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For numbers 1 to 3:
A cylinder which contains 3 pounds of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 30 psia is heated until the quality of the mixture
is 70%. Calculate the following:

1. The initial temperature

a. 250 0F c. 260 0F
b. 240 0F d. 280 0F

2. The volume change of the mixture in cu.ft.

a. 33 ft3 c. 30 ft3
b. 35 ft3 d. 38 ft3

3. The enthalpy change of the mixture

a. 2000 BTU c. 3000 BTU
b. 1000 BTU d. 4000 BTU

For numbers 4 o 6:
Heat is transferred to steam 50 psia in a cylinder having a volume of 2 ft3. The temperature rises from 300 0F to 5000F while the
pressure remains constant. Assuming the system to be a closed one, calculate the following:

4. The heat transfer

a. 28 BTU c. 21 BTU
b. 26 BTU d. 23 BTU

5. The work done

a. 1.9 BTU c. 5.6 BTU
b. 2.2 BTU d. 7.0 BTU

6. The change in internal energy.

a. 15 BTU c. 17 BTU
b. 12 BTU d. 19 BTU

For numbers 7 to 9:
A Carnot engine receives 500 kJ of heat per cycle from a high temperature heat reservoir at 652 0C and rejects heat to a low
temperature heat reservoir at 300C. Determine

7. Thermal efficiency of this cycle

a. 67% c. 88%
b. 73% d. 50%

8. Amount of heat rejected to the low temperature reservoir

a. 158 kJ c. 190 kJ
b. 142 kJ d. 164 kJ

For numbers 10 to 11:

Air, considered to be an ideal gas, is used in a Carnot cycle. At the beginning of isothermal expansion, its pressure is 100 psia, its
volume is 5 ft3 and its temperature is 5400F. For a ratio of isothermal expansion of 2 and a low temperature of 400F, find:

9. The change of entropy during the isothermal process

a. 0.06 BTU/R c. 0.05 BTU/R
b. 0.02 BTU/R d. 0.07 BTU/R

10. The work of the cycle

a. 44 BTU c. 33 BTU
c. 22 BTU d. 55 BTU

11. The thermal efficiency of the cycle

a. 47% c. 50%
b. 38% d. 66%

For numbers 12 to 14:

What pressure is generated when 1 lbmol of methane is stored in a volume of 2 ft3 at 1220F? Base calculations on each of the

12. The ideal-gas equation

a. 188 atm c. 234 atm
b. 175 atm d. 212 atm

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889 P. Paredes st. Sampaloc, 1008, Manila

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13. The Redlich/Kwong equation
a. 166 atm c. 188 atm
b. 213 atm d. 228 atm

14. A generalized correlation

a. 159 atm c. 190 atm
b. 210 atm d. 257 atm

For numbers 15 to 17:

Calculate the molar volume for ethylene at 250C and 12 bar by the following equations:

15. The truncated virial equation with the following experimental values of virial coefficients:
B = -140 cm3/mol C = 7200 cm6/mol2
a. 1919 cm /mol
3 c. 1924 cm3/mol
b. 1926 cm3/mol d. 1908 cm3/mol

16. The truncated virial equation with the value of B from the generalized Pitzer correlation.
a. 1919 cm3/mol c. 1924 cm3/mol
b. 1926 cm3/mol d. 1908 cm3/mol

17. The Redlich/Kwong equation

a. 1901 cm3/mol c. 1913 cm3/mol
b. 1917 cm3/mol d. 1920 cm3/mol

18. What is the final temperature when heat in the amount of 0.4x106 BTU is added to 25 lbmol of ammonia initially at 5000F in a steady
flow process at 1 atm?
a. 17900F c. 16500F
b. 1510 F
0 d. 14400F

19. Steam undergoes isentropic expansion in a turbine from 5000 kPa and 4000C (entropy = 6.65 kJ/kg K) to 150 kPa (entropy of
saturated liquid = 1.4336 kJ/kg K, entropy of saturated vapor = 7.2234 kJ/kg K). The exit condition of steam is
a. superheated vapor c. saturated vapor
b. partially condensed vapor with quality of 0.9 d. partially condensed vapor with quality of 0.1

For numbers 20 to 25:

There are compressed 3500 cfm of air from 14.5 psia and 75 0F to 29 psia. Determine the work for each of the following processes:

20. Non-flow isentropic

a. 5050 BTU/min c. 3950 BTU/min
b. 5600 BTU/min d. 7130 BTU/min

21. Non-flow irreversible adiabatic to a temperature of 1900F

a. 5050 BTU/min c. 3950 BTU/min
b. 5600 BTU/min d. 7130 BTU/min

22. Steady flow isentropic for which v1 = 40 fps and v2 = 120 fps
a. 5050 BTU/min c. 3950 BTU/min
b. 5600 BTU/min d. 7130 BTU/min

23. Steady flow adiabatic to a temperature of 1900F, velocities as in (22)

a. 5050 BTU/min c. 3950 BTU/min
b. 5600 BTU/min d. 7130 BTU/min

24. What is the change in entropy of the irreversible non-flow?

a. 1.08 BTU/min-R c. 2.42 BTU/min-R
b. 2.57 BTU/min-R d. 1.64 BTU/min-R

25. What is the change in entropy of the irreversible steady flow?

a. 1.08 BTU/min-R c. 2.42 BTU/min-R
b. 2.57 BTU/min-R d. 1.64 BTU/min-R

For numbers 26 to 28:

A cylinder contains 3 kg of liquid water and water vapor mixture in equilibrium at a pressure of 500 kPa. The volume of the cylinder
is 1 m3. Calculate:

26. The temperature of the mixture

a. 397 K c. 388 K
b. 432 K d. 425 K

27. The volume of the liquid water

a. 0.37 L c. 0.25 L
b. 0.42 L d. 0.59 L

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889 P. Paredes st. Sampaloc, 1008, Manila

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28. The mass of the water vapor
a. 2.89 kg c. 2.93 kg
b. 2.67 kg d. 2.74 kg

29. A 34 kg steel casting at a temperature of 4270C is quenched in 136 kg of oil initially at 210C. Assuming no heat losses of the steel
casting and oil to have constants specific heats of 0.5024 and 2.5121 kJ/kg-K respectively, determine the change in entropy for a
system consisting of the oil and casting.
a. 8 kJ/K c. 6 kJ/K
b. 9 kJ/K d. 7 kJ/K

30. In an air-standard Otto cycle, the pressure at the beginning of the compression step is 1 bar and the pressure at the end of the step
is 15 bar. If the maximum pressure is 75 bar, determine the mean effective pressure in kPa.
a. 1360 kPa c. 1110 kPa
b. 1280 kPa d. 1050 kPa

31. Given the following volume of an ideal Diesel Cycle: 1.8 ft 3/lb, 3.7 ft3/lb and 19.6 ft3/lb. Determine the thermal efficiency.
a. 55 c. 63
b. 49 d. 39

32. Given the following pressures of an ideal Diesel Cycle: 14.5 psia, 65 psia and 627 psia. Determine the thermal efficiency.
a. 55 c. 63
b. 49 d. 39

For numbers 33 to 34:

Two Carnot engines are operating in series. The first one absorbs heat at a temperature of 1111 K and rejects heat to the second
engine at a temperature T. The second engine receives the heat at the intermediate temperature T and rejects it to a reservoir at
300 K. Calculate T if

33. The efficiencies of two engines are equal.

a. 577 K c. 705 K
b. 621 K d. 818 K

34. The works done by the two engines are equal.

a. 577 K c. 705 K
b. 621 K d. 818 K

35. An unknown cycle operates on half pound of N2 from 3100 psia and 1660 R at the beginning of isothermal expansion process to the
lower temperature limit of 660 R. If the isothermal expansion ratio is 3.
Step 1 to step 2: Isothermal expansion
Step 2 to step 3: Heat removal at constant pressure
Step 3 to step 4: Isothermal compression
Step 4 to step 1: Heat addition at constant pressure
Determine the work (BTU) of the process.
a. 45 BTU c. 49 BTU
b. 42 BTU d. 40 BTU

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3 Floor Don Lorenzo Building

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