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• individual or an organization that can be

WHAT IS QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ? measured or observed and that varies

among the people or organization being
● Quantitative methods emphasize objective studied
measurements and the statistical,
mathematical, or numerical analysis of data
● The independent variable is the factor the
collected through polls, questionnaires, and
researcher changes or controls in an
surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing
experiment. It is called independent
statistical data using computational
because it does not depend on any other
techniques. tite
variable. The independent variable may be
CHARACTERISTICS OF QUANTITATIVE called the “controlled variable” because it
RESEARCH is the one that is changed or controlled. This
is different from the “control variable,” which
1. Data Gathering asks for quantifiable is a variable that is held constant so it won’t
characteristics (age, number of children, educational
influence the outcome of the experiment.
status or economic status)

2. Instrument is standardized, pre-tested to DEPENDENT VARIABLE

● -The dependent variable is the factor that
guarantee accuracy, reliability, and validity of data.
changes in response to the independent
variable. It is the variable that you measure
3. Structured data is collected in the form of
in an experiment. The dependent variable
surveys, questionnaires, polls, etc.
may be called the “responding variable.
4. Quantitative data is presented through using CATEGORICAL VS NUMERICAL
graphs, figures, that combine large numbers of
data to show trends, relationships, or CATEGORICAL
differences in variables. ● A categorical variable (also called
qualitative variable) refers to a
5. Sampling method is utilized to determine the characteristic that can’t be quantifiable.
sample from an entire number of groups. Ex. mode of transportation, race, sex, age
group, and educational level
6. Data is analyzed using statistics (descriptive or


● -Objective and accurate.
● -Uses standard data -collection protocols.
● -Efficient in data gathering.

● - Improper representation of the target
population. NUMERICAL
● -Less detailed and limiting ● A numeric variable (also called
● -Difficult and time consuming data analysis quantitative variable) is a quantifiable
● -Inability to control the environment. characteristic whose values are numbers
(except numbers which are codes standing
VARIABLE Ex. height, weight, age, number of movies
watched, IQ,
• a variable refers to a “characteristic that FOUR MAIN TYPES OF QUANTITATIVE
has two or more mutually exclusive values
or properties. ● 1. Descriptive research seeks to describe
• the current status of an identified variable.
These research projects are designed to -The ability to develop a good research topic is an
provide systematic information about a important skill.
Example: A description of how Grade 12 ❖ brainstorm for ideas
students spend their time during summer ❖ choose a topic that will enable you to read
vacation and understand the literature
❖ ensure that the topic is manageable, and
● 2. Correlational research attempts to that material is available
determine the extent of a relationship ❖ make a list of key words
between two or more variables using ❖ be flexible
statistical data. In this type of design, ❖ define your topic as a focused research
relationships between and among several question
facts are sought and interpreted. ❖ research and read more about your topic
Example: The relationship between an ❖ formulate a thesis statement
NCAE test and success in a chosen strand
in Senior High school - good topic may not be easy. It must be narrow and
focused enough to be interesting, yet broad enough
● 3.Causal-comparative/quasi-experimental to find adequate information.
research, attempts to establish cause-effect
relationships among the variables. These Effective Research Title
types of design are very similar to true -paper title may seem a simple task, but it requires
experiments, but with some key differences. some serious thought.
Example: The effect of part-time -written a detailed account of his/her research study,
employment on the achievement of high experiences a block while attempting to title the
school students research paper.

● 4.Experimental research,often called true -their research paper title is concise without
experimentation, uses the scientific method sacrificing any relevant elements. Creswell (2014,
to establish the cause-effect relationship p.26) compared the research title to “a major road
among a group of variables that make up a sign in research.” He mentioned that the title is
study. The true experiment is often thought “an orienting device” which aids the researcher in
of as a laboratory study, but this is not focusing one’s investigation.
always the case; a laboratory setting has - it helps convey to others the central idea behind
nothing to do with it. your own research.
Example: The effect of teaching with a
cooperative group strategy or a traditional Tips on Drafting a Research Title
lecture approach on students’ achievement - A research title must:
1. list key variables
ratio variable, has all the properties of an 2. be written in scientific or technical style
interval variable, but also has a clear 3. be concise (no more than 12 words) and
definition of 0.0. non-repetitive
-Ex. pulse, weight, length 4. reflect on context (circumstances or situations)
5. not explicitly provide reference to the research
-measured along numerical scale
Writing Background of the Study
Identifying the Inquiry and -Background of the Study is a description that leads
the reader to understanding
Stating the Problem the research questions and appreciate why they are
define practical research?
- Tips in Writing Background of the Study:
Why is it important for a SHS student to know ❖ Introduce and briefly define the variables
the process of conducting research? under study
- ❖ cite the most important study or related
TOPIC literature be consistent with terms used
- ❖ ensure that paragraphs summarize
RESEARCH PROBLEM unresolved issues, conflicting findings,
- social concerns, or educational, national, or
RESEARCH QUESTION international issues.
- ❖ write the last paragraph to highlight the
Choosing and Developing a Research Topic
Writing Statement of the Problem and
Research Questions
-establishes the intent of the entire
research study”
-“clear, specific and informative.”
-a summary of what your research
intends to do.
- research questions are the fundamental
core of a research project, study, or review
of literature.
- determines the methodology and guides
all stages of inquiry, analysis, and

Rationale: (write a short overview of what

is your research study all about)
Research Problem: (written in question
Importance of the Research Study: (state
the most significant effect of the study)
Limitation of the Study: (state the
parameters of your study)
Procedure: (state how will you do it and
what are the materials needed)
● Dempster and Hannah (2006) provided

some reasons why a review is done.

These are the following:

● To ensure that you’re not reinventing ● A Theoretical framework is founded on the

the wheel theories already developed over an area
● To demonstrate that you are aware of over a long period of time having a robust
important and recent studies in your study historical background while the conceptual
area. framework is used in a new researchable
● To ensure that you haven’t missed literature area. In fact, both explain the future course
detailing pointing you to a data: collection of the research study justifying the research
tool that is most appropriate for your study. enterprise with the aim to make sure that
● To explain the theoretical background to the findings are more meaningful,
your proposed research project. acceptable and generalizable
● to demonstrate your ability to critically`

analyze the literature in your study area.


Preparing a literature review this involves: ● A theory that can be applied to interpret and
understand data in your research today.
❖ searching for reliable, accurate and up to
date material on the topic or subject. OVERVIEW EXAMPLES
❖ reading and summarizing the key points A useful working ● symbolic
from this literature. definition comes from interactionism
❖ synthesizing these key ideas, theories and connaway and radford ● positivism
concepts into a summary of what is known. (2021) “ a theoretical ● critical theory
❖ discussing and evaluating these ideas, framework utilizes ● constructivism
theories and concepts. theory/theories and ● psychoanalysis
❖ identifying area of debate of controversy their constituent ● postmodernism
❖ preparing the ground for the application of elements that arrives ● feminism
these ideas to new research. the investigation and ● functionalism
analysis of a social ● structuralism
*CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK shape how you look
*RESEARCH FRAMEWORK and interpret your
1. Constructivism (field: psychology and
● a theory in educational psychology about
how people think and learn. It states that
people construct their own understanding
and knowledge of the world through
experiencing things and reflecting on those
2. Conflict theory( field: sociology and cultural
● A framework derived from a marxism
teachings about the operation of power
through economic and cultural apparatuses
● strand? (last paragraph, rationale or
in a society it generally works to highlight
the role of coercion and power particularly
as it relates to social class and possession
of economic capital.

3. Neoclassical Economics INTRODUCTION=RATIONALE

● Is a broad approach that attempts to explain Introductory paragraphs
the production pricing, consumption of ● Primary goal: catch the attention of readers
goods and services, and income distribution and to get them “turned on” about the
through supply and demand. It integrates subject.
the cost of production theory from classical ● It sets the stage for the paper and puts your
economics with the concept of utility topic in perspective
maximization and marginalism. ● The introduction often contains dramatic
and general statements about the need for

the study. It uses dramatic illustrations or
quotes to set the tone.
The problem and its problem ● When writing the introduction, put yourself
in your readers position- would you continue
1. INTRODUCTION reading?
Rationale/ Problem Situation
5. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM State the problem clearly- discuss the problem by
6. HYPOTHESIS giving information on what exactly is the problem,
7. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY how long it has been a problem, the situation
encountered and its negative consequences if not
9. DEFINITION OF TERMS ● Previous works or reviews relevant to the
problem may be cited.
Seeking a Problem ● State the current need of the country the
WHAT ARE GOOD RESOURCES OF proposal intends to address.
RESEARCHABLE PROBLEMS? ● The proposal should justify research
● Theories to be validated extended or expenditure in terms of the potential
modified benefits to be derived.
● other studies, particularly through research

● national or international trends or situations
to be describe for improved ● It provides a theory- driven
● real life problems, issues, experiences or approach to the current study. It
situations of shs students. gives the study a well defined and
proven basis of argument. It offers

an explanation of the study’s
significance and validity. It shows
● Macro to Micro development( global to where the researcher intends to fill
local; general to specific) in gaps of knowledge and practice.
● Identification of the variables.

● Legal justification/ legal basis of the
research proposal.
it could be a portion of the constitution, a What is Conceptual Framework?
memorandum, a directive, an official ● Is a graphical presentation of your concepts
mandate, a policy, an on-going program etc. or ideas on the basic structure or
of the government or the agency/ office. components of your research as well as on
its purpose is to show that the research the relationships of these elements with one
topic is in line with the research thrust and another. It is a graph or non-prose material,
priorities of the government or of the specifically, a schematic diagram that
agency/ office. shows well-ordered elements of the
Discuss the legal basis. research. Giving a carefully constructed
● Cite the personal justifications why you arrangement of the components of your
intend to conduct a research on the study, conceptual framework is a broac
topic/subject matter, how is it related to your outline or plan to give shape to your
research (Shields et al, 2013).
factual things related to the research. A
hypothesis has to be tested through
analytical investigation to prove how true or
false it is (Creswell, 2014; Rusell, 2013).

What are the Purposes of Conceptual What is the difference between a research
Framework? question and a hypothesis?
1. Keeps research on track.
2.Provides clear links from the literature to the TOPIC 1:
research goals and questions. Hypothesis: 'While people may use the internet to
3. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables search for flights, they prefer to make their
of the study. reservations or purchases via a travel agent'
4. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships Research question: 'Do people use the internet to
among concepts collect information about flights but still prefer to use
● Discuss the theory or concept and the travel agents to make their reservations?'
proponents must be included, then relate it
to the study. TOPIC 2:
● Research Paradigm example Hypothesis- 'young people are motivated to
become pilots because they perceive it as a
A theoretical framework is founded on the theories glamorous job'
already developed over an area over a long period Research question- Are young people motivated to
of time having a robust historical background while join airlines as pilots because they perceive it to be
the a glamorous job?'
conceptual framework is used in a new
researchable area. In fact, both explain the future Categories of Hypothesis
course of the research study justifying the research
enterprise with the aim to make sure that the ● There are two categories of hypotheses:
findings are more meaningful, acceptable and null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses.
generalizable. A null hypotheses symbolized by Ho, which
states the absence of relationship between


the independent and dependent variables. It
is therefore a statement to disprove the fact
1. (independent variable) that the independent variable (treatment,
2. (dependent variable) intervention, or condition) has an effect on
3. (relationship) the dependent variable.

Statement of the Problem ● The opposite of null hypothesis is the

EXAMPLE: alternative hypothesis. Symbolized by Ha,
the alternative states the relationship
1. What is the level of proficiency on Neologisms of between the independent and dependent
the third year pre-service teachers of Laguna variables and the fact that the first affects
College of Business and Arts in terms of: the second (Morgan, 2014; Thomas, 2013).
1.1. Definition.
1.2. Type. Hypothesis
2. What is the level of Verbal Communication Skills ● There is no significant relationship
of the third year pre-service teachers? between the level of proficiency on
3.Is there a significant relationship between the level Neologisms and the level of Verbal
of proficiency on neologisms and the level of Verbal Communication Skills of the third year
Communication Skills of the third year re-service pre-service teachers of Laguna College of
teachers of Laguna College of Business and Arts? Business and Arts.


What is Hypothesis? ● Identify who will be benefitted by the output
of the study.
● A hypothesis is a tentative explanation or an ● Discuss per paragraph the benefit/s to be
answer to a question about variables, their derived by the benefactor.
relationships, and other facts involved in


research. Research always ends up with a
result. However you are free to hypothesize;
meaning, to infer, propose, or guess about
● Every study, no matter how well conducted
and crafted, has limitations. These are
aspects of your research study that as a
researcher you do not have control. They
limit the extent to which your study can go WHAT IS RRL?
and may affect the result and conclusion. ● RRL is an important component of research
Future research may cast doubt on the regardless of the type of research. Be it
validity of your conclusion. Your study might qualitative or quantitative research, you
have access to specific people in a spend time and effort in reviewing related
literature Reviewing related literature is one
community, certain documents, and certain major activity in research that makes you
data. These are limitations which may be examine or study again concepts or ideas
overcome by subsequent studies. related to your research that people
managed to publish in books, journals, or
Guidelines in writing the scope and other reading materials in the past
limitation. The scope and limitation
should include the following: A review of related literature is the process of
1) A brief statement of the general purpose collecting, selecting, and reading books, journals,
of the study. reports, abstracts, and other reference materials.
2) The subject matter and topics studied The following information may be collected:
and discussed.
3) The locale of the study, where the data 1. 1) Background information about the
were gathered or the entity to which the problem and related concepts.
data belong.
4) The population or universe from which 2. 2) Theories that explain the existence of the
the respondents were selected. This must problem and the possible connection
be large enough to make generalizations between certain factors and the problem.
5) The period of the study. This is the time, 3. 3) Data that confirms the existence and
either months or years, during which the seriousness of the problem.
data were gathered.
4. 4) General and specific findings of studies
related to the problem.

DEFINITION OF TERMS 5. 5) Recommendations for further study given

● Define all the variables, theory / concept, in related studies
respondents, and other key or technical
terminologies operationally. Why Review Literature?
● Arrange the terminologies/variables
alphabetically. 1. 1) To find out the connection of your
research to the current conditions or
Language of Research situations of the world.
● Every outstanding research contains terms 2. 2) To know more about theories or
or words that sometimes cannot understand concepts underlying your research and to
by the readers. There are variables that are learn from them with respect to your own
used in the study that is not familiar with the research study.
readers and it may lead to misconception or 3. 3) To discover the relation of your
misinterpretation. Operational definition research with previous research studies.
allows the researchers to describe in a 4. 4) To obtain information on the accuracy
specific way what they mean when they use or relevance of your research studies.
a certain term. 5. 5) To familiarize yourself with technical
terms related to your research.
Examples of Operational Definitions
In-text Citation and Referencing Style
Defining Temperature Theoretical/Conceptual
Definition: ● All reading materials related to your
Temperature is a heat flowing between infinite research offer different concepts, ideas, or
reservoirs information belonging to other people.
Operational Definition: Having honesty, respect, or courtesy to the
Temperature is defined in relation to operations with owners of these varied forms of knowledge
gas thermometer. as well as gratefulness for their valuable
contribution to the field, you see to it that
the names of these idea owners or authors
appear in the appropriate sections of your
research paper. To avoid plagiarism, it's ● It involves collecting and analyzing
essential to include an in-text citation every data to assess the accuracy of an
time you use someone else's ideas or instrument.

● In-text citations are used each time you

quote, paraphrase or refer to a source in the
body of your paper. The in-text citation
directs the reader to the correct entry in the
reference list or bibliography. Referring to
authors within the main body of the paper is
called Citation or In-text Citation; at the end

of the paper, it is called Bibliography or

References. The two most commonly used
referencing styles are the MLA (Modern
Language Association) and the APA
(American Psychological Association)

Research Design
● Descriptive method used to provide
informative summaries about the
sample through descriptions of the
basic features of the dataset. It is
used to make an observation and to
draw conclusion from it, rather than
manipulating the environment to
see what may happen.

Research Locale
● It is a specified area and/or the
setting that is being studied in the
research project.

Respondents of the Study

● They are those who have been
invited to participate in a particular
study and have actually taken part
of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

● The process of gathering and
measuring information on variables
of interest in an established
systematic fashion that enables one
to answer queries, state research
questions, test hypotheses and
evaluate outcomes.

● It states if your survey
questionnaire is researcher-made
or you adapt a questionnaire from
other studies.

Validation of the Instrument

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