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Core Java Consolidated Face to Face Interview Questions Class Syntax What are Keywords?
Class Syntax What are Identifiers?
Topics Questions Answers Class Syntax What is a Class?
Java Introduction Features of java Class Syntax What is the importance of main method in Java class?
Java Introduction How much you rate yourself in Core Java, In theory? In practical? Class Syntax What if main method is not present inside Java program?
Java Introduction What do you know about Java? Class Syntax What is meant by source file?
Java Introduction What is Java? Class Syntax In one source file how many classes can be declared?
Java components what is the difference between JVM JDK and JRE Class Syntax What if one source file is having 3 java classes in it? What happens after compilation?
Java components Difference between JVM , JRE , JIT? Class Syntax WAP to print your name
Java components JVM architecture Printing Statements what is meant by System.out.print
Java components What is JDK? Printing Statements What is and System.out and System.err
Java components Why java is platform independent? Printing Statements What is System.out.println
Java components What are different types of class loaders? Class members What is the difference between static members and non-static members?
Java components What are the important features of Java 8 release? Class members Explain about static members in details
Java components What are the supported platforms by Java Programming Language? Class members Explain about non static members in details
Java components What gives Java its 'write once and run anywhere' nature? Class members How to access static members? Explain
Java components What is Class loader in Java? Class members How to access non-static members of class? Explain
Java components What is difference between path and class path variables? Class members What are the difference between static and non-static members of class
Java components What is the difference between JDK and JVM? Class members What are the features of Static and final members
Java components What is the difference between JVM and JRE? Class members Explain about java class members?
Java components Why Java is called the “Platform Independent Programming Language”? Class members explain about static keyword
Compilation which file is generated after compilation in C and C++ Variables - Global Explain about static and non-static variables
Compilation Which file is generated after compilation in Java Variables - Local explain about local variables
Compilation Is the compiled file from C C++ and Java are same Variables explain about Boolean variable and its declaration
Compilation Why we have to compile program Variables explain about global and local variables
Compilation Command to run java program? To create a directory? Variables - Global What is Member variables, how it is different from local variables
Compilation How to compile java program using command line? Variables - Global What is static variables? explain
Compilation Is java interpreted or compile time programming language? Variables - Global What is non-static variables or instance variables? explain
Compilation What is JIT compiler? Variables - Global Give example when to use static variables and non-static variables
Execution flow What is meant by source file? Variables What is primitive variables in java? how to declare it?
Execution flow What is meant by compilation? Variables What is non-primitive variables in Java? how to declare it?
Execution flow What is the difference between .java and .class file? Variables - Global Explain how many ways member variables can be initialized?
Execution flow What is the difference between source file and intermediate file? Variables What is a variable?
Execution flow When a .class file gets generated? Variables What are the different scopes for Java variables?
Execution flow Explain about compiler process? Variables - Global What is a Class Variable?
Execution flow Explain about JVM process? Variables - Global What is a Global Variable?
Execution flow What is the use of class Loader? Variables - Local What is a Local Variable?
Execution flow Explain about JIT? Variables What is a local, member and a class variable?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889

QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders

Variables What is a pointer and does Java support pointers? What happens if you don‟t initialize an instance variable of any of the primitive types in
Class and Object Java?
Variables What is the difference between a field variable and a local variable?
Class and Object What is an Instance Variable?
Variables What is the difference between declaring a variable and defining a variable?
Class and Object What is difference between object and static object?
Variables - Global What is the difference between static and non-static variables?
Class and Object What is meant by pass by reference and pass by value in Java?
Variables - Global What is the importance of static variable?
Class and Object What is the difference between a public and a non-public class?
Data Types what are data type what is the use
Class and Object What kind of variables a class can consist of?
Data Types List of primitive data type along with there default values
Class and Object What type of parameter passing does Java support?
Data Types Primitive data types are passed by reference or pass by value?
Class and Object What will be the initial value of an object reference?
Data Types What are the types of data types supported by java programming language?
Class and Object Why we are using inner classes?
Data Types What is the default value of byte data type in Java?
Class and Object What are the advantages and disadvantages of inner class?
Data Types What is the default value of double data type in Java?
Main method what if we remove static from public static void main
Data Types What is the default value of float data type in Java?
Main method what if we declare main method as private
Data Types What is the default value of int data type in Java?
Main method what is the output of the program
Data Types What is the default value of string data type in Java?
Main method what is public static void main
Data Types When a byte data type is used?
Main method Can we overload main method?
Class and Object what is class
Main method About main function
Class and Object What is object or instance of class?
Main method Can I call main method from other class? If yes, how?
Class and Object How to create an instance of class? Explain
Main method Can we execute program without main method? If yes, how?
Class and Object What is reference variables? How to create it?
Main method Why main method take String array? Why not the Integer array?
Class and Object What does new operator used for and what it returns
Main method Can a main() method be declared final?
Class and Object Does java supports pass by reference? why
Main method Can a main() method be overloaded?
Class and Object Explain what you mean by static reference variable?
Main method Can an application have multiple classes having main() method?
Class and Object Explain what you mean by instance reference variable?
Main method Can I have multiple main() methods in the same class?
Class and Object what is object
Main method Can we overload main method?
Class and Object how to instantiate class
Main method Does the order of public and static declaration matter in main() method?
Class and Object Types of inner class, explain each type with an example
Main method Explain the reason for each keyword of public static void main(String args[])?
Class and Object Can a class be declared as static?
If I don't provide any arguments on the command line, then the String array of Main
Class and Object Can we declare a class as static? Main method method will be empty or null?
Class and Object Can we have multiple public classes in a java source file? Main method Is main a keyword in Java?
Class and Object Can you create an object without using new operator in Java? Main method Should a main() method be compulsorily declared in all java classes?
Class and Object Define class? Main method What if I do not provide the String array as the argument to the method?
Class and Object Is Empty .java file name a valid source file name? Main method What if I write static public void instead of public static void?
Class and Object List the three steps for creating an Object for a class? Main method What if I write static public void instead of public static void?
Class and Object Objects are passed by value or by reference? Main method What if the main method is declared as private?
Class and Object What are inner classes? Main method What if the static modifier is removed from the signature of the main()method?
What are the Object and Class classes used for? Which class should you use to obtain Main method What is the argument of main() method?
Class and Object design information about an object?
Main method What is the first argument of the String array in main() method?
Class and Object What do you mean by Object?
Main method What is the importance of main method in Java?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889
QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders
Main method What is the importance of main method in Java? which loop will you use when you have to execute this statement at least once. while,
Loops do while, for, no loop
Main method What is the return type of the main() method?
Loops what is the difference between do while and while loop
Main method Why is the main() method declared static?
Blocks I want to print "Hello" even before main() is executed. How will you achieve that?
Methods What is an overloaded method? Provide an example to explain it.
Blocks What is non-static block?
Methods what is method overloading can we overload static method
Blocks What is static block?
Methods what is the difference between method overloading and method overriding
Blocks What is the difference between static block and non-static block?
Methods what is the difference between static method and normal method
Blocks explain static blocks and non-static blocks
Methods What is method overloading? Explain
Blocks what is the use of Static and nonstatic block and when they are executed
Methods When to go for Method overloading? give real time examples
Constructor Can a constructor be made final?
Methods Can sub class overload the methods of super class?
Constructor explain about constructor
Methods What is benefit of method overloading?
Constructor what is constructor? Can constructor overloaded
Methods What is method overriding? Explain, give real time examples
Constructor why we use constructor and what is its syntax
Methods What is the benefit of method overriding?
Constructor what are constructor
Methods Which methods of super class can be overrided and which can't be overrided?
Constructor what is the return type of constructor
Methods Difference between final, finalise, finally
Constructor what default constructor Returns
Methods Overloading and overriding with inbuilt example?
Constructor what is constructor
Methods What is diff b.w method and function?
Constructor constructor is required for creation of object or not
Methods Can we declare a static variable inside a method?
Constructor what is the difference between method and constructor
Methods Explain the difference between overloading and overriding.
Constructor what is meant by constructor
Methods What are Native methods in Java?
Constructor What is constructors? why it is required?
Methods What are the differences between Class Methods and Instance Methods?
Constructor Does every class has constructor?
Methods What is overloading and overriding in java?
Constructor What is default constructor?
Methods What restrictions are placed on method overloading?
Constructor What is parameterized constructor?
Methods What restrictions are placed on method overriding?
Constructor What is user defined constructor?
Methods When will you define a method as static?
Constructor What is constructor Overloading? Explain its benefit
Scanner How to scan a char using scanner class?
Constructor Explain this() statement, explain why it is required?
Scanner How to scan using Buffer in java?
Constructor Does constructor has return type?
Scanner How to scan using scanner class?
Constructor Does constructor be static?
Operators explain about increment and decrement operator
Constructor Does constructor be inherited?
Operators explain about conditional operator
Constructor Can we declare constructor as private?
Operators What is the use of instanceof operator in java?
Constructor What is the access of default constructor?
Operators explain about operations on operators
Constructor Can we override Constructor of class?
Operators List operators supported by java
Constructor What is constructor calling or constructor Chaining?
Operators What is the use of „==‟ operator and .equals(arg) method
Constructor explain super() statement, explain why it is required?
Operators Why does Java not support operator overloading?
Constructor what is the difference between this() and super()
if you are designing a bank application and you have to restrict the user from
withdrawing the money of bank account when the balance is zero which technique you Constructor What is implicit constructor call and explicit constructor call?
Control Statement can use
Constructor When to go for explicit constructor call?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889

QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders

Constructor Can a constructor have a return keyword inside it? OOPs What are different oops concept in java
Constructor Difference between default constructor and parameterized constructor OOPs Why Java is not pure Object Oriented language?
Constructor Explain constructor chaining Inheritance how to extend one class
Constructor Explain constructor overloading Inheritance explain about hierarchical inheritance in what is the use of it
Constructor What is constructor? Inheritance explain about multilevel inheritance
Constructor Why or what is the use of parameterized constructor Inheritance explain inheritance
Constructor Why we use constructor Inheritance what is inheritance
Constructor Can we use this() and super() in a method? Inheritance give real time example on inheritance
Constructor Can you call one constructor from another if a class has multiple constructors? Inheritance explain about inheritance
Constructor Does constructor return any value? Inheritance explain about inheritance
Constructor How are this() and super() used with constructors? Inheritance what is inheritance WAP to show different types of inheritance
Constructor How does the Java default constructor be provided? Inheritance Explain Has-A relationship? how to achieve it?
Constructor What is constructor chaining? Inheritance What is inheritance? explain its advantages
Constructor What is constructor? Inheritance What are the types of inheritance? Explain
Constructor What is default constructor? Inheritance Why does java doesn't support multiple inheritance?
Constructor What is no-arg constructor? Inheritance What is super class or base class?
Constructor What is the difference between a constructor and a method? Inheritance What is sub class or derived class?
Constructor What is the purpose of default constructor? Inheritance Which members of super class can be inherited to sub class
Constructor What is the purpose of default constructor? Inheritance Can we inherit Constructor of super class?
Constructor When does the compiler supply a default constructor for a class? Inheritance What is the role of Constructor in inheritance?
JVM What is structure of Java Heap? Inheritance From which super class the sub class can‟t inherit?
JVM How many types of memory areas are allocated by JVM? Inheritance If super class has private constructor, can sub class inherit its members?
OOPs explain about oops concepts Inheritance Do java support multiple inheritance?
OOPs explain about OOPS concept Inheritance What is inheritance?
OOPs is Java pure object oriented programming language Inheritance Will java support multiple inheritance? If yes how?
OOPs what are the pillars of Java Inheritance Can a Class extend more than one Class?
OOPs explain about oops principles Inheritance Can we call sub class constructor from super class constructor?
OOPs explain about oops principles Inheritance Define overriding. Explain it with an example.
OOPs explain about oops principles Inheritance Is constructor inherited?
OOPs explain about OOPS concept Inheritance Is there any limitation of using Inheritance?
OOPs explain about OOPS concept Inheritance What is inheritance?
OOPs explain about oops principles Inheritance What is multiple inheritances and does java support?
OOPs Java is object oriented programming language or not Inheritance Why Java doesn‟t support multiple inheritances?
OOPs why Java is not purely object oriented programming language Inheritance Which class is the immediate superclass of the Container class?
OOPs explain about oops principles Final explain about final keyword
OOPs Is java purely object oriented? If yes, Why is it? Final Explain final member variables and how to initialize?
OOPs Oops concepts, with inbuilt examples Final Give example when to use final instance variable?
OOPs List any five features of Java? Final What do you mean by declaring instance method as final?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889
QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders
Final Define a final class in java. Explain the purpose of final class. Encapsulation What is encapsulation?
Final How to define a constant variable in Java? Encapsulation What is java bean class? where it is used?
Final What is final class? Encapsulation What are java beans?
Final What is the purpose of declaring a variable as final? Encapsulation What is encapsulation?
Access Modifiers explain about access modifiers Encapsulation What is Encapsulation?
Access Modifiers What is the scope of access Specifiers - private, public, protected, world, default Encapsulation What is the primary benefit of Encapsulation?
Access Modifiers explain about access specifiers Singleton Class what is meant by singleton class what is the use
Access Modifiers what are access specifiers give real time example of access specifiers Singleton Class What is Singleton class? Where it is used?
Access Modifiers How to access general properties and how to access specialized properties? Singleton Class What is inner class? What are the types of inner class
Access Modifiers What is default access in class? Singleton Class What is singalton? Why do we need it? How do we design it?
Access Modifiers What are the access specifiers provided in java? Singleton Class What is the use of private constructor?
Access Modifiers What is the use of private member variables? Abstract class what is Abstract class
Access Modifiers What is the difference between package level and protected members? Abstract class what is the difference between method overriding and method overloading
Access Modifiers Difference between Access specifiers and accesses modifiers Abstract class real time example on Abstract class and Interface
Access Modifiers Why main in public? Abstract class what is the difference between Abstract class and Interface
Access Modifiers Can a class be declared as protected? Abstract class can you write abstract method in a normal class
Access Modifiers Can a class declared as private be accessed outside its package? Abstract class How to declare Abstract class and can you create object of Abstract class
Access Modifiers Can a top level class be private or protected? Abstract class what is concrete class
Access Modifiers Explain the types of access specifiers with example? Abstract class what is an Abstract class
Access Modifiers If a class is declared without any access modifiers, where may the class be accessed? Abstract class what is meant by Abstract class and why we make class as abstract
Access Modifiers If a variable is declared as private, where may the variable be accessed? Abstract class what is abstract method?
Access Modifiers What are access specifiers? What is the use? Abstract class What is Abstract class?explain its members
Package what are packages in Java Abstract class Can we create instance of Abstract class
Package What is package? How to declare it? Abstract class What the subclass should do if it extends from Abstract class
Package What is the use of import statement? Abstract class Can we define constructor in Abstract class?
Package What is static import statement? Abstract class How to access the instance members of Abstract class?
Package What is difference between import and include Abstract class Does Abstract class must have abstract method?
Package What is package? Why do we need? Abstract class Is Abstract class pure abstract body?
Package Which is the default package that get imported by default Abstract class What are the difference between Abstract class and Interface?
Package What is package? Abstract class Can an Abstract class be declared final?
Encapsulation what is meant by encapsulation Abstract class Can an Abstract class be defined without any abstract methods?
Encapsulation what is the difference between encapsulation and Abstraction Can an anonymous class be declared as implementing an Interface and extending a
Abstract class class?
Encapsulation explain about encapsulation
Abstract class Can you create an object of an Abstract class?
Encapsulation explain about encapsulation
Abstract class What are Abstract methods?
Encapsulation what is encapsulation
Abstract class What is an Abstract class and what is its purpose?
Encapsulation give real time example on encapsulation
Abstract class What is use of an abstract variable?
Encapsulation what is encapsulation
Abstract class What‟s the difference between 'Abstract' classes and 'Interfaces'?
Encapsulation what is encapsulation

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889

QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders

Casting what is meant by upCasting Interface What is marker Interface?
Casting What is datatype Casting? Explain its types Interface Can a class extend another class and implement Interface? explain
Casting What is classtype Casting? Explain its types Interface What is Comparable Interface?
Casting What is the pre-requiste to do class Casting? Interface What is Comparator Interface?
Casting What is widening operation? Interface Expain difference between Comparable and Comparator Interface?
Casting What is narrowing operation? Interface What is difference between comparable and comparator
Casting What is upCasting? Interface What is Interface?
Casting What is downCasting? Interface WAP to show the comparable and comparator features
Casting What is ClassCastException?When it occurs? Interface What must be the access of method in class which implements an Interface?Why
Casting What is the reason for ClassCastException? Interface Can a class be defined inside an Interface?
Casting When to perform downCasting? Interface Can an Interface be final?
Casting Why we need class type Casting? Interface Can an Interface extend another Interface?
Casting What is upCasting and downCasting explain with example Interface Can an Interface implement or extend another Interface?
Casting What is type Casting? Explain the types. Interface Can we define private and protected modifiers for variables in Interfaces?
Generalization give an example of Generalization Interface Explain the use of Comparable Interface with Example?
Generalization Explain the use of Generalization technique? Interface Explain the use of Comparator Interface with Example?
Generalization Generalization definition block can be? Interface Give some features of Interface?
Generalization What is meant by Generalization? Interface How can we implement an Interface in java?
Interface what is an Interface Interface How do you implement inheritance in Java?
Interface can we declare variables inside Interface Interface What is a Marker Interface?
Interface what is an Interface Interface What is Externalizable Interface?
Interface explain about Interface Interface What is Marker Interface?
Interface what is Interface Interface What is the difference between Comparable Interface and Comparator Interface?
Interface explain about Interface Interface What modifiers are allowed for methods in an Interface?
Interface what is Interface Interface When can an object reference be cast to an Interface reference?
Interface how to implement Interface using class Interface Why is an Interface be able to extend more than one Interface but a Class can't ?
Interface what is the difference between comparable and comparator Interface Difference between Interface and Abstract class
Interface What is Interface? explain its characteristics? Coupling Explain types of Coupling with example.
Interface Can we create instance of Interface? Coupling What is meant by Coupling?
Interface What is implementation class? Abstraction WAP on Abstraction
Interface What must a class should do if it implements an Interface? Abstraction explain about Abstraction
Interface How many Interface a class can implement? why Abstraction how to achieve Abstraction
Interface Does Interface has constructor? Abstraction explain about Abstraction
Interface Can an Interface extend another Interface? Abstraction What is Abstraction? how to achieve it?
Interface Can an Interface extend from a class? Abstraction What is the benefit of Abstraction?
Interface What is default access in Interface? Abstraction What is Abstraction?
Interface Can we declare reference variable of Interface? what we can assign? Abstraction Explain Abstraction with example.
Interface What is benefit of Interface ? Abstraction Explain the difference between Abstraction and Generalization?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889
QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders
Abstraction What is an Abstraction? Can I import same package/class twice? Will the JVM load the package twice at
Java Library runtime?
Abstraction What is the difference between Abstraction and encapsulation?
Java Library Do I need to import java.lang package any time? Why?
Polymorphism What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding
Java Library Do I need to import java.lang package any time? Why?
Polymorphism What is the difference between compile time and run time Polymorphism ?
Java Library What is static import?
Polymorphism what is Polymorphism
Java Library What is the Collections API?
Polymorphism explain about Polymorphism and its types
Java Library Will the JVM load the package twice at runtime?
Polymorphism explain about Polymorphism
Object class Explain about object class
Polymorphism what is Polymorphism explain its types
Object class explain about object class
Polymorphism What is Polymorphism? Explain its types
Object Class What are the members of Object class?
Polymorphism What is runtime Polymorphism? how to achieve it?
Object Class Explain toString(), hashCode() and equals() method of Object class
Polymorphism What is the uses of ploymorphism?
Object Class Why we need to override toString()?
Polymorphism What is Polymorphism
Object Class Why we need to override hashCode() and equals();
Polymorphism What is rutime and compile time Polymorphism?
Object Class List methods of Object class
Polymorphism Which is compile time and which is run time Polymorphism
Object Class Methods of object class? String class?
Polymorphism Explain the different forms of Polymorphism.
Object Class What is the base class of all classes?
Polymorphism How can we implement Polymorphism in Java?
Object Class What is the use of toString()?
Polymorphism What is Polymorphism?
Garbage Collection What is Garbage collection? explain?
Polymorphism What is runtime Polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch?
Garbage Collection What is the use of finalize(), in which class it is present?
Polymorphism Which object oriented Concept is achieved by using overloading and overriding?
Garbage Collection What is Garbage Collector?
Keyword Explain the use of „super‟ keyword by giving an example.
Garbage Collection explain about garbage collector
Keyword Is delete, next, main, exit or null keyword in java?
Garbage Collection How can the Garbage Collection be requested?
Keyword List some Java keywords (unlike C, C++ keywords)?
Garbage Collection How many times does the garbage collector call the finalize() method for an object?
Keyword What is the use if “instanceof” keyword?
Garbage Collection How many times does the garbage collector calls the finalize() method for an object?
Keyword When throw keyword is used?
Garbage Collection If an object is garbage collected, can it become reachable again?
Keyword When throws keyword is used?
If an object reference is set to null, will the Garbage Collector immediately free the
Keywords explain about Java keywords Garbage Collection memory?
Keywords explain about super keyword Garbage Collection Is garbage collector a daemon thread?
Keywords what is the difference between this and super keyword Garbage Collection What does System.gc() and Runtime.gc() methods do?
Keywords what is the difference between extends and implements keyword Garbage Collection What is responsibility of Garbage Collector?
Keywords Explain this keyword, what it contains and how it is useful Garbage Collection What is the purpose of garbage collection in Java, and when is it used?
Keywords Explain super keyword, what is the use of it? Garbage Collection When an Object does becomes eligible for Garbage collection in Java?
Keywords What is the difference between super and this keyword Garbage Collection When is the finalize() called? What is the purpose of finalization?
Keywords abstract keyword can't be combined with which keywords, why? Array WAP to sort the array elements
Keywords explain about static keyword usage Array WAP on array
Keywords What is this n super in java Array pick the prime numbers from given array
Keywords What is this? Array what is an array
Keywords Why main is static? Array what is an array which array will you use to print matrix
Java Library Can I import same package/class twice? Array What are classtype arrays?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889

QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders

Array Can we write Integer array instead of String array inside the main method? Exception Handling What is the use of throw keyword?explain
Array How to declare an 1,2 and multi dimentional array Exception Handling What is the use of throws keyword and how it is different from throw
Array Explain the steps used in Array object creation? Exception Handling What is Throwable class?
Array How can one prove that the array is not null but empty using one line of code? Exception Handling What is RuntimeException class?
Array How to create non-primitive type of Array object explain with example. Exception Handling Explain try-catch block
Array How to create primitive type of Array object explain with example. Exception Handling Explain finally block
Array How to sort a collection of custom Objects in Java? Exception Handling Explain Generic handler and specific handler
Array What is an Array? What is the use? Exception Handling What is the difference between Exception and Error?
Array What is the difference between Array and Arrays? Exception Handling What is printStackTrace()?
Array What is the use of Arrays.sort(arg)? Exception Handling What is custom Exception or user defined Exception?
String what is meant by immutability Exception Handling Explain Java Exception Hierarchy
String why string is immutable Exception Handling What is the difference between checked and unchecked exception?
String The program to printing the first non repeated characters in a string Exception Handling What is the difference ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError?
String What are the ways to declare String Exception Handling Can we write try block without catch block?
String explain about string class, stringbuilder, stringbuffer Exception Handling What is the use of multi catch block?
String What is String in java? Exception Handling explain about exception handling
String What is immutable object? Exception Handling explain about exception handling
String What are types of creating String object? Exception Handling what is meant by exception handling
String Explain Constant pool and non constant pool? Exception Handling explain about exception handling
String Explain difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer class? Exception Handling explain in detail about exception handling
String Difference between String , string buffer, string builder Exception Handling Can we write try and catch block inside a try block? Catch block? Finally block?
String List methods of string class Exception Handling Can we write try block without catch? If yes how?
String What is String is a Class or Object? Exception Handling How to write a genral or custom exception?
String Explain String Pool Area in details. Exception Handling Which are the exception tah u have come acrossed while executing the program?
String Explain the ways of creating String objects. Exception Handling Why we need to handle Excetption
String For String objects where the memory is allocated? Exception Handling Can we have try without catch block?
String How to convert string value into primitive type of value? Does it matter in what order catch statements for FileNotFoundException and
Exception Handling IOException are written?
String List the inbuilt methods present inside String class.
Exception Handling Explain Runtime Exceptions?
String What is a String? Where the string class is used.
How does a try statement determine which catch clause should be used to handle an
Exception Handling give example for checked and unchecked exception Exception Handling exception?
Exception Handling what is an exception? base class of exception Exception Handling How does an exception permeate through the code?
Exception Handling explain about compile time exception Exception Handling How does finally block differ from finalize() method?
Exception Handling throwable is class or Interface Exception Handling How finally used under Exception Handling?
Exception Handling how to create our own exception Exception Handling How is final different from finally and finalize()?
Exception Handling what is meant by exception handling Exception Handling How to create custom exceptions?
Exception Handling what is meant by custom exception Exception Handling How to handle an Exception?
Exception Handling What is an exception? Explain types of Exception Exception Handling If I want an object of my class to be thrown as an exception object, what should I do?
Exception Handling What is checked Exception? give examples Exception Handling If I write return at the end of the try block, will the finally block still execute?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889
QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders
Exception Handling If I write System.exit(0); at the end of the try block, will the finally block still execute? Thread Explain how to overcome thread deadlock?
Exception Handling Is it necessary that each try block must be followed by a catch block? Thread Explain what is interthread communication and how to achieve it?
Exception Handling Is it necessary that each try block must be followed by a catch block? Thread Explain wait() and wait(time) methods? where is the implementation of it?
Exception Handling What are the different ways to handle exceptions? Thread Explain notify() and notifyAll() methods?where is the implementation of it?
What are the two types of Exceptions in Java? Which are the differences between Thread What is thread synchronization?
Exception Handling them?
Thread What is the difference between user thread and deamon thread?
Exception Handling What do you mean by Checked Exceptions?
Thread How to pause execution of current thread?
Exception Handling What is an Exception?
Thread What are the difference between wait() and sleep()?
Exception Handling What is multi-catch block in java?
Thread What is thread deadlock? how to avoid deadlock situation
Exception Handling What is NullPointerException?
Thread What are different states of in life cycle of a thread?
Exception Handling What is the difference between Exception and Error in java?
Thread when we use multithreading instead of single threading
Exception Handling What is the difference between throw and throws?
Thread what is the use of thread.sleep ()
Exception Handling What is the importance of finally block in exception handling?
Thread what is the use of wait method
Exception Handling What is try-with-resources in java?
Thread explain about thread creation by all method
Exception Handling What things should be kept in mind while creating your own exceptions in Java?
Thread what is the use of kernel in OS
Exception Handling What will happen to the Exception object after exception handling?
Thread what is multithreading
Exception Handling When ArithmeticException is thrown?
Thread when deadlock is occurred and WAP for deadlock
Exception Handling Which are the two subclasses under Exception class?
Thread explain about thread
Exception Handling Which arithmetic operations can result in the throwing of an ArithmeticException?
Thread explain about thread
Thread by how many ways we can create thread
Thread what is thread life cycle
Thread what is an thread
Thread Architecture of thread?
Thread what is meant by deadlock
Thread Difference between notify() and notifyAll()?
Thread What is a Thread?
Thread Difference between wait() and sleep()?
Thread Explain Thread properties
Thread What is notify(), notifyall(), wait(), sleep()?
Thread How to create a thread and start the thread
Thread What is thread and why we need it?
Thread Explain thread started by JVM
Thread Describe life cycle of thread?
Thread What is the difference between start() and run()
Thread Describe synchronization in respect to multithreading.
Thread Explain methods provide by the thread to use thread properties
Thread Explain different way of using thread?
Thread What is Thread priority? what are the range and what is default priorty
Thread Explain isAlive() method under Thread class?
Thread Explain the constructors of Thread
Thread Explain main thread under Thread class execution?
Thread What is Runnable Interface?
Thread Explain suspend() method under Thread class>
Thread How to make Runnable type object to run as a thread in JVM
Thread How can a dead thread be restarted?
Thread Explain join() method of thread class?
Thread How does multi-threading take place on a computer with a single CPU?
Thread What is Thread Safe? how to achieve?
Thread What are synchronized methods and synchronized statements?
Thread What is object lock? when it get created?
Thread What are the two ways in which Thread can be created?
Thread Waht is class lock ? when it get created?
Thread What are the ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state?
Thread How to get reference to current running thread?
Thread What do you mean by multithreaded program?
Thread What is thread deadlock?
Thread What do you mean by synchronized Non Access Modifier?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889

QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders

Thread What invokes a thread's run() method? Collection How many Interfaces LinkedList implements?
Thread What is a Thread? Collection What are the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?
Thread What is an object's lock and which object's have locks? Collection Explain vector and its features
Thread What is currentThread()? Collection Explain how to sort elements of ArrayList?
Thread What is daemon thread? Which method is used to create the daemon thread? Collection How to get Synchronized List?
Thread What is synchronization? Collection What is the set? Explain its features?
Thread What is the difference between pre-emptive scheduling and time slicing? Collection What are the types of Set?
Thread What is the difference between yielding and sleeping? Collection Explain HashSet implementation in detail
Thread What method must be implemented by all threads? Collection Explain LinkedHashSet implementation in detail
Thread What's the difference between the methods sleep() and wait()? Collection Explain TreeSet implementation in detail
Thread When a thread is created and started, what is its initial state? Collection List the difference between HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet
Thread When a thread is created and started, what is its initial state? Collection Which Set is SortedSet?
Thread Which method is used to create the daemon thread? Collection What is NavigableSet?
Thread Which method must be implemented by all threads? Collection What is Queue? Explain its features
Collection why collection is thread safe Collection Explain PriorityQueue implementation in details
Collection explain about list Interface Collection How Set maintains no duplicate explain in details
Collection what is hashmap Collection Why should we override hashCode() and equals()
Collection program for finding smallest and largest number from given array list Collection Explain constructors of HashSet?
Collection program on linked list Collection Explain constructors of TreeSet
Collection explain about collection Collection How to convert Set to Collection?
Collection explain about collection Collection How to convert Set to any list like ArrayList?
Collection explain about linked list Collection What is Map? Explain how object are stored in Map
Collection what do you know about linked list Collection Explain important methods of Map?
Collection how to remove duplicate elements from arraylist Collection Explain how to use Iterator on Map?
Collection What is a Collection? Explain its benefit Collection Explain types of Map in details
Collection What are the types of Collection? Collection What is HashMap and explain its implementation
Collection Explain methods of Collection Interface? Collection What is Hashtable and explain its implementation
Collection What is List ? explain its features Collection What is SortedMap, give example
Collection Explain the methods of List Interface. Collection Explain TreeMap
Collection What are the types of List? Collection What is Iterator? how to use it?
Collection Explain ArrayList features? Collection What is ListIterator? how to use it?
Collection What is the implementation data structure of ArrayList? Collection Explain methods of Collections class
Collection What are the constructors present in ArrayList? Collection Explain why we need Comparable Interface?
Collection How many Interfaces ArrayList implements? Collection Features of tree set
Collection How to convert ArrayList to List and ArrayList to Collection? Collection How all can we retrieve the values from set and list
Collection How ArrayList grows dynamically? Collection What are the features of prority qu
Collection When to use ArrayList? Collection What are the features of stack
Collection Explain LinkedList? and its implementation data structure Collection What is difference between collection and collections?

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889
QSpiders / JSpiders QSpiders / JSpiders
Collection What is difference between hashmap and treemap File Handling What is Object Serialization?
Collection What is difference between listIterator and iterator File Handling What is Object de-serialization?
Collection what is entryset File Handling What is transient keyword in java?
Collection What is enumeration? File Handling What is deserialization?
Collection What is peek and pole File Handling What is serialization?
Collection What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList File Handling What is transient? Virtual functions?
Collection What is the difference between ArrayList and vector How can I customize the serialization process? I.e. how can one have a control over
File Handling the serialization process?
Collection What is the difference between HashSet and linked HashSet
File Handling How do I serialize an object to a file?
Collection What is the difference between list and set
File Handling What happens to the static fields of a class during serialization
Collection Write a hierarchy of map
File Handling What is Serialization and Deserialization?
Collection Write a structure or hierarchy of collection
File Handling What is serialization?
Collection Can a vector contain heterogeneous objects?
File Handling What is synchronization and why is it important?
Collection Difference between Vector and ArrayList?
File Handling What is the common usage of serialization?
Collection Explain ArrayList with example.
What is the difference between the Reader/Writer class hierarchy and the
Collection Explain Collection hierarchy. File Handling InputStream/OutputStream class hierarchy?
Collection Explain HashSet with example. File Handling What is the purpose of File class?
Collection Explain LinkedHashSet with example. File Handling What is transient variable?
Collection Explain LinkedList with example. File Handling What one should take care of while serializing the object?
Collection Explain List Interface? File Handling What value does read() return when it has reached the end of a file?
Collection Explain Set Interface? When you serialize an object, what happens to the object references included in the
File Handling object?
Collection Explain the need of Collection?
File Handling Which methods of Serializable Interface should I implement?
Collection Explain TreeSet with example.
Wrapper Class what are wrapper class
Collection Explain Vector with example.
Wrapper Class what is the difference between int and integer
Collection How do you decide when to use ArrayList and LinkedList?
Wrapper Class What is wrapper class
Collection What are the advantages of ArrayList over arrays?
Wrapper Class What is wrapper class?
Collection What is an Iterator?
Wrapper Class What are Wrapper classes?
Collection What is the difference between collection and collections?
Wrapper Class What is meant by Auto Boxing and Auto Unboxing?
Collection What is the difference between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous?
Wrapper Class What is meant by Parsing?
Collection What is the difference between the size and capacity of a Vector?
Wrapper Class What is the use of parseInt(arg) method?
Collection Why deletion in LinkedList is fast than ArrayList?
Wrapper Class Why do we need wrapper classes?
Collection Why Vector class is used?
Collection explain about collections
Array and
Collection what is the difference between array and collection
Array and
Collection what is the difference between array and ArrayList
Array and
Collection difference between array and ArrayList
File Handling explain about file handling operations

Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889 Prepared by: Gagan Dev – Mob: 9552502889

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