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I National Competition I
Sprint Round






This booklet contains 30 problems. You will have 40

minutes to complete all the problems. You are not allowed
to use calculators, slide rules, books, or any other aids

during this round. Calculations may be done on scratch

paper. All answers must be complete, legible, and simplified
tolowest terms. Record only final answers in the blank in
the right-hand column of the competition booklet. If you
complete the problems before time is called, use the

remaining time to check your answers.

Total Correct Scorer’ s Initials

MATHCOUNTS is a cooperative project of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the CNA Insurance
Companies, the Cray Research Foundation, the General Motors Foundation, the Intel Foundation, Texas Instruments
incorporated, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
l. The operation air on the set of numbers {x, y, Z, w} is defined in
the table:

What is the Value of (y * (x ‘k w)) ‘A’ (y ‘A’ 2:)?

Darts are thrown randomly at a board showing three concentric

circles of radii 2, 3, and 4. If a dart hits inside one of the circles,
what is the probability, expressed as a common fraction, that it
is in the interior of the circle of radius 3 but not in the interior
of the circle of radius 2?

Three tennis balls are tightly sealed in a right cylindrical can, so

that the balls cannot move inside the can. If the radius of each

ball is 4 cm, find the number of cubic centimeters in the Volume

of the space within the cylinder, not taken up by the three tennis
balls. Express your answer in terms of 11;.

A custom made window is a single pane of glass consisting of

a semicircular sheet of glass on top of the narrow end of a

rectangular sheet of glass. The rectangle has dimensions of 4
feet by 3.5 feet. How many feet of weather-stripping will be
needed to go around the glass‘? Express your answer to the
nearest integer.

The triseetors of 2 angles of a scalene triangle ABC meet at

points P and Q as shown. The third angle of the triangle, A, is
30 degrees. Find the measure in degrees of angle BPC.
6. The numbers from 1 through 8 are separated into two sets, A 6.

and B. The numbers in A are multiplied together to get a. The

numbers in B are multiplied together to get b. The larger of the
two numbers a and b-is written down. What is the smallest
possible number that can be written down using this procedure?

7. Eric’s FloristShop sells roses for $20.00 per dozen, daisies for 7.
$5.00 per dozen, and Chrysanthemums for $10.00 per dozen.
At these rates how much would an arrangement of 9 roses,
6 daisies, and 18 Chrysanthemums cost in dollars?

8. Given the equation 7:; + -;,1- =

%, where m and n are positive 8.
integers, find the value of m + n such that m > n and m is not a

multiple of n.

9. Use the pattern below to express 1002 in the form a 2 + b 2 -

c2. 9.
Then finda+b+c.
142: 102+ 102-22
162: 122+ 112-32
182: 142+ 122-42

10. The ratio of the length of a rectangle to its width is the same as 10.
that of the diagonal to the length. If the width is 2, how many
units are in the length of the diagonal?

11. Suppose a nurnberx satisfies x2 -

4x -

1 = 0. How much greater 1 1.

is x than its reciprocal?

12. What is the difference between the largest and the smallest 12.
values of x satisfying the following system of inequalities?
Express your answer as a mixed number.
2x -

6 S 6
4x + 3 2 13

. fl’
13. How many integers, n, can be written as a + b + c where a, 19, 13.
ix and c are
distinct odd integers between 2 and 20 ?

14. Solve forx: {3 + [2 + (1 +x2)2]2}2 =

144. 14.

15. For integers x > y > 0, the three expressions (x2 y 2), 2xy, and

(x + y 2) form a Pythagorean triple. The chart below illustrates
the triples formed for the illustrated Values of x and y. Find the
Value of x which will yield the Pythagorean triple 12, 16, 20.

x y x2 —-

y2 Zxy x2 + y2
2 1 3 4 5
3 1 8 6 10
4 1 15 8 17
5 1 24 10 26
‘7 ‘7 12 16 20

16. Thefollowing illustration represents the “chalk” container for 16.

a cuestick in billiards. Assume that the cube has edges of length
2 cm, and that the hemispherical depression has a radius -§~ cm.
How many cubic centimeters are in the volume of the remaining
chalk in the cubical container? Express your answer in terms
of 71:.
17. Solve forx: \/3x+1 2 3x+ 1. 17.

18. The rules = 2 and tn“

= 2 °tn- 1 form a sequence 2, 3, 18.
5, 9, What is the seventh term of this sequence?

19. Ix + 2! + I y -

3| 2 1 is an equation for a square. How many units 19.

are in the lengths of its diagonals?

20. What is the minimum value of the function y = x2 —

6x + 5 ? 20.

21. Solve forN: =


22. The number of sides of a given polygon is twice the square root 22.
of the number of diagonals. How many sides does this polygon

23. The of two squares are in the ratio 3: 1. Find the ratio of
areas 23.
the perimeter of the larger square to the perimeter of the smaller
square. Express your answer in the form x: 1 with x rounded to

the nearest tenth.

24. M people pay a total of 35X to travel on a tour bus. How much 24.
more money, in dollars, will it cost for M plus N people to travel

on the bus if each person pays the same fare?

25. The perimeter of a right triangle is 60 inches and the length of 25.
oh the altitude to the hypotenuse is l2 inches. How many square
inches are in the area of the triangle?

26. Mr. Smith has an balance of $97.00 on January 1.

account 26.
On the fifth of each month a $1.50 service charge is assessed
regardless of the balance. Mr. Smith makes a $10.00 withdrawl
on the twentieth day of the month. If Mr. Smith continues
this pattern, what will be the balance of his account on

September 1 ‘.7

27. The dimensions of a rectangular block are 30 cm, 16 cm, and 27.
12 cm. It is made from cubes which are each 1 cm3 in volume.
If the outside of the block is painted red, what percent of the
block is made up of cubes with exactly two sides painted red?
Express your answer to the nearest tenth.

28. A floor is covered by 120 eight-inch, non—overlapping, square 28.

tiles. How many new two—inch square tiles must be bought in
order to cover the same area covered by the old tiles?

29. If 3*“ =
5, find 92"”. 29.

30. A house was sold for $73,780. If the selling price represented 30.
8.5% profit over the purchase price, what was the purchase
price in dollars of the house?

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