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A: Greet B
B: Ask to speak to someone in the company.
A: Say this person isn’t here. Say where he/she is.
B: Say you need to speak to someone urgently in
Customer Service.
A: Ask what reason is.
B: Say your order is wrong an explain what the mistake is
A: Offer to put B to someone in Customer Service.
B: Accept A’s offer.
A: Thank B for calling. Say you will put them through
B: Thank A and end the conversation.

A: Good morning, this is Ana López from Zalivent. How
can I help you?
B: Good morning Ana, I’m Ana Ramírez. Can I speak to
Carmen Reyes?
A: Sorry Carmen isn’t here today. She has a business trip
in Seville.
B: I need to speak to someone urgently in Customer
A: What’s your problem Mrs. Ramírez?
B: I made a mistake in the order. I put that I want to order
ten personalized notebooks, but I want seven.
A: Okey! I put you through with Auxi Martinez, she will
help you. Wait a moment please.
B: Thank you so much Ana.
A: Okey Ana, I will put you now in the other line with
Auxi. Thank you so much for your call. Have a nice day!
B: Thank you too Ana.

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