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Test I.Multiple Choice.

How do organizations cope with the challenges of globalization?

A. By forming regional organizations
B. By forming political network
C. By forming social relations
D. By forming eco-net

Which of the following is not included in the areas encompassed by regionalism?

A. Ethics
B. Identities
C. Health
D. Sustainable Development

Regionalism refers to the political process characterized by economic policy.

A. True
B. False

n example of large country which has a lot of resources to dictate how it participates in processes of global
A. China
B. Singapore
C. Japan

Which of the following countries take advantage of its strategic location as a response to economic and
political globalization?
A. China
B. Singapore
C. Japan

Why countries form regional associations ?

A. Civil War
B. European conflict
C. Military Defense
D. Economic Plan

Most widely known defense group


OPEC consists of the following country except :

A. Iran and Iraq
B. Kuwait
C. Saudi Arabia
E. Yugoslavia

When Thailand’s economy collapsed, ASEAN countries agreed to establish an emergency fund to anticipate
the crisis
A. When foreign currency speculators demanded the Asian government payback its loan.
B. IMF reversed the crisis
C. When Vietnam envaded Cambodia
The most serious challenge faced by regionalism
A. Differing visions of regionalism
B. Disagreement among members
C. Resurgence of militant nationalism and populism
D. Financial Cris

Religion and Globalism is two contrasting beliefs. Which of the following does not support the statement?
A. Religion follows divine commandment, Globalism abides human made laws
B. Human actions are in moral terms in religion and Globalism follows its subsequent wisdom.
C. Religious Evangelization is a form of Globalization.

Globalization is spatial because it occurs in physical places. Which of the following does not support the
A. Foreign investments and capital move through cities
B. People start purchasing high rise condominium
C. More poor people are driven out of city centers
D. Cities act on globalization and globalization acts on cities.

Ethnic enclaves where poor Muslim migrants are forced out of Paris
A. Banlieu
B. Gentrification
C. Cyberbalkanization
D. Splinter

The phenomenon of driving out the poor in favor of newer and wealthier residents
A. Banlieue
B. Gentrification
C. Splinter
D. Cyberbalkanization

II. IDENTIFICATION : Read each item carefully and identify what is being described or asked on each
statement. Type your answer in CAPITAL LETTER on the space provided. 2 pts. Each)

_MULTI NATIONAL COMPANY 1. The production of this company are customize to local preferences,
rather than homohenized, limiting the ability to create economies of scale.

_GLOBAL COMPANIES___2. This kind of company have an investment in many countries but maintain a
strong headquarters in one country.

_POSITIVE INTEGRATION__3. It is often identified with positive values like social protection and the
correction of market failures.\

_THE BRETTON WOOD SYSTEM_4. The goal of this agreement was to create an efficient foreign
exchange system. Prevent competitive devaluations of currencies, and promote international economic

___WORLD BANK__5. This institution was established to provide financial assistance and strategic advice to
nations profoundly affected by the previous world wars. The main goal is to end extreme poverty increase
overall prosperity.

__ASEAN___6. This is an international organization that held an a meeting usually to promote the economics.
Social cultural development of the region to protect stability of its politics and economy against rivalry with
enormous power.

__ASIA FACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION___7. The member of this organization works together to
sustain economic growth through a commitment to open trade, investment and economic reform.
__MCDONALIZATION__8. It is process where in its principle usually resolves around efficiency,
predictability, and technological advancement in productions and marketing.

__ECONOMIC INTEGRATION __9. It aims to reduce cost for both consumers and producers and to increase
trade between the countries involved in the agreement.

__INTEGRATION__10. It is a state of affairs or process involving attempts to combine separate nation

economies into larger economic region.

__COMMON MARKET____11. In the degree of economic integration, it is the second to the highest degree
economic integration by which labor and capital are included in the trade.

__BROADER___ 12. This perspective views that the origin of globalization has taken place during the recent
changes that happened duringg the 2nd hallf of the 20th century.

____GLOBALIZATION_____ 13. It is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the worlds
economies, cultures, and populations brought about by cross=border trade in goods and services,, technology,
and flow of investment, people and information.

III. TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is True and False if the statement is false. ( 1 pt. each)

______T___________Heterogeneity is associated with the creation of global inputs leading to a variety of

cultural hydrids.\

_______F___________ Globalization is process in which the product and financial structures of countries are
becoming interlinked by an decreasing number of cross=border transaction.

______F___________In metaphors of Globalization, liquid refers to increasing ease of movement of people,

things information and culture across the globe due to advances int technology, economic and political
integration and establishment of global policies.

_________T__________Tariffs are the incentives and cash payments distributed to domestic business in the
form of either money or goods that will serve as a payment for allowing its international product to be sold.

__________F__________ Preferential trading is a kind of barried that impose strict standards in imported
products which may make it difficult for different importing countries to bring their goods in the local market.

__________T________With the reduction of barriers such as tariffs and import quotas in the process of
exchanging goods and serves, it significantly reduces the cost of good sold by the importing countries.

_________F__________Organization for economics co-operation and Development is an organization has

also given importance to the protection of intellectual; property rights, environments, and rights of workers or

________T___________ Advantages of Trade Linearization: 1. It can lead to a higher efficiency of producers.

2. Encourages the exportation of national products which may expand their products globally. 3. It can attract
foreign investment.

_________T_________ Economic Union is considered to be the highest degree of economic integration by

which member country has its own decision when it comes to the external rate of tariff to non- member

_________F__________There are two opposing views on the impact of globalization, Homogeneity and

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