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The existence or appearance of ostensible issues in the

JUDGMENT ON SUMMARY pleadings, on the one hand, and their sham or fictitious
THE PLEADING JUDGMENT character, on the other, are what distinguish a proper
Based SOLELY on the Based on the case for summary judgment from one for a judgment on
the pleadings.
ADMISSIONS AND In a proper case for judgment on the pleadings, there is
Generally available ONLY Available to BOTH failure of the defending party’s answer to raise an
to the plaintiff, UNLESS the plaintiff and defendant issue.
defendant presents a
On the other hand, in the case of a summary judgment,
COUNTERCLAIM... issues apparently exist ? i.e. facts are asserted in the
The answer FAILS to There is NO genuine complaint regarding which there is as yet no admission,
issue between the disavowal or qualification; or specific denials or
tender an issue ORthere parties, i.e. there may affirmative defenses are in truth set out in the answer?
is an ADMISSION of be issues but these are BUT THE ISSUES thus arising from the pleadings ARE
material allegations irrelevant.
NO NOTICE to the NO NOTICE to the shown by affidavits, depositions, or
adverse party is adverse party is admissions.45cralawlawlibrary
However, the adverse FAIL TO TENDER AN ISSUE
party MAY FILE a An answer would “fail to tender an issue” if it “ DOES
comment AND NOT DENY the material allegations in the complaint
SERVE opposing OR ADMITS said material allegations of the
affidavits, depo- adverse party’s pleadings by confessing the
sitions, or admi- truthfulness thereof and/or omitting to deal with them
at all.
NONEXTENDIBLE period the material averments of the complaint and/or asserts
of FIVE (5) CALENDAR affirmative defenses (allegations of new matter which,
DAYS FROM receipt of while admitting the material allegations of the
motion. complaint expressly or impliedly, would nevertheless
On the MERITS. May be INTERLOCUTORY prevent or bar recovery by the plaintiff), a judgment on
(i.e. partial summary the pleadings would naturally be
judgments) OR on the IMPROPER.”46cralawred
G.R. No. 201427, March 18, 2015 - TEOFILO B. ADOLFO,
Petitioner, v. FE. T. ADOLFO, Respondent.
On the other hand, “whether x x x the issues raised by
the Answer are genuine is not the crux of inquiry in a
A. motion for judgment on the pleadings. It is so only in a
Judgment on the pleadings is proper “where an answer motion for summary judgment. In a case for judgment
on the pleadings, the Answer is such that no issue is
otherwise ADMITS raised at all. The essential question in such a case is
THE MATERIAL ALLEGATIONS of the adverse party’s whether there are issues generated by the pleadings.”47

Summary judgment, on the other hand, will be granted GENUINE ISSUE

“if the pleadings, supporting affidavits, depositions, and “A ‘genuine issue’ is an issue of fact which REQUIRES
admissions on file, show that, except as to the amount THE PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE as distinguished from
of damages, there is NO GENUINE ISSUE as to any a sham, fictitious, contrived or false claim. When the
material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a facts as pleaded APPEAR UNCONTESTED OR
judgment as a matter of law.” 44cralawred UNDISPUTED, then there is no real or genuine issue or
question as to the facts, and summary judgment is
We have elaborated on the basic distinction between called for.”48cralaw
summary judgment and judgment on the pleadings,
thus:c March 18, 2015. TEOFILO B. ADOLFO vs FE. T. ADOLFO.
FACTS: Her appeal was favourably acted upon by the CA. The
CA held that the trial court cannot treat Adolfo’s motion
CIVIL CASE MAN8241 Teofilo Adolfo filed a petition for for judgment on the pleadings as one for summary
judicial separation of property against his wife, Fe, judgment. It stated that in a proper case for judgment
alleging that they bought with conjugal funds because on the pleadings, there are no ostensible issues at all
they have been separated in fact and reunion is now an on account of the defending party’s failure to raise an
impossibility due to irreconcilable differences. In her issue in his answer, while in a proper case for summary
answer, Fe alleged that the property is NOT CONJUGAL, judgment, such issues exist, although they are sham,
but paraphernal property belonging to her. fictitious, or not genuine as shown by affidavits,
depositions or admissions. In other words, a judgment
CIVIL CASE MAN2683 Fe’s sister Florencia and her on the pleadings is a judgment on the facts as pleaded,
husband Juanito (Gingoyons) filed a civil case for while a summary judgment is a judgment on the facts as
partition with damages, alleging that in 1988, Fe sold a summarily proved by affidavits, depositions, or
300square meter lot portion of the lot to the spouses admissions.
Gingoyon, but that the former refused to subdivide it.
This time, Fe alleged that the PROPERTY WAS It added that Fe’s Answer appeared on its face to
CONJUGAL, and the sale was made without the tender an issue; it disputed petitioner’s claim that the
signature of Teofilo, hence it was null and void. subject property is their conjugal property. The next
thing to be determined is whether this issue is fictitious
The RTC ruled in favour of Fe and declared it conjugal or sham as to justify a summary judgment.
property, hence, the Gingoyons appealed to the CA.
The CA added that although respondent was bound by
Going back to Civil Case No. MAN8241 Teofilo filed a the resulting admission prompted by her failure to
Request for Admission of (among others) respondent’s reply to petitioner’s request for admission, her claims
declaration in said Answer that the subject property and documentary exhibits clearly contradict what
constituted conjugal property of the marriage; and the petitioner sought to be admitted in his request; that
trial court’s pronouncement in said case that the the trial court disregarded the fact that the issue of
subject property forms part of the conjugal estate. Fe whether the subject property is conjugal was still
failed to answer the Request for Admission. unresolved as CAG.R. CV No. 78971 was still pending;
and that finally, the trial court should have been guided
Hence, Teoflio filed a MOTION TO RENDER JUDGMENT by the principles that trial courts have but limited
ON THE PLEADINGS, alleging that since Fe failed to authority to render summary judgments and that
answer the request for admission, the matters included summary judgments should not be rendered hastily.
in the request are deemed admitted pursuant to Rule
26, Section 2 of the Rules of Court, he is now entitled to Teofilo assailed the CA decision to the Supreme Court
judgment on the pleading based on Rule 34. via petition.

Fe opposed the motion, arguing that the decision, was ISSUE: W/N summary judgment is proper in the case,
the subject of an appeal, had not yet become final. The considering the failure of Fe to answer or deny under
oath the Request for Admission in Civil Case No. MAN-
RTC granted the motion by Teofilo, treating it as a 4821.
motion for summary judgment. It ruled that judicial
separation was proper, taking judicial notice of its HELD: Judgment on the pleadings is proper “where an
decision in Civil Case No. MAN2683 that the property is answer fails to tender an issue, or otherwise admits the
conjugal property. With Fe’s failure to provide a verified material allegations of the adverse party’s pleading.”
answer or denial under oath to the request for Summary judgment, on the other hand, will be granted
admission of the documents, she is deemed to have “if the pleadings, supporting affidavits, depositions, and
admitted the genuineness of the same. admissions on file, show that, except as to the amount
of damages, there is no genuine issue as to any material
Going back to Civil Case No. MAN2683 The Gingoyon’s fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment
appeal to the CA, was resolved in their favour, the CA as a matter of law.” An answer would “fail to tender an
ruling that the PROPERTY IS PARAPHERNAL PROPERTY issue” if it “does not deny the material allegations in the
as established by the records and the evidence. It complaint or admits said material allegations of the
became final and executory. adverse party’s pleadings by confessing the truthfulness
thereof and/or omitting to deal with them at all. Now, if
Going back to Civil Case MAN4821 Fe appealed to the an answer does in fact specifically deny the material
CA saying that the TC was wrong in treating his motion averments of the complaint and/or asserts affirmative
for judgment on the pleadings as one for summary defenses (allegations of new matter which, while
judgment. She also asks the court to submit to the admitting the material allegations of the complaint
findings of the CA in Civil Case 2683 finding the property expressly or impliedly, would nevertheless prevent or
to be paraphernal. bar recovery by the plaintiff), a judgment on the
pleadings would naturally be improper.”
The case of Antonio v. Samonte, [7] elaborated on this
EXECUTORY matter, thus:
–A final order of judgment 1. a "final judgment" in A final order of judgment finally disposes of,
finally disposes of, the sense just described adjudicates, or determines the rights, or some right or
adjudicates, or becomes final "UPON rights of the parties, either on the entire controversy or
determines the rights, or on some definite and separate branch thereof, and
some right or rights of the
concludes them until it is reversed or set aside. Where
parties, either on the PERIOD TO APPEAL no issue is left for future consideration, except the fact
entire controversy or on THEREFROM IF NO of compliance or non-compliance with the terms of the
some definite and APPEAL HAS BEEN judgment or order, such judgment or order is final and
separate branch thereof, appealable.
THEM UNTIL IT IS OR , an appeal By contrast, in Investments, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, [8] We declared:
REVERSED OR SET therefrom having been
taken, the judgment of the
ASIDE. appellate tribunal in turn Now, a "final judgment" in the sense just described
becomes final and the becomes final "upon expiration of the period to appeal
Where NO ISSUE IS LEFT therefrom if no appeal has been duly perfected" or, an
for future consideration,
RECORDS OF THE appeal therefrom having been taken, the judgment of
except the fact of CASE are RETURNED the appellate tribunal in turn becomes final and the
COMPLIANCE OR NON- TO THE COURT OF records of the case are returned to the Court of origin.
COMPLIANCE with the ORIGIN. The "final" judgment is then correctly categorized as a
terms of the judgment or "final and executory judgment" in respect to which, as
order, such judgment or the law explicitly provides, "execution shall issue as a
2. The "final" judgment is
order is FINAL AND then correctly categorized matter of right." It bears stressing that only a final
judgment or order, i.e., "a judgment or order that finally
APPEALABLE. as a "final and executory
dispose of the action of proceeding" can become final
judgment" in respect to
and executory.
which, as the law explicitly
provides, "EXECUTION A judgment becomes "final and executory" by operation
SHALL ISSUE AS A of law. Finality of judgment becomes a fact upon the
MATTER OF RIGHT." lapse of the reglementary period to appeal if no appeal
It bears stressing that only is perfected. In such a situation, the prevailing party is
a final judgment or entitled to a writ of execution, and issuance thereof is a
order, i.e., "a judgment or ministerial duty of the court.
order that finally dispose
of the action of
proceeding" can become
final and executory.


C. LOPEZ, JR., Petitioner,G. R. No. 100626 November
29, 1991 -versus- HON. COURT OF APPEALS and THE
ARMY & NAVY CLUB, INC., Respondents.

It is useful, at this point, to review the distinction

between a "final" judgment and one which has become
"final and executory."

In PLDT Employees Union v. PLDT Free Telephone

Workers Union, [6] the Court observed:

An order or judgment is deemed final when it finally

disposes of the pending action so that nothing more can
be done with it in the trial court. In other words, a final
order is that which gives an end to the litigation when
the order or judgment does not dispose of the case
completely but leaves something to be done upon the
merits, it is merely interlocutory.

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