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First of all I want to give special thanks to God for his protection and guidance to me to
accomplish this internship successfully. Next to this I would like our University’s head of
school of Electrical Engineering and Computer to prepare this internship program for me and
also for supervisors those who helped in the time of internship program so that I could gain
practical skills and strengthen for theoretical skills.
Finally the company EEP which gives us the opportunity to work as an interns, and all the
people who had helped us during the internship period special thanks to Ms, Tigist, our
Supervisor and adviser for his good kindness and also for all the members of Power grid
black lion the whole operation team and also special thanks to EIABC campus.

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A Substation receives electrical power from generating station via incoming transmission line
and delivers electrical power through feeders and this is used for controlling the power on
different routes. Substations are integral part of a power system and form important part of
transmission and distribution network of electrical power system.
Nowadays the demand for Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) is increasing over the world for
efficient utilization of electric power and space. In this a gas insulated substations is
investigated or studied since they are more advantageous though, they use same protective
devices or equipment when compared to air insulated substations. They are compact,
requiring little maintenance, more reliable, have longer service life (more than 50 years) and
safer. The compactness is due to the use of SF6 gas, which has high dielectric strength at
moderate pressure for phase to phase and phase to ground insulation.
Basically, Sub-station consists of power transformers, circuit breakers, relays, isolators, ear
thin switches, current transformers, voltage transformers, Capacitor banks, control and
protection system, SCADA etc.
This internship report covers the important equipment & their function in a GIS. And also an
attempt is made to cover the general operation of Substation and Checks the observations to
be made. As a part of case study we are going to visit a 132/15kv GIS in Black Lion

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Fig 1:1 propose structural- Corporate TSO .................................................................................... 3
Fig 2.2 SF6 gas vacuum................................................................................................................... 6
Fig 2.3 shows lighting arrestor ........................................................................................................ 8
Fig 2.4 Sf6 circuit breaker ............................................................................................................. 10
Fig 2.5 Bus-bar .............................................................................................................................. 11
Fig 2. 6 Transformer ...................................................................................................................... 13
Fig 2.7 shows the conservator ....................................................................................................... 15
Fig 3. 8 Earthing transformer ........................................................................................................ 18
Fig 2.9 Auxiliary Transformers ..................................................................................................... 18
Fig 2. 10 DC battery ..................................................................................................................... 20
Fig 2.11 Shows the Capacitor Bank............................................................................................... 20
Fig 2.12 Control room and Protection room ................................................................................. 22
Fig 2.13 SCADA system ................................................................................................................. 23

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Table 4. 1 Interruption duration and frequency of different faults of Nov 2019 EC ..................... 34
Table 4. 2 shows how often interruptions caused for operation and maintenance purpose and how
many are caused by other power system faults. ............................................................................. 34
Table 4. 3 Shows how often interruptions caused for operation and maintenance purpose and
how many are caused by other power system faults. ..................................................................... 35

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CB Circuit Breaker
CT Current Transformer
SCADA Supervisory control and data Acquisition
EELP Ethiopia electric light power
EELPA Ethiopian Electric Light Power and Authority
EEPCO Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
EEP Ethiopian Electric Power
GIS Gas insulated substation
OLTC On load tap changer
SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride
VT Voltage Transformer
Kv Kilo volt
MVA Mega volt ampere
Fig Figure
P.f power factor
GIS Gas isolated substation
AIS Air isolated substation

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURE.................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................................... iv
CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUTION ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction of sub-station ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Back ground OF EEP ................................................................................................... 1
1.2.4 Values ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Back ground of Black Lion GIS ................................................................................... 3
Fig 1.3 Background of black lion substation ............................................................................. 4
CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................................... 5
2. Over Flow Work System in Black lion Substation ................................................................ 5
Black Lion has 12 outgoing lines with15 KV, 3 power transformers that are step down with
size 132//15, rating 50MVA. ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Gas-Insulated Substations............................................................................................ 5
2.2. Some Important Equipment’s used in Black lion GIS and Their Usage ......................... 7
2.2.1 Lightning Arrestor ..................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2. Voltage (Potential) Transformer (VT) ...................................................................... 8
2.2.3. Current Transformer (CT) ........................................................................................ 8
2.2.4 Earthing Switch ......................................................................................................... 9
2.2.5 Circuit breakers.......................................................................................................... 9
2.2.6 Bus- Bar ................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.7 Transformer ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2.8 Automatic tap changer ............................................................................................. 13
2.3 Some parts of the power transformer and their usage:- ................................................. 14
2.3 Inspections taken from the transformer body ............................................................... 17
2.3.1 Oil Temperature ....................................................................................................... 17

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2.3.2 Earthing transformer (neutral coupler) .................................................................... 17

2.2.3 Auxiliary transformer .............................................................................................. 18
2.3.4 Electrical fuses ......................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Substation Earthing System ........................................................................................... 19
2.5 Conductors / Cables ....................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Dc Battery ...................................................................................................................... 19
2.7 Capacitor Banks ............................................................................................................. 20
2.8 Control room and Protection .......................................................................................... 21
2.9 SCADA system .............................................................................................................. 22
2.10 Protective Relays and protection system ...................................................................... 23
2.10.1 Buchholz relay .................................................................................................... 24
2.10.2Over current relay ................................................................................................... 24
2.10.4 Distance relay ...................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 25
3. Descriptions Overall Internship Experience ........................................................................ 25
3.1 Objective of the Internship ............................................................................................. 25
3.1.2 Specific Objectives .................................................................................................. 25
3.2 The Section of the Organization that I have been performing ....................................... 25
3.3 Benefits Gained From Internship ................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 In Terms Of Improving Practical Skills .................................................................. 26
3.4 Understanding about Work Ethics Related Issues ......................................................... 28
3.5 Entrepreneurship Skills .................................................................................................. 28
3.6 Challenges that we faced and Measures We Take Challenges We Faced during my stay
I have faced some problems, like; ........................................................................................ 29
3.6.1 Measures We Took To Solve the Challenges .......................................................... 29
3.7. Black Lion Substation daily Job Schedule for Operation ............................................. 29
3.7.1 Normal operations ................................................................................................... 29
3.7.2 Inspection................................................................................................................. 30
Hot line purifier counter ................................................................................................... 30
During shift exchange (day, evening, night) .................................................................... 30
CHAPTER FOUR .............................................................................................................. 31
Project title: Interruption of BLS by different power system fault .......................................... 31
4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 31

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4.3 Objective of this project work ........................................................................................ 32

4.3.1 General objective: .................................................................................................... 32
4.3.2 Specific objectives: ............................................................................................ 32
4.4 Methodology .................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 4: Methodology of the Project ...................................................................................... 33
4.5 Interruption Data on Nov. 2012 EC ............................................................................... 33
4.6 Literatures Review ......................................................................................................... 36
4.7 scope and limitation of the project ................................................................................. 36
4.8 Results and Discussions ................................................................................................... 37
4.8.1 Software Simulation Results and Discussions ........................................................ 37
Figure 4.1 software simulation ................................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................... 39
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................... 39
5.1 RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................. 39
5.1.1 to the company ............................................................................................................ 39
5.1.2 to the university ....................................................................................................... 40
I recommended to the Wollo University that the theoretical part we learnt should be
helped by practical knowledge. And internship program should be available more than
once. Because this program will help for the student to recognize theoretical with
practical knowledge. ......................................................................................................... 40
5.2 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 40
Reference .............................................................................................................................. 41
Appendixes .............................................................................................................................. 42
Source code .......................................................................................................................... 42

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1.1 Introduction of sub-station

The present-day electrical power system is AC. i.e. electric power is generated, transmitted
and distributed in the form of alternating current. It is delivered to the consumers through a
large network of transmission and distribution. At many places in the line of the power
system, it may be desirable and necessary to change some characteristic (e.g. voltage, AC to
DC, frequency, power factor etc.) of electric supply. Generated voltage at the power station
is stepped up to high voltage for transmission of electric power. The assembly of apparatus
(e.g. transformer etc.) used for this purpose is the sub-station. Similarly, near the
consumer’s localities, the voltage may have to be stepped down to utilization level. Hence
the continuity of supply depends to a considerable extent upon the successful operation of

1.2 Back ground OF EEP


The company was formed in 1956 as the Ethiopian Electric Light & Power Authority
(EELPA), which bundled all Ethiopian activities around electricity in a single organization.
In 1996, EELPA was split into the Ethiopia Electric Authority (EEA), taking over all
regulating activities and a company, Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo),
bundling all activities from power generation to household delivery. In 2013, EEPCo was
again split up into two companies, Ethiopian Electric Utility and Ethiopian Electric Power.
Ethiopian Electric Power was formed by Council of Ministers Regulation No.302/2013
Ethiopian Electric Power owns and operates the Ethiopian national power grid with all high
voltage power transmission lines above 66kV including all attached electrical substations
and almost all power plants within the national power grid (with the exception of some co-
generation power plants belonging to the state-owned Ethiopian Sugar Corporation).
Ethiopian Electric power is almost the state monopoly in generating electric power for the

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national power grid, although Ethiopia also allows Independent Power Producers to
construct and to operate power plants for delivering power to the national grid since 2017.

1.2.2 Vision of EEP

To be a canter of excellence in providing quality service at every one’s door and be a

Competitive exporter of electrical energy.

1.2.3 Mission of the EEP

To provide adequate and quality electricity generation, transmission, distribution and sales
services, through continuous improvement of utility management practices responsive to the
socio-economic development and environmental protection need of the public

1.2.4 Values

 To maintain transparency and accountability

 To give emphasis to capacity building to major power resources,
 To give priority to manpower in cognizant of that employees are the major
resources of the company,
 To implement rules and regulations of international monetary institutions,
 To use every resources properly,
 To maintain environmental protection,
 To accomplish social responsibilities,
 To encourage construction works by own forces

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Executive office TSO


National Head Transmission 9 regional System study

grid control operation and substation TSO offices project
centre service rehabilitation
(NGCC) project office

Fig 1:1 propose structural- Corporate TSO

1.3 Back ground of Black Lion GIS

Black lion gas insulated substation is located in Addis Ababa around Mexico and it supplies
a large part of city. It is a transformer substation. The majority of the sub-stations in the
power system are concerned with the changing of voltage level of electric supply hence
transformer is the main component employed to change the voltage level.
This is one of the biggest new substations in Addis Ababa. Its gas insulated substation and
uses sulphur hexafluoride gas. It has 12 outgoing lines with15 KV, 3 power transformers
that are step down with size 132//15KVA each transformer has 50 MVA.
BL substation has taken from Sebeta and Addis west, but now taken only from Sebeta.
When more power is needed it can take from Addis west, since it’s a new substation. Its
connected by ring system i:e unless in the case of black out(* when all substation generation
station out from system during high load occurrence interruption takes place so all power
will be shut down no electricity in the whole country) it will get incoming voltage.
Substation can be categorized based on voltage level, structure and insulation system
applied. We can classify substation based on their voltage level to transmit power from
generation to consumer, like generation substation, transmission substation, distribution
substation, switches substation and collector substation. Based on the structural system used
substation can be classified as in door, outdoor and underground substation. Based on
insulation system applied substations can be AIS or GIS.

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GIS Technology was originally invented in Japan, and then developed in various countries
between 1968 and 1972.The development and design of GIS and compressed Gas Insulated)
equipment have been progressed drastically for the last three decades throughout the world
because of the excellent insulation properties of Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) gas .

Fig 1.3 Background of black lion substation

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2. Over Flow Work System in Black lion Substation

Black Lion has 12 outgoing lines with15 KV, 3 power transformers that are step down with
size 132//15, rating 50MVA.

Black ion substation taken from Sebeta and Addis West ,its connected by ring system i:e
unless in the case of black out(* when all substation generation station out from system
during high load occurrence interruption takes place so all power will be shut down no
electricity in the whole country) it will get incoming voltage .

As we know that generated voltage is not the same in magnitude as the voltage reached in
the substation there will be loss due to many affects some of them are capacitive, inductive
and resistive.

2.1. Gas-Insulated Substations

A GIS also has different voltage level of substation starting from 12 kV to 800 kV in which
the major structures are contained in a sealed environment with sulphur Hexafluoride gas as
the insulating medium. The GIS equipment such as compact substations where there is
insufficient space for an open air substation or the land costs are prohibitive. Because GIS
occupies less space compared to conventional AIS. In addition to this, it is very much
required to establish an electrical substation at load canter. Establishing a substation at load
centre is quite economical and profitable. As it reduces length of feeders which intern result
in the voltage regulation improvement. However, space will be the main obstruction of
establishing a GIS uses a superior dielectric gas, SF6, at moderate pressure for phase- to
phase and phase- to - ground insulation.

The high voltage conductors, circuit breaker interrupters, switches, current transformers,
and voltage transformers are in SF6 gas inside grounded metal enclosures.

As a result, GIS is more reliable and requires less maintenance than AIS. Gas insulated
substations offer other advantages in addition to the reduced space requirements. Because
the substation is enclosed in a building, a GIS is less sensitive to pollution, as well as salt,

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sand or large amounts of snow. Although the initial cost of building a GIS is higher than
building an air insulated substation, the operation and maintenance costs of a GIS are less.
The primary applications for gas insulated substations include: High voltage installations,
Urban Installations and Environmentally Sensitive Installations.

2.1.1. SF6 (Sulphur hexafluoride)

Sulphur hexafluoride is an inert, nontoxic, colourless, odourless, tasteless, and non-

flammable gas consisting of a sulphur atom surrounded by and tightly bonded to six
fluorine atoms. It is about five times as dense as air. SF6 is used in GIS at pressures from
400 to 600KPa absolute. The pressure is chosen so that the SF6 will not condense into a
liquid at the lowest temperatures the equipment experiences.

SF6 has two to three times the insulating ability of air at the same pressure. SF6 is about
100 times better than air for interrupting arcs. It is the universally used interrupting medium
for high voltage circuit breakers, replacing the older mediums of oil and air. SF6
decomposes in the high temperature of an electric arc, but the decomposed gas recombines
back into SF6 so well that it is not necessary to replenish the SF6 in GIS. There are some
reactive decomposition by-products formed because of the trace presence of moisture, air,
and other contaminants. The quantities formed are very small. Molecular sieve absorbents
inside the GIS enclosure eliminate these reactive by-products. SF6 is supplied in 50 - kg gas
cylinders in a liquid state at a pressure of about 6000KPa for convenient storage and
transport. Gas handling systems with filters, compressors, and vacuum pumps are
commercially available. Best practices and the personnel safety aspects of SF6 gas handling
are covered in international standards (IEC, 1995)

Fig 2.2 SF6 gas vacuum

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This substation is GIS (GAS insulated sub-station) i:e GIS is preferable than AIS because

 It occupies very less space

 Most reliable to Air insulated substation
 Occurrence of maintenance is very low
 Can be assembled
Disadvantage of GIS substation
 Cost is higher compared to ordinary conventional substation
 When fault occurs internally, diagnosis of the fault and rectifying this takes very
long time (outage time is high).
 hard maintenance i:e when there is failure in the tube like if CB is failed to
operate it can’t be maintained manually by taking out each parts because if it is
opened the gas will be leaked out *& this sf6 gas is not filled in our country it is
on abroad so need to change the whole tube .

2.2. Some Important Equipment’s used in Black lion GIS and Their

2.2.1 Lightning Arrestor

Used for protection of transformers, switchgear & equipment in medium voltage & high
voltage system against atmospheric &switching over voltage, from all lightning hazards,
which conducts the high voltage surges on the power system to the ground.
Earth is neutral, has positive and negative terminals inside it so any lightning or
hazard came with any of one sign it will make neutral .and this lightning
arrestor is grounded to earth hence the current prefer the easy short path
lightning occur with high voltage and high current so this current can easily pass
through the arrester and can be neutral. At the same time the surge counter do its
work. it has advantages like :
 High discharge capacity with low protection level
 Able to with stand very severe stresses such as multiple lightning strokes,
temporary over voltages etc.
 High input energy capacity
 Great protection distance

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 Proof against ageing

 Robust free standing, self- supporting design
 No ,maintenance
The active part consist of exclusively of BBC metal oxide resistors connected in series with
highly nonlinear characteristics. In Fig 2.0.2 lightning arrestor In Black Lion substation the
lightning arresters are located at the entrance of the transmission line in the substation and
near to the power transformers. Up to now it does not happened any lightning that means
the lightning in the substation does not occurs. If any lightning occurs arrester pull the
lightning and ground it to the earth, because there are many large buildings around the
station and those buildings have lightning arresters. The arresters are set on the top of the
buildings to pull the lightning. Because of this the lightening cannot reach to the station.

Fig 2.3 shows lighting arrestor

2.2.2. Voltage (Potential) Transformer (VT)

Are parallel connected type of instrument transformer used for metering and protection in
high voltage circuits or phase shift isolation .They are designed to present negligible load to
the supply being measured and to have an accurate voltage ratio to enable accurate
The primary may be connected phase to ground or phase to phase &the secondary is usually
grounded on one terminal.

2.2.3. Current Transformer (CT)

Used for measurement and protection also used for balancing. It is a series connected
measurement device designed to provide a current in its secondary coil proportional to the
current flowing in is primary. It is commonly described by its current ratio from primary to
secondary and it must be taken sure that the secondary winding is not disconnected from its
low impedance load while current flows in the primary. As this may produce a dangerously

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high voltage across the open secondary and may permanently affect the accuracy of the
transformer. The current transformers in our substation differ by their rating:-

 The incoming side 132 KV CT rating is 1200/1A

 The incoming feeder to the transformer CT rating is 600/1A

 The output feeder of 15kv is 1600/1A

 The outgoing side (each lines) CT rating is 800/1A

 The ear thing transformer is with rating 200/1A

2.2.4 Earthing Switch

In GIS, earthing switch is used to facilitate the grounding of conducting parts during
maintenance which are rarely occur. They are generally slow acting device that are operated
during the off state of the GIS equipment’s. Operation of these device (switch) can be done
either by an electric motor or manually and also used to protect the circuit-connected
instrument voltage transformer from core saturation caused by direct current flowing
through its primary as a consequence of remnant charge (stored online during
isolation/switching off of the line). The earth switch is the smallest module of a GIS system.
Furthermore, easy access is provided to active parts to facilitate easy inspection and

2.2.5 Circuit breakers

A circuit breaker essentially consists of fixed and moving contacts, called electrodes. Under
normal operating conditions, these contacts remain closed and will not open automatically
until and unless the system becomes faulty. Of course, the contacts can be opened manually
or by remote control whenever desired. When a fault occurs on any part of the system, the
trip coils of the circuit breaker get energized and the moving contacts are pulled apart by
some mechanism, thus opening the circuit. When the contacts of a circuit breaker are
separated under fault conditions, an arc is struck between them. The current is thus able to
continue until the discharge cases.

The incoming circuit breaker type is Sf6 type. So that sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) gas is
used as the arc quenching medium. The SF6 is an electro-negative gas and has a strong
tendency to absorb free electrons. The contacts of the breaker are opened in a high pressure
flow of SF6 gas and an arc is struck between them. The conducting free electrons in the arc

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are rapidly captured by the gas to form relatively immobile negative ions. This loss of
conducting electrons in the arc quickly builds up enough insulation strength to extinguish
the arc. The SF6 circuit breakers have been found to be very effective for high power and
high voltage service. It consists of fixed and moving contacts enclosed in a chamber (called
arc interruption chamber) containing SF6 gas.

This chamber is connected to SF6 gas reservoir. When the contacts of breaker are opened,
the valve mechanism permits a high pressure SF6gas from the reservoir to flow towards the
arc interruption chamber. The fixed contact is a hollow cylindrical current carrying contact
fitted with an arc horn. The moving contact is also a hollow cylinder with rectangular holes
in the sides to permit the SF6 gas to let out through these holes after flowing along and
across the arc. The tips of fixed contact, moving contact and arcing horn are coated with
copper-tungsten arc resistant material. Since SF6gas is costly, it is reconditioned and
reclaimed by suitable auxiliary system after each operation of the breaker.

Fig 2.4 Sf6 circuit breaker

The outgoing 15 KV line breaker is vacuum circuit breaker. i.e, vacuum is used as the arc
quenching medium. Since vacuum offers the highest insulating strength, it has far superior
arc quenching properties than any other medium. For example, when the contacts of the
breaker are opened in vacuum, an arc is produced between the contacts by the ionization of
metal vapours of contacts. However, the arc is quickly extinguished because the metallic
vapours, electrons and ions produced during arc rapidly condense on the surfaces of the
circuit breaker contacts, resulting in quick recovery of dielectric strength.

They are preferable due to their characteristics of compact, reliable, longer life, no fire
hazards, no generation of gas during and after operation, ability to interrupt any fault
current, require little maintenance and are quiet in operation, ability to withstand lightning
surge, low arc energy, low inertia and hence require smaller power for control mechanism.

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The vacuum circuit breaker is very efficient, preferable, recent modern technology circuit
breaker but it only used for small voltage output like in our substation.

2.2.6 Bus- Bar

Bus Bar is a line on which an incoming lines and outgoing lines, with the same voltage and
frequency, are connected and it is the most vital element in substation areas. It also used for
tapped the connection to receive or sending to other.

Bus bars are the most important component in substation network. They have the capacity
of holding up to several hundred volts.

Fig 2.5 Bus-bar

In black lion GIS substation circular type bus bar is used. The bus bar topology of black
lion GIS substation is two bus bar with bus sectionalized and bus coupler, single circuit
breaker, with a capacity of 132 KV.

 Low initial cost
 Less maintenance cost

 Simple operation

And some disadvantages like:

 The bus-bar cannot be cleared , repaired or tested without de-energizing the whole
 If fault is occurs on the bus bar itself, there is interruption of supply

 Any fault on the system is fed by all the generating capacity, resulting in very large
fault currents.

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2.2.7 Transformer
It is Three phase transformer: - a single phase units are used in a bank of three transformers
linked together this is preferable by considering:-

Cost-economically has 15% less

Space-occupies less space
Need of fourth unit additional neutral point.
It is oil filled transformers has mineral oil as coolant. the windings are still insulated
with solid insulation but the windings are cooled by oil which circulates by
convection around the winding out of the casing& through tubes on the sides of the
transformer, i:e the transformers filled with oil which helps with insulation
They are of higher ratings .the winding and the core is submerged in anon conductive oil.
This oil absorbs the heat dissipated by the core and windings. The oil used is transformer oil
that is used for:-
 Liquid insulation,
 Dissipates heat of the transformer,
 To preserve the core and winding as these are fully immersed inside oil,
 It prevents direct contact of atmospheric oxygen with cellulose made paper
insulation of the winding which is susceptible to oxidation.
 It is power transformer with rating of 50MVA.
In Black Lion GIS there are three power transformers which two transformers connected in
parallel and have one single line diagram in control room as we know transformers to be
connected in parallel they must:
 Have same voltage rating
 Have equal phase sequence(in the name plate)
 Have equal impedance (if z1is different from z2 i: e there exist internal circulation
in the winding so this leads to fault occurrence, so impedance matching circuit must
be designed.

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Fig 2. 6 Transformer

2.2.8 Automatic tap changer

Is on load transformer with tap changer i:e voltage regulation is with the transformer on
The tap changer is used for regulate the output voltage of a transformer. It does by altering
the number of turns in one winding and there by changing the turn’s ratio of the
transformer. It is a mechanism in which allows for variable turn ratio to be selected in
discrete steps. Transformers with these mechanisms obtain this variable turn ratio by
connecting to a number of access points (taps) along either primary or secondary windings.
This tap changer is connected in the high voltage side due to many reasons like:-
 The current on the LV winding of large transformers are high, (because the output
LV the current High when voltage increase current decreases and power constant,
vice versa) so interruption of high current is difficult task. But on the HV side the
currents are lower so the tap changer contacts, leads etc. can be smaller.

As the high voltage winding is wound outside the LV winding it is easier to get the tapping
connections out to the tap changer.
It has four essential features:-
 Selector switches: - these switches select the physical tap position on the
transformer winding and, because of their construction, cannot and must not or
break the load current.
 Reactors (inductors):- the load current must never be interrupted during a tap
change .Therefore during each tap change, there is an interval where two
voltage taps are spanned, they are used in the circuit to increase the impedance
of the selector circuit and limit the amount of current circulating due to this
voltage difference.

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Under normal load conditions, equal load current flows in both halves of the reactor
windings and the fluxes balance out giving no resultant flux in the core. but during the tap
change, the selector switches are selected to different taps and circulating current will flow
in the reactor circuit, this circulating current will create a flux and the resulting inductive
reactance will limit the flow of the circulating current. (With no flux there is no inductance
and, therefore, no voltage drop due to inductance, but there will be small due to resistance).
• Vacuum switch: - it’s like circuit breaker that makes and breaks current during the
tap changing sequence.
• Bypass switch:-operates during tap changing sequence but at no time, does it make
or break load current, through it does make before break connection.
The operating mechanism for the OLTC is motor driven; manual operation is used in the
event of motor failure. The sequence of operation is mechanically linked, or interlocked, to
ensure that all contacts always operate in their correct order .Any failure of the operating
mechanism can result in severe damage to the transformer and tap changers.

2.3 Some parts of the power transformer and their usage:-

a. Core
It acts as the support to the winding in the transformer .it also provides low reluctance path
to flow of magnetic flux. Hence it’s made of laminated soft iron the hysteresis &eddy
current loss is low.
Small diameter of the core means less core loss.
R=p1/A, copper loss=I2R=Ploss
So from this when diameter of core increase resistance increase i:e copper lose increase
with long core of transformer.
b. winding:
Transformer winding is made of copper due to its cheapness ,high conductivity( i:e it will
minimizes losses mm)and high ductility( i:e it is easy to bend conductors in to tight
windings around the transformer core thus minimizing the amount of copper needed and the
overall volume of the winding.

Primary winding is connected to source &secondary is connected to load.

c. Conservator:
It is a type of tank used to help oil filling this is situated upper portion pf the power
transformer, mainly these are cylindrically shaped like a drum containing transformer oil is

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mounted at the top of the transformer tank and connected to the transformer tank by a pipe
and which uses for store the oil to flow to radiator. Oil in the transformer tank expands and
contracts according to the heat developed and cause the level of the oil in the conservator to
rise and fall. It has 3 main purposes that are:-
 It maintains the oil level in the tank.
 It provides space for the expansion of oil when the temperature of the transformer
 It prevent transformer oil from moisture (which reduces dielectric strength of oil)
when it breaths.

Fig 2.7 shows the conservator

d. Tank: - Basically this is a container used to keep windings (both) and cooling oil.
e. Drain valve: This valve is used for taking damaged Oil from the oil tank for the proper
oil collection this Valve is situated under the oil tank.
f. Radiator: This one used for cooling oil which circulated hot and cool oil can be transfer
to the conservator, there exist fan inside it.
The radiators must be thorouly inspected prior to assembly to be certain that no water or
foreign material is in the oil space .to prevent condensation it is good not to open radiator at
lower temperature.
If there is any evidence of moisture, the radiator must be thorouly dried either by blowing
hot air through or flushing with hot oil. In any case it is desirable to flush out the cooling
equipment thorouly with hot oil if at all possible.

Radiator valves should be closed until immediately prior to final oil-filling, hence all
cooling equipment must be installed prior to final oil-filling.

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Fig 2.0.6 Radiator

g. Bushings:-
It is an insulated device that allows an electrical conductor to pass safely through grounded
conductor transformer. When an energized conductor in near a material at earth potential, it
can form very high field strengths, especially where the field lines are forced to curve
sharply around the earthed .The bushing controls the shape and strength of the field and
reduces the electrical stresses in the insulating material & are made of porcelain material.

Since it is oil filled leakage of the oil maybe occurred, that is we have seen once in our
substation .it is hallow inside it there is oil.
h. Breather
It is to prevent entry of most air in the transformer tank after its breath out .even a small
amount of moistures absorbed by the oil reduces the insulating properties of the oil
considerably. Used for absorb the moisture content of oil and sucked air.
i. Silica jell
It is Chemical material that is found on the breather basically its blue or brown colour one
after the absorption it become pink
j. Cooling tube
Are used to cool the transformer oil. The transformer oil is circulated through the cooling
tubes. The circulation of the oil may either be natural or forced. In natural circulation, when
the temperature of the oil raises the hot oil naturally rises to the top and the cold oil sinks
downward. Thus, the oil naturally circulates through the tubes. In forced circulation, an
external pump is used to circulate the oil.
k. Explosion vent

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The explosion vent is used to expel boiling oil in the transformer during heavy internal
faults in order to avoid the explosion of the transformer. During heavy faults, the oil rushes
out of the vent. The level of the explosion vent is normally maintained above the level of
the conservatory tank.
l .Porcelain bush: Used for preventing unwanted leakage of electricity.

2.3 Inspections taken from the transformer body

2.3.1 Oil Temperature:-located on the plate of the radiator that is used to sense the
temperature of oil, hence the temperature is high the transformer will be over heated so to
prevent this the fan motor start to cool the temperature if the temperature is not lowered
then alarm will be seen in the control room and manually try to maintain or check it whether
its other familiarity on the transformer but after Sometimes if the temperature is not lowered
automatically the circuit breaker trip and out. And this temperature can be settled by the
substation controller worker. So there are 3 steps:-
Fan start:-Used for making the fan on (to start the fan

Alarm”-Used for showing alarm at the control room when temp is above

Trip:-Used for opening the breaker.

Silica gel: used to absorb moisture from the transformer tank. Normally, its colour is blue
and by absorbing the moisture it turns to pink then it will be changed by new one or it will
dry by sun then turns to its normal colour.
Hot line oil purifier:-Is used to purify the transformer oil for more protection, it will purify
the oil once a day in24 hrs. its hot line because it will make the work without no power
interruption means does its work at the time the transformer is on load . It has counter
inside. It will count how many times it purify, it has motor used for doing work with
capacity 0.2kw and this is fed from the auxiliary transformer.
Winding temperature indicator: used to show the temperature of transformer windings.

2.3.2 Earthing transformer (neutral coupler)

Is a three phase transformer connected to power system to provide a neutral connection for
ear thing, creates a neutral point for a network either directly or via, impedance. It may in
addition supply a local auxiliary load. it is a type of auxiliary transformer used in 3phase
electric system used to provide aground path to either an ungrounded ‘y’ or ‘delta’

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connected system and are used to provide a relatively low impedance path to ground there
by maintaining the system neutral at or near ground potential

Fig 3. 8 Earthing transformer

2.2.3 Auxiliary transformer

It is small power transformer that provides power to the auxiliary equipment of a power
generating station during its normal operation, used to energize a master control relay which
switches on the main supply. it step down the outgoing 15 KV to 380V and supply the
power to the electrical auxiliaries like motors, drives, light fluorescent, lighting, air
conditioners, dc power systems like protection relays, batteries, SCADA & telecom
systems, fan, bulbs, etc….

We use three auxiliary transformers in Black Lion for each power transformer all auxiliary
transformers work mutually and fed the entire substation.

Fig 2.9 Auxiliary Transformers

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2.3.4 Electrical fuses

They act as both a protective and a disconnecting device, and were the earliest such devices
used on electrical systems. They basically consist of a metallic element which melts and
becomes discontinuous at a relatively high current, thus preventing the further passage of
such a high current. They must however permit the maximum load current to flow
continuously without operating. Fuses are relatively small and cheap. They are current
protective devices. They have their own current rating capacity, if the needed current more
than the rating they sacrifice themselves and protect the transformer. Fuses are in common
use on Low Voltage system and are frequently found on Medium Voltage underground
networks. The boxes (pillars) are used to hold the fuses also they have their own rating,
which is about approximately the sum of the three phase’s fuses.

The fuse element made of low melting point if fault occurs it will blow out and disconnect
the power supply. Thus need to replace after every operation.

2.4 Substation Earthing System

A substation ear thing is very important for safety of personal and needs careful attention
while designing, erection and routine maintenance. It is necessary for connecting neutral
points of transformers to ground and also for connection non-current carrying metal parts
such as structures, overhead shield wires, tanks, frame etc… to earth.

It provide a grounding below ground surface in and around the substation which will have
uniformly zero potential with respect to ground and lowest earth resistance to insure that all
non-current carrying parts connected to the earthing system shall be uniformly at zero
potential with respect to ground.

2.5 Conductors / Cables

They are media used for conducting an electric current from source to load. Mostly we use
bar aluminium like all aluminium conductors (AAC)’ and in some, insulated conductors
like aluminium bundle conductor (ABC) for overhead lines.

2.6 Dc Battery
A battery converts chemical energy to electrical energy by a chemical reaction. Usually the
chemicals are kept inside the battery. It is used in a circuit to power other component. A
battery produces direct current (DC) electricity (electricity that flows in one direction, and

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does not switch back and forth). A battery can provide electricity in area that do not have
electric power distribution.

Black Lion GIS substation has 48V and 125 V DC batteries. The 48V battery is used for
small signal device (for protection) and for dc equipment. But 125V battery is used for
lighting purpose. In order to increase the current the Dc batteries are connected in series.

Fig 2. 10 DC battery

2.7 Capacitor Banks

A Capacitor Bank is a group of several capacitors of the same rating that are connected in
series or parallel with each other to store electrical energy. The resulting bank is then used
to counteract or correct a power factor lag or phase shift in an alternating current (AC)
power supply.

Improving power factor means reducing the phase difference between voltage and current.
Since the majority of loads are of inductive nature, they require some amount of
reactive power for them to function. A capacitor or bank of capacitors installed
parallel to the load provides this reactive power.

Fig 2.11 Shows the Capacitor Bank

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2.8 Control room and Protection

The Purpose of an electrical power system is to generate and supply electrical energy to
consumers. The purpose of Protection is to minimize the adverse effects of faults on a
power system. Protection does this by detecting faults and causing appropriate power switch
gear to isolate the faulted system elements from the healthy system as quickly as possible.
These points are important in control and protection System each element must have its
own protection, each protection must have a back-up, Protection zones must overlap and no
single failure shall leave a system element unprotected.

A substation control room has following provisions & functions

 Mimic Panels
Provide a representation of the physical layout or process that the panel will control.
This type of panel is beneficial when needing to quickly view a system from a
central control room.
 Control panel
Control panels contain meters, control switches and recorders located in the control
building also called a doghouse. These are used to control the substation equipment,
to send power from one circuit to another or to open or to shut down circuits when
 Protection panel
Control and Relay panel is most important equipment of the substation as it work as
Shield guard for all substation equipment’s and electrical network. Moreover,
these panels are useful to control the flow of electricity as per the Voltage class and detect
the Faults in transmission lines.
 Communication panel
Exchange of information between different parts of the power system (both ends of
power lines) require establishment of some kind of channels to provide a media for
communication of relay protection systems.

 Metering panel
To operate and maintain power systems efficiently, it is very important to have
accurate information about system values, and the mission of metering systems is to
provide this information.

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However, real power system currents and voltages may reach very high numbers (thousands
of amperes and volts respectively). To measure these values, they need to be reduced too
much lower numbers that metering equipment can safely handle. For voltages a nominal
value is usually 120 V, phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase, and for currents nominal values
are 1 A or 5 A. Transformation of currents and voltages is performed by instrument
transformers which have their secondary windings connected to both relay and instrument

 All metering equipment available in the substation can be split in the following
functional groups: -
 Ammeters – measure current
 Voltmeters – measure voltage
 Ohmmeters – measure resistance, impedance
 Wattmeter – measure active power
 Var meters– measure reactive power

Fig 2.12 Control room and Protection room

2.9 SCADA system

SCADA is an acronym for” Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition”. It uses
standard hard ware and software. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a
plant or equipment substation. As the name indicates, it is not a full control system, but
rather focuses on the supervisory level. These system encompass the transfer of data
between SCADA central host computer and a number of Remote Terminal Units (RTU)
and programmable logic controller (PLC), and central host and the operator terminals.
Data acquisition begins at the RTU or PLC level and includes meter readings and
equipment status reports that are communicated to SCADA as required. Data is then
compiled and formatted in such a way that a control room operator using the HMI can make
supervisory decisions to adjust or override normal RTU (PLC) controls.

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A SCADA system gather information, transfer the information back to a central site, the
alters the home station a fault has occurred, carrying out necessary analysis and control,
such as determining if the fault is critical, and displaying the information in a logical and
organized fashion.

Fig 2.13 SCADA system

Advantage of SCADA:-

• Improve efficiency of control system

• Improve maintenance
• It is economical
We have observed the following Sequence of operation opening or closing of circuit:-

Closing procedure

 Grounding
 Line isolator
 Bus bar isolator
 Line breaker
 Circuit breaker
Opening procedure
 Circuit breaker
 Bus bar isolator
 Line isolator
 Grounding

2.10 Protective Relays and protection system

 Buchholz relay
 Auxiliary relay

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 Over current relay

 Differential relay
 Distance protection relay

2.10.1 Buchholz relay

Buchholz Relay in transformer is an oil container housed the connecting pipe from main
tank to conservator tank. The Buchholz Relay is used as a protective device sensitive to the
effects of dielectric failure inside the equipment. If an arc forms, gas accumulation is rapid,
and oil flows rapidly into the conservator

2.10.2Over current relay

Over current relays are arranged to operate against faults between phases, and have high
current setting. It is usual practice to provide combined leakage and over current protection.
The two over current relays are sufficient to protect against phase-to-phase faults. With
energizing of either over current or earth fault relay, the CB will be tripped.

2.10.3 Differential relay

Is one that operates when the phasor difference of two or more similar electrical quantities
exceeds a pre-determined value, Thus a current differential relay is one that compares the
current entering a section of the system with the current leaving the section. Under normal
operating conditions, the two currents are equal but as soon as a fault occurs, this condition
no longer applies.

2.10.4 Distance relay

The distance relay is responds of combination of both voltage and current. Distance relay or
impedance relay is essential on ohmmeter and operate when the impedance of protect the
fall below a pre-determined value. The relay will operate when the ratio V/I is less than a
predetermined value. The directional element is made very sensitive so that with the lowest
value of voltage which may be anticipated under severe fault conditions, sufficient torque is
produced by the current winding to complete the operation of the element and allow its
contacts to close. Impedance is an electrical measure of distance along a transmission line

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3. Descriptions Overall Internship Experience

3.1 Objective of the Internship

The four-month internship program comprises of general and specific objectives, both
added to produce skilled man power in engineering aspects.

3.1.1 General Objective

 To apply the theoretical knowledge that the student acquires in the class room to the
practical activities.
 To join real world or practical view from theoretical knowledge gained from
university for long period of time.

3.1.2 Specific Objectives

The interns, during the internship are aimed to play a great role in such as:

 Interpersonal communications and team playing.

 Entrepreneurship and leader ship skills.
 Understanding about work ethics related issues and responsibility.
 Adaptation of the work environment and determination of future field to study.
 To share the working experience with host company.

3.2 The Section of the Organization that I have been performing

Hence I have going for internship at electrical power substation our daily work was

 Taking daily inspection.

 Taking actual daily reading of each line.
 Make or close breaker by the request of Menasha.
 Asking and analysing different practical things that we have seen by
coordinating with theoretical knowledge.
Besides this common work I try to see the black lion substation, that located in Addis
Ababa around Mexico and it supplies a large part of city. It is a transformer substation,
the majority of the substations in the power system are concerned with the changing of

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voltage level of electric supply hence transformer is the main component employed to
change the voltage level. From Sebeta sub-station, electric power at 132 kV is
transmitted by 3-phase, 3-wire overhead system to the outskirts of the city and
underground in the city. Here, electric power is received by the primary grid sub-station
which reduces the voltage level to 15 kV for secondary transmission. This substation is
GIS type. Also this substation is terminal sub-station is one in which the line supplying
to the substation terminates or ends. It is located at the end of the main line. The
incoming 132 kV main line terminates at the sub-station it will not pass through the
substation as outgoing line. The only outgoing lines are the output voltage of the
transformer (15KV).This distribution substation has only one 132kV radial incoming
feeder from Sebeta substation. The substation supplies approximately 115,884
customers including residential and commercial.

And Also I can definitely able to see the new mobile substation .This mobile
substation is movable substation hence the name mobile indicates this all the
substation equipment’s are came from china all assembled it’s all out door
substation type ..,,the transformer ,circuit breaker ,lightning arrestor, earthing
transformer ,current transformer, voltage transformer ,etc…….This mobile
substation carry only six lines that are going below the road but it is temporary
maximum it can work for 2 years . The purpose of the newly developed mobile
substations is mainly to guarantee quick restoration of power supply after a major
fault in a substation.

3.3 Benefits Gained From Internship

3.3.1 In Terms Of Improving Practical Skills

Internships have been hailed for integrating theoretical education with practical experience
in enabling to develop our professional knowledge and professional skills. Hence the
internship improve and make it practical implement that different theoretical
knowledge. Therefore we gain knowledge of the qualifications and duties of a position and
can explore their interest in a field. We proposed to spend one month with an experienced
principal to test the validity of the premise that an internship could serve as a
practical preparation ground for practical training. In participating in this experience,
we hoped to increase our qualifications and gain practical knowledge that we could apply

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to our own position as principal As result of the entries, we were able to make sense of the
wave of information and experiences we were introduced to in the field. In addition, we
would also reflect with our site engineer, an experienced teacher and supervisor, or other
administrators when we found it necessary to pursue another perspective on decisions or
issues related to the internship. As a result of our practical skills has three regulation
processes, the performance of organization tasks as well as observation, discussion and
reflection, we discovered three themes

Learning by Observing: Discussing and Reflecting: The opportunity to observe a

principal in action was valuable to discuss practices, reflect on their value and think of
possible alternative strategies. Our all site workers and we had several opportunities to
discuss philosophy of practical skills. We tried to objectively consider the value of a
collaborative administrative style, an approach that current works supports. Reflection
proved to be a key component of our experience, discussions with our site worker.

The Importance of Building Human Relationships: we were able to build some

human relationships through our work with the observation process. It forced us to practice
our ability to motivate, inspire and critically analyze other professionals in a way that would
help them become better teachers. We were successful in developing a close working
relationship with the grid workers in the supervision process because we worked
collaboratively with them Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills Taking time to
reflect on how you have changed and developed as a result is an important aspect of
learning through the working environment. . Explore this option with my professions
service or placement office. Hence this internship program develops the owner
interpersonal communication skills in addition to professional skills.

Improving Team Playing Skills

Our analysis of general employer team playing skills or examinations suggests the
skills into four main areas. Our future employers will want to see evidence of this skill and
work experience can help us to demonstrate them.

Self-reliance skills: indicating that we can work independently. It shows our self-
awareness, knowing our strengths. It also organizes self and priorities through rearranging
commitments to get the job.

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People skills: being able to demonstrate interpersonal skills. It helps us to communicate

effectively (in writing and in person). To develops participate in team activity; sometimes
takes the part as prime.

General skills: those skills that could be used in any situation and across all sectors. It
helps us to develop demonstrate flexibility .To act as problem solver in every work place.
To develops the knowledge that skill.

Specialist skills: these are often gained through our studies, such as subject specific
knowledge or technical skills .To has experience or understanding of how a particular
organization is structured or to know.

3.4 Understanding about Work Ethics Related Issues

The internship is not considered complete until the internship evaluation is completed,
signed and stamped by the employer. Students are advised to be punctual and show
professional behaviour during their internship, in a way that reflects a professional image.
We should follow the Attendance Policies and Procedures of the training company as
absences may principal to course withdrawal. Owner should understand work Ethics,
follow the protocols of professional meetings (i.e. must have safety material like helmet,
safety shoes, etc.) .

3.5 Entrepreneurship Skills

During our internship times, we have been an entrepreneur in a variety of ways. This
approach has helped us to learn, grow, and connect during our future work time. There's a
lot of value in thinking entrepreneurially in any setting. Here are a few tips from our
personal experience on how to be an entrepreneur in internship program:

Be innovative: Take advantage of what makes you unique and do not try to fill the same
roles as your full-time co-workers. Think about ways you can be innovative in your role and
focus on the advantages and different perspectives an intern can bring.

Build a brand: Social networks provide a great opportunity to build your personal brand,
and great entrepreneurs know the importance of managing their online identity.

Impact our company: One of the things people love about working for start-ups or small
companies is the ability to have an impact on the direction of the company. The projects are

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worked with three different organizations. This has allowed us to take ownership for some
large projects and really create our own position on our team.

Adapt: we use internship as an opportunity to learn new skills and test out our
knowledge. Working on side projects can be a great way to develop new
capabilities and explore other fields or roles within the company. We uses internship as an
opportunity to gain the skills we need and change it in to a path that better fits our interests,
skills, and goals. Working on side projects and meeting others within the company
can be helpful in this transition. We try to develop self-motivation, and self-confidence.

During our four month stay we have gained some entrepreneurship skills. As an employee
we have good understanding of the methods to follow to search for a job in either
government, private sectors. In generally in our internship period we have gained
knowledge of how to create privet owned jobs.

3.6 Challenges that we faced and Measures We Take Challenges We

Faced during my stay I have faced some problems, like;
 Hence this substation is to going to give away there is no such a thing more
to see about.
 There was only operation work so we cannot gain Extra knowledge.
 There is very less practical things to do more of is about theoretical thing
hence it is designed already practical things are only at the time of fault or

3.6.1 Measures We Took To Solve the Challenges

Since we are engineering students we are meant to be problem solvers, so that for those
problems we take measures: -

 By reading different kind of books concerning our work.

 We always to create good communication with the workers.
 We try to see different substations to gain extra knowledge.
3.7. Black Lion Substation daily Job Schedule for Operation
3.7.1 Normal operations
 Reading and visual inspection held on every hour.
 Taking the watt meter reading every 24 hrs.

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 Connecting and disconnecting lines by the request and order.

 Closing the circuit breaker when needed for ground test.
 Announcement for over load and under load
 Fault or disturbance recovery
 Watching and observing unusual sound due to voltage and load variation

3.7.2 Inspection
Once a day at 9:00 pm local time all equipment will be inspected .for the incoming line
132KV inspection will be taken from each transformer like:
 GCB SF6 gas pressure
 Lightning arrestor counter
 Tap changer counter
 Tap position
 Oil level
 Temperature
 Oltc transformer oil level

Hot line purifier counter

 Earthing transformer temperature
 Earthing transformer oil level
 Silica gel colour
And also for the 15KV outgoing lines inspection will be taken from each line breaker.
Also once a day there is daily energy reading at 12:00 pm

During shift exchange (day, evening, night)

 Checking sensitive components like controlling mechanisms
 Checking DC supplies and lines
 Checking rectifier control Breaker
 Reading daily fault record format
 Exchange information with on duty operator that could be verbally.

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Project title: Interruption of BLS by different power system fault

The goal of any power system is to deliver electricity to its customers in an economical and
reliable manner. Unless this power is planned and maintained reliable, it causes adverse
economic, social and political effect due to interruption costs and power outages on both the
utility and its customers.
This paper presents the study of current power system reliability assessment of Black lion,
analyses its causes and improvements by reduce power interruption caused by earth fault
and short circuit in power transmission feeder line.
Since Addis Ababa is the capital city of the country and a preferred location for most of the
industries, considerable share of the electric power supply is directed towards the city. Due
to this fact, Addis Ababa has been the load center of Ethiopian electric power system. Black
lion substation is one of the substations found in Addis Ababa that face distribution
inefficiency, repetitive and sporadic power interruptions and power quality problems.
The people in the capital city and different towns in Ethiopia are facing problems because it
is associated with their livelihood. All residential, commercial and industrial customers are
victims of the problem. Especially for factories and industries, it is really challenging to
tolerate power interruption since it causes much revenue loss within hours of interruption.
So, the root cause of this problem should first be identified, and the possible solution should
be investigated.
4.2 Statement of the problem

In a power system consisting of generators, transformers, transmission and distribution

circuits, it is inevitable that some failure will occur somewhere in the company. A failure
occurs in any part of the system, there are two principal reasons for it. Firstly, if the fault is
not cleared quickly, if may cause unnecessary interruption of service to the customers.
Secondly, rapid disconnection of faulted apparatus limits the amount of damage to it and
prevent the effect of fault from spreading in to the system so in our substation one out going
line (line 11) is interrupted so many times by earth fault and short circuit but more interrupt
by earth fault.

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4.3 Objective of this project work

4.3.1 General objective:

The main objective of this project is to reduce power interruption caused by earth fault and
short circuit in power transmission feeder line.

4.3.2 Specific objectives:

 The way of converting the theoretical knowledge into practical to give up the
best power quality for the customers.
 To isolate a faulty section of electrical power system from rest of the live
system so that the rest portion can function satisfactorily without any severer
damage due to fault current.
 Detecting and disconnection of a faulty section by using fuses or relays in
conjunction with circuit breakers.

4.4 Methodology
Black lion substation has been supplied from main grid that is interconnected system (ICS).
Ethiopian Electric Power is a service provider of electric power in the country. A 132kV
transmission line is stretched into the substation then, the distribution system in the city has
a primary voltage of 15 kV. And also, this voltage value is stepped down to 380V/220 in
three phase and single phase respectively. The Project detects the location of fault in
transmission lines from the base station in kilometres using an Arduino board. It uses the
standard concept of AC impedance i.e., when an AC voltage is applied at the feeder end
through a series reactance of the overhead transmission line, then current would vary
depending upon the location of fault. When there is a short circuit or open circuit, the
voltage across series reactance changes accordingly and fed to an ADC to develop
precise digital data which the programmed Arduino would display using LCD in kilometres.

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Searching the Developi Result
Identify related specificatio ng and
the circuit
the literature n of the simulatio conclusi
problem selected n on

Figure 4: Methodology of the Project

4.5 Interruption Data on Nov. 2012 EC

Among the different types of power system faults, frequently occurring faults at BL
substation include earth fault, short circuit fault and interruptions duet to
We take daily fault occurrence of the full month in November, duration and frequency of
these different types of faults such earth fault, short circuit fault, current overload and
interruptions duet to operation/maintenance.Table4.1: Interruption duration and frequency
of different faults of Nov 2012 EC.

Table 4 line 11 is interrupted many times by Earth fault and short circuit.

Feeder operational EF SC EF&EF

name Dur( Freq(I Dur( Freq(I Dur( Freq(I Dur( Freq(I
Hr.) nt/mo Hr. ) nt/mo Hr.) nt/mo Hr.) nt/mo
nth) nth) nth) nth)
BL01 - - - - - - - -
BL02 - - - - - - - -
BL03 - - - - - - - -
BL04 3:45 2 7:15 26 12:26 11 - 2
BL05 2:35 7 16:32 18 6:38 3 - -
BL06 1:41 3 10:17 26 0:11 3 - -
BL07 - - - - - - - -
BL08 - - - - - - - -

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BL09 - - - - - - - -
BL010 3:43 8 4:54 6 6:51 2 - 2
BL011 6:02 6 15:50 14 21:53 3 - 1
BL012 0:18 2 0:05 1 - - - -
TOTAL 18:04 54:53 47:59

Table 4. 1 Interruption duration and frequency of different faults of Nov 2019 EC

Chart Title





Operation Eearth fault Short ckt EF&SC

As we have seen from the above table line 11 is interrupted many times by Earth fault and
short circuit. Power interruption from Sebeta according to time table for transmission
work(132kv) on 30/03/12 from 06:15to 10: 55
The following Table 5: shows how many interruption durations are caused for operation and
maintenance purpose and how many are caused by other power system faults.

Table 4. 2 shows how often interruptions caused for operation and maintenance
purpose and how many are caused by other power system faults.

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Feeder Operational Other fault Total nov

name (Hr.) (hr.) 2019 (hr.)

Bl01 - - -
Bl02 - - -
Bl03 - - -
Bl04 3:45 23:12 26:57
Bl05 2:35 23:10 25:45
Bl06 1:41 10:28 12:09
Bl07 - - -
Bl08 - - -
Bl09 - - -
Bl010 3:43 29:36 33:19
Bl011 6:02 53:53 39:53
Bl012 0:18 0:05 0:23
Total 18:04 24 158:28

Table 4. 3 Shows how often interruptions caused for operation and maintenance
purpose and how many are caused by other power system faults.

Feeder Operational Other fault Total nov.2019

name (int/mon) (int/mon) (int/mon)
Bl01 - - -
Bl02 - - -
Bl03 - - -
Bl04 2 37 39
Bl05 7 21 28
Bl06 3 29 32
Bl07 - - -
Bl08 - - -
Bl09 - - -
Bl010 8 8 16
Bl011 6 17 23
Bl012 2 1 3

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From the above tables we try to see the reliability indices of Black lion distribution system.
The availability of power for Customers from this substation is performed on the medium
voltage side of the customer transformers (15kV). The reliability is highly affected by
outages occurred on the customer side secondary distribution lines which unable to collect
data for analysis due to lack of resource, lack of organized data and advanced technology at
the substation to view the performance of the customer side secondary distribution network.

4.6 Literatures Review

Electrical accidents are the leading cause of death in the industry (Cawley, 2000). Electrical
accidents tend to occur less frequently than other types of accidents, yet when they do occur
they tend to be far more severe. Nowadays transmission faults are the most severe and that
why is most scholars resemble on this idea.
Lekshmi.M has discussed Sectionalizing method in 1959: This procedure risks
reducing transmission reliability, because it depends on physically cutting and splicing
the cable. Dividing the cable into successively smaller sections and measuring both ways
with an ohmmeter or high -voltage insulation resistance (IR) tester enable to narrow
down search for a fault. This laborious procedure normally involves repeated cable

All the above methods discussed in the above have their own drawbacks. So, by standing
from the power engineer’s point of view we are modifying and upgrading the basic method
of locating fault by overcoming the drawbacks of the above methods to certain extent using
AC impedance concept.

4.7 scope and limitation of the project

The scope of the project covers aspects like the features of fault detection and finding
the fault location on the transmission line using software Arduino simulations. The
application area of this project will be most of time used by the persons who employed on
electric power corporations, Domestic Appliances, Office Machines and Audio Equipment
for the safety purposes. . Hardware implementation does not include this project

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4.8 Results and Discussions

4.8.1 Software Simulation Results and Discussions
Simulation software is based on the process of modeling a real phenomenon with a
set of mathematical formulas. It is, essentially, a program that allows the user to observe an
operation through simulation.

The results are shown below:

Figure 4.1 software simulation

Result: In this method, the short circuit fault at a particular distance in the transmission
line can be located using simple AC impedance measurement enables to rectify fault
efficiently. Circuit can be tested with different resistor values to simulate various fault
conditions. It displays exact location of short circuit.

Result displayed on LCD:

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At normal condition which means the switches are opened, the LCD displays NF (No Fault)
on the three phase lines of R, Y and B.

At the time of pressing the switches which means that creating fault manually we get a
detection on the LCD display. For example when we press s1 it displays Distance: 80 km, at
the time of pressing s2 it displays Distance: 90 km the same manner happens to the rest
switches on the three phase R, Y, and B.

The LEDs glow indicates there is no fault in transmission line means the limit
switches are normally opened. Whereas the LEDs off indicates there is a fault in
transmission line and the limit switches will be in the normally open state.

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5.1.1 to the company

As a recommendation, I have given some recommendations to the company. My first
recommendation was on the management user, in which the company Chief
Engineer/manager collects each data that are recorded every day manually is boring and
time consuming so I recommended that the substation system should use computerized data
collecting system. In addition to these as I have been stated on the problems while the users
record data it may lost therefore as a recommendation i would like to recommend that the
users and chief manager use the data base software cold server to store their data. As a
result no data will lose and I try to show the software above.

In this substation the outgoing current ratio is 800:1 but the outgoing cable size capacity
carry current is 400:1 so the company should have to change the cable size in order to carry
800:1 amp.

5.1.2 to the project

This project can be implemented in a large scale to encompass or address the

transmission line fault problem district by using impedance measurement with Arduino
technology. This small concept can be also used in fields such as power system, power
system planning and operation and many other related fields where continuous
protection and detection of faults is needed. So, this is not the end of the project but
rather is a step towards exploring other possibilities that it brings with it. I feel very
happy to work in such a challenging project which has tremendous application and
possibilities. I can further explore and expand this project to detect other type of faults
such as open circuit fault and earth fault in addition to short circuit fault for the future

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5.1.2 to the university

I recommended to the Wollo University that the theoretical part we learnt should be helped
by practical knowledge. And internship program should be available more than once.
Because this program will help for the student to recognize theoretical with practical

5.2 Conclusion
This internship program has played an important role in my eye opening experience to the
outside world. Also I have seen a lot and I have learned more than enough by correlating
my classroom studies throughout this practice time.

Additionally I have learned on different control parts, protection parts, and instruments, I
also worked as an operator by using suitable principles and procedures. Throughout
executing my work task I have faced a number of challenges since I have been sent to face
the outside challenges and to overcome all the problems by finding solution. I have also left
my kindly recommendations for some problems.

I have proposed one solution and give suggestion to others problems. Throughout this
internship period I have gained a number of benefits in terms of improving practical skills,
theoretical knowledge, interpersonal communication skills, entrepreneurship skills,
leadership skills and in terms of understanding about work ethics and related issues. Of the
end of this I conclude that the grounding method at all electric power plant should be
according to their voltage level.

Wollo University (KIOT) department of ECE Page 40


[1]. Raghu Raja Kalia, Preeti Abrol, ’Design and implementation of wireless live
wire fault detector and protection in remote areas’, IEEE, (2014), vol. 97, No.17
[2]. Pooja.P.S, Lekshmi.M, ’Fault detection technique to pinpoint incipient fault , IEEE
[3]. D-P-Kothari-I-J-Nagrath ‘Modern-Power-Systems-Analysis’
[4]. Hadi Sadat ,power system Analysis-1
[5]. Wikipedia encyclopedia
[6] M.E.El-Hawary, Electric power system design and Analysis, Reston publishing
Virginia, 2002.
[7] M Rustebakke, ―Electric utility systems and practice? Johan Wiley and Sons, Network,
[9] Electrical power system 2
[6]The substation mentors also support us necessary materials to our report
[7].From my exercise material and my supervisor Mr. Tigist.

Wollo University (KIOT) department of ECE Page 41



Source code
// include the library code: else {
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface lcd.write("R: ");
pins lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); lcd.print(dist1);
// define phase control pins lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
int phase[3] = {7, 8, 9}; lcd.write(" KM");
int distance(int inputVoltage) { }
if (inputVoltage >= 890 && inputVoltage < 920) { digitalWrite(phase[0], LOW);
return 90; digitalWrite(phase[1], HIGH);
} delay(500);
else if (inputVoltage >= 850 && inputVoltage < 890) { int dist2 = distance(analogRead(A0));
return 80; if (dist2 == 0) {
} lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
else if (inputVoltage >= 750 && inputVoltage < 850) { lcd.write("Y: ");
return 70; lcd.setCursor(11, 0);
} lcd.write("NF ");
else if (inputVoltage >= 600 && inputVoltage < 750) { }
return 60; else {
} lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
else return 0 ; lcd.write("Y: ");
} lcd.setCursor(11, 0);
void setup() { lcd.print(dist2);
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.write(" KM");
// set pin mode for phase relays }
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { digitalWrite(phase[1], LOW);
pinMode(phase[j], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(phase[2], HIGH);
} delay(500);
} int dist3 = distance(analogRead(A0));

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void loop() { if (dist3 == 0) {

digitalWrite(phase[0], HIGH); lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
delay(500); lcd.write("B: ");
int dist1 = distance(analogRead(A0)); lcd.setCursor(3, 1);
if (dist1 == 0) { lcd.write("NF ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); }
lcd.write("R: "); else {
lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.write("NF "); lcd.write("B: ");
} lcd.setCursor(3, 1);
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.write(" KM");
digitalWrite(phase[2], LOW);}

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