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Simple LDR circuit using Proteus

The Automatic Light Detector is the device that automatically senses the light incident on it.
Let’s have a glance about the main points of discussion:
1. What is Automatic Light Detector?
2. What are different components and their functions in the Automatic Light Detector?
3. How does the circuit of Automatic Light Detector works?
4. How can we implement the circuit of Automatic Light Detector in Proteus ISIS?
Automatic Light detectors or automatic Light sensors are interesting devices. They have
special mechanism in their circuit that senses the density of the light and after that, the
mechanism automatically changes the condition of the Light detector according to the need.
Thus an Automatic Light Detector is defining as:
“An Automatic Light Detector are the photoelectrical devices that works with the principle of
flow of current and turn the circuit components on/off automatically when the light incidents
on its circuit.”
The Automatic Light Sensor is an elementary electrical component Which is usually used to
handle the electrical Appliances such as coolers, fans, lights etc. without any manual efforts.
In this way the manually switching of the electrical components can be controlled more
easily. Their working depends upon the intensity of light around them.
Prior to start the construction of the circuit, Let’s have some brief about the components of
the circuit for Automatic Light Detector. The circuit that we’ll use depends upon the
following components:
1. LDR
2. n-p-n Transistor
3. Simple
4. Variable resistor
5. Battery
6. LED
LDR in Automatic Light Detector
LDR or Light Dependent Resistor is the heart of Automatic Light Detector. These are the
electronic components, made up of high resistance semi-conductor material, that detect the
light and alter the operation of the whole circuit according to the type of the circuit. The LDR
is passive and it does not produce any electrical energy. LDR are used in many cases because
of their rugged nature. They are not sensitive to dirt and rough environment and therefore
have a long life and can be used in outdoor lights.
Fire up you Proteus software and Choose the components one after the other. Once selected,
design a circuit of Automatic Light Detector by following these simple steps.
 Get the Components from the Pick Library and arrange them according to the Circuit

 Double tap the each components except n-p-n transistor and change their values
according to the table given below:

Component Value

Resistor 470 ohms

Variable Resistor 10k ohms (At the start)

Battery 6 volts

 Connect all the components by the mean of connecting wires.

 Simulate the circuit.

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