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All students from MET found their interactions Those at Marlent-Lyceum had rather mixed opinions
with their grandparents and the previous on the whole interaction with their grandparents.
generations extremely fruitful because we got to While some of them found it very interesting because
learn a lot about the past of our grandparents and they got to speak to the grandparents who live far
away. Others thought of the activity as boring because
parents that we were unaware of. Not only that
their families have not experienced much change in the
but we were also able to know how times have
way they were raised. It was interesting to know that a
changed in a manner where there is more equality lot of the families had members in the past who actively
and justice for both genders now than there once participated in war.
In the Netherlands, the change of gender is very
socially acceptable, no one is frowned upon for
Indian students did not know of changing their genders in general. But, everyone has
gender chnages at all, its not legal here rights and can form their own opinions if one chooses
hence not spoken of at all...A TABOO. to change their gender. The students of Marlent did
not personally know people who had permanently
changed their genders but they sure did know people
who were either gay or lesbian.
In india, most of the family roles are also not The opinion of the students was that family
distributed fairly, the mother does all the roles are not distributed evenly or fairly at all.
household chores and takes care of the kids The mother is burdened the most, she cooks,
whereas the father works. Most of the cleans and is responsible for the household.
mothers in India do not have jobs as it was Sometimes she even has to work a job.
frowned upon, however, times have changed
recently and some mothers have jobs. EDUCATION

EDUCATION The students at Marlent said that the women

were treated somewhat similar in the past and
Mostly, in India, the women were forced to go
now as well. It was generic that men got to avail
to “only girls”schools and the boys were
higher education and were not forced to
allowed to go to “co-schools”. The education
perform household chores. Opportunities in
for girls were not forced as much it was for the
boys. However, the times have changed and terms of work, lifestyle etc were limited. For
nowadays most of the children, regardless of the most part, now in terms of education it is a
the gender, go to co-ed schools. lot better. There is limited discrimination in
terms of education.
The sports sector in India tends to focus more on A very controversial topic brought up was sports
men because they attract more attention from the where the students at Marlent, the boys specifically
public, but times have changed in recent years. said, “men should receive a higher pay for playing
For instance, it is encouraged for women to play sports rather than women because they put in more
cricket. Their payment is different from one effort.” Infact men do get paid more for sports in
another. Compared to ten years ago, there was a the Netherlands than women do, women barely get
noticeable difference, although there have been opportunities of taking part in sport
advancements since then. professionally.
Men and women were not paid equally in This led to a discussion of the basic pay in
the past. Their respective incomes netherlands, men and women do not
differed greatly from one another. In receive a salary even close to each other in
today's world, things have improved the same field of work, type of work and
significantly. Depending on the position time and effort put in. This problem has
and type of work, men and women are been dragged on from the past until now.
paid nearly equal. Unresolved it remains

The government has not done much or

Considering India, the government
helped to resolve these issues as they
is carrying out changes aimed at continue to grow time after time. There
promoting equality. This shift has not been any concrete solution to
applies to sports, education, and these problems. With an evolving world,
salaries. The Indian women now women have to evolve too. If they don't
have a voice thanks to these move with the moving world they will be
developments.India has taken left behind. Hence the students told us,
several steps in the legislative that now women in netherlands stand up
sphere to close the gender pay gap, for themselves and keep their feet firm on
the ground to show that they are
especially at the low-end of the
immovable and that they have power.This
wage distribution.
makes equality more possible.
Thank you!!


In my group, I was the group leader which meant that I had the responsibility to give my group
direction, encouragement and motivation so that together we could give our best and put in
efforts to give us the desired success. why My first task in the group, was to ensure that we
successfully created our introduction video, the idea of actually performing our hobbies to make
the video more interactive was mine. And I’m very glad that my teammates were enthusiastic
about it. I edited the video too, and added changes as and when needed. Another task I performed
was to interview my sister, parents and my grandmom to understand how gender rules have
evolved over time.

During my time in the Netherlands, I loved spending spending time with the other students over
there, learn their culture and explore new places. The bus rides with the students at the school
was my favorite experience because that is where we connected, and after that is the ice skating
we did because they were so helpful and in general it was very fun.

In general, my team and I worked well for the most. However, I wish in the beginning we were a
little more efficient to meet deadlines.
and take the work more seriously there was a little problem in the direction of the group but my
team members and I work cohesively to sort that out.

I only wish that our exchange program was longer because leaving from there, felt like leaving a
big memory behind
Hello, I am Ariaana of Group 5 (Gender Roles). Interviewing my 13-year-old cousin and my
45-year-old uncle was my responsibility. I conducted in-person interviews with them,
asking both of them about gender roles in terms of education and income. I also wrote
about the way gender roles differ in Europe (Netherlands) and India.

Having interacted with Maerlent-lycem pupils has to be the program's most memorable
experience for me. Thankfully, we had the opportunity to meet the students in person, which
allowed us to gain a great deal of insight into their culture. I also learned a lot about the
experiences and opinions of the students in my partner school group from the online
meetings. They told us a lot about their hobbies as well. Since these were some of my
weaker social and communication abilities, interacting with these students helped me
improve them.

I believe that once we got the hang of working together, things proceeded smoothly.
When the project first began, our group's performance in finishing duties was visibly
weak. But thanks to our leader's encouragement, we were all able to finish our work. I
thought that there would be a language barrier separating us and the partner school,
but this wasn't the case.All in all, I'm thankful that we had the opportunity to interact
with and work with these students.
Hello! My Name is Shaunak and I took on the responsibility to carefully review and
scan the interviews that my group members conducted in order to collect CLips that
Were Most significant from all of the videos, including the Children, Parents and the
grandparents. This was important in order to make a 3 minute long video to condense
anything important. This Cultural exchange programme to the netherlands really
showed me how diverse and different each country’s cultures can be. My most
memorable learning experience was definitely the interaction with the maerlant-Lycem
students. It was a different experience entirely. Mixing with their culture and
students of our age really helped me understand the importance of effective
communication. the only language in common was english so their was a slight
language barrier. What really developed as the days passed was the ease at which
we spoke to each other. I made a few friends which made me feel very welcome The
interviews that we conducted went really well. Moreover, the entire journey in general
went well. We did art activities, performed a traditonal indian dance for them and
also painted each other’s faces using a unique art style. Personally, what I would
have done better is trying to contribute even more to the group and the overall
efficiency of my group could have been better but we all put in effort to make this
cultural exchange programme a successful one.
Hello, I am ethan, My eumind expreinece was amazing because I interacted and met
many new people who I exchanged contacts with and got along with. In my group,
my role was to conduct effective oral and visual communication with the three
generations in my family to understand the similarities and differences between
each other, record these and analyse them and compare them with times like
today and the past to see if there have been any improvements or progressions
around me.

Other than that I was the website lead too, so I assisted in any creative opinions
in creating the site.

Over all it was enthralling to meet and interact with new poeple and involve my slef
in a new culture, learn a different language, explore the cold streets of Amsterdam
and eat new things

Personally, I wish that I would contribute more of my work and on time especially
because I kept missing dealines which made the whole group slow. I need to learn
effective time management, other than that we were prefect!.
My primary task was writing text as well as editing the interviews. While the
interviews and videos carried weight, translating the content in such a way that it
would reach, and prove comprehensible to large audiences is the main task I have
achieved through the experience of the EU Mind program. My most memorable
learning experience was interacting with the foreign students. While technically being
an “outsider” in a country so vastly different from my own, I personally never once
felt this way; I felt accepted and heard throughout the program. My competence to
communicate has improved immensely through the task of working with a group of
my own classmates as well as students unknown to me in the beginning. Memories
were made and bonds formed; I have never so greatly enjoyed an academic experience
while simultaneously learning. Overall, our group succeeded with all our tasks (as
that was our priority). However, I do feel like higher levels of efficiency could have
been achieved by our own group members; this is the only aspect I would like to
improve on in the future and in terms of upcoming programs and projects that
involve teamwork. That being said, our lovely group, comprised of lots of talent, has
come to an end. Our effort has resulted in a wonderful program, and our time has
been 100% worth the outcome. I am incredibly lucky and grateful to have been part
of the EU Mind Cultural Exchange Program.
Thank you!!

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