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flash forward, and you're looking at emails piling up in your inbox and a flurry of appointments.

retracting your agreements – (to withdraw)

uncommit gracefully

build social capital

not have enough bandwidth - a person's capacity to handle or think about more than one
thing at the same time: He doesn't have the bandwidth to make those kinds of decisions

I've overextended myself

leave someone in a/the lurch – leave them without help of protection

"You can avoid leaving the person in a lurch by offering an alternative"

It can provide an impetus to overcome people-pleasing tendencies

(something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly)

Use this to build greater discernment around what you do agree in the future.

Insiduously - "anxiety insidiously infiltrates your thoughts and behaviour" (proceeding in a

gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.)

This is isomorphic to the principle that… (corresponding or similar in form and relations)

To pall - become less appealing or interesting through familiarity.

"the novelty of the quiet life palled"

a litany of concerns, woes, etc…lies, mistakes, failures, violations… is a long, tiresome list
The facts don't bear out your fears.-support.
Anathema – sth one vehemently dislikes (racial hatred was anathema to her)
Botch carry out (a task) badly or carelessly. "he was accused of botching the job"
Eventually, I was fortunate enough to work my way to do something I liked and do it well.
home in on a solution: to find and move directly toward (someone or something) The missile
was homing in on its target
bristle at something. Fig. to show sudden anger or other negative response to something.
(Alludes to a dog or cat raising the hair on its back in anger or as a threat.) She bristled at the
suggestion. Bristle - a short, stiff hair on an animal's skin or a man's face

brawl definition: 1. a noisy, rough, uncontrolled fight: 2. to fight in a rough, noisy, uncontrolled

stuffy (of a person) not receptive to new or unusual ideas; conventional and narrow-
minded. "he was steady and rather stuffy"
queasy nauseous; feeling sick.
"in the morning he was still pale and queasy"

blowing your deadlines, things like flaking out on clients

stark=harsh =unpleasantly clear and impossible to avoid: the movie presents the start realities of
life in the ghetto

visceral reaction = relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect.
"the voters' visceral fear of change"

Concerted effort=1. Done with determination and seriousness

2. done by people working together

Demeaning: Showing less respect of others than they deserve

"the poster was not demeaning to women"
Making sb feel ashamed,

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