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Name: CJ Nicole Suriaga Date: February 12, 2021

Course: LIS 3212 Information literacy Prof: Sir Francis Adrian S. Sanico


1. For this lesson, research topic and questions as explained above and determine a topic of
interest to you


How did you arrive at this topic?

Explanation: Ever since I was in high school, I was really curious about euthanasia or “mercy killing”.
Personally, I have this question in my mind “Would you kill a person just for mercy” “Is euthanasia
morally defensible” and “Should euthanasia be an option for people in need?”. Through this research, if
accepted, it’s important to know both sides, opinions and understanding about this topic, that is why study
of euthanasia should prioritize by an individual because of its advantages in some aspects in life, not just
in moral sides.

2. Once you have identified your topic, think about questions your research might help you
answer. In other words, state your topic as a question. Think about significant key words
that describe your topic. The key words you choose will become essential for searching
catalogs, indexes, Web sites, and databases regarding information about your topic.


Answer the following:

Write what you think you know about your topic.


One of the issues that have ignited lively discussion over the years is euthanasia. It has become a topic of
discussion in the human rights community since it concerns ethical and legal problems affecting patients
and health-care providers. Euthanasia is described as the act of deliberately ending a person's life at his or
her request, done only by a physician. On the other hand, in physician-assisted suicide, a person self-
administers a lethal drug administered by a physician. Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing, is the act
or practice of putting to death people who are suffering from a severe and incurable illness or a medically
incapacitating condition without harm, or enabling them to die without medication or artificial life-
support measures. Since most legal systems do not have a clear provision for it, it is generally known as
either suicide (if carried out by the patient himself) or murder (if performed by another). Every person or
community has a different perspective on euthanasia. Euthanasia is a contentious subject from a realistic,
emotional, and religious perspective.

Develop at least five questions about your topic (Why, How, Which one, What if, Should?)

To better understand the definition of euthanasia, this case was used to address the various arguments and
answer the following questions.

1. Is it legal to commit euthanasia?

2. Does the patient have the right to a healthy death?
3. Is it ethical and professional to engage in the killing of a patient despite the patient's approval and
4. Is there a long-term effect on family and health-care providers, as well as a sense of guilt?
5. Ultimately, why do some people accept a peaceful death and others reject it, based on their
personal beliefs?

List at least ten keywords about your top

Euthanasia, ethical issues, legal issues, patient’s agreement, mercy killing, physician-assisted
suicide. Lethal substance,

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