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The Joker (Scene 2)

1.Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the box. 2.Put the text in the correct order.
Created on Fill-in-the-Blank Maker

1. Gothem Square is with traffic. Non-stop laughing ignoring painted

horns, pedestrians the sidewalk. playing making holding
Huge billboards, giant movie marquees, garbage bags honking turned dancing
high everywhere. Underneath it all we hear a running tinkling weaving
piano something bouncy and tattered fast-paced running

. Dressed spinning dressed

2. Joker gets up and gives chase. He needs his sign back. He walking going playing going

almost gets hit by a taxi, out of the way just in barreling piled doing

time-- right into another taxi that stops just short Spinning sad-faced hitting

of him. Joker keeps through traffic. crowding outlined clogged

People stare. A clown down the street has got to maintaining holding

be a joke--
3. Joker falls face first onto the sidewalk. Oddly, the old man the piano picks up the pace of the
music-- The kids crack up. One of the boys grabs Joker's sign and takes off across the
street-- The other kids follow, through traffic--
4. Joker ignores them, tries to do his job the best he can while some dignity. Keeps
and up the sign. One of the kids knocks the sign out of Joker's hands-- KID
#1: "Suck my dick, clown." The kids laugh. Joker doesn't say anything. Just bends over to pick up the
sign-- Another kid kicks him in the ass-- KID #2:"Whoops".
5. Joker's a little Charlie Chaplin like waddle to the music. Most people walk right past,
him. A few bump into him by mistake. Joker sees a group of 5 boys, no more than
15-years-old, toward him. He moves out of their way. They crack up when
they see him. Start fun of him.
6. He's up a sign in front of Kenny's Music Shop that reads, "Everything must go!" A banner
above the store reads, " out of business!" Behind him, an old man plays a piano on the
street. Both of them there to draw attention to the big sale on in the store.
7. From across the busy street, we see Joker. He's as a HOBO CLOWN. This is
his job. in clothes, dark five o'clock shadow on his face, big
bulbous red nose, his mouth's in white, down at the corners.

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