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Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School

F.4 Mathematics Graded Worksheet (22 – 23)

Chapter 5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Name: Date :
Class: Class.No.( ) Marks: /

Unless otherwise specified, numerical answers should be either exact or correct to 3 significant

Part A: Proof-reading Questions (12 marks)

Each question shows a student’s work with some mistakes. Spot out and correct the mistakes.

1. Simplify 2  3 
n1 2
. (2 marks)

Student’s work Correction

2  3 
n1 2

= 6 
n1 2

 62n2

ab 1
2. Simplify 3 and express your answer with positive indices. (2 marks)

Student’s work Correction

ab 1
 3 3
a b
 a4b2

p. 1
3. Solve (log x) 2  16 . (2 marks)

Student’s work Correction

(log x) 2  16
2log x  16
log x  8
x  108
x  100000000

4. Solve log (x – 2) – log 2 = 2. (3 marks)

Student’s work Correction

log (x – 2) – log 2 = 2
log( x  2)
log 2
x =6

5. Solve 2(3x – 1) = 36. (3 marks)

Student’s work Correction

2(3x – 1) = 36
6x – 1 = 62
x–1 =2
x =3

p. 2
Part B: Conventional Questions (86 marks)
Level 1 (34 marks)

6. Simplify the following expressions and express the answers with positive indices. (15 marks)

x2 y
(a) (b) x10 y 3 ( xy 2 )3
x 3
y 
5 2

( 2 a 2 ) 4 82021
(c) (d)
(4ab 2 )5 42022

1 4
(e) (f)
a 1 a3

7. Someone claims that 357753 < 753357. Do you agree? Explain your answer. (3 marks)

p. 3
8. Solve the following equations. (13 marks)
5 2 x
(a) 2 x1
4 (b) 2 1
(c) 32 x3  (d) 7x  15
(e) log (x – 2) = 0 (f) log3 (x + 2) = 4

9. If 254 x  1252 y , where x and y are non-zero real numbers, find x : y. (3 marks)

p. 4
Level 2 (37 marks)

10. Solve the following equations. (12 marks)

(a) 9x – 2 = 277 – x (b) log (3x – 4) + log (x – 2) = log 16
(c) log (40x – 99) – log x = 2 (d) log2 x – log4 x = –1

11. Given that log 2 = a and log 3 = b, express each of the following in terms of a and b. (6 marks)
(a) log 24 (b) log3 16 (c) log

p. 5
12. Simplify the following expressions, where x > 0, x  1, y > 0 and y  1. (11 marks)
5 4 8
log x log x y
(a) (b)
2 log x log x  2 log y
log 3 x 4 log 4 x  log x 3
(c) (d) 3
log 9 x 
log x  log x
5 2 5

p. 6
13. The graph in the figure shows the linear relation between log3 x and log3 y. If xmyn = k, where
m and n are positive integers and m + n = 5, someone claims that k is greater than 720. Do you
agree? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
log3 y

log3 x
O 3

14. The figure shows the linear relation between x and log7 y. If y = abx, find the values of a and b.
(4 marks)

log7 y


Level 3 (15 marks)

15. Someone claims that the solution of 5x – 2 = 2(72 – x) is greater than 2. Do you agree? Explain
your answer. (5 marks)

p. 7
16. The figure shows the linear relation between log 9 x and log 27 y . If y = kxm, find the values
of m and k. (5 marks)

log 27 y

log 9 x
−3 O

Figure 2

17. The value of a piano depreciates at a rate of 6% each year. After how many years will the value
of the piano depreciate to less than half of its original price? (5 marks)

~ End of Paper ~

p. 8

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