Lie Detection

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Fianitog, RCrim Faculty of BCU-CCJE

POLYGRAPHY–refers to the scientific method of detecting deception with the aid or use of a
polygraph instrument. The term polygraph is a composition of two words: poly means many and
graph which means writings. Literally means“many writings.”
Polygraph- a machine designed to detect and record changes in physiological characteristics,
such as a person's pulse and breathing rates, used especially as a lie detector. Polygraph Machine
Measure and Record the ff:
1. Blood Pressure
2. Heart Rate
3. Respiration
4. Skin Conductivity
Polygraph Examination- The entire environment within which a qualified polygraphist renders
an expert opinion as to the veracity of an examinee’s statementsconcerning the primary issue of
the matter under investigation. Is a scientific test that collects physiological data from a person
with the purpose of detecting reactions associated with dishonesty.
Polygraph Examiner- interpret the charts generated by the polygraph machine. Polygraph came
from the Greek word "polys" - many writings and "grapho" write. Is one who is skilled and
capable to detect deception or verify truth of statement through instrumentation or the use of
mechanical deveice.
Lie- is an intentionally false statement to a person or group made by another person or group
who knows it is not wholly the truth.
Kinds of Lie
1. White or Benign Lie - lie to preserve harmony of relationship.
2. Pathological Lie - can not tell right from wrong.
3. Red Lie - communist propaganda
4. Black Lie - lie to dishonor or to discredit
5. Malicious/Judicial Lie -misleading or lie to obstruct justice.
6. Fabrication - misrepresentation of truth
7. Bold-Face Lie - obviously lying
8. Lying by Omission - omission of important facts
9. Lie to Children - to gain acceptance to children
10.Noble Lie - to maintain law and order
11.Emergency Lie - to prevent harm to third party
12.Perjury - false testimony under oath
13.Bluffing - pretense of capability/intention one does not possess
14.Jocose Lie - meant to be jest, teasing and sarcasm
15.Contextual lie - stating part of truth out of context
16.Promotion lie - incredible advertisements
Type of Liars
1. Panic Liars
2. Occupational Liars
3. Tournament Liars
4. Psychopathic Liars
5. Ethological Liars
6. Pathological Liars
7. Black Liars Lying–is a uttering or conveying falsehood or creating a false or misleading
impression with the intention of affecting wrongfully the acts, opinion or affection of another.
Liar–Refers to a person who utters intentionally a false statement.
Detection–refers to the act of discovering the existence, presence or facts of something hidden.
Lie Detection–refers to the method of detecting deception.
Forensic Assessment Interview Technique–allows the interviewer to assess non verbal and
verbal behavior without the need of attachments to make the accurate determinations of truth or
Verbal–are signs of lying observe to a person through the words that are spoken, speed of
delivery of words, choice of words, tone of voice and the tense of language.
Non-Verbal–are signs of lying observe to a person through patterns of body movements,
gestures, facial expression, body posture, positioning and movements use to explain chosen
Signs of Lying
1.Verbal Clues Verbal Clues to deception include the words that are spoken, speed of delivery of
the words, choice of words, tone of voice and the tense of the language.
Methods of responding to the Question–the way the respondent answers the question is clue of
deception. In general truthful people tend to be direct; untruthful people tend to be cautious about
their answers.
Length of Time before Giving response–in general, truthful person answer questions
immediately after the question is asked; untruthful persons take their time in giving a response.
Repetition of Question–the act of repeating the question is another means for the deceiver to
gain time to frame his or her answer. The question may be repeated word for word, or the
respondent may frame the answer with a request to repeat the question.
Fragmented or Incomplete Sentences–Untruthful person often speak in disjointed or curtailed
sentences. This is usually because he has started the answer, then thought better of it. Statements
such as “I…I… can’t think… it seems to me… can be a clue of lying. Many liars will speak half-
truths as well, and add qualifiers, such as“… to the best of my memory… “or”… if I recall
Being Overly Polite–anger is a common response to an unjust accusation, as well as answering
the statement with a abrupt “no”. Untruthful subjects are more likely to be polite to the accuser,
using pleasing terms such as “sir”or “ma’am” “boss” or “chief”. The Suspect who has been
accused and is lying will often say, “ Sir, to tell you the truth, I didn’t do it”
Oaths–Lying persons will frequently utteroaths, such as “I swear to God I didn’t do it” or “I
swear on my Father’s grave.” Most truthful people do not need to swear or affirm; they are
ardent in their denials. Some people who use words like “frankly” or “to tell the truth” often are
neither beingfrank nor are they telling the truth.

Clarity of Response–Honest people tend be very clear in their answers, while untruthful persons
tend to speak softly and broaden their answers. Such responses are to avoid the stress caused by
an untruthful response; the liar is hedging. In that way, if caught in a lie, the earlier “soft”
response may aid in diffusing the lie.
Use of words–as a general rule, truthful subjects have no trouble denying the allegation in
precise terms, while untruthful one will have problems with the used of words. Untruthful
suspects also tend to deny specific instances.
Assertiveness–truthful persons are confident about their innocence, and deceitful ones are not
confident unless they are practiced liars. Truthful people will respond directly without waiver or
qualification; deceptive people tend to respond indirectly with waivers and qualifications.
Inconsistencies–Contradicting testimonies made by the witness are one of the best indicators of
dishonesty; liars get caught up their own web of deceit.
Slip of the Tongue–Liars, as Freud discovered, quite often slip up and divulgethemselves
through a “slip of the tongue.
Tirades–People who are deceptive sometimes reveal more than a word or two, as in the slip of
the tongue. The information doesn’t slip out, it pours out. Ekman a psychologist believes that
“leaking” out may be caused by the internal stress produced by a lie. Tirades may be in direct
proportion to the stress generate in the lie, and arise at a time of anger or other strong emotion.
Pauses–Ekman says gap in speech patterns may be one reliable clue to deception. The examiner
should assess pauses in speech that are tool long, too frequent, or which occur at inappropriate
Speed of Speech–Persons who are tense or upset frequently increases the swiftness of their
speech, words tend to run together and the conversation can be fragmented. A pattern of
increased speed of speech during the relevant part of the questioning could show deception.
2.Non-Verbal Clues Non-verbal clues encompass patterns in the body movements, gestures,
facial expressions body posture, positioning and movements used to explain chosen words.
Emblems–emblems are often performed deliberately, these are expressions made with the body,
whose meanings are clearly understood. Here are examples of emblem: Shaking or nodding of
the head, shrugging the shoulders, the universal “thumbs up sign”, as well as the circled finger
and thumb to indicate “okay”. Other examples would include a broadwink finger and thumb to
indicate “okay”. Other examples would include a broad wink to show the remarks are to be taken
in joke, as well as a shrug of the shoulders.
Manipulators–these are usual behavior of touching one’s self. Manipulators encompass
grooming the hair, wringing the hands, picking imaginary fur from a coat. Manipulators may go
on for several minutes or may last for a short time. Props, like cigarettes, pencils and so on can
be used in the manipulation. Social scientists have documented that body movements, fridgeting,
and other behavior arise with stress. The manipulators increases their use of manipulators when
they are totally relaxed and when they are may be a sing of deception.
Breathing–Many persons, under prolonged periods of stress, hyperventilate. Although breathing
is an involuntary movement. Breathing is very much affected by stress. This stress may have
nothing to do with the lie. But an increase in breathing rate or volume may be a sign of deception

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