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Tffidavit qf worn befo

Jane Ffruphy lntake Registrar

Doug Palmer

t the Prcvince aJ'BrWh Coluqbia


Case Managsr n

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Hnrst Krass
CIlaim Number 31 s 8735


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your memo of January 26. 2000 is noted. As your letter of the same date to Mr Krass oxplains, the new medical information was reviewed by the Medical Department, and ou still based on the opinion received. you made a decision. Your desisisfi gn't problems to this claim. The fact it is could not relate the right elbow mean it is not a nerrv decision.... Clearly, there was new evidence: it was reviewed and weighed: and a decision rnade.

As such. (and as explained in paragraph 2 of your letter) decisions of the Case

tvlanager are first appealed to the CSRC. The Committee has not had an opportunity to review tlre new decision that was rendered following the review of the new lnformation, Mr,Krass would be being denied a cornplete level of appeal ehould the matter come directly to the Appeals Commisslon, As well, as C$RC has not rendered a decision with respoct to the recEnt medical information, Appeals Commission would be without jurisdiction, as AC can ONLY hear appeats of C$RC (or ARC) decisions.

The fite is being returned for your action. I vrould ask that you immediately advise
lvlr.Krass of the slatus, as you letter lells him to contact AC

Page: 4


;worn hefore me at n the Prcvince a.l British Columbia.

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the presence of a privative clause the expertise of the tribunal the purpose of tlre act as a whole and the nature of tlre problent in question. Presence of a privative clause

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Section l3.l of the Act provides that the Commission has exclusive jurisdiction to examine, ising under the Act and regulations, and .l qu inquire into, henr'alld deterrtrirre nll ntatt


restraindtr by injunction, prohibition or other process or proceedings in any court or are removable by certiorori or otherwise into any court. Prior to amendments passed in2002, it was held that the Ramey v.3 Ufr'{04r,ltttS appropriate standard of review fbr Corntnission decisions was

Alberta (Workers Compensation Board) (1997), 200 A.R. 59 (C.A.); and Sammut v. Alberta (llorkers Compensation Board Commission),120021A.J. No. 425,2002 ABCA 87. -ILr Ct'rr t A4XDrQ Mt45 ItgB-2oz e*4[1. (o.l.-'rr rJ ra-#ieS-g;ltr/r) o+ z,soz:rlill rovides that: " The Board and any i 737ri:'" [21] Section 13.4( I ) of the Act, which
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the same time as the s. 13.4 appeal


was added, the right ot'the-$C.B to request a rehearing


was removed.




The courts have considered whether 332 A.R. 342, 2003 ABQB 233, Compensation Boardv.Appeals Commission 350 A.R. 14,2003 Bachmann v. Alberta (l(orkers' Compensation, Appeal ARoR have come ro the onnosite conclusion; Akita Dritlins v. Alberta


(Labounty) Commission)



ABQB 856,Alberta(Workerc' mpensation Boar$v.Appeals Com 2005 ABQB 16l. Moen J. lbun in the latter case that the appeal c

Given the right of appeal on questions of law and jurisdiction, it is logical to conclude that issues of law orjurisdiction enjoy lower protection than questions of pure fact, which are still subject to the full privative clause. I am persuaded by the reasoning in the cases cited above which concluded that the real purpose of the amendments was not solely to remove the right of the Board to direct a rehearing.


Expertise of the tribunal

The Supremacy of God Due Process! Ultra Vires Realm HIDDEN!


The Commission generally has expertise with respect to decisions within its statutory and

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June 06, 1989

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Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm September 8, 2011 It sure is nice to have responsible persons in responsible positions lying for the administration (adverse to The Truth decisions) and whose decisions/lies are automatically imposed upon all other persons and entities within the jurisdiction - binding decisions. Devils advocacy is alive and well in Canada and has been since 1918 where The Truth was never published concerning WCB matters: until my case came along and, in March 1991, upon administrative review of the original reports on my file, the WCB found the diagnosis of overuse syndrome which the administration since then has chosen to talk around in violation of the role of the original 1913 Workers Compensation system/act which received royal ascent then just as the amended Workers Compensation Acts have received royal ascent even though these enactments and agencies originally and currently are completed opposed to each other just as are their objectives. In the original 1913 Workers Compensation Act, there were no time frames attached to WCB benefits nor was interlocutory due process permitted as the proper physical examinations were supposed to be conducted forthwith by the medical staff and the results reported without prejudice. The Workers Compensation Acts since 1918, though, which are now provincial, destroyed this entire agency based upon The Truth and replaced it entirely with what was dismissed with the original 1913 Workers Compensation Act as interlocutory due process and an employers right to complain or fight The Truth is placed ahead of Doing Right as imposed by the objective facts which have no ties to time just the reality that the original job injuries have remained unresolved. With The Petition on File No. PO-001 with The Defender of The Faith, The Defender of The Faith has been forced to re-impose the original law - the original 1913 Workers Compensation Act with minor upgrades - and dismiss all new and amended laws pertaining to the WCB since then thereby making The WCB an integral component of The New British Empire which also dismisses the establishment of nations with alleged good name and reputation (now repudiated) along with their respective bodies having territorial supremacy rather than The Truth as dictated by the pure objective facts being supreme and beyond reproach, i.e. omnipotent as they are The Holy Spirit.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm It should be patently obvious to everyone now that the appeals commission and other similar decision making bodies were created for the purpose of maintaining the lie of territorial supremacy/the ruling through the letter of the law principle and merely to talk around The Truth which is known and recorded legitimately in the WCB files but which is being misrepresented just so that the employers, one by one, can argue illegitimately that the job injuries and their disabilities are ongoing years after the fact while the job injured collectively fight a corrupt system which ONLY The Defender of The Faith has the ability to put to right once and for all and forevermore but, now, once again! The Truth Commissions in Canada 100 years ago delivered the proper agencies only to have the confederation of provinces since WWI tear asunder these agencies and all to advance mammon/the pursuit of wealth in defiance of The Rule of Luke 16:13 for Christians whose standard also exists amongst the Jews, Moslems and other branches of The Tree of Life whose trunk is The Truth/pure facts.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE SOCIETY

December 20, 2009 This is the new second part of

Exhibit Q referred to in all Mr. E. J. Krass

documentation pertaining to The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and others going forward from this date. There is no need for attesting to its validity because its already on file no. 81581 with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna) record as well as filed with The Supreme Court of Canada - page 4 of the Thomas Shuchuk Decision of the alberta court of queens bench July 25, 2005 (ABQB 526) - and merely excerpted and filed with the courts pertaining to the Defacto Petition to the Court Due Legal Process. Consequently though, NO government decision must ever be inhered with validity and all governmental decisions are to go direct to the court through The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process for a simple correctness standard (excerpted from Exhibit N on file no. 81581 at the superior court (british colombia - kelowna) which means that both the decision and the law that provided for the adverse to Truth decision can NOT be allowed to remain in existence and also were never valid from their inception in the minds of the elites. The correctness standard determines merely and quickly whether the decision took all pertinent and objective facts properly in to consideration and/or the law, that provided for the decision, illegitimately indicated that all decisions and laws are inhered with justness until proven otherwise at the Supreme Court of every nation state - reverse onus and BAD FAITH in the administration of all nation states. Exhibit K on file no. 81581 with the superior court (british Columbia - kelowna) makes it patently obvious that not only is the standing decision from the appeals commission for the WCB (alberta) in the matter of the ongoing nature of Mr. E. J. Krasss job injuries invalid but the law facilitating the belief that the governmental decision has to be valid contention is morally repugnant and utterly contemptuous of Everyones Legal Rights and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God. Even simply presenting a law that unilaterally declares all decisions of governments and the courts to be valid where reverse onus is inhered in the corrective review process is contempt of The Principles of Fundamental Justice . S. 13.4(1) of the CURRENT alberta workers' compensation act and its equivalent across Canada - provincially, territorially and federally - make the current workers compensation acts across Canada invalid because all discontinuation of benefits based upon administrative technicality fulfill the standard for being disreputable, dishonest and corrupt where the victims of job injuries no longer have the right to have their job injuries reversed and affirmed as such with proper objective techniques. The corruption arises from the governments declaring that the decision maker not only owns the decision and its reversal which defies The Principles of Fundamental Justice where the objective evidence makes the whole due process that delivered the incorrect outcomes invalid, on no effect and unsaved in The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals Realm.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE SOCIETY

The entire review process placing godliness standards on governmental and court decisions without demanding objective support for the actions is unconscionable: either the real evidence supports the decision or repudiates it and the law facilitates the corruption of the system! All governments know this Truth and are hiding behind the principle of the rule of law or, for true Christians, it is easier for The Mandate of Heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of the letter of the law to fail or mind your ps and qs and make sure you dot your is and cross your ts for the british legal system - jurisprudence. In democracy, governments also hide behind both elections that have no validity and the court system that is neither independent nor impartial: the courts only apply the letters of the law rather than Fundamental Justice or correcting the injustice of civilization due to the governmental decisions being dishonest or adverse to the objectively supported Truth. What everyone, who is bountiful in mankinds creations, aka materialistic, has, had to have been arrived at from the dishonesty of the system and the people being indoctrinated to accept it: the Cold War where neither of the systems, capitalism nor communism, had any validity. In our current civilization, there are winners and losers not based upon objectively supported Truth and its ultimate realm but upon the system have the authority to administer justice based on the letters of the laws, aka rule of law. Now you know for a fact that everything in the industrialized world is an absolute illusion made real! The days of rulership by others were to have faded centuries ago for some and decades ago for others. Now though, the days of rulers and followers will be over once and for all. The extreme collusion of the system against and continued oppression of The Truth in Mr. E. J. Krass case places him in an elite but unwelcome category:

Galileo was sentenced to house arrest even though he learned that the objective Truth actually creates a reality or realm that only God created and we are discovering it and God at the same time when objective Truth is not interpreted as the elites of mankind desire. Sir Isaac Newton feared for his life all the while producing his objective findings his paper on gravity was withheld for 20 years before being published for fear of its findings on Sir Isaac Newtons life. Sir Thomas More was executed because his loyalty was to God first and foremost rather than the english monarchy. Martin Luther renounced the Catholic Church based upon the words of Jesus Christ, the Leader of the Christians. Yet, the people initially refused to cast off organized Christianity and its illegitimate connection to the monarchs of europe where the pursuit of wealth exists in direct conflict with the worlds of Jesus Christ. WWI did the rest except for the british monarchy and its connection to the british


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE SOCIETY

commonwealth states of today. Einsteins papers and their objective Truth were not brought out for decades after they were first produced. And so on for countless others where their objective discoveries can actually be declared inevitable exposure of THE FREE Society REALM. E. J. Krass discovered that the entire system is corrupt and that there is a hidden objectively determined mature, healthy and kinetic body standard and that everything can be unified especially the Grand Forces of the Universe. E. J. Krass also discovered that objective Truth creates and has started to create a mosaic that repudiates the entire civilization that currently exists and has existed for centuries where there are haves with everyone else being have-nots fighting amongst themselves for the crumbs permitted by the haves.

The personal experience of Mr. E. J. Krass, where all the governments systems have invoked reverse onus to cover-up the BAD FAITH administration of Canada and its judicial systems, determines that the words of Mr. E. J. Krass and his Defacto Petition to the Court documents are undeniable due to the Truth supporting them, i.e. they expose the appropriate and just remedy to the corrupt administration not only of Canada and its justice system but also this same corruption that is taking place in every other nation state: the term nation really means people so one nation, indivisible, under God really means one people, indivisible, while Pursuing THE FREE Society/Happiness for all equally Realm where universality of being exists rather than pluralism. In a world WITHOUT The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process to uphold honesty in government and everyones right to life, liberty and security of person without any condition, the experience of E. J. Krass and countless others from the corrupt administration of Canada and its justice system would be grounds for revolutionary war. Fortunately, Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees Everyone Legal Rights, the honest outcome in the circumstances as well as the remedy - s. 24 (1) of The Charter insuring everyone the same Fundamental Justice outcome in their circumstances and the latter 2 arise from The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God where That Which Becomes Known of the objective Truth Realm through inevitable discovery impacts on the entire system of civilization by either legitimizing or repudiating mankinds systems. For example, nobody has the right to produce an adverse decision nor do these same people have the right to reverse this corruption and give the system credibility. So, when the illegitimate appeals commission for the WCB (alberta) accepted the radiological report from the 1998 Gadolinium enhanced MRI and the surgical report from Los Angeles as the new evidence that they are, there were to be no further technicalities for the WCB to accept that E. J. Krass and all persons suffering from overuse syndrome and its complications job injuries are UNRESOLVED/unhealed


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE SOCIETY

properly determining that everyone else universally has the right to have these job injuries accepted as ongoing regardless of when the job injuries started. Plus, E. J. Krass and everyone else were to have their WCB cases immediately re-opened with all decisions, since the illegitimate administrative cut off, struck down, i.e. accepted as invalid, of no real effect and repudiated by the objective Truth. None of this happened summarily because of s. 13.1 of that eras workers compensation act (alberta) which was as corrupt as corrupt can be and it came from the alberta legislature or, more truthfully, the conservative party of alberta. In short, there was no chance of getting Fundamental Justice for E. J. Krass because ss. 1, 7, 52(1) and 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms were and still are out and out being denied by all provincial governments and the corrupt jurisprudence - argument for arguments sake had been put in place ahead of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God. Simply put, all job injured across alberta and Canada were and still are being denied their right to be cured and the obligation of the business community to pay for these cures and WCB benefits until the objective evidence returns negative indicating that the job injuries are resolved. Furthermore, work has once again become a meat grinder where all future workers your sons and daughters and their sons and daughters - will suffer the same consequences because work has never been modified to eliminate the injuring, maiming and premature killing of the workers on orders from the elites or haves: the stakeholders of the economy and their agents - all provincial governments! S. 20 of the July 25, 2005 alberta court of queens bench decision makes it patently obvious that the government created its own way of circumventing s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and, worse, nobody still can attain Fundamental Justice because the letter of the law is not being viewed as being impugnable nor the decisions of the appeals commission for the WCB (alberta) and its equivalents across Canada being viewed as adverse (corrupt) whose designation is dictated by the objective evidence and Fundamental Justice. In short, no job injured across Canada since 1982 has universally had the INALIENABLE right to have their job injuries objectively defined as having been ongoing in spite of such evidence being attainable and the interpretations of the x-ray evidence brought in to alignment with the findings of the MRIs and pure scientific Truth.

For everyone, the unlisted hyperlinks for this documents are as follows:

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Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE SOCIETY

%20Part%20IV/MANDAMUS%20Evidence%20package%20pgs%200628-0646.pdf, goes with the following term: page 4 of the Thomas Shuchuk Decision of the alberta court of queens bench July 25, 2005 ( ABQB 526);

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s , er/True%20copy%20of%20March%207%20Principles%20of%20Fundamental%20Justice.pdf, goes with the following terms: The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God ; The Principles of Fundamental Justice;

t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n e t c l o u d a d d r e s s ,, goes with the following term: Exhibit K on file no. 81581 with the superior court (british Columbia kelowna); Just enter these links in the URL of your browser and a page icon will appear for some links. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader or better on your computer, the page will load through these program when you click on the icon. Then, you can save, print or read the document as you wish and at your convenience if you save the files. This document can also be accessed online at the following pages: er/Pre-conclusion%20Order/Exhibit%20Q%20exclusively.pdf; or and look for the document Exhibit Q exclusively.


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