Cloud Questions

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1) What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is an internet based new age computer technology. It is the next
stage technology that uses the clouds to provide the services whenever and wherever
the user need it.It provides a method to access several servers world wide.

2) What are the benefits of cloud computing?

The main benefits of cloud computing are:

Data backup and storage of data.

Powerful server capabilities.
Incremented productivity.
Very cost effective and time saving.
Software as Service known as SaaS.
3) What is a cloud?
A cloud is a combination of networks ,hardware, services, storage, and interfaces
that helps in delivering computing as a service.

4) What are the different data types used in cloud computing?

There are different data types in cloud computing like emails, contracts, images ,
blogs etc. As we know that data is increasing day by day so it is needed to new
data types to store these new data. For an example, if you want to store video then
you need a new data type.

5) Which are the different layers that define cloud architecture?

Following are the different layers that are used by cloud architecture:
CLC or Cloud Controller
Cluster Controller
SC or Storage Controller
NC or Node Controller
7) What are the different layers in cloud computing? Explain working of them.
There are 3 layers in the hierarchy of cloud computing.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS):It provides cloud infrastructure in terms of

hardware as like memory, processor, speed etc.

Platform as a service (PaaS):It provides cloud application platform for the


Software as a service (SaaS)::It provides the cloud applications to users directly

without installing anything on the system. These applications remains on cloud.

8) What do you mean by software as a service?

Software As a Service (SaaS) is an important layer of cloud computing. It provides
cloud applications like Google is doing. It facilitate users to save their document
on the cloud and create as well.

9) What is the platform as a service?

It is also a layer in cloud architecture. This model is built on the infrastructure
model and provide resources like computers, storage and network. It is responsible
to provide complete virtualization of the infrastructure layer, make it look like a
single server and invisible for outside world.

10) What is on-demand functionality? How is it provided in cloud computing?

Cloud computing provides a on-demand access to the virtualized IT resources. It can
be used by the subscriber. It uses shared pool to provide configurable resources.
Shared pool contains networks, servers, storage, applications and services.
11) What are the platforms used for large scale cloud computing?
Apache Hadoop and MapReduce are the platforms use for large scale cloud computing.

12) What are the different models for deployment in cloud computing?
These are the different deployment model in cloud computing:

Private cloud
Public cloud
Hybrid cloud
Community cloud

13) What is private cloud?

Private clouds are used to keep the strategic operations and other reasons secure.
It is a complete platform which is fully functional and can be owned, operated and
restricted to only an organization or an industry. Now a day, most of the
organizations have moved to private clouds due to security concerns. Virtual
private cloud is being used that operate by a hosting company.

14) What is public cloud?

The public clouds are open to the people for use and deployment. For example:
Google and Amazon etc. The public clouds focus on a few layers like cloud
application, infrastructure providing and providing platform markets.

15) What are Hybrid clouds?

Hybrid clouds are the combination of public clouds and private clouds. It is
preferred over both the clouds because it applies most robust approach to implement
cloud architecture. It includes the functionalities and features of both the
worlds. It allows organizations to create their own cloud and allow them to give
the control over to someone else as well.

16) What is the difference between cloud computing and mobile computing?
Mobile computing and cloud computing are slightly same in concept. Mobile computing
uses the concept of cloud computing . Cloud computing provides users the data which
they required while in mobile computing, applications run on the remote server and
gives user the access for storage and manage.

17) What is the difference between scalability and elasticity?

Scalability is a characteristic of cloud computing which is used to handle the
increasing workload by increasing in proportion amount of resource capacity. By the
use of scalability, the architecture provides on demand resources if the
requirement is being raised by the traffic. Whereas, Elasticity is a characteristic
which provides the concept of commissioning and decommissioning of large amount of
resource capacity dynamically. It is measured by the speed by which the resources
are coming on demand and the usage of the resources.

18) What are the security benefits of cloud computing?

Cloud computing authorizes the application service, so it is used in identity

It provides permissions to the users so that they can control the access of another
user who is entering into the cloud environment.

19) What is the usage of utility computing?

Utility computing is a plug-in managed by an organization which decides what type
of services has to be deployed from the cloud. It facilitates users to pay only for
what they use.

20) What is "EUCALYPTUS" in cloud computing? Why is it used?

It is an acronym stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture For Linking Your
Program To Useful Systems. It is an open source software infrastructure in cloud
computing and used to implement clusters in cloud computing platform. It creates
public, private and hybrid cloud. It facilitate a user to create his own data
center into a private cloud and use its functionalities to many other

21) Explain System integrators in cloud computing.

System integrator provides a strategy of a complicated process used to design a
cloud platform. It creates more accurate hybrid and private cloud network because
integrator have all the knowledge about the data center creation.

22) What are the open source cloud computing platform databases?
MongoDB, CouchDB, LucidDB are the example of open source cloud computing platform

23) Give some example of large cloud provider and databases?

Google bigtable

Amazon simpleDB

Cloud based SQL

24) What is the difference between cloud and traditional datacenters?

The cost of the traditional datacenter is higher than cloud because in traditional
databases, there is overheating problems and some software and hardware issue.

25) What are the different in Software as a Service (SaaS)?

Simple Multi-tenancy:In this mode, Every user has independent resources and are
uniquely different from other users. This is an efficient mode.

Fine grain multi-tenancy:: In this mode, the resources can be shared by many users
but the functionality remains the same.

26) Why API's is used in cloud services?

API's (Application Programming Interfaces) is used in cloud platform because:

It provide an alternative way that you don't need to write the fully fledged

It makes communication between one or more applications.

It creates applications and link the cloud services with other systems.

27) What are the advantages of cloud services?

Following are the main advantages of cloud services:

Cost saving: It helps in the utilization of investment in the corporate sector. So,
it is cost saving.
Scalable and Robust: It helps in the developing scalable and robust applications.
Previously, the scaling took months, but now, scaling takes less time.
Time saving: It helps in saving time in terms of deployment and maintenance.
28) What are the different datacenters in cloud computing?
Containerized datacenter
Low density datacenter
29) What do you mean by CaaS?
CaaS is a terminology used in telecom industry as Communication As a Service. CaaS
offers the enterprise user features such as desktop call control, unified messaging
and desktop faxing.
30) What do you mean by VPN? What does it contain?
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN is a private cloud that manage the
security of the data during the communication in the cloud environment. With VPN,
you can make a public network as private network.

31) What are the basic clouds in cloud computing?

There are three basic clouds in cloud computing:

Professional cloud
Personal cloud
Performance cloud
32) What are the most essential things that must be followed before going for cloud
computing platform?
Loss of data
Data storage
Business continuity
Data integrity in cloud computing
33) Which services are provided by Window azure operating system?
There are three core services provided by Window azure operating system:
34) What is the usage of virtualization platform in implementing cloud?
The main usage of virtualization platform in implementing cloud is:

It is used to manage the service level policies.

Cloud Operating System.
Virtualization platforms help to keep the backend level and user level concepts
different from each other.
35) We source cloud computing platform databases?
Following are the open source cloud computing platform databases:

36) What are some large cloud providers and databases?
Following are the mostly used large cloud providers and databases:
Google bigtable
Amazon simpleDB
Cloud based SQL
1) What is SQL?
SQL stands for the Structured Query Language. It is the standard language used to
maintain the relational database and perform many different data manipulation
operations on the data. SQL was initially invented in 1970. It is a database
language used for database creation, deletion, fetching and modifying rows, etc.
sometimes, it is pronounced as 'sequel.' We can also use it to handle organized
data comprised of entities (variables) and relations between different entities of
the data.

2) When SQL appeared?

SQL first appeared in 1974. It is one of the most used languages for maintaining
the relational database. In 1986, SQL became the standard of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
in 1987.

3) What are the usages of SQL?

SQL is responsible for maintaining the relational data and the data structures
present in the database. Some of the common usages are given below:
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To execute queries against a database

To retrieve data from a database
To inserts records in a database
To updates records in a database
To delete records from a database
To create new databases
To create new tables in a database
To create views in a database
To perform complex operations on the database.
4) Does SQL support programming language features?
SQL refers to the Standard Query Language. Therefore, it is true that SQL is a
language but does not actually support the programming language. It is a common
language that doesn't have a loop, conditional statements, and logical operations.
It cannot be used for anything other than data manipulation. It is a command
language to perform database operations. The primary purpose of SQL is to retrieve,
manipulate, update, delete, and perform complex operations like joins on the data
present in the database.

5) What are the subsets of SQL?

The following are the four significant subsets of the SQL:

Data definition language (DDL): It defines the data structure that consists of
commands like CREATE, ALTER, DROP, etc.
Data manipulation language (DML): It is used to manipulate existing data in the
database. The commands in this category are SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, etc.
Data control language (DCL): It controls access to the data stored in the database.
The commands in this category include GRANT and REVOKE.
Transaction Control Language (TCL): It is used to deal with the transaction
operations in the database. The commands in this category are COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SET
6) What is the purpose of DDL Language?
DDL stands for Data definition language. It is the subset of a database that
defines the data structure of the database when the database is created. For
example, we can use the DDL commands to add, remove, or modify tables. It consists
of the following commands: CREATE, ALTER and DELETE database objects such as
schema, tables, indexes, view, sequence, etc.

7) What is the purpose of DML Language?

Data manipulation language makes the user able to retrieve and manipulate data in a
relational database. The DML commands can only perform read-only operations on
data. We can perform the following operations using DDL language:

Insert data into the database through the INSERT command.

Retrieve data from the database through the SELECT command.
Update data in the database through the UPDATE command.
Delete data from the database through the DELETE command.

8) What is the purpose of DCL Language?

Data control language allows users to control access and permission management to
the database. It is the subset of a database, which decides that what part of the
database should be accessed by which user at what point of time. It includes two
commands, GRANT and REVOKE.
9) What are tables and fields in the database?
A table is a set of organized data in the form of rows and columns. It enables
users to store and display records in the structure format. It is similar to
worksheets in the spreadsheet application. Here rows refer to the tuples,
representing the simple data item, and columns are the attribute of the data items
present in a particular row. Columns can categorize as vertical, and Rows are

10) What is a primary key?

A primary key is a field or the combination of fields that uniquely identify each
record in the table. It is one of a special kind of unique key. If the column
contains a primary key, it cannot be null or empty. A table can have duplicate
columns, but it cannot have more than one primary key. It always stores unique
values into a column. For example, the ROLL Number can be treated as the primary
key for a student in the university or college.

11) What is a foreign key?

The foreign key is used to link one or more tables together. It is also known as
the referencing key. A foreign key is specified as a key that is related to the
primary key of another table. It means a foreign key field in one table refers to
the primary key field of the other table. It identifies each row of another table
uniquely that maintains the referential integrity. The primary key-foreign key
relationship is a very crucial relationship as it maintains the ACID properties of
the database sometimes. It also prevents actions that would destroy links between
the child and parent tables.

12) What is a unique key?

A unique key is a single or combination of fields that ensure all values stores in
the column will be unique. It means a column cannot stores duplicate values. This
key provides uniqueness for the column or set of columns. For example, the email
addresses and roll numbers of student's tables should be unique. It can accept a
null value but only one null value per column. It ensures the integrity of the
column or group of columns to store different values into a table.

14) What is a Database?

A database is an organized collection of data that is structured into tables, rows,
columns, and indexes. It helps the user to find the relevant information
frequently. It is an electronic system that makes data access, data manipulation,
data retrieval, data storing, and data management very easy. Almost every
organization uses the database for storing the data due to its easily accessible
and high operational ease. The database provides perfect access to data and lets us
perform required tasks.

The following are the common features of a database:

Manages large amounts of data

Easy to update
Data integrity
Easy to research data
15) What is meant by DBMS?
DBMS stands for Database Management System. It is a software program that primarily
functions as an interface between the database and the end-user. It provides us the
power such as managing the data, the database engine, and the database schema to
facilitate the organization and manipulation of data using a simple query in almost
no time. It is like a File Manager that manages data in a database rather than
saving it in file systems. Without the database management system, it would be far
more difficult for the user to access the database's data.

The following are the components of a DBMS:

Database Languages
Query Processor
Database Manager
Database Engine
16) What are the different types of database management systems?
The database management systems can be categorized into several types. Some of the
important lists are given below:

Hierarchical databases (DBMS)

Network databases (IDMS)
Relational databases (RDBMS
Object-oriented databases
Document databases (Document DB)
Graph databases
ER model databases
NoSQL databases
17) What is RDBMS?
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It is a database management
system based on a relational model. It facilitates you to manipulate the data
stored in the tables by using relational operators. RDBMS stores the data into the
collection of tables and links those tables using the relational operators easily
whenever required. Examples of relational database management systems are Microsoft
Access, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle database, etc.

18) What is Normalization in a Database?

Normalization is used to minimize redundancy and dependency by organizing fields
and table of a database.

There are some rules of database normalization, which is commonly known as Normal
From, and they are:

First normal form(1NF)

Second normal form(2NF)
Third normal form(3NF)
Boyce-Codd normal form(BCNF)
Using these steps, the redundancy, anomalies, inconsistency of the data in the
database can be removed.

19) What is the primary use of Normalization?

Normalization is mainly used to add, delete or modify a field that can be made in a
single table. The primary use of Normalization is to remove redundancy and remove
the insert, delete and update distractions. Normalization breaks the table into
small partitions and then links them using different relationships to avoid the
chances of redundancy.

20) What are the disadvantages of not performing database Normalization?

The major disadvantages are:

The occurrence of redundant terms in the database causes the waste of space in the
Due to redundant terms, inconsistency may also occur. If any change is made in the
data of one table but not made in the same data of another table, then
inconsistency will occur. This inconsistency will lead to the maintenance problem
and effects the ACID properties as well.

21) What is an inconsistent dependency?

An Inconsistent dependency refers to the difficulty of getting relevant data due to
a missing or broken path to the data. It leads users to search the data in the
wrong table, resulting in an error as an output.

22) What is Denormalization in a Database?

Denormalization is a technique used by database administrators to optimize the
efficiency of their database infrastructure. The denormalization concept is based
on Normalization, which is defined as arranging a database into tables correctly
for a particular purpose. This method allows us to add redundant data into a
normalized database to alleviate issues with database queries that merge data from
several tables into a single table. It adds redundant terms into the tables to
avoid complex joins and many other complex operations.

Denormalization doesn't mean that normalization will not be done. It is an

optimization strategy that takes place after the normalization process.

23) What are the different types of SQL operators?

Operators are the special keywords or special characters reserved for performing
particular operations. They are also used in SQL queries. We can primarily use
these operators within the WHERE clause of SQL commands.
24) What is a view in SQL?
A view is a database object that has no values. It is a virtual table that contains
a subset of data within a table. It looks like an actual table containing rows and
columns, but it takes less space because it is not present physically. It is
operated similarly to the base table but does not contain any data of its own. Its
name is always unique. A view can have data from one or more tables. If any changes
occur in the underlying table, the same changes reflected in the views also

25) What is an Index in SQL?

An index is a disc structure associated with a table or view that speeds up row
retrieval. It reduces the cost of the query because the query's high cost will lead
to a fall in its performance. It is used to increase the performance and allow
faster retrieval of records from the table. Indexing reduces the number of data
pages we need to visit to find a particular data page. It also has a unique value
meaning that the index cannot be duplicated. An index creates an entry for each
value which makes it faster to retrieve data.

26) What are the different types of indexes in SQL?

SQL indexes are nothing more than a technique of minimizing the query's cost. The
higher the query's cost, the worse the query's performance. The following are the
different types of Indexes supported in SQL:

Unique Index
Clustered Index
Non-Clustered Index
Bit-Map Index
Normal Index
Composite Index
B-Tree Index
Function-Based Index
27) What is the unique index?
UNIQUE INDEX is used to enforce the uniqueness of values in single or multiple
columns. We can create more than one unique index in a single table. For creating a
unique index, the user has to check the data in the column because the unique
indexes are used when any column of the table has unique values. This indexing does
not allow the field to have duplicate values if the column is unique indexed. A
unique index can be applied automatically when a primary key is defined.
DBMS Interview Questions
A list of top frequently asked DBMS interview questions and answers are given

1) What is DBMS?
DBMS is a collection of programs that facilitates users to create and maintain a
database. In other words, DBMS provides us an interface or tool for performing
different operations such as the creation of a database, inserting data into it,
deleting data from it, updating the data, etc. DBMS is a software in which data is
stored in a more secure way as compared to the file-based system. Using DBMS, we
can overcome many problems such as- data redundancy, data inconsistency, easy
access, more organized and understandable, and so on. There is the name of some
popular Database Management System- MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Amazon simple DB
(Cloud-based), etc.

Working of DBMS is defined in the figure below.

DBMS Interview Questions

2) What is a database?
A Database is a logical, consistent and organized collection of data that it can
easily be accessed, managed and updated. Databases, also known as electronic
databases are structured to provide the facility of creation, insertion, updating
of the data efficiently and are stored in the form of a file or set of files, on
the magnetic disk, tapes and another sort of secondary devices. Database mostly
consists of the objects (tables), and tables include of the records and fields.
Fields are the basic units of data storage, which contain the information about a
particular aspect or attribute of the entity described by the database.

3) What is a database system?

The collection of database and DBMS software together is known as a database
system. Through the database system, we can perform many activities such as-

The data can be stored in the database with ease, and there are no issues of data
redundancy and data inconsistency.

The data will be extracted from the database using DBMS software whenever required.
So, the combination of database and DBMS software enables one to store, retrieve
and access data with considerate accuracy and security.

4) What are the advantages of DBMS?

Redundancy control
Restriction for unauthorized access
Provides multiple user interfaces
Provides backup and recovery
Enforces integrity constraints
Ensure data consistency
Easy accessibility
Easy data extraction and data processing due to the use of queries
For more information: Click here

5) What is a checkpoint in DBMS?

The Checkpoint is a type of mechanism where all the previous logs are removed from
the system and permanently stored in the storage disk.

6) When does checkpoint occur in DBMS?

A checkpoint is like a snapshot of the DBMS state. Using checkpoints, the DBMS can
reduce the amount of work to be done during a restart in the event of subsequent
crashes. Checkpoints are used for the recovery of the database after the system
crash. Checkpoints are used in the log-based recovery system. When due to a system
crash we need to restart the system then at that point we use checkpoints. So that,
we don't have to perform the transactions from the very starting.

7) What do you mean by transparent DBMS?

The transparent DBMS is a type of DBMS which keeps its physical structure hidden
from users. Physical structure or physical storage structure implies to the memory
manager of the DBMS, and it describes how the data stored on disk.

9) What is RDBMS?
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management Systems. It is used to maintain the
data records and indices in tables. RDBMS is the form of DBMS which uses the
structure to identify and access data concerning the other piece of data in the
database. RDBMS is the system that enables you to perform different operations such
as- update, insert, delete, manipulate and administer a relational database with
minimal difficulties. Most of the time RDBMS use SQL language because it is easily
understandable and is used for often.

10) How many types of database languages are?

There are four types of database languages:

Data Definition Language (DDL) e.g., CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, RENAME, etc.
All these commands are used for updating the data that?s why they are known as Data
Definition Language.
Data Manipulation Language (DML) e.g., SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, etc. These
commands are used for the manipulation of already updated data that's why they are
the part of Data Manipulation Language.
DATA Control Language (DCL) e.g., GRANT and REVOKE. These commands are used for
giving and removing the user access on the database. So, they are the part of Data
Control Language.
Transaction Control Language (TCL) e.g., COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT. These are
the commands used for managing transactions in the database. TCL is used for
managing the changes made by DML.
Database language implies the queries that are used for the update, modify and
manipulate the data.

11) What do you understand by Data Model?

The Data model is specified as a collection of conceptual tools for describing
data, data relationships, data semantics and constraints. These models are used to
describe the relationship between the entities and their attributes.

There is the number of data models:

Hierarchical data model

network model
relational model
Entity-Relationship model and so on.
12) Define a Relation Schema and a Relation.
A Relation Schema is specified as a set of attributes. It is also known as table
schema. It defines what the name of the table is. Relation schema is known as the
blueprint with the help of which we can explain that how the data is organized into
tables. This blueprint contains no data.

A relation is specified as a set of tuples. A relation is the set of related

attributes with identifying key attributes

See this example:

Let r be the relation which contains set tuples (t1, t2, t3, ..., tn). Each tuple
is an ordered list of n-values t=(v1,v2, ...., vn).

13) What is a degree of Relation?

The degree of relation is a number of attribute of its relation schema. A degree of
relation is also known as Cardinality it is defined as the number of occurrence of
one entity which is connected to the number of occurrence of other entity. There
are three degree of relation they are one-to-one(1:1), one-to-many(1:M), many-to-

15) What are the disadvantages of file processing systems?

Not secure
Data redundancy
Difficult in accessing data
Data isolation
Data integrity
Concurrent access is not possible
Limited data sharing
Atomicity problem
16) What is data abstraction in DBMS?
Data abstraction in DBMS is a process of hiding irrelevant details from users.
Because database systems are made of complex data structures so, it makes
accessible the user interaction with the database.

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