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The Negative Impact of Excessive Smartphone Use

In this digital era, smartphones have seamlessly become an inseparable part of our
daily lives. Its function is not only as a communication tool but also as the main
means of accessing information and entertainment. Even though it makes many
aspects of life easier, excessive smartphone use can have negative impacts that need
to be aware of. Takao (2014) believes prolonged use of smartphones will have an
adverse effect on eye and body health due to exposure to dangerous radiation rays.
Apart from that, there are several other negative impacts, such as a decline in physical
health, dependency, and a lack of social connections.

Those addicted to smartphones will continue to use and gaze at their smartphones,
even as bedtime approaches. However, the light emitted by smartphone screens is
artificial light or radiation that, if received by the eyes for a certain duration, can
cause eye fatigue, leading to a decrease in vision, commonly known as
nearsightedness. This light also disrupts one's sleep patterns. A person's sleep pattern
is influenced by the cycle of light and darkness in their surroundings, which plays a
crucial role in determining sleep quality. Sleep disturbances can impact hormone
production in the body, including hormones that regulate daily biological rhythms.
Consequently, the intended effects of sleep, such as energy production and storage,
cellular repair, and regeneration, may be disrupted.

Furthermore, smartphone addicts may develop a dependence that triggers fear and
anxiety when separated from their smartphones. This condition is known as
nomophobia, or the fear of being without a mobile phone, and affects approximately
66% of the global population. Without proper intervention, nomophobia can progress
into depression and anxiety, which are mental health disorders. These conditions of
depression and anxiety can lead to a decline in an individual's physical health.

In addition, the habit of using a smartphone in an improper position can frequently

lead to changes in the curvature of the spine and fingers. Alterations in the curvature
of the spine can hinder body movements, create discomfort, and discourage physical
activity. Additionally, it can also exert pressure on nerves, especially in the neck area.
The perceived impacts vary, ranging from feelings of stiffness, pain, and numbness to

Lastly, prolonged smartphone use can cause a decrease in social interaction.

Excessive screen use tends to replace face-to-face meetings, reducing the quality and
frequency of personal relationships. Those focused on their smartphones may prefer
virtual communication to in-person interactions, affecting their ability to form
meaningful relationships. This pattern has the potential to cause social isolation and a
reduced sense of community. Therefore, excessive dependence on smartphones can
threaten the depth of personal relationships in the real world.

In summary, excessive use of smartphones poses various health risks, including eye
fatigue, sleep disturbances, and physical discomfort. Smartphone addiction, reflected
in nomophobia, can lead to mental health problems and decreased physical well-being.
Improper use of smartphones can cause changes in the curvature of the spine and
hinder physical activity. Additionally, prolonged use of smartphones can reduce
face-to-face interactions, potentially resulting in social isolation. These findings
emphasize the importance of conscious smartphone use to maintain physical and
mental health and foster genuine relationships in the real world.
Reference :
1. Takao, M.(2014). Problematic Mobile Phone Use and Bigfive Personality
Domains. Indian J Community Med. 39(2),111-113.
2. Pengaruh gadget terhadap kebugaran tubuh. (2018). Diakses pada tanggal 26
Desember 2023 dari

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