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(Pro-rata All otm en t an d Fo rfe itu

re Im me dia tel y on De fau lt of On

Ins tal me nt)
onia Beauty Products Limited issued
a prospectus inviting applications for
2 per share payable as follows : 20, 000 sha res of~ 10 eac h at a pre
mi um of
On Application ~2
On Allotment 5 (inc lud ing pre miu m)
On First Call ~3
On Sec ond Call ~2
Applications were received for 30,000
shares an d allotment made pro-rata to
applications being refused. Money ove the applicants for 24, 000 shares, the rem
rpaid on applications was employed on ain ing
to wh om 400 shares were allotted, fail account of sum s du e on all otm ent . Re
ed to pay allotment mo ney an d he r sub eth ika ,
were forfeited. Bithika, the holder of 600 sequent failure to pay the fir st call, he
shares failed to pay the tw o calls, an d r sha res
call had bee n made. Of the shares for he r shares were forfeited aft er the sec
feited, 800 shares were: sold to Ge eth ika on d
whole of Reethikas shares being includ credited as fully pai d, for t 9 pe r sha
ed. Show jou rna l an d cas h bo ok ent re, the
rie s an d the bal anc e she et.
Sn lut inn
\,,-nlu ration 20 (Forfeiture and ~e-issue of Shares Originally Issued At Premium)
Priyanka Ltd ·
payabl • issued to public 3,00,000 equity shares off 1O each at a premium off 1 per share. The amount was
. e as to 2 With application, f 4 (including premium) on allotment and f 5 on first and final call
Applications totall d
on all the . e 6, 11,000 shares. The Board of Directors rejected applications for 11,000 shares and made allotment
remamin .
g applications on a pro-rata basis.

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