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From transformer
monitoring to predictive
Prolong asset life and lower your total cost of

Introducing eDOC:
oil diagnostics device for smart transformers

36 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special edition: Digitalization | 2023


Due to their innate criticality to the system,

it is imperative that we monitor the health
status of transformers at every available
point throughout their lifecycle

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 37

Continuous monitoring of asset parameters allows you to collect data

and use trend analysis to spot patterns and predict future events

ransformers are irreplaceable Gases Decisions on proactive transformer
components of any power sys- healthcare should be taken upon rele-
tem. They are designed to last The oil must be stable at high tempera- vant data analysis and consist of moni-
approximately 30 – 40 years and tures and have excellent electrical insu- toring, testing, and consulting services.
play a vital role in delivering power to the lating properties to withstand electri- A digital transformation journey moves
consumer. Due to their innate critical- cal and mechanical stresses and assure from a process-defined world to a
ity to the system, it is imperative that we the safe operation of the transformer. data-driven world.
monitor the health status of these valuable Dissolved gases present in the trans-
and expensive assets at every available former oil are indicators of possible Traditional time-based maintenance
point throughout their lifecycle. faults. scheduled on fixed set-time intervals and
manual data collection is not efficient
There are many challenges for Gas accumulation
enough in an era where technology is
transformer end users: Detecting abnormal gas accumulation rapidly advancing and where customers
• Gathering relevant health data re- and abnormal rate of gas accumulation have a need for speed and seek an imme-
motely to make informed decisions. in the transformer provides valuable in- diate response to questions.
• Building a suitable transformer sight into internal malfunctions, allow-
maintenance strategy. ing the opportunity to promptly shut Digital monitoring allows you to gather
• Prolonging transformer life and down the transformer and prevent pos- relevant data remotely and in real time
lowering transformer total cost of sible destruction of transformers. and to have full control over the course
ownership. of anomalous events. The availability
of more detailed information enables
... and many asset health
Pressure in the transformer is one of the a wider evaluation of both asset oper-
parameters to keep under control: key health parameters that predict early ation and maintenance strategy. Fur-
Temperature signs of decreased performance or an thermore, you can avoid errors caused
With the global increase in energy de- upcoming failure. Overpressure in the by manual sample collection and be-
mand, the average loading on trans- transformer tank can lead to an explo- ing caught off guard by unexpected
formers rises and the end users strive sion and a hot oil spill in the surrounding events.
for higher asset utilization. Higher loads environment.
mean hotter operation and the need for Choose the right solution for transform-
Oil level
improved thermal management. How- er digital monitoring and adopt a reliable
ever, overheating affects the insulation Liquids like mineral and silicone oils data collection system that fully inte-
material properties and causes trans- insulate and cool a transformer. It’s es- grates with your transformer protection
former aging. sential to monitor the oil level to ensure and control systems.
reliable and safe operation of the trans-
former. MeDICA is a modular ecosystem de-
The operator can define the overload ca- signed for specific customer needs,
pacity of the transformer over time with Continuous monitoring of asset param- which can be adapted over time. The
a precise definition of the immediate eters allows you to collect data and use solution consists of hardware – safety
risk, making the most of the transform- trend analysis to spot patterns and pre- monitoring devices, sensors, data aggre-
er’s potential without compromising its dict future events. gators - and services.
Just like proactive and regular health- By integrating and interpreting data from
care for the human body, preventive online monitoring and offline testing, we
Humidity accelerates the insulation ma- maintenance programs based on reg- can build a sustainable maintenance pro-
terial aging. The presence of moisture is ular testing and data interpreting have gram and guarantee a longer lifespan for
an indicator of an abnormal condition, become fundamental for improved your transformers.
and further investigation is needed to transformer lifespan quality and signifi-
determine the next course of action. cantly increased it.
Dissolved gases in
transformer oil
MeDICA is a modular ecosystem designed The demand for reliable and sustainable
power continues to grow, and the trans-
for specific customer needs, which consists formers that are currently in service are
of hardware – safety monitoring devices, subject to increased stress. Unfortu-
nately, this increased stress accelerates
sensors, data aggregators - and services the aging of the insulating systems, thus

38 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special edition: Digitalization | 2023

Liquid & Winding temperature

Gas accumulation
Liquid level


Third party devices

eSDB On-site access
- USB port
Oil diagnostic device
- Ethernet
& Data aggregator
Remote access
- Customer server
- Web interface

The presence of dissolved gases and moisture is an indicator of an

abnormal condition, and further investigation is needed to determine the
next course of action

reducing the reliable life of these critical Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is hydrogen can be thought of as an
assets. among the most powerful tools for early warning or “check engine light,”
detecting faults in power transformers. alerting transformer operators to a
Insulating materials inside the trans- potentially significant issue inside the
former liberate gases while breaking By trending the dissolved gas levels, transformer.
down. problems can be identified and evaluated
further before they cause a catastrophic Moisture is another key factor affecting
To make sure transformer oil is suitable failure. the dielectric strength and aging of trans-
for use, end users must periodically former insulation. It is also an indicator
control its properties. The presence As seen in Table 1, hydrogen gas is for verifying the proper functionality of
of dissolved gases and moisture is an clearly present in most fault types. the oil protection system.
indicator of an abnormal condition, As it is the first gas to appear and the
and further investigation is needed to only gas to be continuously present To have complete control of the ther-
determine the next course of action. during thermal and electrical faults, mal operation of the transformer, it is

Sensors are essential for transformer

monitoring, enabling end users to Moisture is another key factor affecting the
monitor asset health parameters, plan
for proper maintenance, and prevent
dielectric strength and aging of transformer
failures. By combining the results of insulation, which is also an indicator for
electrical tests with oil analysis, you
can obtain a complete status of the
verifying the proper functionality of the oil
transformer’s health. protection system
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 39

Table 1. DGA is based on the principle of the generation of different combustible gases depending on the temperatures reached by the oil.

Carbon Carbon
Fault/gas Methane Acetylene Ethylene Ethane Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Moisture
monoxide dioxide
generated (CH4) (C2H2) (C2H4) (C2H6) (O2) (N2) (H2) (H2O)
Technical feature at a glance (CO) (CO2)

Cellulose aging + + +
Mineral oil
+ + + + +
Leaks into oil + + + +
Oil oxidation + +
decomposition of + + + + +
+ + + +
transformer core
"Thermal faults
in oil + Trace + +
(150°C to 300°C)"
"Thermal faults
in oil + Trace + + +
(300°C to 700°C)"
"Thermal faults
in oil + + + + +
Partial discharge + Trace +
Arching + + + +

(e.g. PI(e.g.
PI historian)

Any remote
Any remote

and phones
and phones


Self-dehydrating breather type eSDB *MeDICA offering includes 1, 5 and 9 gas analyzers

Bus Bus
40 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special edition: Digitalization | 2023
DNP3, IEC61850,
DNP3, IEC61850,
necessary to monitor the temperature By integrating and interpreting data from
because high temperature causes trans-
former aging. Transformer mineral online monitoring and offline testing from
oil can degrade when exposed to heat,
oxygen, and moisture.
the past and from today, we can spot patterns
and see trends to better predict and forecast
Predictive maintenance the future health status of the asset
If you could predict the future, you might
be able to plan better, make your main-
tenance plan more effective, and avoid with an immediate effect on both bridge to all other connected eDevices
transformer failure that could cause a operation and maintenance without (Data Aggregator).
serious impact on your business. complicating the data flow too much,
choose our Oil diagnostic device To perform a more detailed diagnosis
It is possible to collect data required type eDOC, a single gas analyzer. almost in real-time and to take advantage
for transformer health management It continuously measures the presence of a wide range of services embedded in the
remotely or on-site. By integrating of moisture and hydrogen in trans- MeDICA offering, combine the Dissolved
and interpreting data from online former oil and enables you to make Gas Analyzer/Data aggregator* (1, 5,
monitoring and offline testing from the informed decisions about asset main- or 9 gas) with at least one sensor from
past and from today, we can spot patterns tenance needs. Thanks to this basic our eDevice family (self-dehydrating
and see trends to better predict and monitoring solution, the operation of breather, pressure relief device, Buchholz
forecast the future health status of the the transformer is enhanced with de- relay, liquid level indicator, liquid and/or
asset. tailed control of the thermal balance, winding temperature indicator).
the overload capacity, and the aging
If you are looking for a relatively eco- of the main insulation. As part of our MeDICA is the right solution for the
nomical digital monitoring solution MeDICA solution, it can also serve as a digitalization of transformers, both new

Liquid level
level indicators

Relays Relays
Liquid temperature
Liquid temperature

relief devices
relief devices WindingWinding
e170SC e170SC temperature

eSDB XS/S/M/L Liquid level
level reading

Oil diagnostic
Oil diagnostic
device device
& Data &aggregator
Data aggregator Third party
party sensors

Any computer
Any computer
- No software
- No software
- Just browser
- Just browser

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 41

MeDICA is the right solution for the digitalization of transformers, both

new applications as well as retrofit solutions for the existing installed

of sensors &
data aggregator Customer support
hot line
Installation &
Commissioning Consulting
Data interpretation,

applications as well as retrofit solutions • The provision of a user-friendly eco- Choose MeDICA and get a complete
for the existing installed base. system with an embedded web inter- customer solution that includes
face & a common communication products and services that can
Together, we can build a proper trans- protocol. enable a longer and more efficient
former maintenance strategy based on transformer life cycle.
a data-driven preventive and predic- Contact us, and our on-field team of
tive maintenance program, increase the experts will take care of your request
lifespan of your asset, and optimize your during the entire project lifecycle, from
maintenance costs. the product selection to the installa-
tion, commissioning, and after-sales
COMEM Service can help you with: support.

• Offline measurements We provide a wide range of solutions for

• Installation & commissioning different applications and installations in
• Data interpretation, reports, and con- special environments, from offshore and
sultancy marine to seismic areas.
Monitoring Ecosystem
for transformer Diagnostics
with Integrated Customer
services & Analytics

Contact us & get support with

the product selection:
Oil diagnostic device type eDOC

42 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special edition: Digitalization | 2023

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