18 Appendix

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Questionnaire for Agriculture Labour

Tick (^ ) wiierever applicable
A] Personal Information -
1) Name :
2) Age :
i) 20 to 30 years D
ii) 31 to 40 years n
iii) 41 to 50 years u
iv)Above 50 years D
3) Educational Qualification:
i) Illiterate n
ii) Completed primary Education D
iii) Not completed Primary Education D
iv) Completed General Secondary education D
4) Marital Status:
i) Married D
ii) Unmarried D
iii) Widowed n
iv)Divorcee 0
5) Number of family persons:
i) 1 to 3 u
ii) 4 to 6 n
iii) 7 to 9 n
iv) Above 9 G
6) Main occupation of family head:
i) Agricultural Labour G
ii) Small business G

iii) Animal Husbandry u
iv)Other D Pleas Specify_
7) Monthly Income the family head (in Dram):
i) 10000 to 20000 Drams •
ii) 20001 to 30000 Drams n
iii) 30001 to 40000 Drams G
iv)40001 to 50000 Drams D
v) Above 50000 Drams •
8) Your Relation with family head:
i) Daughter n
ii) Spouse n
iii) Daughter in Law D
iv)Mother D
v) Sister D
vi)Other D Please specify
9) What is your main occupation:
i) Agricultural Labour D
ii) Housewife D
iii) Small entrepreneur n
10) What is your self Monthly Income (in Dram):
i) 10000 to 20000 Drams D
ii) 20001 to 30000 Drams D
iii) 30001 to 40000 Drams n
iv)40001 to 50000 Drams G
v) Above 50000 Drams 3
11) Number of family members dependent on you:
i) 1 to 2 D
ii) 3 to 4 n
iii) 4 to 6 n
iv)Above 6 •
v) No one else •

12) Number of earning persons in your family?
i) 1 n
ii)2 n
iii) 3 n
iv)4 n
v) 5 and above H
B] Information about Occupation / employment-
13) Are you?
i) Cultivator or agriculture labour n
ii) Casual Agricultural labour G
iii) Seasonal agricultural labour D
14) Are there any changes in wages paid for different works other than
agricultural work?
i) Yes u
ii) No D
15) Do you prefer to work as a contractual agricultural labour?
i) Yes n
ii) No D
16) If No, What is the reason?
i) Low income D
ii) Unsecured Job D
iii) Lackof good working condition Z]
iv)Lack of welfare facilities 'J
17) What is your employment status?
i) Written contract for long term employment G
ii) Written contract for short term employment •
iii) Employee with verbal agreement n
iv)Other D

18) Have you received any monetary payment/ income in Drams or in
i) Yes 3
ii) No 3
19) For how long have you been working?
i) Upto 1 month •
ii) 1 to 3 months •
iii) 4 to 6 months D
iv)7 to 12 months n
v) above 12 months D
20) After completion seasonal or casual agricultural work, what is your
second occupation?
i) Housekeeping D
ii) Animal Husbandry H
iii) Small retail business D
iv)Other D Please Specify
21) Are you satisfied with your job?
i) Yes D
ii) No D
22) If No, what is the reason?
i) Low wage rate D
ii) Monotonous nature of work n
iii) Lackof welfare facilities D
iv)High work load •
v) Other • Please Specify
C] Information about working conditions-
23) Are you getting any statutory welfare facilities from your land
i) Yes D
ii) No ::
24) If Yes, what type of welfare facilities are you getting? Please specify.

25) Do you have any kind of insurance?
i) Yes n
ii) No n
26) If Yes, what kind of insurance you have?
i) Medical D
ii) Accident n
iii) Life G
iv)Other D Please specify
27) What is your daily working duration? Please specify.

28) Can you work more than you are working now?
i) Yes D
ii) No n
29) In case of incapacity to work due to health reason, would you benefit
from paid sick leave?
i) Yes G
ii) No G
30) Unless there is due cause, could your employment be terminated by
your employer without prior notice?
i) Yes G
ii) No G
31) What are the facilities are you getting at work place by your
i) Toilet G
ii) Shelter for rest G
iii) Drinking water G
iv)First Aid Box G
v) Transportation G

vi)Other D Please specify
32) Are you aware about any labour unions working among agricultural
i) Yes J
ii) No ^

33) If yes, have you getting any benefit from these unions?
i) Yes ^
ii) No u
34) If yes, how far you are benefited with it?
i) Increased wage rate LU
ii) Increased bargaining power n
iii) Better working conditions n
iv)Other H Please Specify
D] Information about Standard of Living-
35) Are you owner of land?
i) Yes n
ii) No D
36) Are your children taking education?
i) Yes n
ii) No n
37) Do you have any type of vehicle?
i) Yes G
ii) No G
38) If yes, which type of vehicle?
i) Bicycle G
ii) Motor bike G
iii) Car G
39) Do you have any saving account in Bank?
i) Yes G
ii) No G

40) If yes, how much Drams you can save every month?
i) 5000 to 10000 Drams D
ii) 10001 to 15000 Drams D
iii) 15001 to 20001 Drams D
iv)Above 20000 Drams n

41) What proportion of your earnings or income has spent for current
expenses of the household?
i) 2 5 % []

ii) 50% n
iii) 75% n
iv)100% n
42) Do you have any kind of loan?
i) Yes •
ii) No D
43) What is the purpose of taking loan?
i) Household expenditure n
ii) Medical Treatment •
iii) House repairing D
iv)House purchasing D
v) Other D Please specify
44) Do you find any difficulty in repayment of loan?
i) Yes G
ii) No n
45) If yes, what are the reasons?
i) Lack of constant money earning •
ii) Installments are very high G
iii) High household expenditure •
iv)Other n
Please specify
46) What are your main expenditures?

i) Food •
ii) Clothes D
iii) Education D
iv)Medicines D
v) Transportation D
vi) All of the above n
47) Are you earning more compared to your husband?
i) Yes u
ii) No 3
48) Have you owned house?
i) Yes u
ii) No n
49) Who is the owner of house?
i) Self :]
ii) Spouse D
iii) Other D Please specify
50) How many rooms you have in your house?
i) 1 to 2 n
ii)3to4 n
iii) Above 4 n
51) Nature of house construction:
i) RCC construction (Cement Construction) LJ
ii) Mud Construction S
iii) Thached construction []
iv)Other •
Please specify
52) If you are staying in rented house, how much monthly rent you are
paying? Please specify.


Country: Armenia Year: 2009

Source: Inegrated Living Conditions Survey

1. Informal non-agricultural employment and its components
Total Women Men Urban Rural
in 1,000
Persons in informal 138.0 36.8 101.2 101.3 36.5
Persons employed in the 71.0 15.1 56.0 44.1 26.9
informal sector
Persons in formal 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
employment in the informal
Persons in informal 67.0 21.8 45.2 57.2 9.8
employment outside the
informal sector
as % of non-agricultural employment
Persons in informal 19.8 12.7 24.8 18.0 27.1
Persons employed in the 10.2 5.2 13.7 7.8 20.0
informal sector
Persons In formal 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
employment in the informal
Persons in informal 9.6 7.5 11.1 10.2 7.3
employment outside the
informal sector
2. Employment in the informal sector by status in employment (%)
Status in employment Total Women Men Urban Rural
Employers, own-account 48.2 53.6 46.8 48.1 48.5
workers and MPCs*
Contributing family workers 3.3 6.0 2.6 3.1 3.6
Employees 48.5 40.4 50.6 48.8 47.9
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
* Members of producers' cooperatives
3. Informal non-agricultural employment by status in employment | %)
Status in employment Total Women Men Urban Rural
Employers, own-account 30.0 24.4 32.0 26.2 40.6
workers and MPCs*

Owners of informal sector 24.8 21.9 25.9 20.9 35.8
Producers of goods 5.1 2.5 6.1 5.3 4.8
exclusively for own final use
Contributing family worl<ers 3.1 4.7 2.6 3.1 2.7
Employees 66.9 70.9 65.4 70.7 56.7
Formal sector employees 36.8 46.8 33.2 45.4 13.4
Informal sector employees 24.9 16.5 28.0 21.2 35.4
Domestic workers employed 5.1 7.6 4.2 4.1 7.9
by housefiolds
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
* Members of producers' cooperatives
4. Informal non-agricultural self-employment as % of total non-agricultural self-
employment by status in employment
Status in employment Total Women Men Urban Rural
Employers & members of 5.8 0.0 6.3 6.8 0.0
producers' co-operatives
Own-account workers 73.5 63.6 76.8 69.2 81.3
Enterprise owners 69.6 61.1 72.8 64.2 80.6
Total self-employment (incl. 68.7 65.5 69.7 63.9 78.3
contributing family workers)

5. Informal wage employment as % of total wage employment by type of employees

Type of employees Total Women Men Urban Rural
Agricultural employees 63.1 64.3 62.2 41.8 72.2
Non-agricultural employees 14.6 9.5 18.5 13.9 18.1
Formal sector employees 8.6 6.5 10.4 9.4 4.9
Informal sector employees 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Domestic workers employed by 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total employees 16.0 11.0 19.8 14.2 23.4
6. Informal non-agricultural employment outside the informal sector by type (%)
Type of employment Total Women Men Urban Rural
Producers of goods exclusively 10.6 4.2 13.7 9.3 17.8
for own final use
Contributing family workers: 3.0 3.8 2.6 3.0 2.7
formal sector

Employees 86.5 92.1 83.8 87.6 79.5
Employees: formal sector 75.9 79.2 74.3 80.3 50.0
Employees: domestic work 10.6 12.8 9.5 7.3 29.5
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
7. Share of women in employment by type
Share of women in ... %
1. Total employment 46.5
2. Agricultural employment 53.8
2.1 Agricultural wage employment 41.9
2.1.1 Formal agricultural wage employment 40.6
2.1.2 Informal agricultural wage employment 42.7
2.2 Agricultural self-employment 54.3
3. Non-agricultural employment 41.6
3.1 Non-agricultural wage employment* 43.4
3.1.1 Formal non-agricultural wage employment 46.0
3.1.2 Informal non-agricultural wage employment 28.3
3.2 Non-agricultural self-employment 24.6
3.2.1 Formal non-agricultural self-employment 27.1
3.2.2 Informal non-agricultural self-employment 23.4
* = MCX3 Indicator No, 3.2: Share of women In wage employment In the non-agricultural sector
8. Share of women in informal non-agricultural employment by component
Share of women in ... %
1. Informal employment 26.7
1.1 Self-employment 23.4
1.2.Wage employment 28.3
2. Employment in the informal sector 21.2
2.1 Self-employment 24.5
2.2 Wage employment 17.7
3. Informal employment outside the informal sector 32.5
3.1 Self-employment 19.0
3.2 Wage employment 34.6
3.2.1 Formal sector 33.9
3.2.2 Domestic work 39.4

9. Share of informal employment (%) by kind of non-agricultural activity

Share of Total Women Men
employment in
employment in

All non-agricultural 19.8 12.7 24.8


Manufacturing 22.2 35.0 16.9
Construction 57.8 30.3 58.3
Trade 38.6 37.7 39.3
Transportation 20.7 6.0 23.5
Services other than 6.2 5.8 6.8
trade or
10. Non-agricultural employment by sex, formal/informal nature and kind of activity (%)
A. Both sexes
Kind of activity Total Formal Informal
All non-agricultural 100.0 100.0 100.0
Manufacturing 10.0 9.7 11.2
Construction 11.8 6.2 34.5
Trade 13.9 10.7 27.2
Transportation 9.2 9.1 9.7
Services other than 55.0 64.3 17.4
trade or
B. Women
Kind of activity Total Formal Informal
All non-agricultural 100.0 100.0 100.0
Manufacturing 7.0 5.2 19.2
Construction 0.6 0.5 1.4
Trade 14.7 10.5 43.9
Transportation 3.6 3.9 1.7
Services other than 74.1 80.0 33.7
trade or
C. Men
Kind of activity Total Formal Informal
All non-agricultural 100.0 100.0 100.0
Manufacturing 12.2 13.5 8.3
Construction 19.8 11.0 46.5
Trade 13.4 10.8 21.2
Transportation 13.3 13.5 12.6
Services other than 41.3 51.2 11.4
trade or


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