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Student first name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student last name: _____________________________________________________________________________

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Eduworks Resources is a division of RTO Advice Group Pty. Ltd.

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ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
ABOUT YOUR ASSESSMENTS..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET – ASSESSMENT TASK 1..................................................................................................... 7
ASSESSMENT TASK 1: WRITTEN QUESTIONS................................................................................................................................... 9
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET – ASSESSMENT TASK 2.................................................................................................. 25
ASSESSMENT TASK 2: CASE STUDY..................................................................................................................................................... 27
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET – ASSESSMENT TASK 3.................................................................................................. 31
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: ROLE PLAY......................................................................................................................................................... 33
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET – ASSESSMENT TASK 4.................................................................................................. 39
ASSESSMENT TASK 4: WORKPLACE OBSERVATION TASKS.................................................................................................... 41

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 3
This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of CHCCCS011 Meet personal
support needs.


This unit requires that you complete 4 assessment tasks. You are required to complete all tasks to
demonstrate competency in this unit.

Assessment Task About this task

Assessment Task 1: Written questions You must correctly answer all questions to show that you
understand the knowledge required of this unit.

Assessment Task 2: Case study You are to read the case study and complete the questions.

Assessment Task 3: Role plays You are to do this task in your workplace. You will be
 transferring a person in and out of a vehicle
 transferring a client from a bed to a chair
 using a hoist in a falls recovery situation.

Assessment Task 4: Workplace You are to be observed in your workplace supporting at least
observation tasks two clients with a variety of personal care needs.

Supporting resources
You may like to look at the following websites, books and documents for more information about the topics
related to this unit:
 Arnott, G 2011, The Disability Support Worker, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.
 Croft, H 2013, The Australian Carer 3rd edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for
each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of
the Task Cover Sheet.
Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the
documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to
your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 4
Assessment plan
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to complete all
tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Requirements Due date

1. Written questions

2. Case study

3. Role plays

4. Workplace observation tasks


Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure
you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?  Yes  No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  Yes  No
If yes, what are they?

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 5

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: Student ID:

 CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Written questions


I _________________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 7
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 9

 This is an open book test – you can use the Internet, textbooks and other documents
to help you with your answers if required.
 You must answer all questions correctly.
 Write your answers in the space provided.
 If you need more space, you can use extra paper. All extra pieces of paper must
include your name and the question number/s you are answering.
 You may like to use a computer to type your answers. Your assessor will tell you if
you can email them the file or if you need to print a hard copy and submit it.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your answers).


 You will do this task in your own time.
 Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.


The following written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or ‘explain’. These
words will guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some questions will also tell you how many
answers you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’
 Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most noticeable qualities or
features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
 Discuss – when a question asks you to ‘discuss’, you are required to point out important issues or features
and express some form of critical judgment. Generally, you are expected to write a response of one or two
paragraphs in length.
 Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why something
happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in
 Identify – when a question asks you to ‘identify’, you will need to briefly describe the required information.
Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length, although for some
questions you may only need to write a few words or just a sentence.
 List – when a question asks you to ‘list’, this means you will need to briefly state information in a list format,
often with a specific number of items indicated. The length of your response may vary from just a few
words to a sentence or two.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 10
a) Identify at least five responsibilities of a personal support worker.

1 .Assisting with personal care: Personal support workers help clients with
activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and eating.
2 .Providing emotional support: Personal support workers offer companionship,
empathy, and emotional support to clients, promoting their well-being and
addressing their emotional needs.
3 .Assisting with mobility: Personal support workers help clients with mobility
issues by providing assistance with walking, transferring, using mobility aids, and
maintaining a safe environment.
4 .Administering medication: Depending on their training and qualifications,
personal support workers may be responsible for administering medication to
clients according to prescribed instructions.
5 .Assisting with household tasks: Personal support workers may help clients
with light housekeeping tasks, meal preparation, laundry, and other activities to
maintain a clean and organized living environment.

b) Describe the role of a personal support provider. In your answer, identify two responsibilities the provider
has towards its clients.

 Ensuring client safety and well-being: The provider is responsible for creating a safe environment
for clients, implementing safety protocols, and taking necessary precautions to prevent accidents
or injuries. They must also monitor the client's well-being, address any concerns promptly, and
report any significant changes or issues to appropriate personnel

 Assessing client needs: The provider is responsible for conducting assessments to identify the
specific needs and requirements of each client. This involves evaluating their physical, emotional,
and social needs to develop an individualized care plan

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 11
c) Explain what you would do if you were asked to do something outside of your position description or
knowledge and skills?

1.Clarify expectations: Seek clarification from the supervisor or person making

the request to understand the task and why it is being assigned

. 2. Communicate limitations: Clearly communicate any concerns regarding lack

of knowledge, skills, or training that may affect their ability to perform the
requested task safely and effectively.

3 .Seek guidance and support: Request guidance from a supervisor, mentor, or

experienced colleague to determine if additional training or assistance is
available. It is important not to take on tasks beyond one's capabilities to ensure
the well-being and safety of clients

d) As a personal care worker you will be required to use correct manual handling techniques. Identify three
situations where you would need to use manual handling.

1 .Assisting with transfers: When helping clients move from one surface to
another, such as transferring from a bed to a wheelchair or vice versa.

2 .Supporting mobility: When providing physical support to help clients with

walking, standing, or repositioning them.

3. Lifting and positioning: When assisting clients with tasks that require lifting or
repositioning, such as helping them to get into or out of a chair, bed, or bathtub

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 12
e) Describe the concept of ‘duty of care’.

Duty of care refers to the legal and ethical obligation of a personal support
worker to provide care and support to clients in a manner that prioritizes their
safety, well-being, and best interests. It involves acting in a responsible,
professional, and diligent manner while providing care, ensuring that reasonable
steps are taken to prevent harm, and maintaining the confidentiality of client
information. Personal support workers are expected to exercise their duty of care
by following established protocols, providing competent care, and reporting any
concerns or incidents that may affect the client's safety or well-being

Explain clients’ rights in regards to privacy and confidentiality.

1 .Right to Privacy: Clients have the right to privacy, which means that their
personal information, conversations, and activities should be kept confidential
and not disclosed to unauthorized individuals. Personal support workers must
respect clients' privacy by maintaining confidentiality and only sharing
information on a need-to-know basis.
2. Right to Consent: Clients have the right to give or withhold consent regarding
the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information. Personal support
workers should obtain informed consent from clients before accessing or sharing
their personal information, unless there are legal or safety exceptions that apply.
3. Right to Access Information: Clients have the right to access their own
personal information and medical records. Personal support workers should
facilitate clients' access to their information and provide them with the necessary
support to understand and exercise this right.
4. Right to Confidentiality: Clients have the right to expect that their personal and
medical information will be kept confidential. Personal support workers must
handle clients' information with care, ensuring that it is stored securely and only
disclosed to authorized individuals involved in the client's care.
5. Right to Privacy during Care Activities: Clients have the right to receive care
and assistance in a manner that respects their dignity and privacy. Personal
support workers should provide care in a private setting, maintain appropriate
boundaries, and use techniques that promote the client's comfort and modesty

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 13

Geraldine, your client, trips over a bucket that has been left in the corridor. Fortunately she is not hurt. You
remove the bucket and put it back in its correct place, in the storeroom.

a) Explain what you need to do in regards to this incident (both verbally and in writing).

How to report verbally: Verbal reporting should be done immediately to the

supervisor or the person in charge, providing a clear and concise account of
what happened, where it happened, and the fact that Geraldine was not injured.
It is important to communicate the details accurately and promptly.

How to report in writing: A written incident report should be completed as per the
facility's protocols. The report should include the date, time, and location of the
incident, a description of the incident and the potential hazards involved, details
about the actions taken (removing the bucket and returning it to the storeroom),
and any follow-up actions that may be required. The report should be objective,
factual, and without personal opinions or assumptions

b) Geraldine wasn’t hurt in this situation. One of your colleagues tells you it’s a waste of time doing all that
reporting when nothing even happened. Describe what you would tell your colleague about the
importance of incident reporting.

When a colleague suggests that incident reporting is a waste of time since no

harm occurred, it is important to explain the importance of incident reporting.
The response to the colleague could include:

Incident reporting is essential for several reasons. First, it ensures that all
incidents, regardless of the outcome, are documented and investigated
thoroughly. This helps identify any underlying hazards or patterns that may pose
a risk to clients or staff. Second, incident reports contribute to quality
improvement efforts by highlighting areas that require attention or changes in
processes to prevent future incidents. Third, incident reporting is a legal and
ethical responsibility to maintain transparency, accountability, and client safety.
It helps protect the well-being of clients, provides a record of events for future
reference, and enables appropriate follow-up and learning opportunities for staff.
Regardless of the immediate outcome, incident reporting is a crucial part of
ensuring a safe and secure environment for everyone involved

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Upon investigation, it is found that the new cleaner left the bucket in the corridor. He is called to the
supervisor’s office and told that his work practices were unsafe – Geraldine could have been seriously hurt.
You overhear one of your colleagues telling Geraldine which cleaner left the bucket out, and they will
probably get fired if they do it again.

c) Explain how privacy and confidentiality has been breached in this scenario.

In this scenario, privacy and confidentiality have been breached when the
colleague disclosed to Geraldine the identity of the cleaner who left the bucket in
the corridor. Privacy refers to an individual's right to control the access and
disclosure of their personal information. By sharing the name of the cleaner
involved in the incident, confidential information about the staff member's
performance and potential consequences was disclosed without proper
authorization. The colleague should have respected the privacy and
confidentiality of the cleaner by refraining from discussing their employment
status with others

In your work you will be required to use computers and devices such as tablets to complete reports and
access information.
a) Identify two ways in which you can ensure you are considering your own health and safety when using

Ergonomic setup: Ensure that the computer workstation is set up ergonomically to

promote proper posture and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. This
includes adjusting the chair height, positioning the monitor at eye level, using a
comfortable keyboard and mouse, and taking regular breaks to stretch and rest.

Eye care: Take measures to protect your eyes while using computers by
adjusting the screen brightness font size, and contrast to reduce eye strain.
Additionally, follow the 20-20-20 rule, which suggests looking away from the
screen every 20 minutes and focusing on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds
to reduce eye fatigue

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 15
b) When using workplace technology to record client information, identify three things you must do to ensure
client information is kept private, secure and safe from unauthorised access.

1. Use secure login credentials: Ensure that each staff member has a unique
username and password for accessing the system. Avoid sharing login
information and regularly update passwords to maintain security.
2. Apply encryption and access controls: Implement encryption measures to
protect client information during transmission and storage. Use access controls
and permissions to restrict access to client information to authorized personnel
3. Follow data protection protocols: Adhere to data protection policies and
procedures, including regularly backing up client information, using secure
networks and firewalls, and promptly reporting any breaches or suspicious
activities to the appropriate authorities


Elsie has dementia. She is a resident in a high-care nursing home. She needs significant help with personal
care, including showering, grooming, dressing, feeding, toileting and transferring.
Damien is a young man with MS. He has sound cognitive ability but is dependent on his wife for assistance
with all activities of daily living. His wife needs to go to hospital so she has arranged for home nursing while
she is unable to look after Damien. Damien will tell the carers what he requires and how he likes things to
be done.
Jessie cares for her mother, Maria, who lives next door to her. Maria is frail but has full cognitive function
and is able to undertake most activities of daily living without assistance. Jessie is having a baby in four
weeks’ time.
Jessie has arranged for her mother to go into respite care for a month after the baby is born so she has
some time to recover from the birth and get used to her role as a mother. She is relieved that Maria will be
safe and have meals cooked for her.

In approximately 100 words, describe the differences between provision of personal care for each of these

 Elsie with dementia in a high-care nursing home: Elsie requires significant

assistance with all activities of daily living due to her dementia. She relies on the
nursing home staff to provide personal care, including showering, grooming,
dressing, feeding, toileting, and transferring. The care provided is tailored to meet
her specific needs, taking into account her cognitive impairment and physical

 Damien with MS receiving home nursing: Damien has sound cognitive ability
but is dependent on his wife for assistance with all activities of daily living. With
his wife unable to care for him temporarily, home nursing is arranged. Damien
can communicate his needs and preferences to the carers, who will provide
personalized care based on his instructions and the knowledge of his condition

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 16

Molly is usually upbeat and a delight to work with. Today she seems a bit down and not herself. She says
she is feeling old and tired. You spend time doing her hair and helping her put on a bit of makeup. Molly
asks if you can do her nails. When you have finished, she looks in the mirror and smiles sadly. She tells you
she wishes the inside felt as good as the outside looked.
You ask her some questions to try and find out more about how she is feeling and why. She eventually
admits that she has had some toileting accidents over the past few days and has hidden it from everyone
because she is so embarrassed. She said her feet have been hurting and this has impacted on her ability to
get to the bathroom in time.

Explain what you would need to do now that Molly has disclosed this information.

1. Provide reassurance and empathy: Show understanding and empathy

towards Molly's feelings and concerns. Reassure her that accidents can happen,
and it's important to address the issue and find a solution.
2. Ensure privacy and confidentiality: Assure Molly that her disclosure will be
kept confidential and that her dignity will be respected throughout the process.
3. Consult with the appropriate healthcare professionals: Inform the relevant
healthcare professionals, such as a nurse or a doctor, about Molly's toileting
accidents and foot pain. They can assess her condition, address any potential
medical issues, and provide appropriate interventions or referrals.
4. Collaborate on a care plan: Work together with Molly, healthcare professionals,
and other relevant team members to develop a care plan that addresses her foot
pain, mobility challenges, and toileting needs. This may involve implementing
strategies to manage foot pain, adjusting her routines or assisting devices to
improve accessibility to the bathroom, and providing additional support for

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 17
5. Offer emotional support: Continue to provide emotional support to Molly,
addressing her feelings of embarrassment and reassuring her that she is not
alone. Encourage open communication and let her know that her well-being is a

a) Why is it important to wash from front to back when cleaning the perineal area?

It is important to wash from front to back when cleaning the perineal area to
prevent the transfer of bacteria from the anal area to the urinary tract. This helps
reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other potential

b) When cleaning the perineal area, what should you do to maintain the client’s privacy and dignity?

To maintain the client's privacy and dignity when cleaning the perineal area,
ensure the following:
 Close curtains or doors to provide privacy during the procedure.
 Use appropriate draping techniques to cover the client's body while exposing
only the area being cleaned.
 Communicate with the client throughout the process, explaining each step and
allowing them to express any discomfort or preferences.

c) When bathing a client, explain how you should use communication skills to make the experience easier
and as comfortable as possible for the client.

 Using a calm and reassuring tone of voice.

 Giving clear instructions and explanations of each step.
 Listening actively to the client's concerns or preferences.
 Allowing the client to participate in decision-making and choice when
 Providing gentle touch and maintaining eye contact to establish trust and

d) When bathing or showering a client, you will be maintaining their personal hygiene. Explain what else you
should be checking for.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 18
 Skin integrity: Observe the client's skin for any signs of redness, irritation,
rashes, or pressure injuries. Report any abnormalities to the appropriate
healthcare professional.
 Changes in body condition: Note any changes in weight, muscle tone, or
overall appearance that may indicate changes in the client's health or well-being.
Report any concerns to the healthcare team for further evaluation.

e) Identify two activities you would do when helping a client with grooming and briefly explain each.

 Hair care: Assisting with combing or brushing the client's hair to maintain
cleanliness and neatness. This can also provide a soothing and comforting
 Shaving: Assisting with shaving, if desired, using appropriate techniques and
ensuring safety and comfort.

f) When you have helped clients with grooming, you should always ensure they get a chance to look in the
mirror. Explain why this is an important part of the process.

Ensuring that clients get a chance to look in the mirror after grooming is
important because it allows them to maintain their sense of identity and self-
image. It allows them to see the results of their grooming efforts, boosts their self-
esteem, and promotes a positive self-image.

g) Identify two cultural considerations do you need to think about when helping clients with personal
hygiene and grooming tasks.

1. Modesty and Privacy: Different cultures have varying norms and expectations
regarding modesty and privacy. It is important to respect and accommodate
these cultural preferences when assisting clients with personal hygiene and
grooming tasks. This may involve ensuring appropriate draping or covering
during the process, providing same-gender caregivers if requested or required,
and respecting the client's comfort level with physical contact.
2. Religious Practices: Religion can play a significant role in an individual's
personal care routines and grooming practices. It is essential to be aware of any
religious customs or rituals that may influence how personal hygiene tasks are
performed. This may include specific requirements for washing, use of certain

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 19
products, or adherence to specific grooming practices. Respecting and
accommodating these religious practices can help ensure that the client's
cultural and religious needs are met.

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Geda has dementia. She is able to brush her own teeth, but forgets when they need to be cleaned and
often forgets the process she needs to follow.

a) List the support you would give Geda to clean her teeth.

 Reminders: Providing verbal cues or visual reminders to help Geda remember

when to clean her teeth.
 Supervision: Monitoring Geda during the teeth cleaning process to ensure she
follows the correct procedure.
 Simplification: Breaking down the steps of tooth brushing into simple
instructions or using visual aids to assist Geda in remembering the process.
 Modelling: Demonstrating the correct technique and guiding Geda's hand
movements to ensure effective tooth brushing.
 Prompting: Gentle verbal prompts or physical prompts to guide Geda through
the tooth brushing process if she gets confused or forgets certain steps.

b) Explain why it is important for Geda to clean her teeth regularly.

 Oral hygiene: Regular teeth cleaning helps maintain good oral hygiene by
removing plaque, bacteria, and food particles that can contribute to tooth decay,
gum disease, and bad breath.
 Preventing dental issues: Regular tooth brushing can help prevent dental
problems such as cavities, gum inflammation, and tooth loss, which can lead to
discomfort, pain, and further complications.
 Overall health: Poor oral hygiene and untreated dental problems can also
impact a person's overall health, as there is a link between oral health and
systemic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory
infections. Regular teeth cleaning contribute to maintaining optimal oral and
overall health.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 21
Margot wears dentures. She is no longer able to clean them or put them in or take them out.

c) Explain what hygiene procedures you need to follow before handling Margot’s dentures.

 Hand hygiene: Thoroughly washing hands with soap and water or using hand
sanitizer to ensure cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs.
 Glove usage: Wearing disposable gloves to maintain infection control and
prevent contamination while handling the dentures.
 Proper storage: Ensuring that the dentures are stored in a clean and
appropriate container or case when not in use, to maintain their cleanliness and
prevent damage or contamination.

d) When removing dentures, it is important to check Margot’s mouth and gums. Identify two things you need
to look for when checking a client’s mouth.

 Inflammation or redness: Checking for any signs of inflammation, redness, or

irritation on the gums and oral tissues, which may indicate an oral health issue or
ill-fitting dentures.

 Ulcers or sores: Examining the mouth for the presence of ulcers, sores, or any
abnormal lesions that may require further attention or medical evaluation

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 22
a) Lisa has sickness and diarrhoea. Identify the major body system involved.

The major body system involved in Lisa's sickness and diarrhoea is the Digestive

b) Gerald has bad eczema. Identify the major body system involved.

The major body system involved in Gerald's bad eczema is the Integumentary
System (Skin)

c) Marion has suffered a heart attack. Identify the major body system involved.

The major body system involved in Marion's heart attack is the Cardiovascular
System (Heart and Blood Vessels)

d) Martin has Parkinson’s disease. Identify the major body system involved.

The major body system involved in Martin's Parkinson's disease is the Nervous

e) Allira has a urinary tract infection. Identify the major body system involved.

The major body system involved in Galen getting sick a lot lately could be the
Immune System.

f) Galen has been getting sick a lot lately. Identify the major body system involved.

The major body system involved in Marion's diabetes is the Endocrine System
(Pancreas and Insulin Regulation)

g) Marion has now been diagnosed with diabetes. Identify the major body system involved.

The major body system involved in Marion's diabetes is the Endocrine System
(Pancreas and Insulin Regulation).

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 23
h) Ginny has been subjected to a long period of bed rest. Explain what this does to the muscular system.

Long periods of bed rest can have adverse effects on the Muscular System. Lack
of physical activity and prolonged immobilization can lead to muscle wasting
(atrophy), loss of muscle strength, and decreased muscle tone. Bed rest can also
contribute to joint stiffness and limited range of motion, affecting the overall
functional ability and mobility of the muscles.


Barry is in his 50s. He has had a stroke, which has affected his right side and restricted his movement. He
cannot use his right hand to grip. He can walk with a stick. His wife left him last year – she used to do all the
Barry is depressed and feels he can’t do anything for himself. His daughter tries to persuade him to do
things for himself more.
He has personal care to get him up in the morning, shower him and get him a cup of tea. He has meals on
wheels which he hates but is not able to make food for himself, or even a cup of tea.
Barry’s care has been reviewed and the occupational therapist visits Barry in the home and suggests she
works with him to improve his ability to do his activities of daily living.
She arranges a microwave for him and shows him how to use it. She also arranges a tipper for the kettle
so that he does not need to grip it.
The OT builds up his experience with the kettle and the microwave. As he gains confidence with this he
also learns how to make simple dishes on the stove. A nutritionist visits to provide advice to Barry about the
importance of good nutrition.
A friend visits after a month and is surprised when Barry dishes up sausages and mash and a big fresh
salad for lunch washed down with a mug of tea. He notices that Barry seems a lot less depressed.

a) Explain how this reablement approach has assisted Barry with his health and wellbeing.

 Regaining independence: By working with the occupational therapist, Barry has

been able to learn new skills and regain his ability to perform activities of daily
living. Using adaptive equipment like the microwave and tipper for the kettle has
allowed him to overcome his physical limitations and perform tasks on his own.
 Increased self-confidence: As Barry gains experience and confidence in using
the kitchen appliances and cooking simple dishes, he starts to feel a sense of
accomplishment and self- efficacy. This contributes to an improved self-image
and a greater belief in his ability to take care of himself.
 Improved nutrition: With the guidance of the nutritionist, Barry receives advice
on the importance of good nutrition. By learning how to prepare his own meals,
he can make healthier food choices and have more control over his diet, leading
to improved overall health and wellbeing.
 Reduction in depression: The ability to cook and prepare meals for himself,
along with the regained sense of independence and accomplishment, has had a
positive impact on Barry's mental health. He feels less dependent on others,
which can alleviate feelings of depression and improve his overall mood

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 24
b) Identify at least two consequences if Barry had not received support.

 Poor nutrition: Reliance on Meals on Wheels, which Barry dislikes, might have
resulted in inadequate nutrition and an increased risk of malnourishment. Poor
nutrition can lead to various health issues and hinder the recovery process.
 Continued depression: Barry's lack of independence and inability to engage in
meaningful activities could have perpetuated his depression. The reablement
approach has provided him with opportunities for empowerment, which can
positively impact his mental wellbeing and help combat depressive symptoms.


Gemma removes her gloves after dressing a client’s wound. She does not wash her hands because her
hands were protected from infection by the sterile gloves.

Is this correct infection control procedure? Explain your answer.

No, Gemma's approach is not correct infection control procedure. Even though
Gemma wore gloves while dressing the client's wound, hand hygiene, including
hand washing, is still necessary after removing gloves. This is because gloves
can become contaminated during the procedure, and pathogens or
microorganisms may still be present on the hands despite the use of gloves.
Proper hand hygiene, including washing hands with soap and water or using
hand sanitizer, is crucial to remove any potential pathogens and prevent the
spread of infection

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 25
Having someone help you with personal support activities can be quite overwhelming and can lead to a
range of emotions and responses.
a) List three ways in which a client may be impacted by the provision of personal care activities.

 Emotional impact: The client may experience feelings of vulnerability,

embarrassment, or loss of privacy when receiving assistance with personal care
activities. They may feel uncomfortable or anxious about being dependent on
others for their intimate needs.
 Sense of loss of independence: The client may struggle with the realization that
they are no longer able to perform certain tasks independently. This can lead to
frustration, a sense of diminished autonomy, and a loss of self-esteem.
 Physical discomfort: Depending on the client's health condition or mobility
limitations, certain personal care activities may cause physical discomfort or
pain. This can further contribute to emotional distress and reluctance to receive

b) Explain why it is important to discuss these impacts with your supervisor.

 Proper support: By sharing the impacts experienced by the client, the

supervisor can provide guidance and support to both the client and the personal
support worker. This ensures that appropriate strategies are implemented to
address the client's emotional and physical needs.
 Adjustment and modification: The supervisor can assess if any modifications or
adjustments need to be made to the care plan to accommodate the client's
emotional well-being. They can provide recommendations or training to the
personal support worker to enhance their approach and minimize any negative

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question 

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 26

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: Student ID:

 CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Case study


I _________________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 27
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 28
© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 29

You are to read the case study and complete the questions that follow.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your responses).


 You will do this task in your own time.
 Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.


Iris receives Home and Community Care Services to provide her with personal care services.
A review of her individualised plan indicates the following:
The HACC worker visits three times a week to shower Iris. She also has cleaning services once a week.
The cleaners only do the bathroom and toilet as Iris has been able to manage vacuuming, dusting and
general cleaning herself.
Iris has recently had a hip replacement. She is out of hospital and is now recovering at home. The HACC
worker has called to discuss whether her services are now adequate.
She says that she doesn’t feel up to heavy work, but would still like to do as much cleaning as she is able
to. She also finds standing at the stove to cook her meals difficult.
She has received some equipment from the hospital to help her – a raised toilet seat and a front-wheeled
walker. Iris says that she is not sure how she will go in the shower because she feels a bit unsteady.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 30
1. List three additional cleaning services you would recommend to Iris.

2. Identify two cleaning jobs that Iris would still be able to do. Explain your rationale.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 31
3. Identify one suggestion you would make to Iris about cooking meals.

4. Identify one piece of equipment that can assist Iris in the shower.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 32
5. Identify one more aid that Iris would find helpful as she recovers from her hip replacement.

6. Assume that it is several months later and Iris has been doing well. She expresses to you that she is ready
to stop using her raised toilet seat and walker. Explain how you would work with both Iris and your
supervisor to determine whether the changes can be made, and if any adjustments are required.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question 

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 33

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: Student ID:

 CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Role play 1

Role play 2

Role play 3


I _________________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 34
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 35

You will need to do this task in your workplace. The task has three parts:
 Part 1: Transfer person in and out of a vehicle
 Part 2: Transfer client from bed to chair
 Part 3: Falls recovery using hoist.



 Access to a vehicle
 A person to play the role of the client – this may be a colleague or a real client (however, if a real client is
to participate, you must obtain permission from the client and also your supervisor to proceed)
 A walking aid (wheeled walker)
 Client’s possessions (a purse and some papers)
 Workplace policy and procedure for transferring clients.


 You will do this task during your assessor’s visit to your workplace.
 Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: _____________________________________


If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge, they will give you some
feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.


Your client
Your client, who is elderly and frail, is on the way to their doctor’s appointment. Your client will be role played
by one of your colleagues or your assessor. Your assessor will provide you with information about the
physical and sensory needs of your client. Ask questions to confirm the assistance that you need to provide if
you are unsure.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 36
Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
 Apply a positive approach during your client interaction
 Talk to the client to find out how much support they need in regards to getting in and out of the vehicle
 Assess how much the client is able to do for themselves
 Communicate with the client throughout the process to let them know what is happening and provide
them with instructions for what they need to do for themselves
 Consider any safety issues related to this activity (to yourself and the client)
 Take action to reduce the risks identified
 Prepare for the task by ensuring:
– the vehicle is parked in an accessible position
– the seat is in the correct position
– the seatbelt is accessible
 Follow procedure to transfer the client into the vehicle
 Settle the client into the vehicle so they are comfortable and are safe to travel, including checking:
– the seatbelt is securely fastened
– the seat is adjusted correctly
– the client is comfortable
– the client has what they need
 Follow procedures to transfer the client out of the vehicle.

Following the observation task you must answer the following verbal questions.
a) What risks did you identify when transferring the client?
b) What did you do to reduce these risks?
c) What physical and sensory needs did the client have?
d) How did these physical and sensory needs change the way in which you performed the task?
e) How much was the client able to participate? How did you encourage their participation?
f) What would you have done if the client had told you they were feeling dizzy when they got out of the

What do I need to hand in for Part 1 of this task? Have I completed this?

You do not need to submit anything for this task

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 37


 A bed
 A chair
 Cushions and a knee rug
 A person to play the role of the client
 Workplace procedure for transferring clients.


 You will do this task during your assessor’s visit to your workplace service.
 Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: _____________________________________


If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge, they will give you some
feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.

Your client
Your client, who is elderly and frail, needs to be transferred between the bed and chair. The role of the client
will be played by one of your colleagues or your assessor. You are to assume it is the morning and your client
has not been awake for long.
Your assessor will provide you with information about the physical and sensory needs of your client. Ask
questions to confirm the assistance that you will need to provide if you are unsure.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:

 Apply a positive approach during your client interaction
 Talk to the client to find out how much support they need in regards to getting out of bed and to the
 Assess how much the client is able to do for themselves
 Communicate with the client throughout the process to let them know what is happening and provide
them with instructions for what they need to do for themselves
 Consider any safety issues related to this activity (to yourself and the client)
 Take action to reduce the risks identified
 Prepare for the task by:
– checking that the path between the bed and the chair is free of obstacles
– making sure the chair is in position and ready for the client.
 Follow procedures to transfer the client from the bed to the chair

Following the observation task you must answer the following verbal questions:
a) What risks did you identify when transferring the client?
b) What did you do to reduce these risks?
c) What physical and sensory needs did the client have?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 38
d) How did these physical and sensory needs change the way in which you performed the task?
e) How much was the client able to participate? How did you encourage their participation?
f) What would you have done if the client told you they were feeling pain when they were lying in bed?

What do I need to hand in for Part 2 of this task? Have I completed this?

You do not need to submit anything for this task

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 39


 Portable hoist suitable for lifting a person from the floor
 Operating instructions/procedures for the hoist being used
 A chair
 A blanket or throw
 A person to play the role of the client
 A person to play the role of the colleague who assists
 Workplace procedure for falls recovery.


 You will do this task during your assessor’s visit to your workplace service.
 Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: _____________________________________


If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge, they will give you some
feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.

You will need one of your colleagues to play the role of the carer who will help you with the client.

Your client
Your client, who is frail and has dementia, has fallen. You and your colleague will need to lift the client using a
portable hoist and help them into a chair. The role of the client will be played by one of your colleagues or
your assessor. Your assessor will provide you with information about the physical and sensory needs of your
client. Ask questions to confirm the assistance that you will need to provide if you are unsure.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:

 Apply a positive approach during your client interaction
 Identify the client’s individual needs and confirm their needs for assistance
 Assess how much the client is able to do for themselves
 Communicate with the client throughout the process to let them know what is happening and provide
them with instructions for what they need to do for themselves
 Consider any safety issues related to this activity (to yourself and the client)
 Take action to reduce the risks identified
 Prepare for the task by:
– preparing the hoist for use as per instructions
– adjusting the hoist for use by the client
– ensuring a chair is ready and in position
 Follow workplace procedures and hoist instructions to lift the client safely
 Settle the client into their chair so they are comfortable and have what they need

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 40
Following the observation task you must answer the following verbal questions:
a) What risks did you identify when recovering the client from their fall?
b) What did you do to reduce these risks?
c) What physical and sensory needs did the client have?
d) How did these physical and sensory needs change the way in which you performed the task?
e) How much was the client able to participate? How did you encourage their participation?
f) What would you have done if the client became frightened during the transfer?
g) What workplace documentation needs to be completed following this client’s fall and recovery?

What do I need to hand in for Part 3 of this task? Have I completed this?

You do not need to submit anything for this task

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 41

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: Student ID:

 CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Workplace observation tasks


I _________________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 42
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 43

You are to support at least two clients in your workplace with a range of personal care


 Access to at least two clients
 Approval from each client and your supervisor to undertake personal care activities
 Personal care aids, supplies and equipment specific to the activities being undertaken
 Access to a qualified aged care worker (for example, your supervisor)
 Journal (see end of this task)
 Supervisor confirmation checklist (see end of this task).


 You will do this task during your assessor’s visit to your workplace service.
 Write in the date of your assessor’s visit: _______________________________________________


 Completed journal (if alternative arrangements need to be made)
 Supervisor Confirmation Report.


If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge, or receives feedback from your
supervisor that you did not show appropriate skills or knowledge, they will give you some feedback and you
will need to do the specific task again.

For this task you need to provide personal care support for at least two clients in your workplace, as set out in
their individualised care plans.
Each of the following tasks must be demonstrated at least once during the care that you provide:
 Bed bathing
 Showering
 Oral hygiene
 Grooming
 Shaving
 Dressing and undressing
 Eating and drinking
 Using aids and equipment – such as hoists, wheelchairs, walkers, lift chairs, motorised beds, crutches,
 Toileting and/or use of continence aids.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 44
You do not have to do each task twice – for example, you might bed-bath client 1 and shower client 2. A
qualified care worker (for example, your supervisor) must supervise your provision of care services and
confirm the tasks to be performed by completing the checklist at the end of this task. Make sure you give this
checklist to them before you start.
You must obtain permission from your clients and your workplace supervisor for your assessor to observe
these activities. Where permission is unable to be sought, refer to the ‘Alternative arrangements’ section for
further information.

Alternative arrangements:
In some cases it may not be possible for your assessor to observe all of these personal care needs, either
due to respecting the privacy and dignity of clients or due to the specific type of care not being required by
clients during your assessor’s workplace visit.
Your assessor will therefore ask you to explain, in detail, each of the procedures related to the tasks they did
not observe during their workplace visit.
A journal is provided at the end of this task. You will need to document in this journal any personal support
activities provided that were not able to be observed by your assessor.
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with the
client and how you made them feel at ease during the process.
Each entry in your journal must be signed off and dated by your supervisor to confirm it is an accurate
record of your work practice..

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:

 Correctly undertake each personal care support activity
 Check and confirm each client’s individual care plan to determine their needs. Make sure you are able to
do the tasks and will have access to everything you need
 Talk to your supervisor about anything that you are not sure about or believe may be beyond your
 Gather all equipment and aids you will need to do the task – make adjustments as necessary to meet the
client’s needs
 Assess the environment, equipment and tasks to be performed for health and safety risks
 Talk to your supervisor about any issues with providing support and the impact that providing support
can have on clients
 Introduce yourself to each client on your arrival and talk to them about the personal care task you will be
helping them with
 Allow each client to discuss how they would like support to be provided and how much they will
 Make sure your clients are comfortable with and consent to the personal care to be provided
 Respond respectfully and positively to each client’s needs, including any cultural needs, physical or
sensory needs
 Communicate appropriately with each client during the activity so they know what is happening and/or
what is going to happen (where equipment and aids are used, ensure you talk your client through their
 Check for any changes in health or personal care needs and follow procedures to report as required
 Protect each client’s privacy and dignity
 Talk to your supervisor about any risks you identify and what to do about them.
 Correctly apply infection control techniques
 Correctly apply manual handling techniques
 Respond appropriately where client interactions or personal care activities are of a difficult nature
 Complete all documentation and reporting requirements as per workplace procedures

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 45
 Store documentation in line with your workplace’s procedures.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your journal (where applicable) 

Your supervisor’s confirmation report 

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 46
Note to student: complete this journal ONLY if your assessor is unable to observe you undertake any of the personal care activities.

Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)

Bed bathing


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 47
Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)

Oral hygiene

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 48
Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 49
Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 50
Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)

Dressing and undressing

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 51
Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)

Eating and drinking (using appropriate feeding techniques)

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 52
Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)

Using aids and equipment

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 53
Journal – Assessment Task 4

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their
individualised plan and workplace procedures Which client did you provide this
You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client
the client and made them feel at ease during the process. Date 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)

Toileting and/or use of continence aids.


I confirm that the student completed the above personal care activities as detailed above and it is an accurate account.

Supervisor name:

Supervisor signature: Date:

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 54
Instructions to the student: you must give this checklist to your supervisor or other qualified person who supervised you during your personal care activities. The
completed checklist must be submitted as part of your assessment for this task.

Instructions to the supervisor:

As part of the evidence of competency for the student named below, we are seeking reports from the supervisor or other qualified care worker who supervised the
student during the personal activities required of this task. The purpose of this process is to obtain confirmation that the student is able to follow workplace
policies and procedures, and safely and competently work with clients to complete the care activities listed in the task.
The student must obtain permission from the clients involved in this task and their supervisor for their assessor to be present. In the event that the assessor is not
able to observe the student completing some (or all) of the care activities, your confirmation will be a valuable piece of supporting evidence. The assessor will use
the information you provide in this report, combined with other assessment evidence provided by the student (their journal) to make a final decision about
Please talk to the student’s assessor if you are unsure of any of the requirements of filling in this document.


Student’s name: Supervisor’s name:

Workplace: Contact Number/s:

Dates that care activities were undertaken:

Not able to
Yes No Provide examples or comments on student’s skills and
Area/ skills to be confirmed confirm ()
() () performance in this area
Did the student assist at least two clients with the following personal
care activities:
 Bed bathing

 Showering

 Oral hygiene

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 55

 Grooming

 Shaving

 Dressing and undressing

 Eating and drinking (using appropriate feeding techniques)

 Using aids and equipment (such as hoists, wheelchairs, walkers,

lift chairs, motorised beds, mobility devices, crutches etc)
 Toileting and/or use of continence aids

For client 1:

Did the student correctly undertake each personal care support

activity as per workplace procedures/requirements?
Did the student check and confirm each client’s individual care plan to
work out their needs?
Did the student respond respectfully and positively to each client’s
For example, did the student consider culture – was it acceptable for them to assist
with bathing, toileting and dressing?; how was the client’s hearing, did the student
raise their voice in an inappropriate manner or speak to the client using an
inappropriate tone?; did the client respect any other sensory issues?; did the
student respond appropriately and respectfully where the client was unable to
speak or did not speak English as their first language?; did the student gain an
understanding of what was the client was physically capable of doing or what they
would like to do?; did the student show consideration and care for clients with
dementia or other issues that may impact their needs and the way in which
services needed to be provided?

Did the student introduce themselves to each client upon arrival and
talk to them about the personal care task they were going to do?
For example, did the student greet clients warmly; tell them their name; refer to the
client by name; tell the client what they were there to do; ask how they like to do the
task or if they needed something specific, etc?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 56

Did the student make sure each client was comfortable with the
process before they started?
For example, did the student: ask clients if they had a preferred order in which to do
things; help the client pick out their clothes and lay them out in order before
showering/bathing? Work in a way to avoid embarrassment, fear,
disempowerment and/or humiliation of their clients. This may have included giving
the client some privacy when requested, allowing them to wash certain parts of
their body, encouraging them to do certain tasks, not showing disgust when
assisting with toileting or bathing, and so on.

Did the student protect each client’s privacy and dignity during the
For example, did the student: knock before entering the client’s room; ask them if it
was okay to come in; show respect when assisting with toileting, showering,
bathing and other activities; allow the client to wash parts of their body if they did
not want the student to assist;; cover parts of the body that were not being bathed
to maintain privacy (and to keep the client warm and dry)

Did the student assess the environment and the task to be performed
for health and safety risks?
For example, risks might include slips, trips and falls hazards, skin or bodily injury;
oral safety; own personal safety; cleanliness of facilities being used; condition of
items being used; checking functionality and safety of equipment to be used;
checking that dry and clean towels are provided; checking that personal care
items/tools belong to the client etc.

Did the student talk to you about any risks they identified and what to
do about them?
This may not be applicable if there were no risks in the area. However, you should
confirm with the student that there are no risks (if this is the case). If there are risks
and the student has not identified them, they must not proceed with the task until
they are identified.

Did the student gather all equipment and aids needed to do the task?
Did they make adjustments to equipment as necessary?
Equipment will vary depending on tasks. For example, non-slip mats, towels, face
washers, soap, shampoo and conditioner, razor, shaving cream, aftershave lotion,

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 57

floss, toothpaste, toothbrush, glass/tumbler, denture brush, soaking container,

continence pads, nail clippers, nail files, hairbrushes, combs, hair styling tools,
hairspray etc.

Did the student communicate appropriately with each client during

the activity?
For example, did the student use the name of the client when talking to them;
explain what they were doing at each step; encourage the client’s participation to
do tasks within their ability; observe body language, reactions and what is being
said; ask if the client is okay or if they needed anything in particular; reassure them
if they became agitated or concerned; provide encouragement and verbal support
when the client undertakes a task of their own; communicates in a positive manner;
provides instructions clearly etc.

Did the student use correct manual handling techniques?

For example, when helping clients out of bed; helping clients on and off of the toilet;
helping clients in and out of the shower; bending down or leaning; doing repetitive
movements ; using mechanical aids as required. This must include identifying
where they may need to use equipment rather than attempt the manual handling
alone, call for support from another person where required, bending and lifting as
per manual handling guidelines, etc.

Did the student talk to you about any issues with providing support
and the impact that providing support can have on clients?
The student must talk to you about any issues encountered. If none were
encountered, the student should still talk about how personal support activities can
affect clients. For example, some clients may be uncomfortable with needing help
going to the bathroom or being bathed or showered. Some clients may respond in
difficult ways that require the student to apply calming communication and a
respectful and sensitive approach; some clients may dislike use of aids and
modifications to help them and try to avoid their use etc

Did the student complete all required documentation correctly?

For example, did the student note in each client’s care plan the type of care
provided; did they note observations made and/or issues encountered; did they
record any changes to care that were required; did they sign and date all entries.

Did the student complete all documentation using the required

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 58

reporting technologies?
For example, the student may complete documentation using hard copy files/
paperwork, use a tablet or computer to update client information, etc.

Did the student store documentation in line with workplace

For example, did the student correctly save documents on electronic file systems;
file hard copy documents in the correct location; ensure system or hard copy
storage locations were accessed securely (locking up cabinets after use, not
leaving files around when they can be viewed by unauthorised personnel, using
own passwords and logins to systems and logging out after use, etc).

For client 2:

Did the student correctly undertake each personal care support

activity as per workplace procedures/requirements?
Did the student check and confirm each client’s individual care plan to
work out their needs?
Did the student respond respectfully and positively to each client’s
For example, did the student consider culture – was it acceptable for them to assist
with bathing, toileting and dressing?; how was the client’s hearing, did the student
raise their voice in an inappropriate manner or speak to the client using an
inappropriate tone?; did the client respect any other sensory issues?; did the
student respond appropriately and respectfully where the client was unable to
speak or did not speak English as their first language?; did the student gain an
understanding of what was the client was physically capable of doing or what they
would like to do?; did the student show consideration and care for clients with
dementia or other issues that may impact their needs and the way in which
services needed to be provided?

Did the student introduce themselves to each client upon arrival and
talk to them about the personal care task they were going to do?
For example, did the student greet clients warmly; tell them their name; refer to the
client by name; tell the client what they were there to do; ask how they like to do the
task or if they needed something specific, etc?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 59

Did the student make sure each client was comfortable with the
process before they started?
For example, did the student: ask clients if they had a preferred order in which to do
things; help the client pick out their clothes and lay them out in order before
showering/bathing? Work in a way to avoid embarrassment, fear,
disempowerment and/or humiliation of their clients. This may have included giving
the client some privacy when requested, allowing them to wash certain parts of
their body, encouraging them to do certain tasks, not showing disgust when
assisting with toileting or bathing, and so on.

Did the student protect each client’s privacy and dignity during the
For example, did the student: knock before entering the client’s room; ask them if it
was okay to come in; show respect when assisting with toileting, showering,
bathing and other activities; allow the client to wash parts of their body if they did
not want the student to assist;; cover parts of the body that were not being bathed
to maintain privacy (and to keep the client warm and dry)

Did the student assess the environment and the task to be performed
for health and safety risks?
For example, risks might include slips, trips and falls hazards, skin or bodily injury;
oral safety; own personal safety; cleanliness of facilities being used; condition of
items being used; checking functionality and safety of equipment to be used;
checking that dry and clean towels are provided; checking that personal care
items/tools belong to the client etc.

Did the student talk to you about any risks they identified and what to
do about them?
This may not be applicable if there were no risks in the area. However, you should
confirm with the student that there are no risks (if this is the case). If there are risks
and the student has not identified them, they must not proceed with the task until
they are identified.

Did the student gather all equipment and aids needed to do the task?
Did they make adjustments to equipment as necessary?
Equipment will vary depending on tasks. For example, non-slip mats, towels, face
washers, soap, shampoo and conditioner, razor, shaving cream, aftershave lotion,

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 60

floss, toothpaste, toothbrush, glass/tumbler, denture brush, soaking container,

continence pads, nail clippers, nail files, hairbrushes, combs, hair styling tools,
hairspray etc.

Did the student communicate appropriately with each client during

the activity?
For example, did the student use the name of the client when talking to them;
explain what they were doing at each step; encourage the client’s participation to
do tasks within their ability; observe body language, reactions and what is being
said; ask if the client is okay or if they needed anything in particular; reassure them
if they became agitated or concerned; provide encouragement and verbal support
when the client undertakes a task of their own; communicates in a positive manner;
provides instructions clearly etc.

Did the student use correct manual handling techniques?

For example, when helping clients out of bed; helping clients on and off of the toilet;
helping clients in and out of the shower; bending down or leaning; doing repetitive
movements ; using mechanical aids as required. This must include identifying
where they may need to use equipment rather than attempt the manual handling
alone, call for support from another person where required, bending and lifting as
per manual handling guidelines, etc.

Did the student talk to you about any issues with providing support
and the impact that providing support can have on clients?
The student must talk to you about any issues encountered. If none were
encountered, the student should still talk about how personal support activities can
affect clients. For example, some clients may be uncomfortable with needing help
going to the bathroom or being bathed or showered. Some clients may respond in
difficult ways that require the student to apply calming communication and a
respectful and sensitive approach; some clients may dislike use of aids and
modifications to help them and try to avoid their use etc

Did the student complete all required documentation correctly?

For example, did the student note in each client’s care plan the type of care
provided; did they note observations made and/or issues encountered; did they
record any changes to care that were required; did they sign and date all entries.

Did the student complete all documentation using the required

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 61

reporting technologies?
For example, the student may complete documentation using hard copy files/
paperwork, use a tablet or computer to update client information, etc.

Did the student store documentation in line with workplace

For example, did the student correctly save documents on electronic file systems;
file hard copy documents in the correct location; ensure system or hard copy
storage locations were accessed securely (locking up cabinets after use, not
leaving files around when they can be viewed by unauthorised personnel, using
own passwords and logins to systems and logging out after use, etc).

Please provide any further comments or observations you have made about the student’s performance in relation to the skills and activities required as above.

Supervisor’s signature:

Supervisor’s name:

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 62

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