B1.2 U4 GrammarReference-3984040

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Grammar Reference

Unit 4 B: Fascinating! And how do they feel about that?

Especificando lo que I’m (very / really) interested

E nos interesa in...
A: I’m very interested in this new smartphone they are
• Para
 expresar que se ignora algo totalmente se pueden talking about.
utilizar las siguientes expresiones: B: Are you?

I / he / she / we... have / has no idea

I / he / she / we... haven’t / hasn’t a clue EXPRESAR ADMIRACIÓN Y RECHAZO
I / he / she / we... don’t / doesn’t know Para reaccionar positiva o negativamente ante algo se
A: ‘Who’s your Internet provider?’ pueden usar exclamaciones con how y what.
B: ‘I have no idea. My son takes care of all that.’
How + adjetivo
A: ‘Do your parents know you are sharing their photos
online?’ ‘He’s written a book.’
B: ‘No. They haven’t a clue.’ ‘How interesting!
A: ‘What’s your IP address?’ ‘My son has broken his arm.’
B: ‘I don’t know. Let me check.’ ‘How horrible!’
• Estas
 expresiones también pueden ir seguidas de una What a/an (+ adjetivo) + nombre singular
oración con la misma estructura que si estuviera en
estilo indirecto (afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa). What a wonderful day!
She had no idea that she could take her computer to a
repair shop to have it fixed. What a horrible story!
We didn’t have a clue that our friends were not
receiving our emails.
A: ‘How much do you pay for your Internet connection?’ What (+ adjetivo) + nombre plural / incontable
B: ‘To be honest, I have no idea how much it costs.’
I didn’t know that you could tether your computer to What big boys!
a smartphone. That’s practical! What delicious bread!
She doesn’t know that she doesn’t have to share her What terrible students!
personal details if she doesn’t want to. What horrible news!
My parents don’t know what I do when I am online.
• P
 ara confirmar la información que se nos ha dado o PETICIONES Y ÓRDENES EN ESTILO
pedir más aclaraciones, se pueden utilizar las siguientes
Let me get this clear. • Para expresar en estilo indirecto peticiones u órdenes,
podemos usar los verbos ask y tell con las siguientes
Can you tell me whether... + frase* ? estructuras:
What exactly do you mean (by + sustantivo / -ing)? sujeto + ask / tell + pronombre + to + infinitivo
sujeto + ask / tell + pronombre + not to + infinitivo
*estructura interrogativa indirecta.
‘Can you teach me how to use my new computer?’ He
A: You can download the documents and pay online. asked me to teach him how to use his new computer.
‘Please, write your username and password.’ They
B: Let me get this clear. Are you telling me I don’t need asked / told me to write my username and password.
to go to your office and register in person? And what ‘Don’t reveal your password to anyone.’ They told
exactly do you mean by paying online? Can you tell me / asked me not to reveal my password to anyone.
me whether it is still possible to pay by bank transfer? Como se ve en los ejemplos, ask sirve para transmitir
A: I don’t like it when websites use cookies. tanto preguntas como peticiones. Cuando se habla de
B: What exactly do you mean by ‘cookies’? peticiones, ask suena más suave que tell, que implica
que el mensaje original es una orden.

• Las
 siguientes expresiones se pueden utilizar para
mostrar interés:

Reaccionando con Really?

sorpresa ante lo que se Fascinating!
nos dice Is that so?

A: I’ve found a new app to monitor what my children

do online.
B: Really?
A: Yes, you can get a list of the sites they visit and even
block sites you don’t like.
B: Is that so?
A: Absolutely, it’s really useful and it’s also free. I also
have an app to locate their mobile phones so I always
know where they are.

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