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Flexi Network Gateway, Rel. 15

MP3, Operating
Documentation, v2

FMANG Installation
Issue 1-1
FMANG Installation Instructions

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2 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions

Table of Contents
This document has 29 pages

1 Changes in FMANG Installation Instructions................................. 5

1.1 Changes between release 15 and release 15 MP1....................... 5
1.2 Changes in release 15................................................................... 5

2 About this document...................................................................... 6

2.1 Scope............................................................................................. 6
2.2 Audience........................................................................................ 6

3 Hardware and software requirements............................................ 7

4 Quick guide.................................................................................... 8
4.1 Quick guide for Windows............................................................... 8
4.2 Quick guide for Linux..................................................................... 9

5 Installation.................................................................................... 11
5.1 Testing the Java installation..........................................................11
5.2 Installing Apache Tomcat..............................................................11
5.2.1 Installing Apache Tomcat in Windows..........................................12
5.2.2 Installing Apache Tomcat in Linux................................................15
5.3 Creating a folder for local data..................................................... 18
5.4 Installing FMANG......................................................................... 18
5.5 Installing FMANG CLI.................................................................. 20

6 Configuration changes................................................................. 21
6.1 Changing the folder for local data................................................ 21
6.2 Changing the database port number............................................22

7 Upgrading the application............................................................ 23

8 Testing the application..................................................................24

9 Troubleshooting............................................................................25
9.1 Overall symptoms data................................................................ 25
9.2 Problem cases............................................................................. 25
9.2.1 Tomcat server is not starting - ports already reserved................. 25
9.2.2 Tomcat server is not starting – not enough memory for Java...... 26
9.2.3 FMANG application does not disappear from Tomcat manager......
9.2.4 FMANG is not able to generate the result archive after logout.... 27
9.2.5 FMANG license is requested again..............................................27
9.2.6 After change of the folder for local data, application cannot be
started.......................................................................................... 27

10 Glossary....................................................................................... 29

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 3

FMANG Installation Instructions

List of Figures
Figure 1 Apache Tomcat setup - Choose components dialog.......................... 12
Figure 2 Apache Tomcat setup - Configuration options dialog......................... 13
Figure 3 Updating Tomcat memory settings for 64-bit Windows...................... 14
Figure 4 Apache Tomcat default home page.................................................... 19
Figure 5 Deploying FMANG..............................................................................19
Figure 6 FMANG deployed............................................................................... 20
Figure 7 Reloading FMA...................................................................................22
Figure 8 Upgrading Flexi Maintenance Application.......................................... 23
Figure 9 FMANG login screen.......................................................................... 24

4 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Changes in FMANG Installation Instructions

1 Changes in FMANG Installation Instructions

Changes between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document
issue contains all changes made to previous issues.

1.1 Changes between release 15 and release 15 MP1

Changes in issue 1-1
Editorial changes throughout the document.

1.2 Changes in release 15

Changes in issue 1-0
This is a new document.

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 5

About this document FMANG Installation Instructions

2 About this document

The purpose of this document is to describe the actions needed for installing this delivery
software into the customer’s network.

g Note: Throughout this document, in FMANGxx the xx stands for the corresponding
release number that is installed.

2.1 Scope
Flexi Maintenance Application (FMA) is a fault management and troubleshooting
application for the Flexi product family. The application allows connecting to the Flexi NG
network element with a web browser. This document explains how to install and upgrade
the application. Operating instructions can be found in the FMANG User Guide. This
FMANG release is compatible with the respective Flexi NG release.

2.2 Audience
This document is aimed at operators and administrators using the Flexi Maintenance
Application for Flexi NG. The reader should be familiar with packet data transfer, 3G
networks, and Evolved Packet System (EPS).

6 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Hardware and software requirements

3 Hardware and software requirements

FMA is a lightweight troubleshooting and maintenance tool that is used in standalone
and server installations.
Hardware requirements
It is recommended to use the following hardware:

• Single user standalone installation:

It is recommended to use a modern laptop with at least 2.0 GHz Dual Core
Laptop/PC with 4 GB memory. The CPU should allow hyper-threading the two cores
as four cores.
• Server installation:
It is recommended to use a modern quad-core server CPU (with possibility to hyper-
thread to 8 cores) with 16 GB memory.
Software requirements
Recommended and supported operating system:

• For the server installation and when using FMANG and FMANS from the same
Tomcat server, a 64-bit operating system and 64-bit Java SE 7 are required.
• Windows 7 (English version) and Linux Ubuntu operating systems are supported.
There is a wide variety of Linux distributions available. The functionality of FMANG
has been tested with the latest Ubuntu 12.04 distribution. Other Linux distributions
may also work but are not officially supported.
• English language version from supported operating system is required.

It is required to use the following browsers:

• Firefox 28 or later
• Google Chrome 33 or later
• Internet Explorer 10 or later

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 7

Quick guide FMANG Installation Instructions

4 Quick guide
This quick guide is addressed to operators and administrators already familiar with the
Apache Tomcat web application.

4.1 Quick guide for Windows


1 Download the FMANG installation package.

The software is provided as a single zip archive that contains the software and all
required documents. Unzip the zip archive into a temporary folder.

2 Test that Java is installed.

Enter the java –version command in the dos prompt.
You need to install the Java SE 7 if not already installed.

3 Install Apache Tomcat.

Test the MD5 checksum for apache-tomcat-7.0.59.exe and run the installer.
Remember to update and check the following:
• Tomcat Server Shutdown Port and AJP/1.3 Connector Port during the
• Set the Tomcat administrator login user name and password according to your
company’s security policies.
• Verify that the Java installation path proposed by the Tomcat installer is correct.
• The user that runs the Tomcat application must have admin privileges in the
installation folder. It is not possible to run FMANG in the default Tomcat
installation folder, for example, with Windows 7.
• Update the Java virtual machine memory settings as in figure Updating the
Tomcat memory settings for 64-bit Windows in chapter Installing Apache Tomcat
in Windows.

g Note: The Windows User Access Control (UAC) might prevent the application from
starting. In this case, right-click on the Tomcat Monitor application and run it as an

8 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Quick guide

4 Deploy the FMANG web application archive.


a) Go to localhost:8080 address in the web browser.

b) Go to Tomcat Manager.

c) Deploy the FMANGxx.war.

g Note: To upgrade the application, stop and remove the running application from Tomcat
Manager before deploying the new one.

5 See Troubleshooting chapter in case of problems.

4.2 Quick guide for Linux


1 Download the FMANG installation package.

The software is provided as a single zip archive that contains the software and all
required documents. Unzip the zip archive into a temporary folder.

2 Test that Java is installed.

Enter the java–version command in the terminal.
You need to install the Java SE 7, if not already installed.

3 Install Apache Tomcat.

Test the MD5 checksum for and execute
commands as root user.
[root]# cd /opt
[root]# cp /home/root/temp/ /opt
[root]# unzip
[root]# ln -s apache-tomcat-7.0.59 tomcat
[root]# chmod +x ./tomcat/bin/*.sh
[root]# find / -name java -print
[root]# env | grep CATALINA_HOME
[root]# env | grep JAVA_HOME

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 9

Quick guide FMANG Installation Instructions

[root]# export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat

[root]# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre
[root]# nano ./tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml

<role rolename="tomcat"></role>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat"

[root]# more /etc/hostname

[root]# more /etc/hosts
[root]# ./tomcat/bin/

4 If needed, update the memory settings in ./tomcat/bin/

CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -server -Xms512m -Xmx3072m

5 Deploy the FMANG web application archive.


a) Go to localhost:8080 address in the web browser.

b) Go to Tomcat Manager.

c) Deploy the FMANGxx.war.

g Note: To upgrade the application, stop and remove the running application from Tomcat
Manager before deploying the new one.

6 Undeploy the Servlet and JSP Examples from Tomcat Manager for security

7 See Troubleshooting chapter, in case of problems.

10 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Installation

5 Installation

5.1 Testing the Java installation

Before proceeding with the FMA installation, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must
be installed. Java Development Kit (JDK) includes the JRE. It is recommended to use
Java SE 7 with the latest updates.



1 Test the Java installation in Windows.

Check if Java is installed by entering the command java –version in the
Windows command line.


a) If Java has not been installed:

Install Java SE 7 with the latest updates. Download Java from the Oracle Java
SE download page.

b) If Java is installed but the command java –version is not recognized:

Check the Windows environment variables. Make sure that the Java SE has
been added to the PATH environment variable.

2 Test the Java installation in Linux.

Check if Java is installed by entering the command java –version in the terminal
If Java has not been installed, install Java SE 7 with the latest updates. Download
Java from the Oracle Java SE download page.

5.2 Installing Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and Java
Server Pages technologies that allows running of Java-based web applications. This
software is needed to run the FMA application.
The Apache Tomcat installation is described below for different operating systems. In the
examples below, the web services port is defined as 8080.

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 11

Installation FMANG Installation Instructions

5.2.1 Installing Apache Tomcat in Windows

Follow these steps to install Apache Tomcat in Windows.


1 Run the apache-tomcat-7.0.59.exe 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer.

2 To start the Tomcat server automatically after a PC restart, set the Service
Startup flag from the Choose Components dialog.

Figure 1 Apache Tomcat setup - Choose components dialog

3 Change the Server Shutdown port and AJP/1.3 Connector port.

The ports need to be changed because there can be another Tomcat server with
default port settings and it is not possible to run two instances of Tomcat with the
same port configuration.

12 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Installation

Figure 2 Apache Tomcat setup - Configuration options dialog

4 Set the user name and password according to your company’s security

5 Verify that the Java installation path proposed by Tomcat is your actual Java

g Note: Tomcat proposes the default Java installation path. If the actual Java path differs
from the default, Tomcat and the FMA application cannot be started.

6 Choose the Tomcat installation folder.

The Tomcat destination installation folder must contain administrator privileges in
order to allow FMANG to create folders.

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 13

Installation FMANG Installation Instructions

After installation
After the installation is completed:

• Apache Tomcat starts automatically if you have selected the option mentioned in
Step 1 (See Choose Components dialog). You should also be able to see the
Monitor Tomcat application in the Windows start menu.
• If you are running the Monitor Tomcat application without administrator privileges, the
Windows User Access Control (UAC) prevents the start of the application. An Access
is denied application system error appears. In this case, right-click on the Tomcat
Monitor application and run it as an administrator. You can start and stop the Tomcat
server from the Tomcat Monitor.
• After Tomcat has been started, increase the Java virtual machine memory
accordingly so that FMANG and FMANS can be used in the same Tomcat instance.
Set the initial memory pool, maximum memory pool and MaxPermSize from the
Tomcat configurator.
Figure 3 Updating Tomcat memory settings for 64-bit Windows

The example is for 64-bit Java. This is a result from the maximum memory pool
(2048MB) and maximum permanent generation memory (MaxPermSize) configured
as 512MB.
See chapter Tomcat server is not starting – not enough memory for Java for
instructions on how to define the memory amount.

14 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Installation

In Windows System Properties, select the Advanced tab and then the
Environment Variables. In both User Variables for <user> and System variables,
add a new variable named JAVA_HOME and set as value the path to the JRE 1.7.
for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_75.

5.2.2 Installing Apache Tomcat in Linux

Follow these steps to install Apache Tomcat in Linux.

Use the binary distribution.
The example commands are executed with root privileges. The server runs as a root in


1 The Apache Tomcat Linux binary distribution is unzipped under the /opt
folder where a tool-specific folder structure is created.

a) Unzip the Apache Tomcat Archive.

To unzip the Apache Tomcat Archive, enter the following commands:
root@localhost $ cp ./FMANGxx/OSSApache\ Tomcat/7.0.59/apache- /opt
root@localhost $ cd /opt/
root@localhost $ unzip

b) Create symbolic link for the Tomcat.

To create symbolic link for the Tomcat, enter the following commands:
root@localhost $ ln –s apache-tomcat-7.0.59 tomcat
root@localhost $ ls –al
total 6944
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 5 18:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 Feb 5 19:00 ..
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Feb 5 19:00 apache-tomcat-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34 Feb 5 19:00 apache-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34 Feb 5 19:30 case-
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Feb 5 19:00 tomcat ->
root@localhost $

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 15

Installation FMANG Installation Instructions

c) Add execution rights for the shell scripts.

To add execution rights for the shell scripts, enter the following commands:
root@localhost $ chmod +x /opt/tomcat/bin/*.sh
root@localhost $ ls –al /opt/tomcat/bin/*.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17860 Jul 14 2014
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1633 Mar 14 2014
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4171 Mar 14 2014
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1570 Mar 14 2014
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1966 Mar 14 2014
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3410 Mar 14 2014 /opt/tomcat/bin/tool-
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1575 Mar 14 2014
root@localhost $

2 Locate the Java installation path.

To locate the Java installation path, enter the following command:
root@localhost $ find / -name java –print
root@localhost $

3 Check and add the two environment variables, CATALINA_HOME and

If missing, update the Tomcat user XML configuration file.
root@localhost $ env | grep CATALINA_HOME
root@localhost $ env | grep JAVA_HOME
root@localhost $ export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat
root@localhost $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_51
root@localhost $ env | grep CATALINA_HOME
root@localhost $ env | grep JAVA_HOME
JAVA _HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre
root@localhost $

16 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Installation

4 Use the default settings with the exception of the Tomcat user XML
configuration file that requires update of the user name and password
according to your company’s security policies.

a) Edit the Tomcat users XML file.

To edit the Tomcat users XML file, enter the following command:
root@localhost $ nano /opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml

b) Change the Tomcat users XML file.

An example configuration for tomcat-users.xmlfile follows:

<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<role rolename="admin"/>
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<user username=”tomcat” password=”tomcat” roles=”manager-
gui,manager-script,admin,tomcat”/> </tomcat-users>

5 Make the environment variables permanent.

To make the environment variables permanent, add them to the /root/.bashrc

6 Verify that the hostname has been defined for the PC.
To verify that the hostname has been defined /etc/hosts.
root@localhost $ more /etc/hostname
root@localhost $ more /etc/hosts localhost fmang2

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
root@localhost $

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Installation FMANG Installation Instructions

7 Configure the Tomcat Java memory.

Define the Tomcat Java memory in The file is created under the
tomcat/bin folder. The same memory configuration principles must be followed as
for the Windows installation. Set the initial memory pool, maximum memory pool and
MaxPermSize from the Tomcat configurator.
Add the following line to before Tomcat is started.
CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -server -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

8 Start the Tomcat server.

root@localhost $ /opt/tomcat/bin/
Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre
Using CLASSPATH: /opt/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar
root@localhost $

5.3 Creating a folder for local data

FMA stores data and generated session snapshots into a local directory:


1 Create the C:\Flexi_NG_symptom_data directory and make sure the user

running Tomcat service (local system account by default) has the write
For instructions on how to change the directory, see chapter Changing the folder for
local data.

5.4 Installing FMANG

Follow the steps to install FMANG.

You need to deploy FMANG through the Tomcat manager. You also need to undeploy
the examples from Tomcat manager due to security reasons.

18 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Installation


1 Access the Tomcat default home page.

When the Apache Tomcat server is running, you can access the Tomcat default
home page from the port 8080. On the local computer, enter the address to the web
browser: localhost:8080. The Apache default home page appears.

Figure 4 Apache Tomcat default home page

2 Deploy FMANG.
Select the Tomcat Manager link and deploy the FMANG Web Application Archive
(WAR) file.

Figure 5 Deploying FMANG

An application named FMANGxx is visible.

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 19

Installation FMANG Installation Instructions

Figure 6 FMANG deployed

g Note: In case of Linux installation, the Tomcat installation software also contains
examples. The examples have security vulnerabilities and they must be removed. You
must first stop and then undeploy the Servlet and JSP Examples from Tomcat manager.

5.5 Installing FMANG CLI

FMANG CLI is installed automatically as soon as the user deploys FMA for the first time.

The corresponding jar file (fmang-cli.jar) is available for both supported operating
systems and is located under the path:
<tomcat installation directory>\webapps\FMANGxx\fmang-cli

Before you start

FMANG CLI is functional only in case FMA is deployed (up and running).


1 In case of Windows OS, start FMANG CLI by executing fmang-cli.bat file.

2 In case of Ubuntu OS, start FMANG CLI by executing file.

Before executing for the first time, you must add execution
privileges of the script by executing the following command: chmod +x fmang-

20 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Configuration changes

6 Configuration changes

6.1 Changing the folder for local data

Follow the steps to change the folder for local data.

To select an alternative root folder for local data, modify the file
in the directory:
<tomcat installation directory>\webapps\FMANGxx\WEB-


1 Add or replace the systemRoot property.

To add or replace the systemRoot property by specifying a valid path as shown in the
following example.

g Note: Use slash or double backslash as a path separator (example: D:\\User

data). Ensure that the user running Tomcat has full access to this folder.

# properties that change based on the environment.

systemRoot=D:\\user data\\
# the jdbc url of the (existing) Postgres database.
# database username
# database password

# a location where the licensing library is able to save the

# ${catalina.home} refers to the home directory of the Tomcat server
this application is running in.
# This can also be an absolute path.

# root directory for DB (e.g. HSQLDB files). If none then temporary

location is used.

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 21

Configuration changes FMANG Installation Instructions

2 Stop FMA, then start FMA again, and finally reload FMA.

Figure 7 Reloading FMA

g Note: When the application is re-deployed (upgraded), this setting is lost and must be
manually restored if needed.

6.2 Changing the database port number

Follow these steps to change the database port number.

By default, HSQL DB uses the port number 9001. This port is configured in the
application. If the default port number is in use by another application, the application
configuration must change.
To set the alternative database port number, modify the file at
the following path:
<tomcat installation directory>\webapps\ FMANGxx\WEB-
INF\classes\ >.


1 In file, locate the following text:


2 Add a column and a free port number after the localhost. An alternative port
number is 9101.

Step example


22 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Upgrading the application

7 Upgrading the application

Follow these steps to upgrade the application.

Use the instructions in this chapter to upgrade FMA in any operating system as the
Tomcat web server home page remains the same.
Before updating and deploying the FMANG application, first stop the application and
then remove it by selecting the Undeploy link. It is important to stop the application in
order to remove it properly.


1 Navigate to Tomcat manager, first stop and then undeploy the FMANGxx web

Figure 8 Upgrading Flexi Maintenance Application

2 Shutdown the Tomcat server.

3 Start the Tomcat server again and provide the requested license.

4 Clean browser’s temporary memory by pressing Ctrl + F5 .

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 23

Testing the application FMANG Installation Instructions

8 Testing the application

After a successful installation or upgrade process, access the application and view the
login screen in a web browser. Browsing to page http://localhost:8080/FMANGxx from
the same computer where Tomcat was installed shows the login screen as in the
example below. The login screen appears after the license has been successfully

Figure 9 FMANG login screen

g Note: The default login-shell for non-root users is the fsclish. If a non-root user tries
to connect without having this a default, FMA fails.

24 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Troubleshooting

9 Troubleshooting

9.1 Overall symptoms data

In case of problems with the FMANG installation, please contact your local Nokia
Solutions and Networks support. Before contacting the support, collect the information
listed below.

• Write down the problem description and FMANGxx version number. The version and
build can be found from the About dialog of FMA. Mention whether other FMA
applications such as FMANS are being used in the same Tomcat.
• Collect the content of the Tomcat logs folder (/Tomcat/logs) under the Tomcat
installation folder.
• Take screen captures from Tomcat Java memory settings or the content of file to get the memory configuration for Tomcat.

9.2 Problem cases

9.2.1 Tomcat server is not starting - ports already reserved
There can be an existing instance of Tomcat running. It is recommended to use other
than default ports for server shutdown and AJP/1.3 connector ports during the Tomcat
installation. This is done in order to avoid a situation where both Tomcat instances
attempt to use the same ports on the same IP address, which is not possible.


1 Check the list of running processes to see if another Tomcat is already


2 Open the server.xml file from the already running Tomcat installation.

3 Compare the shutdown and AJP/1.3 connector ports. If these are the same also
for FMA Tomcat, change the port configuration.

Nokia Solutions and Networks NED documentation uses the Tomcat server. The default
ports set for the FMA Tomcat installation are defined so that it is possible to run NED and
FMA on the same PC.
Alternatively, you can use the Information Browser which uses localhost:9090 so there is
no conflict.

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Troubleshooting FMANG Installation Instructions

9.2.2 Tomcat server is not starting – not enough memory for



1 Check the Tomcat logs and see if there is a log similar to the following:
2013-01-14 09:18:37 Commons Daemon procrun stdout initialized
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap

This indicates that Java Virtual Machine is not able to allocate enough memory for
the Tomcat to start. The memory settings for the Tomcat were defined in figure
Updating the Tomcat memory settings for 64-bit Windows in chapter Installing
Apache Tomcat in Windows. The default settings require 2048 MB + 512 MB

2 Enter the command java -Xmx1500M -version in the command prompt to

test if an error appears.

a) If an error appears, reduce the memory amount in the command, for

example, to 1390M and enter the command again.

b) If there are no further errors, the Java version is printed.

3 Reduce the maximum memory pool in the Tomcat settings as in figure

Updating the Tomcat memory settings for 64-bit Windows in chapter Installing
Apache Tomcat in Windows to comply with the maximum memory pool.

g Note: The MaxPermSize settings must reserve the 512 MB.

9.2.3 FMANG application does not disappear from Tomcat

It is possible that the application reserved some resources which got locked when the
application was removed by selecting the Undeploy link.

26 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Troubleshooting


1 Stop the Tomcat server and clean the FMANGxx-related files from the Tomcat
installation folder.

2 Delete the FMANGxx folder:


9.2.4 FMANG is not able to generate the result archive after

Tomcat can be installed in different ways. The FMANG application requires write
permissions for the folders where the session-specific temporary folders and result
archives are created. For example, when an existing Tomcat is used and it has been
installed with Linux-specific installers like apt-get, the Tomcat installation is split into two
folder structure. One folder contains the Tomcat binaries and the other contains the web
application work data. This kind of Linux installation is not currently supported and you
have to follow the installation procedure presented in this document.
This case may also cause other kinds of problems since the FMANG is not able to write
to the session-specific temporary files.

9.2.5 FMANG license is requested again

If the Tomcat server process is killed without shutting it down properly, the license
information is not saved. After Tomcat is started again, the license is requested again.


1 In order to save the license information properly, stop and start the Tomcat
server from Tomcat Monitor (in Windows) or with the stop and start scripts (in

9.2.6 After change of the folder for local data, application cannot
be started
Follow these steps if FMANG application cannot be started after the local folder change.

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 27

Troubleshooting FMANG Installation Instructions


1 Stop FMANG and undeploy FMANG.

2 Delete folder HSQL

3 Deploy FMANG again.

4 Change folder again as described in chapter Changing the folder for local data.

28 © 2016 Nokia DN09202992 Issue: 1-1

FMANG Installation Instructions Glossary

10 Glossary
FMA Flexi Maintenance Application

FMANG Flexi Maintenance Application for Flexi NG

FMANS Flexi Maintenance Application for Flexi NS

JDK Java Development Kit

JRE Java Runtime Environment

WAR Web Application Archive

DN09202992 Issue: 1-1 © 2016 Nokia 29

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