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Romeo & Juliet

Part 1 (p. 24-27)

Answer the following questions:

1- Who were the most important families in Verona city? How was the
relation between them?
The Capulets and the Montagues were the most important families in
Verona city. These two families had always been enemies. Even their
servants hated each other.

2- How did Benvolio persuade Romeo to attend a party at lord Capulet’s

Benvolio told Romeo to wear a mask, so no one could recognize (know) him
at the party.

3- How did Romeo feel on seeing Juliet for the first time?
Romeo was very impressed when he saw Juliet and he fell in love with her.

4- Who was Tybalt? What did he do when he discovered Romeo at the party?
Tybalt was Lord Capulet’s nephew. When he discovered that Romeo was at
the party, he became furious. He told his uncle about that.

5- What did Romeo overhear in the Capulet’s garden?

He overheard Juliet telling herself that she wished he weren’t a Montague
because she was in love with him.

6- Why did not Lord Capulet want to harm Romeo at the party?
Lord Capulet didn’t want to harm Romeo at the party because he didn’t
want an argument in front of his guests.

7- How did Juliet feel when she knew that Romeo was a Montague?
Juliet was upset because she knew that their families were enemies. Also,
because she had fallen in love with him.

8- Why would Juliet send a messenger to Romeo the following day?

To agree on a time for Romeo and her to marry in secret.

9- How did Mercutio die? What was Romeo’s reaction.

Tybalt pulled his sword to fight Romeo, so Mercutio did the same to
protect his friend, but Tybalt killed Mercutio. As a result, Romeo became
angry and killed Tybalt in a fight.


1- ‘If you wear a mask, nobody will recognize you.’

Benvolio said that to Romeo when he was trying to persuade him to put a
mask to go to Capulet’s party.

2- ‘There is a Montague here-a guest we didn’t invite and do not want here.’
Tybalt said that to Lord Capulet when he discovered that Romeo was at the

3- ‘I wish you were not a Montague.’

Juliet said that to herself when she was thinking of Romeo on her balcony.

4- ‘I will send a messenger to you tomorrow.’

Juliet said that to Romeo when they were arranging to marry in secret.

5- ‘Romeo is a fine man.’

Mercutio said that to Tybalt when he saw Mercutio, Benvolio and Romeo in
the street and blamed Mercutio about his friendship with Romeo.

6- ‘Can we talk about our differences instead of fighting?’

Romeo said that to Tybalt when Tybalt called him wicked man and wanted
to fight with him.

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