrounding air by radiation and convection.


The lines I substation operate at high voltage and carry current of 1000 of amperes. The
measuring instruments and protective devices are designed for low voltages (for generally 110
volts ) and currents ( about 5 A ) .Therefore, they not work satisfactory if mounted directly on
the lines this difficulty is overcomes by installing instrument transformers on the power lines.
The function of his instrument transformers is to transfer voltage or current in the power lines to
values which are convenient for the operation of measuring instrument and relays.


C.T is essentially a transformer which steps down current to a known ratio. The primary winding
of this transformer consists of one or more turns of thick wire connected in series with the line.
The secondary consists of large number of turns of fine wire and provides for the measuring
instruments & relays a current which is a constant fraction of the current in the line. Suppose
current transformer rated at 100/5 A is connected in the line to measure current in primary the
current in primary the current in the line 100 A, then secondary of C.T will be 5 A .Similarly, if
current in the line is 50 A, then secondary of C.T will have current of 2.3 A .

Fig 13 Current Transformer

It is essentially a step down transformer & step downs the voltage to known ratio. The primary
of this transformer consists of large number of turns of fine wire connected across the line
instrument relays a voltage a known fraction of the line voltage. Suppose a potential transformer
rated at 66kv/ 110v is connected to a power line .If line voltage is 66kv, then the voltage across
secondary will be 110kv.

Fig 14 Potential Transformer

Transmission and distribution stations exist at various scales throughout a power system. In
general, they represent an interface between different levels or sections of the power system with
the capability to switch or reconfigure the connections among various transmission and
distribution lines. Smaller distribution substations follow the same principle of receiving power
at higher voltage on one side and sending out a number of distribution feeders at lower voltage
on the other, but they serve a more limited local area and are generally unstaffed. The central
component of the substation is the transformer, as it provides the effective in enface between the
high- and low voltage parts of the system. Other crucial components are circuit breakers and
switches. Breakers serve as protective devices that open automatically in the event of a fault, that
is, when a protective relay indicates excessive current due to some abnormal condition. Switches
are control devices that can be opened or closed deliberately to establish or break a connection.
An important difference between circuit breakers and switches is that breakers are designed to
interrupt abnormally high currents (as they occur only in those very situations for which circuit
protection is needed), whereas regular switches are designed to be operable under normal
currents. Breakers are placed on both the high- and low-voltage side of transformers. Finally,
substations may also include capacitor banks to provide voltage support.


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