FAQ Citizenry

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The Citizenry


Only 1 Citizen can be discarded per effect, for example a Monster

moving to a location with 2 Citizens will only ever effect one.

Note that most Citizens can be spawned/moved to the same space

as Monsters without being effected. Only the arrival of new
Monsters triggers discard conditions (there are exceptions such as
the Diplomat).

Tip: Because the Airport has a Local Action, if its used as the
investigators last action no consequence will be suffered in the
event of a Delay, see rulebook Delayed.

Q: How does Brief Encounter work with things like gain 2 spells
then discard 1?
A: You simply gain 1 spell.

Q: When someone Trades using the Courier can i trade items back
to that investigator?
A: No, the items are only sent one way.

Q: In the Civilization Prelude what happens if all 6 areas have an

Eldritch Token?
A: There are no further penalties. People just start watching [insert
tv show name here] and life continues without any civilization.

Q: In the Civilization Prelude what about locations that span

multiple sections?
A: They count for all sections they pass through.
Q: What happens if the Diplomat spawns on a space with a
Monster ?
A: He is discarded instantly.

Q: Where do i get the Tokens for the Diplomats ability?

A: Take appropriate tokens randomly from the appropriate

Q: Can the Diplomat flip Courier Run/For the Greater Good

A: No. Only tasks that acquire tokens and can be flipped after
acquiring a token.

Q: Can i acquire a token from the Diplomats ability and decide not
to flip the task yet?
A: No.

Q: What do i do if there are no Clues or more than 1 Clue on the

Eyewitnesses space?
A: You get 1 Clue if its available, if none are available you get
none. Although you can still lose doom if you don’t get to the
witness before a Monster does.

Q: Do the Kid Detectives/Carnies, effect rolls made on Other

World cards?
A: Yes.

Q: Is using the Medical Experimenter optional?

A: No. Also you take the full effect even if your uninjured and at
full Health.

Q: Since a Monster Surge results in Monster Spawns are they the

same effect for discard purposes?
A: No. Also if a Monster Surge spawns multiple monsters, each
monster spawned is a separate effect. So a Surge with 2 monster
spawns, could discard a Citizen effected by a Surge and then
discard 2 more Citizens each effected by Monster Spawns.

Q: For discard purposes does a Monster Surge count as the symbol

appearing on the Mythos card or does there have to be a matching
Gate already open that surges?
A: The latter.

Q: Do the cards for the Rag-and-bone man have to be from the

Asset deck?
A: No they can be any acquirable type of card, assets, artifacts,
scientific assets, exhibition items etc. Roll a dice to determine
which of the 6 possibles you get.

Q: What happens if there are no Monsters on the Street Preachers

A: Nothing. The Street Preacher is only discarded if all monsters
who where on his space, are removed. If there were no monsters to
begin with, then none could be removed.

Q: Are items marked by the Tinkerer improved permanently?

A: Yes. Even if the item is traded. Remove the Resource token
only if the item is discarded.

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