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Global Warming Created by Sasiru

What is global warming ?

Some gases in the atmosphere , such as carbondioxide,
help to trap heat from the sun . Factories , cars and power
stations produce lot more of these gases , and so more
heat is being trapped in. If the Earth keeps getting warmer,
the Antarctic ice sheet may begin to melt and the sea level
would rise , flooding some low coasts. By burning fossil
fuels, coal , oil and natural gas - we are putting carbon
dioxide to into the atmosphere . That is called 'gobal
warming' .

What are the occur of global warming ?

Glaciers and the ice at the north and south poles will melt ,
causing the sea level to rise this will bring floods, and some
islands will disappear. Deserts will spread, and drought will

What are the steps that can be use the reduce

global warming ?

1. Use less electricity

2. Switch off lights
3. Switch off the TVs and computers when not in use
4. Use reuse, reduce and recycle

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