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Supernatural Resistance (Advanced, • to •••••)

Prerequisites: Mortal, Supernatural Resistance •••••, 5 dots in Advance Supernatural Merit

Effect: This merit act as Supernatural Potency trait, each dot in this merit give -1 dice to your
opponent during Clash of Will.
An Atariya with Advance merit is the vessel for luck, it's chaotic, but he always know that he
will come out on top in the end, he always seem to be at the right place, at the right time,
always be the one to get out alive from terrible event, and always searching for the ultimate
thrill. (I'm not great at writing fluff, if anyone have better idea for the fluff, please suggest it.)
Damn Lucky (Advanced, • to •••••)
Prerequisites: Atariya, Damn Lucky ••••, Mr. Lucky •
Effect: Mr. Lucky appear, somehow influence the outcome of your fate. When you activate
Damn Lucky, you can absorb up to one aggravated damage, two lethal damage, or four
bashing damage. The success the victim need to avoid harm is equal to your dot in this
merit+Damn Lucky, roll ×3 the dot of this merit to attack with the phenomenon, you can
spend a point of Willpower to double the damage of the phenomenon, add the dot of this
merit to Damn Lucky for the total of damage you can absorb in one scene, so with three dot
in Damn Lucky (Advance) you can absorb seven aggravated damage, fourteen lethal damage,
or twenty-eight bashing damage.
Mr. Lucky (Advanced, •••)
Prerequisites: Mr. Lucky •, Atariya, Damn Lucky (Advance) •
Effect: Mr. Lucky appear more often, and start to warn you of danger with gesture, gain +3 to
Wit+Composure roll, and gain 8-again to Wit+Composure roll, when Mr. Lucky appear.
Right Place, Right Time (••••)
Prerequisites: Mr. Lucky •, Atariya, Damn Lucky (Advance) ••
Effect: Once per chapter, you may spend one Willpower to activate Right Place, Right Time,
you, or someone else stumble into situation that give you some sort of advantage. Example:
You lose track of a theif that stole a old lady purse, you activate Right Place, Right Time, and
accidently stumble into the theif den, just right after he left to find another victim.
Convenient Escape (•• or ••••)
Prerequisites: Atariya, Damn Lucky (Advance) •••••, Right Place, Right Time ••••, Luck Flow
Up (Advance) •••
Effect: You may spend one Willpower to escape the scene, to a safe place, this only affect
your character, the four dots version you can spend another willpower to make another
character be in the place of where you just escape from, can only be once per chapter.
See the Flow (Advance, • to •••••)
Prerequisites: Atariya, Damn Lucky (Advance) •••, See the Flow ••, Luck Flow Up ••
Effect: You can see a physical manifestation of The Luck Flow, when somebody about to roll
dice, you can spend one Willpower to steal their dice pool to a number up to the dot in this
merit for you or your ally next roll, this can also be done to yourself as well, mage can detect
the shift in luck when you're using this merit.
Luck Flow Up (Advance, ••• or •••••)
Prerequisites: Atariya, Damn Lucky (Advance) ••, See the Flow (Advance) ••, Luck Flow Up
Effect: You can spend one Willpower not to have the Voice come into the mind of people you
steal luck from. You can steal luck from the environment itself, during a scene, each time you
spend Willpower, you get an extra +1 to your dice pool for the rest of the scene, and other
character get -1 to their dice pool for the rest of the scene. Example: You spend 3 Willpower
within a scene, you now have a constant +3 to your dice pool for the rest of the scene, while
everyone else have a constant -3 to their dice pool. With the five dots version, failure on
chance die, count as Dramatic Failure for other people, while 3 success count as Exceptional
Success for you.
Easy come. Easy go (Advance, ••)
Prerequisites: Atariya, Damn Lucky (Advance) •, Luck Flow Up ••, Easy come. Easy go •
Effect: When you purchase Non-Supernatural Merit with Easy come. East go, you get two
dot discount to the minimum of one, only one dot discount if it's supernatural. And the
maximun number of dots you can swap per chapter increase to ten.
All-In (Advance, •)
Prerequisites: Atariya, Damn Lucky (Advance) •, All-In •••, Resolve •••••
Effect: Every two dice remove from your pool, give you one Willpower if you succeed the
roll, if you get exceptional success, gain 1 extra Willpower for every dice remove from your

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