11 - Java Inheritance and Equality

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 Java provides language support for defining relationships among

objects, known as inheritance.

 Two types of inheritance mechanisms in Java: subtyping (interface
inheritance) and subclassing (implementation inheritance)
 Subtyping allows specifying a relationship between otherwise
unrelated classes by specifying a common set of methods in an
interface. An interface is a list of instance methods.
 Interface inheritance allows writing client programs that can
manipulate objects of any type that implements the interface.
 Subclassing allows changing behavior and adding functionality
without rewriting an entire class by defining a new class that inherits
instance methods and variables from another class.
 Subclassing is widely used by systems programmers to build
extensible libraries.
 The use of subclassing is controversial among systems and
applications programmers and is generally works against
 Every class is a subtype of Java's Object class, which enables the
"convention" that every class includes an implementation of
getClass(), toString(), equals(), hashCode() and several other
 Subclassing is avoided in this book because it generally works against
 Certain vestiges of the approach are built in to Java and therefore
unavoidable: specifically, every class is a subtype of Java's Object
 This structure enables the "convention" that every class includes an
implementation of getClass(), toString(), equals(), hashCode(), and
several other methods that are not used in this book.
 The default Object implementation of toString(), equals(), and
hashCode() generally does not lead to the desired behavior and is
usually overridden in new classes.

 Interface inheritance is used in this book for comparison and

iteration concepts.
 Subclassing is widely used in the development of graphical user
interfaces, so that the large amount of code required to provide all
the facilities that users expect can be reused.
 Subclassing allows adding methods to a library built by another
programmer, effectively reusing the code in a potentially huge
 The advantages of subclassing over interface inheritance are
debatable, and it is generally avoided in this book as it works against
 Despite this, certain vestiges of subclassing are built into Java and
are unavoidable, such as every class being a subtype of Java's Object
 Every Java type inherits the toString() method from Object, allowing
any client to invoke it for any object.
 The toString() method is the basis for Java's automatic conversion of
one operand of the concatenation operator + to a String whenever
the other operand is a String.
 If an object's data type does not include an implementation of
toString(), the default implementation in Object is invoked, which
typically returns a string representation of the memory address of
the object.
 It is generally recommended to include implementations of toString()
that override the default in every class that is developed.
 Java supplies built-in reference types known as wrapper types, one
for each of the primitive types, such as Integer, Double, and String.
 Java automatically converts from primitive types to wrapper types
when necessary, such as when an int value is concatenated with a
 Equality for objects can be tested using (a == b) where a and b are
reference variables of the same type, but clients typically want to
test whether the data-type values (object state) are the same or
implement some type-specific rule.
 Java provides built-in implementations for standard types such as
Integer, Double, and String, and for more complicated types such as
File and URL.
 When defining own data types, such as Date or Transaction, it is
necessary to override the equals() method.
 Java's convention for the equals() method is that it must be an
equivalence relation: reflexive, symmetric, transitive, consistent, and
not null.
 Ensuring that these properties hold, adhering to Java conventions,
and avoiding unnecessary work in an implementation can be tricky,
as illustrated for the Date class.
 A step-by-step approach is recommended, such as first checking if
the reference to the object is the same as the reference to the
argument object and returning true if so, and then checking if the
argument is null and returning false if it is.
 Another step is to check if the objects are not from the same class
and returning false if they are not.
 The argument should be cast from Object to the specific class being
compared (in this case, Date) to ensure that the comparison is
 The final step is to return false if any of the instance variables do not
 For other classes, a different definition of equality may be
 It is important to adhere to Java conventions and ensure that the
implementation is efficient and accurate.

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