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Grade Level: Grade 8


1. Recognize the SSS congruence postulate

2. Illustrate the SSS congruence postulate

3. Relate the SSS congruence postulate to real-life scenarios

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Understanding the symmetry of molecules and how they align can relate
to the congruence postulate in Math.

2) History - Analyzing historical buildings and monuments for symmetrical designs

can connect to the SSS congruence postulate.

3) Physical Education - Exploring body postures and movements that mirror each
other can be linked to the concept of congruence in Math.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Pictures of Symmetrical Objects]

1) Engage students in a role-playing activity where they act out symmetrical shapes
or figures.

2) Show pictures of symmetrical objects and have students identify the congruent

3) Conduct a group discussion on how symmetry is present in nature and art.

Activity 1: Symmetry Scavenger Hunt

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials - Cameras, Worksheets with Symmetrical Objects List

Significance - To apply the concept of symmetry in real-life settings.


1) Students will work in groups to find and photograph symmetrical objects in the

2) They will then present their findings and explain the congruent parts.

3) Rubric - Accuracy of Identifying Symmetry - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you determine if an object was symmetrical?

2) Can you give an example of a natural object that exhibits symmetry?

3) Explain how symmetry is important in design and architecture.

Activity 2: Symmetrical Art Project

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials - Art Supplies, Guidelines for Symmetrical Art Creation

Significance - To showcase understanding of symmetry through art.


1) Students will create symmetrical art pieces using the provided guidelines.

2) They will present their artworks and explain the congruence in their designs.

3) Rubric - Creativity and Symmetry Displayed - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What challenges did you face in creating a symmetrical art piece?

2) How does symmetry enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of an artwork?

3) Can you think of a famous artist who often used symmetry in their works?

Activity 3: Symmetry in Nature Presentation

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials - Presentation Slides, Videos of Symmetry in Nature

Significance - To explore how symmetry occurs naturally in the environment.


1) Students will research and prepare a presentation on symmetry in nature.

2) They will showcase examples of symmetry in plants, animals, and natural


3) Rubric - Information Accuracy and Presentation Skills - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is symmetry important in the survival of certain species?

2) How can the concept of symmetry in nature be applied in urban planning?

3) Discuss a real-life scenario where understanding symmetry is crucial for a specific

job role.

Activity 7: Geometric Construction Challenge

Materials: Compass, Ruler, Protractor, Construction Paper

Significance: Enhance spatial reasoning skills through hands-on construction


1) Students will be tasked with constructing triangles based on given side lengths to
demonstrate the SSS congruence postulate.

2) They will present their constructions, explaining how they ensured the sides were

3) Rubric: Accuracy of Construction and Explanation - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you use the compass and ruler to accurately construct the sides of the

2) Explain why maintaining the specified side lengths is crucial in demonstrating the
SSS congruence postulate.

3) Can you identify any real-world applications where precise geometric

constructions are essential?

Activity 8: Symmetry in Music and Dance

Materials: Music Player, Dance Space

Significance: Explore symmetry through rhythm and movement.


1) Students will listen to music with distinct rhythms and identify patterns of
symmetry in the beats.

2) They will choreograph a dance routine incorporating symmetrical movements.

3) Rubric: Creativity in Choreography and Symmetry Representation - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you incorporate symmetry in your dance routine? Provide examples of
symmetrical movements.

2) Discuss how rhythm and symmetry are interconnected in music and dance

3) Can you think of any famous choreographers or musicians who emphasize

symmetry in their work?

Activity 9: Symmetrical Structures Engineering Challenge

Materials: Building Blocks, Design Templates

Significance: Apply the SSS congruence postulate in creating symmetrical



1) Students will work in teams to build structures using building blocks following
given design templates.

2) They must ensure that the structures exhibit congruence based on the SSS

3) Rubric: Structural Stability and Symmetry Alignment - 30 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you verify that the structures you built adhered to the SSS congruence

2) Discuss the role of symmetry in creating stable and aesthetically pleasing

architectural designs.

3) Can you propose a real-life construction project where understanding geometric

congruence is critical for structural integrity?

These additional activities aim to further engage students in exploring the SSS
congruence postulate through varied and interactive learning experiences.

Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of identifying symmetry in

everyday objects, with most groups accurately pinpointing symmetrical features.

Activity 2 - Students showed creativity and attention to detail in their symmetrical art
projects, effectively showcasing the concept of congruence.

Activity 3 - Presentations were informative and engaging, highlighting the diverse

applications of symmetry in the natural world.


Recognizing the SSS congruence postulate involves identifying and understanding

the equal sides, equal angles, and equal shapes in geometric figures. This concept
helps in establishing congruence relationships between different shapes and objects,
leading to a deeper understanding of symmetry and alignment.


[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Design a Garden Layout: Students will use the SSS congruence postulate
to design a symmetrical garden layout, ensuring equal spacing and alignment of
plants and pathways.

Task 2 - Construct a Geometric Model: Students will build a 3D geometric model

using the SSSuence postulate to ensure accurate dimensions and angles in their


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Geometric Tools]

Question 1 - Explain the significance of the SSS congruence postulate in

establishing congruence between two triangles.

Question 2 - Given two triangles with the side-side-side congruence, demonstrate

how you would prove their congruence using the postulate.

Question 3 - Describe a real-life scenario where understanding the SSS congruence

postulate is essential for making accurate measurements or designs.


1) Assignment Overview: Students will create a poster showcasing real-life

applications of the SSS congruence postulate. Include at least three examples with
detailed explanations.

Assessment Question: Choose one of the scenarios from your poster and
elaborate on how the SSS congruence postulate is crucial in that context.

2) Assignment Overview: Students will conduct a survey in their community to

identify symmetrical objects or structures. Create a report detailing the findings and
analyzing the prevalence of symmetry in the surroundings.

Assessment Question: Based on your survey results, discuss the importance of

symmetry in architecture and urban

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