An Overview of Small Gas Turbine Engines

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An overview of small gas turbine engines

Conference Paper · November 2019


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7 authors, including:

Fabiola Paula Costa Luiz Henrique Lindquist Whitacker

Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica


Cleverson Bringhenti Jesuino Takachi Tomita

Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica) Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica


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ISABE-2019-24387 1

An overview of small gas turbine

Fabíola Paula Costa, Luiz Henrique Lindquist Whitacker, Cleverson Bringhenti,
Jesuino Takachi Tomita, Gustavo Bonolo Campos
Aeronautics Institute of Technology
Department of Turbomachines
São José dos Campos, São Paulo,

Luiz Eduardo Nunes Almeida, Diogo Ferraz Cavalca

Avibras Aerospace Industry
São José dos Campos, São Paulo,

Small gas turbine engines are employed as propulsion systems for rotorcraft, cruise
missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles and even light aircraft engines. Usually, some
design and performance parameters are used to characterize and to provide the basis for
identifying the state of the art of small gas turbine engines. The present work
accomplishes an investigation of data available in open literature for small turbojet and
turbofan engines, covering a range from 2.5 to 6 kN of thrust, to find the most important
parameters for these engine configurations. This study aims to evaluate the parameters
used in engines in this thrust range, for the possible development of an engine for a
specific application. This overview relies on a correlation between some of the major
parameters of the engine, namely thrust, specific fuel consumption, specific thrust,
pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, weight, length, diameter, mass flow, and
rotational speed. The results will be presented graphically followed by further analysis.
Keywords: Gas turbines; turbojet; turbofans

ISABE 2019
2 ISABE 2019

RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicles
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
ST Specific Thrust
TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
LP Low Pressure
HP High Pressure

Small gas turbines engines present a significantly lower performance when compared to
the large ones. The major reasons for that are the lower component efficiencies and sizes
effects. Such engines are designed to work with lower cycle pressures and turbine inlet
temperatures, this is due to the smaller blades and cooling limitations [1] and the design
and manufacturing techniques of the large engines are not directly transferrable to small
ones [2, 3]. Furthermore, the range of applications and mission requirements are quite
different from large ones and the design simplicity is considered a desirable engine
characteristic for small gas turbines [4].
Small gas turbine engines are employed in a variety of applications such as rotorcraft,
cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and light subsonic aircraft [5]. In
manned vehicles such engines require a higher cycle life and low risk of component
failures, while keeping the safety and reliability. In unmanned vehicle, for short time use,
low acquisition cost and good engine performance are the major requirements [6].
Although there is a wide range of applications and mission requirements, common
parameters are used to characterize gas turbines engines. While some of these parameters,
such as weight, length, and diameter represent the design, parameters such as thrust,
temperature inlet turbine (TIT) and specific fuel consumption (SFC), describe the engine
performance [7]. The understanding of these parameters and the range of application
provide the basis for identifying the state-of-the-art of small gas turbine engines.
The present work carries out an investigation of data available in open literature for small
gas turbines engines covering a range of 2.5 to 6 kN of thrust. Before presenting the
correlations between the main parameters, the context of development of each engine will
be covered, including application and construction characteristics. The results are
presented graphically followed by further analysis.


The engines and manufacturers presented in this study are, respectively, Arbizon III,
Arbizon IIIB2 and Arbizon IIID from Turbomeca, F107-WR-101/ F107-WR-400, F112-
WR-100 from Williams International, TRI 60-1/2/5, TRI 60-20/30 and J403-MT-400
from Microturbo, J402-CA-400, J402-CA-700 and J402-CA-702 from Teledyne, TJM4
from Mitsubishi, MS400 from Motor Sich, and PTAE-7 from Hindustan Aeronautics
Limited (HAL). A brief review of application, design and performance characteristics of
each engine series are described as follows:
COSTA ET AL. 24387 3

Arbizon is a series of single-shaft turbojet engines, from Turbomeca, with 3.55 to 4.22
kN of thrust. The major applications of the Arbizon engines are missiles and remotely
piloted vehicles (RPV). The compressor is composed by a single axial-stage followed by
a single centrifugal-stage. A single stage axial-turbine drives the compressor [8].
The engines F107-WR-101, F107-WR-400 and F112-WR-100 are two-shaft turbofan
engines with low by-pass ratio, developed by Williams International. The low-pressure
shaft consists of two-stages fans, followed by two axial-stages compressors. The high-
pressure consists of a single centrifugal-stage compressor. A two-stage low pressure (LP)
turbine drives the LP shaft while a single-stage, uncooled axial high pressure (HP) turbine
drives the HP compressor [9]. Temperature inlet turbine is approximately 954°C. The
major application of the F107/F112 is in cruise missiles [10].
The Microturbo TRI 60 engine series are single-shaft turbojets developed to produce
between 3.5 to 6 kN of thrust. Such engines are used in cruise missiles, drones, RPV, and
other UAV. The compressor consists of a three-stage axial-flow compressor for TRI 60-
1/2/5 engines, and four-stage axial-flow compressor for TRI 60-20/30. A single axial-
flow turbine drives the compressor through direct shaft coupling. Turbine inlet
temperature is approximately 1010°C [11].
The engines J402-CA-400, J402-CA-700, J402-CA-701, J402-CA-702 are single-shaft
turbojet engines developed by Teledyne, with a thrust output from 2.84 to 4.27 kN. The
major applications are in cruise missiles, drones, RPV, and UAV. These engines consist
of a transonic axial single-stage compressor plus single centrifugal-stage compressor with
a single-stage axial turbine to drive the compressor [8].
MS400, from Motor Sich, is a small turbofan designed for use in small jet aircraft and
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The engine presents a low thrust-to-weight ratio and
consists of compact single-shaft design [12].
TJM4 from Mitsubishi is a small single-shaft, centrifugal-flow turbojet engine, with two-
stage compressor, and two-stage turbine. Applications include guided missiles/cruise
missiles and remotely piloted vehicles [8].
The Pilotless Target Aircraft Engine-7 (PTAE-7) is a small single-shaft and short-life
turbojet developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) [8]. The engine featured a
four-stage, axial-flow compressor with a transonic first-stage, and a single-stage axial-
flow turbine. The major application includes remotely piloted vehicles and target drones
Tables 1 and 2 summarize the main geometric and performance parameters of the small
gas turbines discussed.
Thrust to weight ratio, presented in Table 1, is a parameter that relates how much thrust
is generated per unit of the dry weight of the engine. For gas turbines, which generally
require light engines, as higher this number better is the engine performance. For the
thrust class evaluated in this work, the thrust to weight ratio is between 3.48 to 7.28
kN/kg. Compared to larger engines, these values are low because of the lower
performance of the smaller engines. The specific thrust (ST), in turn, refers to how much
thrust can be generated per unit mass flow of air entering the engine. For this same thrust
range specific thrust varies between 0.42 to 0.7 kN/(kg/s).
In general, all these parameters can vary according to the requirements and application of
the engine. However, this study aims to investigate the range of work of some geometric
parameters and performance of small gas turbines in a thrust range of 2.5 to 6 kN.
4 ISABE 2019

Table 1
Design and performance parameters of small gas turbine engines [8, 11, 12, 15, 16,
Thrust TIT SFC
Pressure Thrust/ ST
Manufacturer Model RPM
[kN] Ratio [° C] [(kg/s)/kN] Weight [kN.s/kg]

Arbizon III 3.70 - 5.5 - - 3.28 0.62

Turbomeca Arbizon IIIB2 4.02 33000 5.85 816 0.032 3.56 0.67
Arbizon IIID 4.16 33000 5.85 816 0.031 3.69 0.70
F107-WR-101 2.83 - 13.8 954 0.019 4.37 0.46
F107-WR-400 2.67 - 13.8 954 0.019 4.17 0.43
F112-WR-100 3.30 - - 954 - 4.61 -
TRI 60-1 3.50 - 3.7 1010 0.033 7.28 0.60
TRI 60-2 3.70 - 3.8 1010 0.036 - 0.60
TRI 60-5 4.20 - 4.1 1010 0.037 8.08 0.65
TRI 60-20 5.40 - 6.3 1010 0.032 - -
TRI 60-30 5.70 - 6.3 1010 0.029 9.53 0.70
J403-MT-400 4.00 - 5.5 - 0.037 7.70 -
J402-CA-400 2.90 41200 5.6 - 0.034 6.43 0.66
Teledyne J402-CA-700 2.80 40400 5.5 - 0.034 5.60 0.65
CAE J402-CA-701 3.20 42000 6.2 - - - -
J402-CA-702 4.20 41500 8.5 - 0.029 6.85 0.68
Motor Sich MS 400 3.92 - - - 0.024 4.70 -
HAL PTAE-7 3.72 29500 4.65 - 0.033 5.83 0.56
Mitsubishi TJM4 2.84 - 6.7 - 0.032 5.19 -

Table 2
Geometric parameters of small gas turbine engines [8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21]
Length Diameter Weight Mass Flow
Manufacturer Model
[mm] [mm] [kg] [kg/s]
Arbizon III - - 115.00 6.00
Turbomeca Arbizon IIIB2 1361 421 115.00 5.98
Arbizon IIID 1377 432 115.00 5.98
F107-WR-101 1232 305 66.00 6.20
F107-WR-400 937 304 65.30 6.17
F112-WR-100 - - 73.00 -
TRI 60-1 749 330 49.00 5.84
TRI 60-2 749 330 49.00 6.18
TRI 60-5 749 330 53.00 6.50
TRI 60-20 1067 343 64.00 -
TRI 60-30 841 343 61.00 8.14
J403-MT-400 749 330 53.00 -
J402-CA-400 747 318 46.00 4.40
J402-CA-700 - - 51.00 4.30
Teledyne CAE
J402-CA-701 753 317 51.00 -
J402-CA-702 846 - 62.50 6.21
Motor Sich MS 400 850 320 85.00 -
HAL PTAE-7 1270 330 65.00 6.65
Mitsubishi TJM4 1092 355 55.80 -
COSTA ET AL. 24387 5


The previous section provides an overview of application and construction characteristics
of some small gas turbines engines. In this section correlations between pressure ratio,
TIT, rotational speed, SFC, weight, length, diameter, and mass flow data of these engines
are presented. The graphics aim to investigate the influence of these parameters on the
design and performance of small engines. For a better understanding of the graphics, the
engines of the same manufacturer are represented by equal markers and the different
colours represent each model within a manufacturer class. Figures cover a total of 19
engines in the range of 2.5 to 6 kN.

3.1 Specific Fuel Consumption Influence

Specific fuel consumption is a performance parameter which indicates how efficiently an

engine converts the chemical energy into thrust [14]. A correlation between thrust and
SFC is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Thrust and Specific Fuel Consumption for small engines [8, 11, 12, 15, 16]

Figure 1 shows that for this range of thrust, SFC varies between 0.018 to 0.038 (kg/s)/kN.
Engines F107-WR-101, F107-WR-40 and MS400 present the lowest values of SFC,
because are the only turbofan engines within the correlated ones. The turbofans showed
in Figure 1 present small variation in SFC for the values of thrust. While in turbojet
engines this variation is slightly higher; however, the SFC is quite different when
comparing both, mainly due the pressure ratio difference between both engines, see
Figure 2.
In general, a turbofan engine can produce higher thrust without penalizing the fuel
consumption as compared to a turbojet engine. Such benefit come through a portion of
the total flow that bypasses the compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, and nozzle and
is used to generate part of the thrust, in a cold stream [17].
Although turbofans need less fuel supply, these engines are used on most large
commercial passenger aircraft [18]. For other applications, such as UAV, cruise missiles,
and even small business jets the use of simple and reliable turbojet engines of low cost is
adequate. In these cases, SFC is not critical because of few hours of flights, low pressure
ratios and modest TIT [17].
6 ISABE 2019

3.2 Pressure Ratio Influence on Specific Fuel Consumption and Engine


Pressure ratio as well as the choice of compressor type are important design
considerations for gas turbine engines [19]. Small engines present low-pressure ratios [1],
which implies higher fuel consumption of such engines. Figure 2 shows the correlation
between pressure ratio and the SFC, for some small engines.

Figure 2 – Cycle pressure ratio and Specific Fuel Consumption correlation [8, 11, 15, 16]

In Figure 2, most of the small turbines are designed with pressure ratios ranging from 3
to 9, typical of turbojet engines. The gas turbines with pressure ratios of approximately
14 correspond to the turbofan engines. Comparing to turbojet, the turbofans present lower
fuel consumption, mainly due to their high-pressure ratio values. A common feature for
both engine cycles is that as high as the pressure ratio the lower is the SFC.
The engine pressure ratio influences the engine configuration. For lower pressure ratios,
as shown in Figure 2, the compressor design may be centrifugal, axial-centrifugal, or
axial. For turbojets engines, except TJM4 (2 stages), a single-stage axial turbine drives
the compressor. The turbofan engines are composed of three or four-stages axial turbine.
The pressure ratio also affects the engine size. Most of the applications require small front
area [19]. Figure 3 shows mass flow and diameter from small turbojet engines in this

Figure 3 – Mass Flow and diameter correlation [8, 11, 16, 21]

Arbizon IIIB2 and Arbizon IIID have close values of mass flow, diameter and pressure
ratio and have around of 4 kN of thrust. The engines TRI 60-1/2/5 present the same
COSTA ET AL. 24387 7

diameter with small difference in mass flow associated with the different pressure ratio
values, having around 3.5, 3.7 and 4.2 kN of thrust, respectively. PTAE-7, produce 3.72
kN of thrust, it has close values of diameter and mass flow when compared to TRI 60-5.
However, the PTAE-7 have higher pressure ratio than TRI-5, which justifies its lower
value of SFC. TRI 60-30 produces 5.7 kN of thrust, in part due to its highest mass flow.
Within the corelated turbojets in Figure 3, the engine J402-CA-400 present the lowest
mass flow and diameter and, hence, the lowest value of thrust (2.9 kN). However, within
all correlated engines, the turbofans, F107-WR-101, F107-WR-400, have the lowest
thrust values, 2.83 and 2.67, respectively. Such turbofans present small diameters at
intermediate values of mass flow. The higher-pressure ratio values influence on their
lower SFC values.
Arbizon IIIB2 and Arbizon IIID also have the highest diameters. Such engines consist of
a single axial-stage followed by a single centrifugal-stage compressor. Usually,
centrifugal compressor has higher diameters than axial ones for the same mass flow. Also,
a single centrifugal stage compressor has higher-pressure ratio than a single axial stage
compressor, such as the TRI 60-1 /2/5, TRI 60-30 and PTAE-7 engines that produce close
or higher values of the thrust when compared to the Arbizon IIIB2 and Arbizon IIID
engines, with lower diameter values.

3.3 Turbine Inlet Temperature Influence on Specific Thrust and Engine


Turbine inlet temperature is also a parameter that influences the thermodynamic

performance of small turbojet and turbofans engines [19]. Figure 4 shows the correlation
between TIT and specific thrust.

Figure 4 – TIT and specific thrust correlation [8, 11, 16, 21]

In Figure 4 is shown that turbojet engines Arbizon IIIB and Arbizon IIID presents high
specific thrust values at the lowest TIT values. The turbojet engine series of TRI 60-1/2/5
and TRI 60-30 have the highest TIT values and high values of specific thrust. The
turbofans engines (F107-WR-101, F107-WR-400, and F112-WR-100), in turn, present
intermediates values of TIT, with the lowest values of specific thrust. This information
alone, however, is not enough to make conclusions about the TIT and specific thrust
correlation since these engines are designed with different performance and geometric
parameters. The investigation of the correlation between thrust and diameter of these
engines, presented in Figure 5, can help to understand the results above.
8 ISABE 2019

Arbizon IIIB2
5,3 Arbizon IIID
Thrust [kN] 4,6 F107-WR-400
TRI 60-1
TRI 60-2
3,2 TRI 60-5
TRI 60-30
250 295 340 385 430 475
Diameter [mm]

Figure 5 – Specific thrust and diameter correlation [8, 11, 16]

The engines Arbizon IIIB2 and Arbizon IIID and TRI 60-1/2/5 have similar thrust values,
in a range of 3.5 to 4.2 kN. However, Arbizon IIIB2/ IIID has higher diameters and lower
TIT values when compared to TRI 60-1/2/5. This means that, for the same amount of
thrust, the engine size could be reduced significantly by increasing TIT. At the same time,
at higher temperatures, it is necessary to use better materials and/or additional cooling in
hot sections of the engine. Therefore, to set design turbine inlet temperature depends on
the compromise between reduced engine size and the added complexity required by
higher temperatures [4].
Engines TRI 60-1/2/5 the TRI 60-30 have the same TIT values, however TRI 60-30 have
the highest value of thrust maybe due to the combined chosen parameters of higher mass
flow, diameter and pressure ratio. The turbofans engines in Figure 5 have lower values of
thrust, the lower specific thrust and the smaller diameters than the turbojet engines.

3.4 Rotational Speed and Engine Size

Rotational speed, together with pressure ratio and TIT, are the major design parameters
that link engine performance to engine life and durability [16]. Figure shows the speed
of rotation and the respective pressure ratios of small engines.

Figure 6 - Pressure Ratio and Rotational speed correlation [8]

In Figure 6 is noted that at low-pressure ratios the rotational speed is also low, as is the
case of PTAE-7 and Arbizon IIIB2 and IIID engine, wherein the thrust value of these
COSTA ET AL. 24387 9

engines does not change much and is in the range from 3.72 to 4.16 kN. Meanwhile, the
J402-CA-400/701 and 702 engines have different pressure ratios for close values of
rotational speed. The range of rotational speed for small gas turbines in this study is in
turn of 29000 to 42000 rpm.
Another consideration should be made with respect to the weight and diameter of such
engines. For the Arbizon IIIB2 and IIID engines, the larger diameter implies higher
weight values and the higher-pressure ratio leads to a higher rotation speed when
compared to PTAE-7. The engines J402-CA-400/701 and 702 present close values of
diameter and rotational speed, while the weight is higher for the engine with higher
pressure ratio and thrust.

Figure 7 - Weight and diameter correlation [8]

Low rotational speed induces lower stresses and cyclic loads on the rotational
components, allowing simplified lower component costs as bearing and shaft dynamic
designs [16], and for these reasons, it is favourable for small gas turbines engines.

Small gas turbine engines are employed in several applications such as rotorcraft, cruise
missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and light subsonic aircraft. In small gas
turbines applied to manned vehicles, the major requirements are higher cycle life and low
risk of component failures while keeping the safety and reliability. In unmanned vehicle,
for short time use, low acquisition cost and good performance of the engines are the key
requirements. Such turbojet and turbofan engines often consist of single-stage centrifugal,
a mixed of axial-centrifugal, or multi-stage axial compressor and one/two-stage axial
For low cycle life and short use, the SFC is not crucial and most of the small turbojet
present high SFC values. The turbofans have lower fuel consumption, mainly due to their
high-pressure ratio values, however turbofans engines present a higher design
complexity. Increasing TIT, it is possible to reduce the engine size, but for higher
temperatures it is necessary improved materials and/or additional cooling. Pressure ratio
together with TIT and with rotational speed are major design parameters linking the
engine performance to engine cycle life and durability. The pressure ratio affects the
specific fuel consumption, that is, as high as the pressure ratio the lower is the SFC. The
turbine inlet temperature influences the specific thrust. Lower rotational speeds induce
lower stresses and cyclic loads on the rotational components, allowing simplified lower
component costs. In general terms, a compromise between the performance, engine size,
and complexity must be established since low cost is one of the major requirements for
small gas turbine engines.
10 ISABE 2019

For thrust class of 2.5 to 6 kN, the pressure ratio range is from 3 to 9 for turbojet engines,
while turbofan engines work with higher pressure ratios of approximately 14. Turbine
inlet temperature is from 800 to 1010 °C. The rotational speed is in a range from 29000
to 42000 rpm. Diameter varies from 300 to 450 mm, length from 750 to 1500 mm, mass
flow from 4 to 8.5 kg/s and weight is in turn of 55 to 115 kg.

This work is a collaboration between Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) and
Avibras Aerospace Industry. The authors would like to acknowledge the time and the
knowledge shared by all the partners to develop this work.
CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), CNPq
(Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico), FINEP
(Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos), FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
Estado de São Paulo) are acknowledged for their support to the research carried out at the
Turbomachines Department at ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica).

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